msgid "While recording, you can pause whenever you want. If you are not satisfied, register again. This will overwrite the previous version. Satisfied ? To send the recording to your teacher, click on “Stop recording” then select “End exercise”. The teacher will be able to listen to your recording and give you feedback! All your transmitted recordings can be viewed on the exercise home page."
msgstr "Während der Aufnahme können Sie jederzeit pausieren. Wenn Sie nicht zufrieden sind, nehmen Sie erneut auf. Dadurch wird die vorherige Version überschrieben. Befriedigt ? Um die Aufzeichnung an Ihren Lehrer zu senden, klicken Sie auf „Aufzeichnung beenden“ und wählen Sie dann „Übung beenden“. Der Lehrer kann sich Ihre Aufnahme anhören und Ihnen Feedback geben! Alle von Ihnen übermittelten Aufzeichnungen können Sie auf der Übungshomepage einsehen."
msgid "Certificate of participation"
msgstr "Teilnahmebestätigung"
msgid "User has participate at a training session on the platforme %s from %s until %s"
msgstr "hat vom %s bis zum %s<br>an einer Online-Fortbildung auf der PARKUR-Plattform des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerk teilgenommen."
msgid "This preparation corresponds to a volume of approximately %s training hours."
msgstr "Diese Vorbereitung entspricht einem Zeitumfang von %s Stunden."
msgid "The following contents have been validated"
msgid "While recording, you can pause whenever you want. If you are not satisfied, register again. This will overwrite the previous version. Satisfied ? To send the recording to your teacher, click on “Stop recording” then select “End exercise”. The teacher will be able to listen to your recording and give you feedback! All your transmitted recordings can be viewed on the exercise home page."
msgstr "While recording, you can pause whenever you want. If you are not satisfied, register again. This will overwrite the previous version. Satisfied ? To send the recording to your teacher, click on “Stop recording” then select “End exercise”. The teacher will be able to listen to your recording and give you feedback! All your transmitted recordings can be viewed on the exercise home page."
msgid "Certificate of participation"
msgstr "Certificate of participation"
msgid "User has participate at a training session on the platforme %s from %s until %s"
msgstr "User has participate at a training session on the platforme %s from %s until %s"
msgid "This preparation corresponds to a volume of approximately %s training hours."
msgstr "This preparation corresponds to a volume of approximately %s training hours."
msgid "The following contents have been validated"
msgstr "The following contents have been validated"
msgid "While recording, you can pause whenever you want. If you are not satisfied, register again. This will overwrite the previous version. Satisfied ? To send the recording to your teacher, click on “Stop recording” then select “End exercise”. The teacher will be able to listen to your recording and give you feedback! All your transmitted recordings can be viewed on the exercise home page."
msgstr "Pendant l'enregistrement, vous pouvez faire une pause quand vous le souhaitez. Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait, enregistrez-vous à nouveau. Cela écrasera la version précédente. Satisfait ? Pour envoyer l'enregistrement à votre professeur, cliquez sur « Arrêter l'enregistrement » puis sélectionnez « Fin de l'exercice ». Le professeur pourra écouter votre enregistrement et vous donner son feedback ! Tous vos enregistrements transmis peuvent être consultés sur la page d'accueil de l'exercice."
msgid "Certificate of participation"
msgstr "Attestation <br>de participation"
msgid "User has participate at a training session on the platforme %s from %s until %s"
msgstr "a participé à une formation en ligne sur la plateforme %s. <br>Du %s au %s."
msgid "This preparation corresponds to a volume of approximately %s training hours."
msgstr "Cette préparation correspond à un volume d'environ %s heures de formation."
msgid "The following contents have been validated"
msgid "While recording, you can pause whenever you want. If you are not satisfied, register again. This will overwrite the previous version. Satisfied ? To send the recording to your teacher, click on “Stop recording” then select “End exercise”. The teacher will be able to listen to your recording and give you feedback! All your transmitted recordings can be viewed on the exercise home page."
msgstr ""
msgid "Certificate of participation"
msgstr ""
msgid "User has participate at a training session on the platforme %s from %s until %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "This preparation corresponds to a volume of approximately %s training hours."
msgstr ""
msgid "The following contents have been validated"