diff --git a/main/lang/brazilian/trad4all.inc.php b/main/lang/brazilian/trad4all.inc.php index 1b9f087ddd..4887daaa76 100644 --- a/main/lang/brazilian/trad4all.inc.php +++ b/main/lang/brazilian/trad4all.inc.php @@ -7418,7 +7418,7 @@ $FieldTypeLettersSpaces = "letras e espaços de texto"; $CronRemindCourseFinishedActivateTitle = "Enviar curso terminou notificação"; $FieldTypeAlphanumericSpaces = "caracteres alfanuméricos texto e espaços"; $CronRemindCourseFinishedActivateComment = "Se enviar um e-mail para os alunos quando seu curso (sessão) é acabados. Isto requer tarefas cron para ser configurado (ver/cron/diretório principal)."; -$ThanksForRegisteringToSite = "Obrigado por registrar em %s."; +$ThanksForRegisteringToSite = "Obrigado por registrar-se em %s."; $AllowCoachFeedbackExercisesTitle = "Permitir que os treinadores para comentar na avaliação de exercícios"; $AllowCoachFeedbackExercisesComment = "Permitir que os treinadores para editar o feedback durante a revisão de exercícios"; $PreventMultipleSimultaneousLoginTitle = "Impedir o login simultânea"; @@ -7558,4 +7558,5 @@ $NewLogoUpdated = "Novo logotipo carregado"; $CurrentLogo = "Logo atual"; $UpdateLogo = "Logotipo atualização"; $FollowedStudentBosses = "chefes de estudantes seguiram"; +$AccessData = "Dados de acesso"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/english/trad4all.inc.php b/main/lang/english/trad4all.inc.php index 9f76f1a4e4..d867527b5e 100644 --- a/main/lang/english/trad4all.inc.php +++ b/main/lang/english/trad4all.inc.php @@ -7638,4 +7638,10 @@ $EnableForumAutoLaunch = "Enable forum auto-launch"; $NowDownloadYourCertificateClickHere = "You can now download your certificate by clicking here"; $AdditionallyYouHaveObtainedTheFollowingSkills = "Additionally, you have achieved the following skills"; $IHaveObtainedSkillXOnY = "I have achieved skill %s on %s"; +$AnotherAttempt = "Another attempt"; +$RemainingXAttempts = "Remaining %d attempts"; +$Map = "Map"; +$MyLocation = "My location"; +$ShowCourseInUserLanguage = "Show course in user's language"; +$AccessData = "Access data"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/french/trad4all.inc.php b/main/lang/french/trad4all.inc.php index fc2aa8c646..42d365d830 100644 --- a/main/lang/french/trad4all.inc.php +++ b/main/lang/french/trad4all.inc.php @@ -7625,4 +7625,10 @@ $EnableForumAutoLaunch = "Activar l'auto-démarrage des forums"; $NowDownloadYourCertificateClickHere = "Télécharge ton certificat en cliquant ici"; $AdditionallyYouHaveObtainedTheFollowingSkills = "En plus, tu as acquis les compétences suivantes"; $IHaveObtainedSkillXOnY = "J'ai acquis la compétence %s sur %s"; +$AnotherAttempt = "Nouvelle tentative"; +$RemainingXAttempts = "%s tentatives restantes"; +$Map = "Carte"; +$MyLocation = "Ma position"; +$ShowCourseInUserLanguage = "Afficher les cours dans la langue de l'utilisateur"; +$AccessData = "Données d'accès"; ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main/lang/spanish/trad4all.inc.php b/main/lang/spanish/trad4all.inc.php index 700fc51b15..eb44d00ef8 100644 --- a/main/lang/spanish/trad4all.inc.php +++ b/main/lang/spanish/trad4all.inc.php @@ -7663,4 +7663,10 @@ $EnableForumAutoLaunch = "Activar auto-arranque de foro"; $NowDownloadYourCertificateClickHere = "Puedes descargar tu certificado haciendo clic aquí"; $AdditionallyYouHaveObtainedTheFollowingSkills = "Adicionalmente, has obtenido las competencias siguientes"; $IHaveObtainedSkillXOnY = "He logrado la competencia %s en %s"; +$AnotherAttempt = "Realizar otro intento"; +$RemainingXAttempts = "%s intentos restantes"; +$Map = "Mapa"; +$MyLocation = "Mi ubicación"; +$ShowCourseInUserLanguage = "Mostrar el curso en el idioma del usuario"; +$AccessData = "Datos de acceso"; ?> \ No newline at end of file