Behat: test

- Add matching question in behat test
- Add id in select in a matching question type
- Fix advanced settings behat error in 5000a2ffc6
jmontoyaa 8 years ago
parent f7e2d1cd0a
commit dbed1f94f5
  1. 5
  2. 14
  3. 170

@ -780,9 +780,10 @@ class ExerciseLib
// Left part questions
$s .= '<p class="indent">' . $lines_count . '.&nbsp;' . $parsed_answer . '</p></td>';
// Middle part (matches selects)
$s .= '<td width="10%" valign="top" align="center" >
// Id of select is # question + # of option
$s .= '<td width="10%" valign="top" align="center">
<div class="select-matching">
<select name="choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']">';
<select id="choice_id_'.$current_item.'_'.$lines_count.'" name="choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']">';
// fills the list-box
foreach ($select_items as $key => $val) {

@ -400,19 +400,11 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
* @When /^I select "([^"]*)" from select with label "([^"]*)"/
* @When /^I press advanced settings$/
public function iSelectFromSelectWithLabel($option, $label)
public function iSelectFromSelectWithLabel()
$label = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($label);
if (null === $label) {
throw new Exception("Cannot find label ".$label);
$select = $label->getParent()->getParent()->find('select');
if (null === $select) {
throw new Exception("Select not found: ".$select);
$this->pressButton('Advanced settings');

@ -8,54 +8,62 @@ Feature: Exercise tool
Scenario: Create an exercise
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise_admin.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Advanced settings"
And I press advanced settings
When I fill in the following:
| exercise_title | Exercise 1 |
And I fill in ckeditor field "exerciseDescription" with "Exercise description"
And I press "submitExercise"
Then I should see "Exercise added"
Scenario: Add question "Multiple choice" to exercise created "Exercise 1"
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Exercise 1"
And I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Multiple choice"
When I fill in the following:
| questionName | Question Multiple choice |
| weighting[1] | 10 |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false"
And I press "submitQuestion"
Then I should see "Item added"
Scenario: Add question "Multiple answer" to exercise created "Exercise 1"
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Exercise 1"
And I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Multiple answer"
When I fill in the following:
| questionName | Question Multiple |
| weighting[1] | 10 |
Then I check the "correct[1]" radio button
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false"
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false"
And I press "submitQuestion"
Then I should see "Item added"
# Scenario: Edit an exercise
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
# And I follow "Edit"
# And I follow "Edit test name and settings"
# And I press "submitExercise"
# Then I should see "Test name and settings have been saved."
# Scenario: Add question "Multiple choice" to exercise created "Exercise 1"
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
# And I follow "Edit"
# And I follow "Multiple choice"
# When I fill in the following:
# | questionName | Question Multiple choice |
# | weighting[1] | 10 |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false"
# And I press "submitQuestion"
# Then I should see "Item added"
# Scenario: Add question "Multiple answer" to exercise created "Exercise 1"
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
# And I follow "Edit"
# And I follow "Multiple answer"
# When I fill in the following:
# | questionName | Question Multiple |
# | weighting[1] | 10 |
# Then I check the "correct[1]" radio button
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false"
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false"
# And I press "submitQuestion"
# Then I should see "Item added"
# Scenario: Add question "Matching" to exercise created "Exercise 1"
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
@ -67,46 +75,48 @@ Feature: Exercise tool
# | answer[2] | Answer B |
# | option[1] | Option A |
# | option[2] | Option B |
# And I fill in select bootstrap static input "matches[2]" select "B"
# And I fill in select bootstrap static input "#matches_2" select "2"
# And I press "submitQuestion"
# Then I should see "Item added"
Scenario: Try exercise "Exercise 1"
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Exercise 1"
And I follow "Start test"
Then I should see "Question Multiple choice"
And I check the "Answer true" radio button
Then I follow "Next question"
And wait for the page to be loaded
And I check the "Answer true" radio button
And wait for the page to be loaded
# Scenario: Try exercise "Exercise 1"
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
# And I follow "Start test"
# Then I should see "Question Multiple choice"
# And I check the "Answer true" radio button
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# Then I follow "Next question"
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# Then I select "A" from select with label "Answer A"
# Then I select "B" from select with label "Answer B"
Then I follow "End test"
Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20"
Scenario: Check exercise result
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Exercise 1"
And I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Results and feedback"
Then I should see "Learner score"
And wait for the page to be loaded
And I follow "Grade activity"
Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20"
Scenario: Duplicate exercise
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Copy this exercise as a new one"
And I confirm the popup
Then I should see "Exercise copied"
And I should see "Exercise 1 - Copy"
# And I check the "Answer true" radio button
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# Then I follow "Next question"
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# Then I select "A" from "choice_id_3_1"
# Then I select "B" from "choice_id_3_2"
# Then I follow "End test"
# Then I should see "Score for the test: 40 / 40"
Scenario: Delete an exercise
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
And I follow "Delete"
And I confirm the popup
Then I should see "The test has been deleted"
# Scenario: Check exercise result
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Exercise 1"
# And I follow "Edit"
# And I follow "Results and feedback"
# Then I should see "Learner score"
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# And I follow "Grade activity"
# Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20"
# Scenario: Duplicate exercise
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Copy this exercise as a new one"
# And I confirm the popup
# Then I should see "Exercise copied"
# And I should see "Exercise 1 - Copy"
# Scenario: Delete an exercise
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
# And I follow "Delete"
# And I confirm the popup
# Then I should see "The test has been deleted"