@ -1403,4 +1403,56 @@ $EnableNanogongComment = "Nanongong is a recorder - voice player that allows you
$ExerciseAndLPsAreInvisibleInTheNewCourse = "Exercises and learning paths are invisible in the new course";
$YouMustChooseARelationType = "You have to choose a relation type";
$SelectARelationType = "Relation type selection";
$AddUserToURL = "Add user to this URL";
$CourseBelongURL = "Course registered to the URL";
$AtLeastOneSessionAndOneURL = "You have to select at least one session and one URL";
$SelectURL = "Select a URL";
$SessionsWereEdited = "The sessions have been updated.";
$URLDeleted = "URL deleted.";
$CannotDeleteURL = "Cannot delete this URL.";
$CoursesInPlatform = "Courses on the platform.";
$UsersEdited = "Users updated.";
$CourseHome = "Course homepage";
$ComingSoon = "Coming soon...";
$DummyCourseOnlyOnTestServer = "Dummy course content - only available on test platforms.";
$ThereAreNotSelectedCoursesOrCoursesListIsEmpty = "There are no selected courses or the courses list is empty.";
$CodeTwiceInFile = "A code has been used twice in the file. This is not authorized. Courses codes should be unique.";
$CodeExists = "This code exists";
$UnkownCategoryCourseCode = "The category could not be found";
$LinkedCourseTitle = "Title of related course";
$LinkedCourseCode = "Linked course's code";
$AssignUsersToSessionsAdministrator = "Assign users to sessions administrator";
$AssignedUsersListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assign a users list to the sessions administrator";
$GroupDeleted = "Class deleted.";
$CannotDeleteGroup = "The class could not be deleted.";
$SomeGroupsNotDeleted = "Some of the classes could not be deleted.";
$DontUnchek = "Don't uncheck";
$Modified = "Modified";
$SessionsList = "Sessions list";
$Promotion = "Promotion";
$UpdateSession = "Update session";
$Path = "Path";
$SelectOptionExport = "Select export option";
$FieldEdited = "Field added.";
$LanguageParentNotExist = "The parent language does not exist.";
$TheSubLanguageHasNotBeenRemoved = "The sub-language has not been removed.";
$ShowOrHide = "Show/Hide";
$StatusCanNotBeChangedToHumanResourcesManager = "The status of this user cannot be changed to human resources manager.";
$FieldTaken = "Field taken";
$UsersSubscribedToSeveralCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "Users subscribed to several courses through the use of virtual courses.";
$NoUrlForThisUser = "This user doesn't have a related URL.";
$ExtraData = "Extra data";
$ExercisesInLp = "Exercises in learning paths";
$Id = "Id";
$ThereWasAnError = "There was an error.";
$CantMoveToTheSameSession = "Cannot move this to the same session.";
$StatsMoved = "Stats moved.";
$UserInformationOfThisCourse = "User information for this course";
$OriginCourse = "Original course";
$OriginSession = "Original session";
$DestinyCourse = "Destination course";
$DestinySession = "Destination session";
$CourseDoesNotExistInThisSession = "The course does not exist in this session. The copy will work only from one course in one session to the same course in another session.";
@ -271,4 +271,5 @@ $FirstSelectALanguage = "Please select a language";
$RenameAndComment = "Rename and comment";
$YouAreCurrentlyUsingXOfYourX = "You are currently using %s MB (%s) of your %s MB.";
$UplUploadFailedSizeIsZero = "There was a problem uploading your document: the received file had a 0 bytes size on the server. Please, review your local file for any corruption or damage, then try again.";
@ -119,4 +119,9 @@ $UpgradeFromDokeos18x = "Upgrade from Chamilo 1.8.x";
$SuggestionOnlyToEnableCSSUploadFeature = "Suggestion only if you want to enable the CSS upload feature";
$SuggestionOnlyToEnableSubLanguageFeature = "Suggestion only if you want to enable the sub-language feature";
$IfYouPlanToUpgradeFromOlderVersionYouMightWantToHaveAlookAtTheChangelog = "If you plan to upgrade from an older version of Chamilo, you might want to <ahref=\"../../documentation/changelog.html\"target=\"_blank\">have a look at the changelog</a> to know what's new and what has been changed";
$WelcomeToTheDokeosInstaller = "Welcome to the Chamilo installer";
$PHPVersionError = "Your PHP version does not match the requirements for this software. Please check you have the latest version, then try again.";
$ExtensionSessionsNotAvailable = "Sessions extension not available";
$ExtensionZlibNotAvailable = "Zlib extension not available";
$ExtensionPCRENotAvailable = "PCRE extension not available";
$langCourseCodeAlreadyExists = "Sorry, but that training code already exists. Please choose another one.";
$Statistics = "Statistics";
$langGrouplist = "Groups list";
$langPrevious = "previous";
$langPrevious = "Previous";
$DestDirectoryDoesntExist = "The target folder does not exist";
$Courses = "Training";
$In = "in";
@ -1045,4 +1045,65 @@ $GradebookAndAttendances = "Gradebook and attendances";
$SelectADateRange = "Select a date range";
$AllDone = "All done";
$AllNotDone = "All not done";
$GroupUpdated = "Class updated.";
$AuthSourceNotAvailable = "Fuente de autenticación no disponible.";
$Responsable = "Responsible";
$TheAttendanceSheetIsLocked = "The attendance sheet is locked.";
$Presence = "Assistance";
$ACourseCategoryWithThisNameAlreadyExists = "A course category with the same name already exists.";
$OpenIDRedirect = "OpenID redirect";
$Blogs = "Blogs";
$Others = "Others";
$BackToCourseDesriptionList = "Back to the course description";
$Postpone = "Postpone";
$NotHavePermission = "The user doesn't have permissions to do the requested operation.";
$CourseCodeAlreadyExistExplained = "When a course code is duplicated, the database system detects a course code that already exists and prevents the creation of a duplicate. Please ensure no course code is duplicated.";
$CantDeleteReadonlyFiles = "Cannot delete files that are configured in read-only mode.";
$Uploaded = "Uploaded.";
$Saved = "Saved.";
$GotoCourse = "Go to the course";
$EmailSentFromDokeos = "E-mail sent from the platform";
$InfoAboutLastDoneAdvanceAndNextAdvanceNotDone = "Information about the last finished step and the next unfinished one.";
$LatexCode = "LaTeX code";
$LatexFormula = "LaTeX formula";
$AreYouSureToLockTheAttendance = "Are you sure you want to lock the attendance?";
$UnlockMessageInformation = "The attendance is not locked, which means your teacher is still able to modify it.";
$LockAttendance = "Lock attendance";
$AreYouSureToUnlockTheAttendance = "Are you sure you want to unlock the attendance?";
$UnlockAttendance = "Unlock attendance";
$LockedAttendance = "Locked attendance";
$DecreaseFontSize = "Decrease the font size";
$ResetFontSize = "Reset the font size";
$IncreaseFontSize = "Increase the font size";
$LoggedInAsX = "Logged in as %s";
$AttachmentUpload = "attachment upload";
$CourseAutoRegister = "Auto-registration course";
$ThematicAdvanceInformation = "The thematic advance tool allows you to organize your training through time.";
$RequestURIInfo = "The URL requested to get to this page, without the domain definition.";
$DiskFreeSpace = "Free space on disk";
$ProtectFolder = "Protected folder";
$SomeHTMLNotAllowed = "Some HTML attributed are not allowed.";
$MyOtherGroups = "My other classes";
$XLSFileNotValid = "The provided XLS file is not valid.";
$YouAreRegisterToSessionX = "You are registered to session: %s.";
$NextBis = "Next";
$Prev = "Prev";
$Configuration = "Configuration";
$ToGroup = "To social group";
$XWroteY = "%s wrote: <br/><i>%y</i>";
$BackToGroup = "Back to the group";
$GoAttendance = "Go to attendances";
$GoAssessments = "Go assessments";
$UserRoles = "User roles";
$GroupRoles = "Group roles";
$StorePermissions = "Store permissions";
$PendingInvitation = "Pending invitation";
$MaximunFileSizeXMB = "Maximum file size: %sMB.";
$MessageHasBeenSent = "Your message has been sent.";
$Tags = "Tags";
$ClassesUnSubscribed = "Classes unsubscribed.";
$NotAddedToCourse = "Not added to course";
$UsersNotRegistered = "Users who did not register.";
@ -177,4 +177,18 @@ $PutATimeLimit = "Set a time limit";
$StandardTask = "Standard Task";
$ThePageHasBeenExportedToDocArea = "The page has been exported to the document tool";
$CreateAssignmentPage = "This will create a special wiki page in which the teacher can describe the task and which will be automatically linked to the wiki pages where students perform the task. Both the teacher's and the students' pages are created automatically. In these tasks, students can only edit and view theirs pages, but this can be changed easily if you need to.";