[svn r15545] Added removal of database records of documents and item properties if the files were removed manually from the filesystem - could be a bad move - see FS#2614
$sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_DOCUMENT set path = '".$new_item_path."' WHERE id = ".$deleted_items['id'];
api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return true;
//Couldn't rename - file permissions problem?
error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.': Error renaming '.$base_work_dir.$path.' to '.$base_work_dir.$new_path.'. This is probably due to file permissions',0);
//The file or directory isn't there anymore (on the filesystem)
// This means it has been removed externally. To prevent a
// blocking error from happening, we drop the related items from the
// item_property and the document table.
error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.': System inconsistency detected. The file or directory '.$base_work_dir.$path.' seems to have been removed from the filesystem independently from the web platform. To restore consistency, the elements using the same path will be removed from the database',0);
$sql = "SELECT id FROM $TABLE_DOCUMENT WHERE path='".$path."' OR path LIKE BINARY '".$path."/%'";
$res = Database::query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
while ( $row = Database::fetch_array($res) ) {
$sqlipd = "DELETE FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE ref = ".$row['id']." AND tool='".TOOL_DOCUMENT."'";