Added Excel question import from Dokeos 2 (initially developed by iflores, carefully reviewed for fixes and improvements)

ywarnier 14 years ago
parent 4314b1cc74
commit e2128fa522
  1. 4
  2. 32
  3. 51
  4. BIN
  5. 296
  6. BIN
  7. BIN
  8. 271
  9. 1088

@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ if ($show == 'result' && $_REQUEST['comments'] == 'update' && ($is_allowedToEdit
$message = str_replace("#url#", $url, $mess);
$mess = $message;
$headers = " MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n";
$headers .= "User-Agent: Dokeos/1.6";
$headers .= "User-Agent: Chamilo/1.8";
$headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit";
$headers .= 'From: ' . $from_name . ' <' . $from . '>' . "\r\n";
$headers = "From:$from_name\r\nReply-to: $to";
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ if ($is_allowedToEdit && $origin != 'learnpath') {
echo '<a href="hotpotatoes.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_hotpotatoes.png', get_lang('ImportHotPotatoesQuiz'),'','32').'</a>';
// link to import qti2 ...
echo '<a href="qti2.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_qti2.png', get_lang('ImportQtiQuiz'),'','32') .'</a>';
//echo '<a href="exercice.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&show=result&exercise_id='.$row['id'].'">' . Display :: return_icon('show_test_results.gif', get_lang('Results')) . get_lang('Results') . '</a>';
echo '<a href="upload_exercise.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_excel.png', get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz'),'','32') .'</a>';
// the actions for the statistics

@ -2616,6 +2616,38 @@ class Exercise {
<br />';
return $html;
* Create a quiz from quiz data
* @param string Title
* @param int Time before it expires (in minutes)
* @param int Type of exercise
* @param int Whether it's randomly picked questions (1) or not (0)
* @param int Whether the exercise is visible to the user (1) or not (0)
* @param int Whether the results are show to the user (0) or not (1)
* @param int Maximum number of attempts (0 if no limit)
* @param int Feedback type
* @return int New exercise ID
function create_quiz ($title, $expired_time = 0, $type = 2, $random = 0, $active = 1, $results_disabled = 0, $max_attempt = 0, $feedback = 3) {
$tbl_quiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
$expired_time = filter_var($expired_time,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$type = filter_var($type,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$random = filter_var($random,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$active = filter_var($active,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$results_disabled = filter_var($results_disabled,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$max_attempt = filter_var($max_attempt,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$feedback = filter_var($feedback,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$sid = api_get_session_id();
// Save a new quiz
$sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_quiz (title,type,random,active,results_disabled, ".
"max_attempt,start_time,end_time,feedback_type,expired_time, session_id) ".
" VALUES('".Database::escape_string($title)."',$type,$random,$active, ".
$rs = Database::query($sql);
$quiz_id = Database::get_last_insert_id();
return $quiz_id;

@ -1266,7 +1266,52 @@ abstract class Question
echo Display::div(get_lang("Question").' '.($counter_label).' : '.$this->question, array('id'=>'question_title', 'class'=>'sectiontitle'));
echo Display::div($this->description, array('id'=>'question_description'));
* Create a question from a set of parameters
* @param int Quiz ID
* @param string Question name
* @param int Maximum result for the question
* @param int Type of question (see constants at beginning of question.class.php)
* @param int Question level/category
function create_question ($quiz_id, $question_name, $max_score = 0, $type = 1, $level = 1) {
$tbl_quiz_question = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
$tbl_quiz_rel_question = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
$quiz_id = filter_var($quiz_id,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$max_score = filter_var($max_score,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT);
$type = filter_var($type,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$level = filter_var($level,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// Get the max position
$sql = "SELECT max(position) as max_position"
." FROM $tbl_quiz_question q INNER JOIN $tbl_quiz_rel_question r"
." ON = r.question_id"
." AND exercice_id = $quiz_id";
$rs_max = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$row_max = Database::fetch_object($rs_max);
$max_position = $row_max->max_position +1;
// Insert the new question
$sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_quiz_question"
." (question,ponderation,position,type,level) "
." VALUES('".Database::escape_string($question_name)."',"
." $max_score , $max_position, $type, $level)";
$rs = Database::query($sql);
// Get the question ID
$question_id = Database::get_last_insert_id();
// Get the max question_order
$sql = "SELECT max(question_order) as max_order "
."FROM $tbl_quiz_rel_question WHERE exercice_id = $quiz_id ";
$rs_max_order = Database::query($sql);
$row_max_order = Database::fetch_object($rs_max_order);
$max_order = $row_max_order->max_order + 1;
// Attach questions to quiz
$sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_quiz_rel_question "
." VALUES($question_id, $quiz_id, $max_order)";
$rs = Database::query($sql);
return $question_id;

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* Upload quiz: This script shows the upload quiz feature
* Initial work by Isaac flores on Nov 4 of 2010
* @package chamilo.exercise
// Language files that should be included
$language_file[] = 'learnpath';
$language_file[] = 'exercice';
// setting the help
$help_content = 'exercise_upload';
// including the global Dokeos file
require_once '../inc/';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileUpload.lib.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'formvalidator/FormValidator.class.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pear/excelreader/reader.php';
require_once 'exercise.class.php';
require_once 'question.class.php';
require_once 'unique_answer.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/learnpath.class.php';
require_once '../newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php';
// Security check
$is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true);
if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) {
// setting the tabs
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
$htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready( function(){
$(\"div.formw\").attr(\"style\",\"width: 73%;\");
// Action handling
// Display the header
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//so we are not in learnpath tool
Display :: display_header($nameTools, get_lang('Exercise'));
if (isset ($_GET['message'])) {
if (in_array($_GET['message'], array ('ExerciseEdited'))) {
Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang($_GET['message']));
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'css/default.css"/>';
// display the actions
echo '<div class="actions">';
echo lp_upload_quiz_actions();
echo '</div>';
// start the content div
echo '<div id="content_with_secondary_actions" class="gradient">';
// the main content
// close the content div
echo '</div>';
function lp_upload_quiz_actions() {
$lp_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']);
$return = "";
$return .= '<a href="exercice.php?'.api_get_cidReq().'">'.Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('BackToExercisesList'),'','32').'</a>';
$return .= '<a href="exercise_admin.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('new_exercice.png', get_lang('NewEx'),'','32').'</a>';
$return .= '<a href="question_create.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('new_question.png', get_lang('AddQ'),'','32').'</a>';
$return .= '<a href="hotpotatoes.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_hotpotatoes.png', get_lang('ImportHotPotatoesQuiz'),'','32').'</a>';
// link to import qti2 ...
$return .= '<a href="qti2.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_qti2.png', get_lang('ImportQtiQuiz'),'','32') .'</a>';
$return .= '<a href="upload_exercise.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('import_excel.png', get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz'),'','32') .'</a>';
return $return;
function lp_upload_quiz_secondary_actions() {
$lp_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']);
$return.= '';
$return.='<a href="exercice.php?show=result&' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . Display :: return_icon('reporting32.png', get_lang('Tracking')) . get_lang('Tracking') . '</a>';
return $return;
function lp_upload_quiz_main() {
// Database table definition
global $_course;
$table_document = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT, $_course['dbName']);
$propTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
// variable initialisation
$lp_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']);
$form = new FormValidator('upload', 'POST', api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&lp_id=' . $lp_id, '', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"');
$form->addElement('html', '<div><h3>' .Display::return_icon('import_excel.png', get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz'),array('style'=>'margin-bottom:-2px;'),32). get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz') . '</h3><div><input type="file" name="user_upload_quiz" id="user_upload_quiz_id" size="20" /></div></div>');
//button send document
$form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submit_upload_quiz', get_lang('Validate'), 'class="upload"');
// Display the upload field
echo '<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2"cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr>';
echo '<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 25%;">';
echo '<a href="../exercice/quiz_template.xls">'.Display::return_icon('export_excel.png', get_lang('DownloadExcelTemplate'),null,16).get_lang('DownloadExcelTemplate').'';
echo '</a>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '</td></tr></tbody></table>';
* Handles a given Excel spreadsheets as in the template provided
function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling() {
global $charset, $_course, $_user, $debug;
if (!isset($_POST['submit_upload_quiz'])) {
// Get the extension of the document.
$path_info = pathinfo($_FILES['user_upload_quiz']['name']);
// Check if the document is an Excel document
if ($path_info['extension'] != 'xls') {
// Read the Excel document
$data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
// Set output Encoding.
// Reading the xls document.
// Variables
$quiz_index = 0;
$question_title_index = array();
$question_name_index_init = array();
$question_name_index_end = array();
$score_index = array();
$feedback_true_index = array();
$feedback_false_index = array();
$number_questions = 0;
// Reading all the first column items sequencially to create breakpoints
for ($i = 1; $i < $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
if ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Quiz' && $i == 1) {
$quiz_index = $i; // Quiz title position, only occurs once
} elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Question') {
$question_title_index[] = $i; // Question title position line
$question_name_index_init[] = $i + 1; // Questions name 1st position line
} elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Score') {
$question_name_index_end[] = $i - 1; // Question name position
$score_index[] = $i; // Question score position
} elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'FeedbackTrue') {
$feedback_true_index[] = $i; // FeedbackTrue position
} elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'FeedbackFalse') {
$feedback_false_index[] = $i; // FeedbackFalse position
// Variables
$quiz = array();
$question = array();
$answer = array();
$new_answer = array();
$score_list = array();
$feedback_true_list = array();
$feedback_false_list = array();
// Get questions
$k = $z = $q = $l = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
if (is_array($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i])) {
$column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i];
// Fill all column with data
for ($x = 1; $x <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $x++) {
if (empty($column_data[$x])) {
$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$x] = '';
// Array filled with data
$column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i];
} else {
$column_data = '';
// Fill quiz data
if ($quiz_index == $i) { // The title always in the first position
$quiz = $column_data;
} elseif (in_array($i, $question_title_index)) {
$question[$k] = $column_data;
} elseif (in_array($i, $score_index)) {
$score_list[$z] = $column_data;
} elseif (in_array($i, $feedback_true_index)) {
$feedback_true_list[$q] = $column_data;
} elseif (in_array($i, $feedback_false_index)) {
$feedback_false_list[$l] = $column_data;
// Get answers
for ($i = 0; $i < count($question_name_index_init); $i++) {
for ($j = $question_name_index_init[$i]; $j <= $question_name_index_end[$i]; $j++) {
if (is_array($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j])) {
$column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j];
// Fill all column with data
for ($x = 1; $x <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $x++) {
if (empty($column_data[$x])) {
$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j][$x] = '';
$column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j];
// Array filled of data
if (is_array($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j]) && count($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j]) > 0) {
$new_answer[$i][$j] = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j];
$quiz_title = $quiz[2]; // Quiz title
if ($quiz_title != '') {
// Variables
$type = 2;
$random = $active = $results = $max_attempt = $expired_time = 0;
$feedback = 3;
// Quiz object
$quiz_object = new Exercise();
$quiz_id = $quiz_object->create_quiz($quiz_title, $expired_time, $type, $random, $active, $results, $max_attempt, $feedback);
// insert into the item_property table
api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_QUIZ, $quiz_id, 'QuizAdded', api_get_user_id());
// Import questions
for ($i = 0; $i < $number_questions; $i++) {
// Create questions
$question_title = $question[$i][2]; // Question name
if ($question_title != '') {
$question_id = Question::create_question($quiz_id, $question_title);
$unique_answer = new UniqueAnswer();
if (is_array($new_answer[$i])) {
$id = 1;
$answers_data = $new_answer[$i];
foreach ($answers_data as $answer_data) {
$answer = $answer_data[2];
$correct = 0;
$score = 0;
$comment = '';
if (strtolower($answer_data[3]) == 'x') {
$correct = 1;
$score = $score_list[$i][3];
if ($id == 1) {
$comment = $feedback_true_list[$i][2];
} elseif ($id == 2) {
$comment = $feedback_false_list[$i][2];
// Create answer
$unique_answer->create_answer($id, $question_id, $answer, $comment, $score, $correct);
if (isset($_SESSION['lpobject'])) {
if ($debug > 0) {
error_log('New LP - SESSION[lpobject] is defined', 0);
$oLP = unserialize($_SESSION['lpobject']);
if (is_object($oLP)) {
if ($debug > 0) {
error_log('New LP - oLP is object', 0);
if ((empty($oLP->cc)) OR $oLP->cc != api_get_course_id()) {
if ($debug > 0) {
error_log('New LP - Course has changed, discard lp object', 0);
$oLP = null;
} else {
$_SESSION['oLP'] = $oLP;
$lp_found = true;
if (isset($_SESSION['oLP']) && isset($_GET['lp_id'])) {
$previous = $_SESSION['oLP']->select_previous_item_id();
$parent = 0;
// Add a Quiz as Lp Item
$_SESSION['oLP']->add_item($parent, $previous, TOOL_QUIZ, $quiz_id, $quiz_title, '');
// Redirect to home page for add more content
header('location: ../newscorm/lp_controller.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=add_item&type=step&lp_id=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['lp_id']).'&session_id='.api_get_session_id());
} else {
// header('location: exercice.php?' . api_get_cidreq());
echo '<script>window.location.href = "admin.php?'.api_get_cidReq().'&exerciseId='.$quiz_id.'&session_id='.api_get_session_id().'"</script>';

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 799 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.9 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
define('ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS', 0x30);
define('BIG_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x200);
define('SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x40);
define('EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x44);
define('NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x48);
define('SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD', 0x1000);
// property storage offsets
define('SIZE_OF_NAME_POS', 0x40);
define('TYPE_POS', 0x42);
define('START_BLOCK_POS', 0x74);
define('SIZE_POS', 0x78);
define('IDENTIFIER_OLE', pack("CCCCCCCC",0xd0,0xcf,0x11,0xe0,0xa1,0xb1,0x1a,0xe1));
//echo bin2hex($data[ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS])."\n";
//echo "a=";
//echo $data[ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS];
//function log
function GetInt4d($data, $pos)
$value = ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos+1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos+2]) << 16) | (ord($data[$pos+3]) << 24);
if ($value>=4294967294)
return $value;
class OLERead {
var $data = '';
function OLERead(){
function read($sFileName){
// check if file exist and is readable (Darko Miljanovic)
if(!is_readable($sFileName)) {
$this->error = 1;
return false;
$this->data = @file_get_contents($sFileName);
if (!$this->data) {
$this->error = 1;
return false;
//echo 'start';
if (substr($this->data, 0, 8) != IDENTIFIER_OLE) {
$this->error = 1;
return false;
$this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS);
$this->sbdStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, SMALL_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCK_POS);
$this->rootStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS);
$this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS);
$this->numExtensionBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS);
echo $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks." ";
echo $this->sbdStartBlock." ";
echo $this->rootStartBlock." ";
echo $this->extensionBlock." ";
echo $this->numExtensionBlocks." ";
//echo "sbdStartBlock = $this->sbdStartBlock\n";
$bigBlockDepotBlocks = array();
// echo "pos = $pos";
$bbdBlocks = $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks;
if ($this->numExtensionBlocks != 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $bbdBlocks; $i++) {
$bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);
$pos += 4;
for ($j = 0; $j < $this->numExtensionBlocks; $j++) {
$pos = ($this->extensionBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
$blocksToRead = min($this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks - $bbdBlocks, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1);
for ($i = $bbdBlocks; $i < $bbdBlocks + $blocksToRead; $i++) {
$bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);
$pos += 4;
$bbdBlocks += $blocksToRead;
if ($bbdBlocks < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks) {
$this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);
// var_dump($bigBlockDepotBlocks);
// readBigBlockDepot
$pos = 0;
$index = 0;
$this->bigBlockChain = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks; $i++) {
$pos = ($bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
//echo "pos = $pos";
for ($j = 0 ; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) {
$this->bigBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);
$pos += 4 ;
//echo '=====2';
// readSmallBlockDepot();
$pos = 0;
$index = 0;
$sbdBlock = $this->sbdStartBlock;
$this->smallBlockChain = array();
while ($sbdBlock != -2) {
$pos = ($sbdBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
for ($j = 0; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) {
$this->smallBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos);
$pos += 4;
$sbdBlock = $this->bigBlockChain[$sbdBlock];
// readData(rootStartBlock)
$block = $this->rootStartBlock;
$pos = 0;
$this->entry = $this->__readData($block);
while ($block != -2) {
$pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
$this->entry = $this->entry.substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
$block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];
//echo '==='.$this->entry."===";
function __readData($bl) {
$block = $bl;
$pos = 0;
$data = '';
while ($block != -2) {
$pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
$data = $data.substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
//echo "pos = $pos data=$data\n";
$block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];
return $data;
function __readPropertySets(){
$offset = 0;
while ($offset < strlen($this->entry)) {
$d = substr($this->entry, $offset, PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
$nameSize = ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS]) | (ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS+1]) << 8);
$type = ord($d[TYPE_POS]);
//$maxBlock = strlen($d) / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
$startBlock = GetInt4d($d, START_BLOCK_POS);
$size = GetInt4d($d, SIZE_POS);
$name = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $nameSize ; $i++) {
$name .= $d[$i];
$name = str_replace("\x00", "", $name);
$this->props[] = array (
'name' => $name,
'type' => $type,
'startBlock' => $startBlock,
'size' => $size);
if (($name == "Workbook") || ($name == "Book")) {
$this->wrkbook = count($this->props) - 1;
if ($name == "Root Entry") {
$this->rootentry = count($this->props) - 1;
//echo "name ==$name=\n";
function getWorkBook(){
if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD){
// getSmallBlockStream(PropertyStorage ps)
$rootdata = $this->__readData($this->props[$this->rootentry]['startBlock']);
$streamData = '';
$block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock'];
//$count = 0;
$pos = 0;
while ($block != -2) {
$pos = $block * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE;
$streamData .= substr($rootdata, $pos, SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE);
$block = $this->smallBlockChain[$block];
return $streamData;
$numBlocks = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] % BIG_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) {
if ($numBlocks == 0) return '';
//echo "numBlocks = $numBlocks\n";
//byte[] streamData = new byte[numBlocks * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE];
$streamData = '';
$block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock'];
//$count = 0;
$pos = 0;
//echo "block = $block";
while ($block != -2) {
$pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE;
$streamData .= substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
$block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block];
//echo 'stream'.$streamData;
return $streamData;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff