<li>As Chamilo becomes more popular, we are facing new security-based challenges that come as consequences of the simplicity that we offer our users. As such, in this version of Chamilo, the administrator *must* enable a configuration setting as follows in order <b>to authorize teachers and students to use iframes</b> (embedding things from outside) inside the online text areas in their courses and personal spaces. to enable those, edit the app/config/configuration.php file and paste the following just after the last setting: <pre>$_configuration['allow_course_introduction_low_security'] = true;</pre></li>
<li>As Chamilo becomes more popular, we are facing new security-based challenges that come as consequences of the simplicity
that we offer our users. As such, in this version of Chamilo, the administrator *must* enable a configuration setting as follows
in order <b>to authorize teachers and students to use iframes</b> (embedding things from outside) inside the online text areas in their courses and personal spaces.
To enable those, edit the app/config/configuration.php file and paste the following just after the last setting:
<li>(<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/5c5795fdfeff259aaa41e9282c6abed19b994711">5c5795fd</a> - <ahref="https://task.beeznest.com/issues/12244">BT#12244</a>) Add configuration setting allow_course_introduction_low_security to allow course introduction html in low security for removeXSS</li>
<li>(<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/5c5795fdfeff259aaa41e9282c6abed19b994711">5c5795fd</a> - <ahref="https://task.beeznest.com/issues/12244">BT#12244</a>) Add configuration setting "course_introduction_html_strict_filtering" to allow course introduction html in low security for removeXSS</li>
<li>(<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/632923da80723ac1a506614e39bc1982b2b177ee">632923da</a>) Add differentiation of sessions options based on limit_session_admin_role setting in admin homepage</li>
<li>(<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/bfdf62f0f2dfa1ad4c23d3cbfb6bbaf3b74dee97">bfdf62f0</a> - <ahref="https://task.beeznest.com/issues/12162">BT#12162</a>) Learning paths: Add configuration setting show_prerequisite_as_blocked to show all prerequisites in gray</li>
// Allows to do a remove_XSS in course introduction with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY in order to accept all embed type videos (like vimeo, wistia, etc)
$plugin_info['title'] = 'Add a button to login using CAS';
$plugin_info['title'] = 'Add a button to login using CAS';
//the comments that go with the plugin
$plugin_info['comment'] = "If CAS is activated, this plugin add a text and a button on the login page to login with CAS. Configure plugin to add title, comment and logo.";
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $strings['VideoConferenceXCourseX'] = "Vidéoconférence #%s, cours
$strings['VideoConferenceAddedToTheCalendar'] = "Vidéoconférence ajoutée au calendrier";
$strings['VideoConferenceAddedToTheLinkTool'] = "Vidéoconférence ajoutée comme lien. Vous pouvez éditer et publier le lien sur la page principale du cours depuis l'outil liens.";
$strings['GoToTheVideoConference'] = "Entrer dans la salle de conférence";
$strings['GoToTheVideoConference'] = "Entrer dans la salle de conférence";
$strings['Records'] = "Enregistrement";
$strings['Meeting'] = "Salle de conférence";
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $strings['CopyToLinkTool'] = "Ajouter comme lien du cours";
$strings['EnterConference'] = "Entrer dans la salle de conférence";
$strings['RecordList'] = "Liste des enregistrements";
$strings['ServerIsNotRunning'] = "Le serveur de vidéoconférence ne fonctionne pas";
$strings['ServerIsNotConfigured'] = "Le serveur de vidéoconférence n'est pas configuré correctement";
$strings['ServerIsNotConfigured'] = "Le serveur de vidéoconférence n'est pas configuré correctement";
$strings['XUsersOnLine'] = "%s utilisateurs dans la salle";
$strings['VideoConferenceAddedToTheCalendar'] = "Videoconferencia añadida al calendario";
$strings['VideoConferenceAddedToTheLinkTool'] = "Videoconferencia añadida como enlace. Puede editar y publicar el enlace en la página principal del curso desde la herramienta de enlace.";
$strings['GoToTheVideoConference'] = "Ir a la videoconferencia";
$strings['GoToTheVideoConference'] = "Ir a la videoconferencia";
$strings['Records'] = "Grabación";
$strings['Meeting'] = "Sala de conferencia";
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $strings['CopyToLinkTool'] = "Añadir como enlace del curso";
$strings['EnterConference'] = "Entrar a la videoconferencia";
$strings['RecordList'] = "Lista de grabaciones";
$strings['ServerIsNotRunning'] = "El servidor de videoconferencia no está funcionando";
$strings['ServerIsNotConfigured'] = "El servidor de videoconferencia no está configurado correctamente";
$strings['ServerIsNotConfigured'] = "El servidor de videoconferencia no está configurado correctamente";
$strings['XUsersOnLine'] = "%s usuario(s) en la sala";