@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$allowed_views = array('mygroups','newest','pop');
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'home.php','name' => get_lang('Social'));
if (isset($_GET['view']) & & in_array($_GET['view'],$allowed_views)) {
if ($_GET['view'] == 'mygroups') {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'groups.php','name' => get_lang('Groups'));
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['view']) && in_array($_GET['view'],$allowed_views)) {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'#','name' => get_lang('Popular'));
} else {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'groups','name' => get_lang('Groups'));
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'groups.php ','name' => get_lang('Groups'));
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' =>'#','name' => get_lang('MessageList'));
@ -145,17 +146,37 @@ if (isset($_POST['token']) && $_POST['token'] === $_SESSION['sec_token']) {
// getting group information
$group_id = intval($_GET['id']);
$relation_group_title = '';
$who_is_on_line = get_lang('UsersOnline').' '.count(WhoIsOnline(api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline'),true));
echo '< div class = "social-header" > ';
echo '< table width = "100%" > < tr > < td width = "150px" bgcolor = "#32578b" > < center > < span class = "social-menu-text1" > '.strtoupper(get_lang('Menu')).'< / span > < / center > < / td >
< td width = "15px" > < / td > < td bgcolor = "#32578b" > '.Display::return_icon('whoisonline.png','',array('hspace'=>'6')).'< a href = "#" > < span class = "social-menu-text1" > '.$who_is_on_line.'< / span > < / a > < / td >
< / tr > < / table > ';
echo '< div class = "social-menu-title" align = "center" > < span class = "social-menu-text1" > '.get_lang('Menu').'< / span > < / div > ';
echo '< div class = "social-menu-title-right" > '.Display::return_icon('whoisonline.png','',array('hspace'=>'6')).'< a href = "#" > < span class = "social-menu-text1" > '.$who_is_on_line.'< / span > < / a > < / div > ';
echo '< / div > ';
if ($group_id != 0 ) {
$user_leave_message = false;
$user_added_group_message = false;
$group_info = GroupPortalManager::get_group_data($group_id);
if (isset($_GET['action']) & & $_GET['action']=='leave') {
$user_leaved = intval($_GET['u']);
//I can "leave me myself"
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_leaved) {
GroupPortalManager::delete_user_rel_group($user_leaved, $group_id);
$user_leave_message = true;
// add a user to a group if its open
if (isset($_GET['action']) & & $_GET['action']=='join') {
// we add a user only if is a open group
$user_join = intval($_GET['u']);
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_join & & !empty($group_id)) {
if ($group_info['visibility'] == GROUP_PERMISSION_OPEN) {
GroupPortalManager::add_user_to_group($user_join, $group_id);
$user_added_group_message = true;
} else {
GroupPortalManager::add_user_to_group($user_join, $group_id, GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_PENDING_INVITATION_SENT_BY_USER);
$user_added_group_message = true;
echo '< div id = "social-content" > ';
@ -167,7 +188,7 @@ echo '<div id="social-content">';
$show_menu = 'groups';
if (isset($_GET['view']) & & $_GET['view'] == 'mygroups') {
$show_menu = $_GET['view'];
echo '< / div > ';
@ -175,39 +196,24 @@ echo '<div id="social-content">';
echo '< div id = "social-content-right" > ';
if ($group_id != 0 ) {
$group_info = GroupPortalManager::get_group_data($group_id);
//Loading group information
if (isset($_GET['status']) & & $_GET['status']=='sent') {
Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('MessageHasBeenSent'), false);
if (isset($_GET['action']) & & $_GET['action']=='leave') {
$user_leaved = intval($_GET['u']);
//I can "leave me myself"
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_leaved) {
GroupPortalManager::delete_user_rel_group($user_leaved, $group_id);
if ($user_leave_message) {
Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup'), false);
// add a user to a group if its open
if (isset($_GET['action']) & & $_GET['action']=='join') {
// we add a user only if is a open group
$user_join = intval($_GET['u']);
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_join & & !empty($group_id)) {
if ($group_info['visibility'] == GROUP_PERMISSION_OPEN) {
GroupPortalManager::add_user_to_group($user_join, $group_id);
} else {
GroupPortalManager::add_user_to_group($user_join, $group_id, GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_PENDING_INVITATION_SENT_BY_USER);
if ($user_added_group_message) {
Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup'), false);
//-- Shows left column
//echo GroupPortalManager::show_group_column_information($group_id, api_get_user_id());
// details about the current group
echo '< div class = "head_group" > ';
echo '< div class = "head_group" > ';
echo '< div id = "group_image" style = "float:left;height:110px" > ';
$picture = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($group_id, $group_info['picture_uri'],160,'medium_');
$big_image = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($group_id, $group_info['picture_uri'],'','big_');
@ -217,26 +223,32 @@ if ($group_id != 0 ) {
echo '< img src = '.$picture[' file ' ] . ' class = "social-groups-image" / > < br / > < br / > ';
echo '< / div > ';
echo '< div id = "group_details" style = "margin-left:105px" > ';
echo '< div id = "social-group-details" > ';
//Group's title
echo '< strong > < a href = "groups.php?id='.$group_id.'" > '.$group_info['name'].'< / a > < / strong > ';
if (!empty($relation_group_title)) {
echo '< br / > ('.$relation_group_title.')< br / > ';
echo '< h2 > < a href = "groups.php?id='.$group_id.'" > '.$group_info['name'].'< / a > < / h2 > ';
//Group's description
echo '< div id = "group_description "> '.$group_info['description'].'< / div > ';
echo '< div id = "group-url "> < a target = "_blank" href = "'.$group_info['url'].'" > '.$group_info['url'].'< / a > < / div > ';
echo '< div class = "social-group-details-info" > '.$group_info['description'].'< / div > ';
echo '< div class = "social-group-details-info" > < a target = "_blank" href = "'.$group_info['url'].'" > '.$group_info['url'].'< / a > < / div > ';
echo '< div id = "group_privacy "> ';
echo get_lang('Privacy').' : ';
if ($group_info['visibility']== GROUP_PERMISSION_OPEN) {
echo get_lang('ThisIsAnOpenGroup');
} elseif ($group_info['visibility']== GROUP_PERMISSION_CLOSED) {
echo get_lang('ThisIsACloseGroup');
echo '< div class = "social-group-details-info "> ';
echo '< span > '. get_lang('Privacy').' : < / span > ';
if ($group_info['visibility']== GROUP_PERMISSION_OPEN) {
echo get_lang('ThisIsAnOpenGroup');
} elseif ($group_info['visibility']== GROUP_PERMISSION_CLOSED) {
echo get_lang('ThisIsACloseGroup');
echo '< / div > ';
if (!empty($relation_group_title)) {
echo '< div class = "social-group-details-info" > ';
echo '< span > '.get_lang('GroupUserStatus').' : < / span > ';
echo $relation_group_title;
echo '< / div > ';
//Group's tags
if (!empty($tags)) {
echo '< div id = "group_tags" > '.get_lang('Tags').' : '.$tags.'< / div > ';
@ -247,16 +259,18 @@ if ($group_id != 0 ) {
//-- Show message groups
echo '< div class = "messages" > ';
echo '< h2 > '.get_lang('Topics').'< / h2 > ';
echo '< h3 > '.get_lang('Topics').'< / h3 > ';
if (GroupPortalManager::is_group_member($group_id)) {
$content = MessageManager::display_messages_for_group($group_id);
if (!empty($content)) {
echo $content;
} else {
echo get_lang('YouShouldCreateATopic');
//echo get_lang('YouShouldCreateATopic');
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/message_for_group_form.inc.php?view_panel=1&height=400&width=610&&user_friend='.api_get_user_id().'&group_id='.$group_id.'&action=add_message_group" class = "thickbox" title = "'.get_lang('ComposeMessage').'" > '.Display::return_icon('message_new.png', get_lang('NewTopic'), array('hspace'=>'6')).'< span class = "social-menu-text4" > '.get_lang('YouShouldCreateATopic').'< / span > < / a > < / li > ';
} else {
echo get_lang('YouShouldJoinTheGroup');
//echo get_lang('YouShouldJoinTheGroup');
echo '< a href = "groups.php?id='.$group_id.'&action=join&u='.api_get_user_id().'" > '.Display::return_icon('addd.gif', get_lang('YouShouldJoinTheGroup'), array('hspace'=>'6')).'< span class = "social-menu-text4" > '.get_lang('YouShouldJoinTheGroup').'< / a > < / span > ';
echo '< / div > '; // end layout messages
@ -287,7 +301,7 @@ if ($group_id != 0 ) {
$picture = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($result['id'], $result['picture_uri'],80);
$result['picture_uri'] = '< img class = "social-groups-image" src = "'.$picture['file'].'" hspace = "4" height = "50" border = "2" align = "left" width = "50" / > ';
$grid_item_1 = Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg');
$item_1 = '< div > '.$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].'< p class = "social-groups-text1" > < strong > '.$name.'< br / > ('.$count_users_group.')< / strong > < / p > '.$url_close.Display::return_icon('linegroups.jpg').'< / div > ';
$item_1 = '< div > '.$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].'< p class = "social-groups-text1" > < strong > '.$name.'< br / > ('.$count_users_group.')< / strong > < / p > '.$url_close.Display::return_icon('linegroups.jpg','' ).'< / div > ';
$item_2 = '< div class = "box_description_group_title" > < span class = "social-groups-text2" > '.get_lang('GroupDescription').'< / span > < / div > ';
$item_3 = '< div class = "box_description_group_content" > '.cut($result['description'],100,true).'< / div > ';
$item_4 = '< div class = "box_description_group_actions" > '.$url_open.get_lang('SeeMore').$url_close.'< / div > ';
@ -314,7 +328,7 @@ if ($group_id != 0 ) {
$picture = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($result['id'], $result['picture_uri'],80);
$result['picture_uri'] = '< img class = "social-groups-image" src = "'.$picture['file'].'" hspace = "4" height = "50" border = "2" align = "left" width = "50" / > ';
$grid_item_1 = Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg');
$item_1 = '< div > '.$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].'< p class = "social-groups-text1" > < strong > '.$name.'< br / > ('.$count_users_group.')< / strong > < / p > '.$url_close.Display::return_icon('linegroups.jpg').'< / div > ';
$item_1 = '< div > '.$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].'< p class = "social-groups-text1" > < strong > '.$name.'< br / > ('.$count_users_group.')< / strong > < / p > '.$url_close.Display::return_icon('linegroups.jpg','' ).'< / div > ';
$item_2 = '< div class = "box_description_group_title" > < span class = "social-groups-text2" > '.get_lang('GroupDescription').'< / span > < / div > ';
$item_3 = '< div class = "box_description_group_content" > '.cut($result['description'],100,true).'< / div > ';
$item_4 = '< div class = "box_description_group_actions" > '.$url_open.get_lang('SeeMore').$url_close.'< / div > ';
@ -356,21 +370,24 @@ if ($group_id != 0 ) {
if (isset($_GET['view']) & & in_array($_GET['view'],$allowed_views)) {
$view_group = $_GET['view'];
switch ($view_group) {
case 'mygroups' : echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('MyGroups')).'< / div > ';
if (count($grid_my_groups) > 0) {
Display::display_sortable_grid('mygroups', array(), $grid_my_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 2), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false));
case 'newest' : if (count($grid_newest_groups) > 0) {
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('Newest')).'< / div > ';
Display::display_sortable_grid('newest', array(), $grid_newest_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 100), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false));
default : if (count($grid_pop_groups) > 0) {
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('Popular')).'< / div > ';
Display::display_sortable_grid('popular', array(), $grid_pop_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 100), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,true,true));
case 'mygroups' :
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('MyGroups')).'< / div > ';
if (count($grid_my_groups) > 0) {
Display::display_sortable_grid('mygroups', array(), $grid_my_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 2), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false));
case 'newest' :
if (count($grid_newest_groups) > 0) {
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('Newest')).'< / div > ';
Display::display_sortable_grid('newest', array(), $grid_newest_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 100), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false));
default :
if (count($grid_pop_groups) > 0) {
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('Popular')).'< / div > ';
Display::display_sortable_grid('popular', array(), $grid_pop_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 100), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,true,true));
} else {
echo '< div class = "social-groups-text3" > '.api_strtoupper(get_lang('MyGroups')).'< / div > ';