@ -8,54 +8,62 @@ Feature: Exercise tool |
Scenario: Create an exercise |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise_admin.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Advanced settings" |
And I press advanced settings |
When I fill in the following: |
| exercise_title | Exercise 1 | |
And I fill in ckeditor field "exerciseDescription" with "Exercise description" |
And I press "submitExercise" |
Then I should see "Exercise added" |
Scenario: Add question "Multiple choice" to exercise created "Exercise 1" |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Exercise 1" |
And I follow "Edit" |
And I follow "Multiple choice" |
When I fill in the following: |
| questionName | Question Multiple choice | |
| weighting[1] | 10 | |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false" |
And I press "submitQuestion" |
Then I should see "Item added" |
Scenario: Add question "Multiple answer" to exercise created "Exercise 1" |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Exercise 1" |
And I follow "Edit" |
And I follow "Multiple answer" |
When I fill in the following: |
| questionName | Question Multiple | |
| weighting[1] | 10 | |
Then I check the "correct[1]" radio button |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false" |
Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false" |
And I press "submitQuestion" |
Then I should see "Item added" |
# Scenario: Edit an exercise |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
# And I follow "Edit" |
# And I follow "Edit test name and settings" |
# And I press "submitExercise" |
# Then I should see "Test name and settings have been saved." |
# |
# Scenario: Add question "Multiple choice" to exercise created "Exercise 1" |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
# And I follow "Edit" |
# And I follow "Multiple choice" |
# When I fill in the following: |
# | questionName | Question Multiple choice | |
# | weighting[1] | 10 | |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false" |
# |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false" |
# And I press "submitQuestion" |
# Then I should see "Item added" |
# |
# Scenario: Add question "Multiple answer" to exercise created "Exercise 1" |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
# And I follow "Edit" |
# And I follow "Multiple answer" |
# When I fill in the following: |
# | questionName | Question Multiple | |
# | weighting[1] | 10 | |
# Then I check the "correct[1]" radio button |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[1]" with "Answer true" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[2]" with "Answer false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[3]" with "Answer false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "answer[4]" with "Answer false" |
# |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[1]" with "Comment true" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[2]" with "Comment false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[3]" with "Comment false" |
# Then I fill in ckeditor field "comment[4]" with "Comment false" |
# And I press "submitQuestion" |
# Then I should see "Item added" |
# |
# Scenario: Add question "Matching" to exercise created "Exercise 1" |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
@ -67,46 +75,48 @@ Feature: Exercise tool |
# | answer[2] | Answer B | |
# | option[1] | Option A | |
# | option[2] | Option B | |
# And I fill in select bootstrap static input "matches[2]" select "B" |
# And I fill in select bootstrap static input "#matches_2" select "2" |
# |
# And I press "submitQuestion" |
# Then I should see "Item added" |
Scenario: Try exercise "Exercise 1" |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Exercise 1" |
And I follow "Start test" |
Then I should see "Question Multiple choice" |
And I check the "Answer true" radio button |
Then I follow "Next question" |
And wait for the page to be loaded |
And I check the "Answer true" radio button |
And wait for the page to be loaded |
# |
# Scenario: Try exercise "Exercise 1" |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
# And I follow "Start test" |
# Then I should see "Question Multiple choice" |
# And I check the "Answer true" radio button |
# And wait for the page to be loaded |
# Then I follow "Next question" |
# And wait for the page to be loaded |
# Then I select "A" from select with label "Answer A" |
# Then I select "B" from select with label "Answer B" |
Then I follow "End test" |
Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20" |
Scenario: Check exercise result |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Exercise 1" |
And I follow "Edit" |
And I follow "Results and feedback" |
Then I should see "Learner score" |
And wait for the page to be loaded |
And I follow "Grade activity" |
Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20" |
Scenario: Duplicate exercise |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Copy this exercise as a new one" |
And I confirm the popup |
Then I should see "Exercise copied" |
And I should see "Exercise 1 - Copy" |
# And I check the "Answer true" radio button |
# And wait for the page to be loaded |
# Then I follow "Next question" |
# And wait for the page to be loaded |
# Then I select "A" from "choice_id_3_1" |
# Then I select "B" from "choice_id_3_2" |
# Then I follow "End test" |
# Then I should see "Score for the test: 40 / 40" |
Scenario: Delete an exercise |
Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
And I follow "Delete" |
And I confirm the popup |
Then I should see "The test has been deleted" |
# Scenario: Check exercise result |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Exercise 1" |
# And I follow "Edit" |
# And I follow "Results and feedback" |
# Then I should see "Learner score" |
# And wait for the page to be loaded |
# And I follow "Grade activity" |
# Then I should see "Score for the test: 20 / 20" |
# |
# Scenario: Duplicate exercise |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Copy this exercise as a new one" |
# And I confirm the popup |
# Then I should see "Exercise copied" |
# And I should see "Exercise 1 - Copy" |
# |
# Scenario: Delete an exercise |
# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP" |
# And I follow "Delete" |
# And I confirm the popup |
# Then I should see "The test has been deleted" |