@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ You need execute this SQL query in your database after making the Chamilo migrat |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD user_id int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD access_url int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1; |
``` |
For the version 2.5 you need execute these SQL queries |
For version 2.5 you need execute these SQL queries |
```sql |
CREATE TABLE plugin_bbb_room ( |
@ -38,4 +38,12 @@ CREATE TABLE plugin_bbb_room ( |
); |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD video_url TEXT NULL; |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD has_video_m4v TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD COLUMN user_id INT DEFAULT 0; |
ALTER TABLE plugin_bbb_meeting ADD COLUMN access_url INT DEFAULT 0; |
``` |
For version 2.6 (adding limits) you need execute these SQL queries |
```sql |
INSERT INTO chamilo111x.settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable, access_url_locked) VALUES ('bbb_max_users_limit', 'bbb', 'setting', 'Plugins', '3', 'bbb', null, null, null, 1, 1, 0); |
INSERT INTO chamilo111x.extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES (2, 15, 'plugin_bbb_course_users_limit', 'MaxUsersInConferenceRoom', '0', 1, 1, 0, 1, null, '2017-05-28 01:19:32'); |
INSERT INTO chamilo111x.extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES (3, 15, 'plugin_bbb_session_users_limit', 'MaxUsersInConferenceRoom', null, 1, 1, 0, 1, null, '2017-05-28 01:19:32'); |
``` |