[svn r19725] DLTT import

Yannick Warnier 16 years ago
parent a85f486c77
commit c7c784a2a9
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@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "يمكنك ا
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "تحديث الاستبيان تم بنجاح";
$QuestionAdded = "تمت إضافة الأسئلة";
$QuestionUpdated = "ـتم تحديث الأسئلة";
$SaveQuestion = "حفظ السؤال";
$RemoveAnswer = "حذف الاختيار";
$AddAnswer = "اضف اختيار";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "اظهر الاختيارات";

@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ $Visio_classroom = "غرفة درس ت&#
$Survey = "إستبيانات";
$More = "أكثر";
$ClickHere = "أنقر هنا";
$SaveQuestion = "حفظ السؤال";
$Horizontal = "أفقي";
$Vertical = "عمودي";
$DisplaySearchResults = "أعرض نتائج البحث";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "يمكنك الآن إضافة أسئلة
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "لقد تم تحديث الاستطلاع بنجاح";
$QuestionAdded = ".لقد تم إضافة السؤال";
$QuestionUpdated = ".لقد تم تحديث السؤال";
$SaveQuestion = "احفظ السؤال";
$RemoveAnswer = " أحذف اختيار";
$AddAnswer = "أضف اختيار";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "أعرض الاختيارات";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "استبيانات ";
$More = "أكثر ";
$ClickHere = "انقر هنا ";
$Here = "هنا ";
$SaveQuestion = "احفظ السؤال";
$ReturnTo = "إرجاع إلى ";
$Horizontal = "أفقي ";
$Vertical = "عمودي ";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Ver historial de cambios de puntos";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "La imaxe va axustase al tamañu predefiníu";
$ImagePreview = "Vista previa de la imaxe";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Yá esiste";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Formatu desconocíu de paquete";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Formatu desconocíu de paquete";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Nun se pue guardar l\'archivu";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "El formatu d\'esti paquete ye desconocíu. Por favor, compruebe que ye un paquete válidu.";
$EditLPSettings = "Cambiar parámetros de la lleición";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Agora pue amestar entrugues a la so encuest
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Actualizóse la encuesta";
$QuestionAdded = "Amestóse la entruga.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Actualizóse la entruga.";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar entruga";
$RemoveAnswer = "Quitar opción";
$AddAnswer = "Amestar opción";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Amosar";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Encuestes";
$More = "Más";
$ClickHere = "Calque equí";
$Here = "equí";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar entruga";
$ReturnTo = "tornar a";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Pode acrescentar quest
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "O questionário foi atualizado com êxito";
$QuestionAdded = "A questão foi acrescentada.";
$QuestionUpdated = "A questão foi atualizada.";
$SaveQuestion = "Salva questão";
$RemoveAnswer = "Remover opção";
$AddAnswer = "Acrescentar opção";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar";

@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ $Survey = "Question
$More = "Mais";
$ClickHere = "Clique aqui";
$Here = "aqui";
$SaveQuestion = "Salva questão";
$ReturnTo = "retorna para";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Преглед &#1
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Изображението ще промени размерите си.";
$ImagePreview = "Преглед на изображението";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Файлът вече съществува.";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Неразпознат формат на пакета.";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Неразпознат формат на пакета.";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Файлът не може да се запише.";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Форматът на този пакет не е разпознат. Моля, проверете дали пакетът е валиден.";
$MoveDocument = "Преместване на документа";

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Можете
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Анкетата е актуализирана.";
$QuestionAdded = "Въпросът е добавен.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Въпросът е обновен.";
$SaveQuestion = "Запис на въпроса";
$RemoveAnswer = "Премахване на опция";
$AddAnswer = "Добавяне на опция";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Показване";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Анкети";
$More = "Справка";
$ClickHere = "Щракнете тук";
$Here = "тук";
$SaveQuestion = "Запис на въпроса";
$ReturnTo = "Обратно към";
$Horizontal = "Хоризонтално";
$Vertical = "Вертикално";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Mo
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Anketa je uspješno ažurirana";
$QuestionAdded = "Pitanje je dodano.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Pitanje je ažurirano.";
$SaveQuestion = "Spremi pitanje";
$RemoveAnswer = "Ukloni mogućnost";
$AddAnswer = "Dodaj mogućnost";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikaži mogućnosti";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Ankete";
$More = "Više";
$ClickHere = "Klikni ovdje";
$Here = "ovdje";
$SaveQuestion = "Spremi pitanje";
$ReturnTo = "vrati se na";
$Horizontal = "Horizontalno";
$Vertical = "Vertikalno";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Du kan nu tilf
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Evalueringen er opdateret";
$QuestionAdded = "Spørgsmålet er tilføjet";
$QuestionUpdated = "Spørgsmålet er opdateret";
$SaveQuestion = "Gem spørgsmål";
$RemoveAnswer = "Fjern valg";
$AddAnswer = "Tilføj valg";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Vis valg";

@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ $Survey = "Evalueringer";
$More = "Flere";
$ClickHere = "Klik her";
$Here = "her";
$SaveQuestion = "Gem spørgsmål";
$ReturnTo = "tilbage til";
$Horizontal = "Horisontal";
$Vertical = "Vertikal";

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $CopiedAsAnnouncement = "Gekopieerd als aankondiging";
$NewAnnouncement = "Nieuwe aankondiging";
$AddAnnouncement = "Toevoegen als aankondiging";
$UpcomingEvent = "Komende gebeurtenis";
$RepeatedEvent = "Herhaalde gebeurtenis";
$RepeatedEvent = "Herhaal gebeurtenis";
$RepeatType = "Herhaaltype";
$RepeatDaily = "Dagelijks";
$RepeatWeekly = "Wekelijks";

@ -240,4 +240,9 @@ $DisableResults = "Resultaten niet weergeven aan de cursisten";
$EnableResults = "Resultaten weergeven aan de cursisten";
$ValidateAnswer = "Antwoorden valideren";
$ExerciseAttempts = "Max aantal pogingen";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Voeg een vraag toe aan de test";
$UniqueAnswer = "Multiple choice";
$MultipleAnswer = "Multiple answer";
$FreeAnswer = "Open vraag";
$HotSpot = "Hot spot";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
$QuestionAdded = "De vraag is toegevoegd.";
$QuestionUpdated = "De vraag is aangepast.";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
$RemoveAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid verwijderen";
$AddAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid toevoegen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Geef de opties weer:";

@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ $Survey = "Enquetes";
$More = "Meer";
$ClickHere = "Klik hier";
$Here = "hier";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
$ReturnTo = "terugkeren naar";
$Horizontal = "Horizontaal";
$Vertical = "Vertikaal";

@ -240,4 +240,5 @@ $DisableResults = "Resultaten niet weergeven aan de cursisten";
$EnableResults = "Resultaten weergeven aan de cursisten";
$ValidateAnswer = "Antwoorden valideren";
$ExerciseAttempts = "Max aantal pogingen";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Voeg een vraag toe aan de test";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "U kunt nu vragen toevoegen aan uw enquete";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "De enquete is met succes gewijzigd";
$QuestionAdded = "De vraag is toegevoegd.";
$QuestionUpdated = "De vraag is aangepast.";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
$RemoveAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid verwijderen";
$AddAnswer = "Antwoordmogelijkheid toevoegen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Geef de opties weer:";

@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ $Survey = "Enquetes";
$More = "Meer";
$ClickHere = "Klik hier";
$Here = "hier";
$SaveQuestion = "Vraag opslaan";
$ReturnTo = "terugkeren naar";
$Horizontal = "Horizontaal";
$Vertical = "Vertikaal";

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Training Code in training list"
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Training Code in Training Title";
$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no Alias courses on the platform.";
$ConfigureHomePage = "Configure Homepage";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Active modules at the creation of training";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Modules active upon training creation";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new training is created?";
$SearchUsers = "Search users";
$CreateUser = "Create user";
@ -942,11 +942,11 @@ $TemplateImageComment100x70 = "This image will represent the template in the tem
$TemplateAdded = "Template added";
$TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted";
$EditTemplate = "Template edition";
$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Users that is not registered into plattform has been imported";
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "you must import a file according to selected option";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Trainer or tutor\'s e-mail in footer";
$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "The users that were not registered on the platform have been imported";
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "You must import a file corresponding to the selected format";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor\'s e-mail address in the footer";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor\'s e-mail in footer ?";
$Created = "Created";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Add a system announcement";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit a system announcement";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit system announcement";

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $CopiedAsAnnouncement = "Copied as announcement";
$NewAnnouncement = "New announcement";
$AddAnnouncement = "Add as an announcement";
$UpcomingEvent = "Upcoming event";
$RepeatedEvent = "Repeated event";
$RepeatedEvent = "Repeat event";
$RepeatType = "Repeat type";
$RepeatDaily = "Daily";
$RepeatWeekly = "Weekly";

@ -292,4 +292,8 @@ $ShowResultsToStudents = "Show the results to students";
$ProcedToQuestions = "Proceed to Questions";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Add question to Test";
$PresentationQuestions = "Presentation of the questions";
$UniqueAnswer = "Multiple choice";
$MultipleAnswer = "Multiple answer";
$FreeAnswer = "Open question";
$HotSpot = "Image zones";

@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ $ChooseItem = "Choose item";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Average results vs resource";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "To view graph score rule must be enabled";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Previous weight of resource";
$SaveAssessment = "Save assessment";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Image will resize msg";
$ImagePreview = "Image preview";
$UplAlreadyExists = "File already exists";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Unknown package format";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Unknown package format";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Unable to save file";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "The format of this package could not be recognized. Please check this is a valid package.";
$MoveDocument = "Move document";
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ $ShowAttempt = "Show attempt";
$ShowAndQualifyAttempt = "Show and qualify attempt";
$langAddEdit = "Add / Edit";
$ModifyPrerequisities = "Edit prerequisites";
$CreateLearningPath = "Create course below";
$CreateLearningPath = "Create course";
$AddExercise = "Add exercise";
$AddForum = "Add forum";
$LPCreateDocument = "Create document";

@ -35,6 +35,4 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Write a message";
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Message already read";
$UnReadMessage = "Message without reading";
$MessageSent = "Message Sent";
$WriteToMessage = "Write to message";
$SendAMessage = "Send a message";

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $langImageWrong = "The file size should be smaller than";
$langAddImage = "Picture";
$langCourseManager = "Trainer";
$NewPass = "New password";
$CurrentPasswordEmptyOrIncorrect = "The current password is empty or this incorrect";
$CurrentPasswordEmptyOrIncorrect = "The current password is incorrect";
$password_request = "You have asked to reset your password. If you did not ask, then ignore this mail.";
$YourPasswordHasBeenEmailed = "Your password has been emailed to you.";
$lang_enter_email_and_well_send_you_password = "Enter the e-mail address that you used to register and we will send you your password back.";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "You can now add questions to your survey";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "The survey has been updated succesfully";
$QuestionAdded = "The question has been added.";
$QuestionUpdated = "The question has been updated.";
$SaveQuestion = "Save question";
$RemoveAnswer = "Remove option";
$AddAnswer = "Add option";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Display options";

@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Surveys";
$More = "More";
$ClickHere = "Click here";
$Here = "here";
$SaveQuestion = "Save question";
$ReturnTo = "return to";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ $ExerciseFinished = "Test Finished";
$UserSex = "Sex";
$UserNativeLanguage = "Native language";
$UserResidenceCountry = "Country of residence";
$AddAnAttachment = "Add an attachment";
$AddAnAttachment = "Add attachment";
$FileComment = "File comment";
$FileName = "File name";
$SessionsAdmin = "Sessions admin";

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ $SocialSeeContacts = "See contacts";
$SocialUserInformationAttach = "Please write a message before sending the request";
$MessageInvitationNotSent = "your invitation message has not been sent";
$SocialAddToFriends = "Add to my contacts";
$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User non registered at the course";
$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User not registered in this course";
$ChangeContactGroup = "Change contact group";
$Friend = "Friend";
$ViewMySharedProfile = "My shared profile";

@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ $ConfigureHomePage = "Modifier accueil";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Outils actifs à la création de la formation";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Quels outils doivent être activés (visibles) par défaut lorsqu\'une formation sera créée?";
$SearchUsers = "Lancer la recherche";
$CreateUser = "Créer utilisateur";
$ModifyInformation = "Modifier l\'information";
$ModifyUser = "Modifier l\'utilisateur";
$buttonEditUserField = "Éditer le champ utilisateur";
$ModifyCoach = "Modifier le coach";
$ModifyThisSession = "Modifier cette session";
$ExportSession = "Export de session";
$ImportSession = "Import de session";
$langCourseBackup = "Sauvegarder (archiver) cette formation";
$langCourseTitular = "Formateur";
$langCourseTitle = "Formation";
@ -934,4 +942,11 @@ $TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Cette image repr
$TemplateAdded = "Modèle ajouté";
$TemplateDeleted = "Modèle supprimé";
$EditTemplate = "Édition du modèle";
$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Les utilisateurs qui n\'étaient pas enregistrés sur la plateforme ont été importés";
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Vous devez importer un fichier en correspondance avec le format sélectionné";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Afficher l\'e-mail de l\'enseignant ou du coach dans le pied de page";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Afficher l\'e-mail de l\'enseignant (ou du coach) dans le pied de page?";
$Created = "Créé";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Ajouter une annonce système";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Éditer l\'annonce système";

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ $RepeatedEventViewOriginalEvent = "Ev
$ICalFileImport = "Import iCal";
$AllUsersOfThePlatform = "Tous les utilisateurs du portail";
$GlobalEvent = "Événement global";
$ModifyEvent = "Modifier l\'évènement";
$EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheStartDate = "La fin ne peut pas être avant le début";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "Ascendant";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "Descendant";

@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ $LearnerMessage = "Message d\'un apprenant";
$TitleIsRequired = "Le titre est obligatoire";
$AnnounceSentByEmail = "Annonce envoyée par e-mail";
$AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "Annonce envoyée aux utilisateurs sélectionnés";
$SendAnnouncement = "Envoyer annonce";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "Modifier annonce";

@ -83,4 +83,5 @@ $DeleteBlog = "Supprimer ce projet";
$NoTasks = "Pas de tâches";
$Shared = "Partagé";
$PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Permission allouée par groupe ou par rôle";
$Reader = "Lecteur";

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ $langScore = "Score";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Correspond à";
$langExpectedChoice = "Choix attendu";
$langYourTotalScore = "Vous avez obtenu un total de";
$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de tentatives pour cet exercice. En tant qu\'administrateur de ce cours, vous pouvez toutefois essayer à nouveau, mais veuillez noter que vos résultats ne s\'afficheront pas sur la page de résultats.";
$Build = "Construire";
$langEvalSet = "Paramètres d\'évaluation";
$langActive = "actif";
@ -290,4 +291,9 @@ $HideResultsToStudents = "Cacher le r
$ShowResultsToStudents = "Montrer le résultat à l\'apprenant";
$ProcedToQuestions = "Poursuivre avec la création de questions";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Ajouter la question au test";
$PresentationQuestions = "Présentation des questions";
$UniqueAnswer = "Choix multiple";
$MultipleAnswer = "Réponses multiples";
$FreeAnswer = "Question ouverte";
$HotSpot = "Zones sur images";

@ -130,5 +130,9 @@ $ForumMoved = "Le forum a
$YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "Veuillez assigner un poids de qualification";
$DeleteAttachmentFile = "Supprimer le fichier joint";
$EditAnAttachment = "Modifier un fichier joint";
$SeeForum = "Voir forum";
$CreateForum = "Créer ce forum";
$ModifyForum = "Modifier forum";
$CreateThread = "Créer fil de discussion";
$ModifyThread = "Modifier fil de discussion";

@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ $ChooseItem = "S
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Résultats moyens par épreuve";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Les règles de score doivent être activées pour voir le graphe";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Poids de la ressource précédemment";
$SaveAssessment = "Enregistrer l\'exercice";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Afficher l\'historique des changements de score";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "L\'image sera redimensionnée";
$ImagePreview = "Prévisualisation image";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Ce fichier existe déjà";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Format de paquet inconnu";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Format de paquet inconnu";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Impossible d\'enregistrer le fichier";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Le format du fichier envoyé n\'a pas pu être identifié. Veuillez vérifier qu\'il s\'agit bien d\'un fichier valide.";
$MoveDocument = "Déplacer le document";
@ -221,4 +221,7 @@ $ShowAndQualifyAttempt = "Voir et coter tentative";
$langAddEdit = "Ajouter / Modifier";
$ModifyPrerequisities = "Modifier les prérequis";
$CreateLearningPath = "Continuer";
$AddExercise = "Ajouter exercice";
$AddForum = "Ajouter forum";
$LPCreateDocument = "Créer document";

@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ $NoteComment = "Contenu";
$NoteAdded = "Note ajoutée";
$NoteConfirmDelete = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette note";
$AddNote = "Enregistrer la note";
$ModifyNote = "Modifier la note";

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ $langUpdateImage = "Changer de photo";
$langImageWrong = "La taille de l\'image doit être inférieure à";
$langAddImage = "Photo";
$langCourseManager = "Formateur";
$NewPass = "Nouveau mot de passe";
$CurrentPasswordEmptyOrIncorrect = "Le mot de passe actuel est incorrect";
$password_request = "Vous avez demandé que votre mot de passe soit réinitialisé. Si vous ne l\'avez pas demandé, veuillez ignorer cet e-mail.";
$YourPasswordHasBeenEmailed = "Votre mot de passe vous a été envoyé par email.";
$lang_enter_email_and_well_send_you_password = "Entrez l\'adresse email que vous avez utilisée pour vous enregistrer et nous vous enverrons votre mot de passe.";

@ -120,4 +120,6 @@ $ReservationUnavailable = "Madame, Monsieur,\\n\\nL\'
$ReservationAvailable = "Madame, Monsieur,\\n\\nNous avons le plaisir de vous informer que #NAME# est à nouveau disponible et que, par conséquent, votre réservation du #BEGIN# au #END# a été réactivée.";
$Resources = "Ressources";
$EditBookingPeriod = "Modifier période de réservation";
$CreateResourceType = "Créer un type de ressource";
$ModifyResourceType = "Modifier ce type de ressource";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des question
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "L\'enquête a été mise à jour avec succès";
$QuestionAdded = "La question a été ajoutée";
$QuestionUpdated = "La question a été mise à jour";
$SaveQuestion = "Enregistrer la question";
$RemoveAnswer = "Supprimer une réponse";
$AddAnswer = "Ajouter une réponse";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Afficher";
@ -196,5 +195,7 @@ $AutoInviteLink = "Les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas invit
$CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Compléter les questions de l\'enquête";
$SurveysDeleted = "Enquêtes supprimées";
$RemindUnanswered = "Envoyer un rappel uniquement aux utilisateurs qui n\'ont pas répondu";
$ModifySurvey = "Modifier l\'enquête";
$CreateQuestionSurvey = "Enregistrer la question";
$ModifyQuestionSurvey = "Modifier la question";

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ $Theme = "Th
$TheListIsEmpty = "La liste est vide.";
$CreateCategory = "Créer dossier";
$SendFile = "Importer le document";
$SaveChanges = "Enregistrer les modifications";
$langCourseCreate = "Créer une formation";
$langTodo = "Suggestions";
$UserName = "Login";
@ -409,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Enqu
$More = "Plus";
$ClickHere = "Cliquez ici";
$Here = "Ici";
$SaveQuestion = "Enregistrer la question";
$ReturnTo = "retourner à ";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";
@ -694,5 +696,13 @@ $SocialNetwork = "R
$BackToOutbox = "Retour aux messages envoyés";
$Invitation = "Invitation";
$SeeMoreOptions = "Voir plus d\'options";
$TemplatePreview = "Prévisualisation du gabarit";
$NoTemplatePreview = "Prévisualisation non disponible";
$ModifyCategory = "Modifier la catégorie";
$Photo = "Photo";
$MoveFile = "Déplacer le fichier";
$Filter = "Filtre";
$Subject = "Sujet";
$Message = "Message";
$MoreInformation = "Plus d\'info";

@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ $langUnregister = "Non enregistr
$langAddAUser = "Ajouter des utilisateurs";
$UsersUnsubscribed = "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés ont été désinscrits du cours";
$ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Cet apprenant est inscrit dans ce cours via une session de formation. Vous ne pouvez pas modifier ses informations";
$NoDataAvailable = "Aucune donnée disponible";
$AddToFriends = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir ajouter ce contact à vos amis?";
$AddPersonalMessage = "Ajouter un message personnel";
$Friends = "Amis";
$PersonalData = "Fiche perso";
$Contacts = "Contacts";
$SocialInformationComment = "Cet écran vous permet d\'organiser vos contacts";
@ -74,4 +77,8 @@ $SocialSeeContacts = "Voir les contacts";
$SocialUserInformationAttach = "Veuillez écrire un message avant d\'envoyer la requête";
$MessageInvitationNotSent = "Votre invitation n\'a pas été envoyée";
$SocialAddToFriends = "Ajouter à mes contacts";
$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Utilisateur non inscrit à ce cours";
$ChangeContactGroup = "Changer de groupe de contact";
$Friend = "Ami";
$ViewMySharedProfile = "Voir mon profil partagé";

@ -58,4 +58,5 @@ $ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed = "La date d\'expiration est d
$EndDateAlreadyPassed = "La date de fin est déjà passée";
$MoveXTo = "Déplacer %s vers";
$QualificationMustNotBeMoreThanQualificationOver = "La cote ne peut pas être supérieure à la qualification maximale";
$ModifyDirectory = "Modifier le répertoire";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des question
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "L\'enquête a été mise à jour avec succès";
$QuestionAdded = "La question a été ajoutée";
$QuestionUpdated = "La question a été mise à jour";
$SaveQuestion = "Enregistrer la question";
$RemoveAnswer = "Supprimer l\'option";
$AddAnswer = "Ajouter une option";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Afficher";

@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ $Survey = "Enquêtes";
$More = "Plus";
$ClickHere = "Cliquez ici";
$Here = "Ici";
$SaveQuestion = "Enregistrer la question";
$ReturnTo = "retourner à ";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Agora pode engadir preguntas
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Actualizouse a enquisa con éxito";
$QuestionAdded = "Engadíuse a pregunta";
$QuestionUpdated = "Actualizouse a pregunta";
$SaveQuestion = "Gardar pregunta";
$RemoveAnswer = "Quitar opción";
$AddAnswer = "Engadir opción";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar opcións";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Enquisas";
$More = "Máis";
$ClickHere = "Fai click aquí";
$Here = "aquí";
$SaveQuestion = "Gardar pregunta";
$ReturnTo = "voltar a";
$Horizontal = "Hourizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sie k
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Die Umfrage wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert";
$QuestionAdded = "Die Frage wurde hinzugefügt";
$QuestionUpdated = "Die Frage wurde aktualisiert";
$SaveQuestion = "Frage speichern";
$RemoveAnswer = "Antwort löschen";
$AddAnswer = "Anwort hinzufügen";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Anzeige";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Umfragen";
$More = "weitere";
$ClickHere = "Hier klicken";
$Here = "hier";
$SaveQuestion = "Frage speichern";
$ReturnTo = "zurück nach";
$Horizontal = "horizontal";
$Vertical = "vertikal";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Mostant
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "A kérdőív sikeresen módosítva.";
$QuestionAdded = "A kérdés hozzáadva.";
$QuestionUpdated = "A kérdés frissítve.";
$SaveQuestion = "Kérdés mentése.";
$RemoveAnswer = "Lehetőség törlése";
$AddAnswer = "Lehetőség hozzáadása";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Megtekint";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "K
$More = "Tovább";
$ClickHere = "Kattintson ide";
$Here = "itt";
$SaveQuestion = "Kérdés mentése.";
$ReturnTo = "Vissza ide";
$Horizontal = "Vízszintes";
$Vertical = "Függőleges";

@ -947,4 +947,6 @@ $YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Devi importare un file seguendo
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "E-mail del docente o del tutor a piè di pagina";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Mostro l\'e-mail del docente o del tutor a piè di pagina?";
$Created = "Creato";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Aggiungi un avviso di sistema";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Modifica un avviso di sistema";

@ -292,4 +292,8 @@ $ShowResultsToStudents = "Mostra i risultati ai corsisti";
$ProcedToQuestions = "Prepara i quesiti";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Aggiungi quesito";
$PresentationQuestions = "Introduzione ai quesiti";
$UniqueAnswer = "Scelta multipla";
$MultipleAnswer = "Risposta multipla";
$FreeAnswer = "Risposta aperta";
$HotSpot = "Selezione zona";

@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ $ChooseItem = "Scegli un elemento";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Punteggio medio per risorsa";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Per vedere il grafico devono essere attivate le regole sul punteggio";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Peso precedentemente assegnato";
$SaveAssessment = "Salva la valutazione";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Vedi lo storico dei punteggi";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "L\'immagine sarà ridimensionata";
$ImagePreview = "Anteprima immagine";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Il file esiste già";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Formato sconosciuto";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Formato sconosciuto";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Impossibile salvare il file";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Il formato del pacchetto non è riconosciuto. Scegli un pacchetto valido.";
$MoveDocument = "Sposta il documento";
@ -223,4 +223,5 @@ $ModifyPrerequisities = "Modifica i prerequisiti";
$CreateLearningPath = "Crea il modulo didattico";
$AddExercise = "Aggiungi quesito";
$AddForum = "Aggiungi forum";
$LPCreateDocument = "Crea documento";

@ -35,6 +35,4 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Scrivi un messaggio";
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Messaggio letto";
$UnReadMessage = "Messaggio da leggere";
$MessageSent = "Messaggio inviato";
$WriteToMessage = "Scrivi un messaggio";
$SendAMessage = "Invia un messaggio";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Ora puoi aggiungere domande al questionario
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Questionario aggiornato";
$QuestionAdded = "Domanda aggiunta";
$QuestionUpdated = "Domanda aggiornata";
$SaveQuestion = "Salva la domanda";
$RemoveAnswer = "Elimina l\'opzione";
$AddAnswer = "Aggiungi un\'opzione";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostra";

@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Questionari";
$More = "Altro ...";
$ClickHere = "Clicca qui";
$Here = "qui";
$SaveQuestion = "Salva la domanda";
$ReturnTo = "ritorna a";
$Horizontal = "Orizzontale";
$Vertical = "Verticale";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Dabar galite įdėti klausimus į apklausą
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Apklausa sėkmingai atnaujinta";
$QuestionAdded = "Klausimas įrašytas.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Klausimas atnaujintas.";
$SaveQuestion = "Išsaugoti klausimą";
$RemoveAnswer = "Pašalinti punktą";
$AddAnswer = "Pridėti punktą";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Rodyti nustatymus";

@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ $Survey = "Apklausos";
$More = "Daugiau";
$ClickHere = "Paspausti čia";
$Here = "čia";
$SaveQuestion = "Išsaugoti klausimą";
$ReturnTo = "grįžti į";
$Horizontal = "Horizontalus";
$Vertical = "Vertikalus";

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Можете
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Анкетата беше успешно ажурирана";
$QuestionAdded = "Прашањето беше додадено.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Прашањето беше ажурирано.";
$SaveQuestion = "Сними го прашањето";
$RemoveAnswer = "Опција за отстранување";
$AddAnswer = "Опција за додавање";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Опциии за прикажување";

@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ $Survey = "Анкети";
$More = "Повеќе";
$ClickHere = "Кликнете овде";
$Here = "овде";
$SaveQuestion = "Сними го прашањето";
$ReturnTo = "врати на";
$Horizontal = "Хоризонтално";
$Vertical = "Вертикално";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Pode acrescentar quest
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "O questionário foi actualizado com êxito";
$QuestionAdded = "A questão foi acrescentada.";
$QuestionUpdated = "A questão foi actualizada.";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar questão";
$RemoveAnswer = "Remover opção";
$AddAnswer = "Acrescentar opção";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar";

@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ $Survey = "Question
$More = "Mais";
$ClickHere = "Clicar aqui";
$Here = "aqui";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar questão";
$ReturnTo = "voltar a";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ $SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "Tapuqa kamachisqaña";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Kunanqa yapawaq tapukunata";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Tapukuyqa kunanyachisqaña";
$QuestionUpdated = "Tapuqa kunanyachikun ";
$SaveQuestion = "Allchay taputa";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Qhawarichiy";
$AnswerOptions = "Kutichiymanta hokaqninkuna ";
$YesNo = "Ari / Mana";

@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ $NoOnlineStudents = "Mana yachaqekuna kashankuchu";
$year = "wata";
$PleaseStandBy = "Ama hina kaychu, suyaruy...";
$Survey = "Tapuykuna";
$SaveQuestion = "Allchay taputa";
$DisplayAll = "Llanta Qhawarichiy";
$File_upload = "Khiputa apachiy";
$NoUsersInCourse = "Kay yachachinaqa mana haykuqmasikunayuqchu";

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Сейчас Вы можете добави
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Опросник был успешно обновлен";
$QuestionAdded = "Вопрос добавлен";
$QuestionUpdated = "Вопрос обновлен";
$SaveQuestion = "Сохранить вопрос";
$RemoveAnswer = "Удалить выбор";
$AddAnswer = "Добавить возможный вариант";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Отобразить варианты выбора";

@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ $Survey = "Опросы (анкетрование)";
$More = "Больше";
$ClickHere = "Щелкнуть здесь";
$Here = "здесь";
$SaveQuestion = "Сохранить вопрос";
$ReturnTo = "вернуться к";
$Horizontal = "Горизонтальный";
$Vertical = "Вертикальный";

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ $ChangesStored = "Zmeny ulo
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Prezrieť históriu zmien skóre";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Obrázok zmení veľkosť správy";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Súbor už existuje";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Neznámy formát balenia";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Neznámy formát balenia";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Nie je možné uložiť súbor";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Formát tohto balenia nebolo možné rozoznať. Overte prosím, či je formát balenia platný.";
$MoveDocument = "Presunúť dokument";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Teraz m
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Prieskum je úspešne aktualizovaný";
$QuestionAdded = "Otázka je pridaná.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Otázka je aktualizovaná.";
$SaveQuestion = "Uložiť otázku";
$RemoveAnswer = "Odstrániť možnosť";
$AddAnswer = "Pridať možnosť";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Zobraziť možnosti";

@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ $Survey = "Prieskumy";
$More = "Viac";
$ClickHere = "Klikni sem";
$Here = "tu";
$SaveQuestion = "Uložiť otázku";
$ReturnTo = "vrátiť sa na";
$Horizontal = "Horizontálny";
$Vertical = "Vertikálny";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Poglej zgodovino sprememb rezultatov";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Slika bo spremenila velikost sporoèila";
$ImagePreview = "Predogled slike";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Datoteka že obstaja";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Neznan format paketa";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Neznan format paketa";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Ne morem shraniti datoteke";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Format tega paketa ni bil prepoznan. Preverite, èe je paket dejansko veljaven paket. ";
$MoveDocument = "Premakni dokument";

@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Sestavi sporo
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Sporoèilo je že bilo prebrano";
$UnReadMessage = "Neprebrano sporoèilo";
$MessageSent = "Sporoèilo je bilo poslano";
$WriteToMessage = "Besedilo";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko vpra
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Vprašalnik je bil uspešno ažuriran";
$QuestionAdded = "Vprašanje je bilo dodano.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Vprašanje je bilo ažurirano.";
$SaveQuestion = "Shrani vprašanje";
$RemoveAnswer = "Odstrani možnost";
$AddAnswer = "Dodaj možnost";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikaži";

@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Evalvacijski vpra
$More = "Veè";
$ClickHere = "Klikni tule";
$Here = "tule";
$SaveQuestion = "Shrani vprašanje";
$ReturnTo = "vrni se na";
$Horizontal = "Vodoravno";
$Vertical = "Navpièno";

@ -947,4 +947,6 @@ $YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "uvažana datoteka mora biti v sk
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Učiteljev ali tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Prikažem učiteljev oz. tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi?";
$Created = "Ustvarjeno";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Dodaj obvestilo sistema";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Uredi obvestilo sistema";

@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ $LearnerMessage = "Sporočilo tečajnika";
$TitleIsRequired = "Naslov je zahtevan";
$AnnounceSentByEmail = "Obvestila poslana preko e-pošte";
$AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "Obvestila poslana izbranim uporabnikom";
$SendAnnouncement = "Pošlji obvestilo";
$ModifyAnnouncement = "Spremeni obvestilo";

@ -292,4 +292,8 @@ $ShowResultsToStudents = "Prikaži rezultate tečajnikom";
$ProcedToQuestions = "Nadaljuj k vprašanjem";
$AddQuestionToExercise = "Dodaj vprašanje";
$PresentationQuestions = "Predstavitev vprašanj";
$UniqueAnswer = "Večkratna izbira";
$MultipleAnswer = "Večkraten odgovor";
$FreeAnswer = "Prost odgovor";
$HotSpot = "Slikovna področja";

@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ $ChooseItem = "Izberi element";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Povprečen rezultat / vir";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Za ogled grafa mora biti pravilo prikaza rezultata omogočeno";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Predhodne uteži resursov";
$SaveAssessment = "Shrani ocenjevanje";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Poglej zgodovino sprememb rezultatov";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Slika bo spremenila velikost sporočila";
$ImagePreview = "Predogled slike";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Datoteka že obstaja";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Neznan format paketa";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Neznan format paketa";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Ne morem shraniti datoteke";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Format tega paketa ni bil prepoznan. Preverite, če je paket dejansko veljaven paket.";
$MoveDocument = "Premakni dokument";
@ -223,4 +223,5 @@ $ModifyPrerequisities = "Spremeni predzahteve";
$CreateLearningPath = "Ustvari učno pot";
$AddExercise = "Dodaj vajo/test";
$AddForum = "Dodaj forum";
$LPCreateDocument = "Ustvari dokument";

@ -35,6 +35,4 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Sestavi sporočilo";
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Sporočilo je že bilo prebrano";
$UnReadMessage = "Neprebrana sporočila";
$MessageSent = "Sporočilo je bilo poslano";
$WriteToMessage = "Piši sporočilo";
$SendAMessage = "Pošlji sporočilo";

@ -120,4 +120,6 @@ $ReservationUnavailable = "Spoštovana gospa/gospod,\\n\\n element #ITEM# je za
$ReservationAvailable = "Spoštovana gospa/gospod,\\n\\nželimo vas obvestiti, da je #NAME# na voljo, in s tem je vaša rezervacija od #BEGIN# do #END# ponovno aktivna.";
$Resources = "Resursi";
$EditBookingPeriod = "Uredi rezervacijsko obdobje";
$CreateResourceType = "Ustvari tip resursa";
$ModifyResourceType = "Spremeni tip resursa";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Sedaj lahko vprašalniku dodate vprašanja"
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "Vprašalnik je bil uspešno ažuriran";
$QuestionAdded = "Vprašanje je bilo dodano.";
$QuestionUpdated = "Vprašanje je bilo ažurirano.";
$SaveQuestion = "Shrani vprašanje";
$RemoveAnswer = "Odstrani možnost";
$AddAnswer = "Dodaj možnost";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Prikaži";

@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Evalvacijski vprašalniki";
$More = "Več";
$ClickHere = "Klikni tule";
$Here = "tule";
$SaveQuestion = "Shrani vprašanje";
$ReturnTo = "vrni se na";
$Horizontal = "Vodoravno";
$Vertical = "Navpično";

@ -134,4 +134,5 @@ $ChooseItem = "Seleccione un item";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Promedio de resultados contra recursos";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "La vista de regla de puntuación gráfica debe estar habilitada";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Peso anterior del recurso";
$SaveAssessment = "Guardar evaluación";

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Ver puntuacion de historial de cambio";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "La imagen sera ajustada al buen tamaño";
$ImagePreview = "Vista previa de la imagen";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Ya existe";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "Formato desconocido de paquete";
$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Formato desconocido de paquete";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "Imposible de guardar el archivo";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "El formato de este paquete no ha sido reconocido. Por favor, compruebe este es un paquete válido.";
$MoveDocument = "Mover el documento";

@ -35,6 +35,4 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Escribir un mensaje";
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Mensaje leído";
$UnReadMessage = "Mensaje sin leer";
$MessageSent = "Mensaje enviado";
$WriteToMessage = "Escribir un mensaje";
$SendAMessage = "Enviar un mensaje";

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "Ahora puede a
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "La encuesta hasido actualizada";
$QuestionAdded = "La pregunta ha sido añadida.";
$QuestionUpdated = "La pregunta ha sido actualizada.";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar pregunta";
$RemoveAnswer = "Quitar opción";
$AddAnswer = "Añadir opción";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Mostrar";

@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ $Survey = "Encuestas";
$More = "Más";
$ClickHere = "Clic aquí";
$Here = "aquí";
$SaveQuestion = "Guardar pregunta";
$ReturnTo = "volver a";
$Horizontal = "Horizontal";
$Vertical = "Vertical";

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ $YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "你現在可在問卷中加入問題";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "已成功更新統計調查";
$QuestionAdded = "已新增問題";
$QuestionUpdated = "已更新問題";
$SaveQuestion = "儲存問題";
$RemoveAnswer = "移除選項";
$AddAnswer = "增加選項";
$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "展示選項";

@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ $Survey = "統計調查";
$More = "更多";
$ClickHere = "按這兒";
$Here = "這兒";
$SaveQuestion = "儲存問題";
$Horizontal = "水平";
$Vertical = "垂直";
$DisplaySearchResults = "展示搜尋結果 ";
