<p><i>Note: most #wxyz references are issue numbers you can find in <ahref="http://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/issues"target="_blank">our public bug tracking system</a>. Some references marked BT#xyz are developments made externally for BeezNest customers and integrated into Chamilo. The details of these tasks cannot be seen for confidentiality reasons, but the code change is public and can be reviewed by anyone.</i></p>
<p> </p>
<h1>Chamilo 1.9.6 - Mystery, 18th of April, 2013</h1>
<h1>Chamilo 1.9.6 - Rochefort, 1st of June, 2013</h1>
<h3>Release notes - summary</h3>
<p>Chamilo 1.9.6 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.4.</p>
<p>Chamilo 1.9.6 is a minor stable version with security patches and a series of improvements on top of 1.9.4.</p>
<h3>Release name</h3>
<p><ahref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery">Mystery</a> is a name we give new versions before we know their name. </p>
<p><ahref="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochefort_%28Belgique%29">Rochefort</a> is a small city in the South of Belgium, that has existed at least since year 1041 and has shown impressive resilience and stability, which we think 1.9.6 has reached as well. Rochefort's Brewery produces a very nice trappist beer exported even to Peru! As we are getting ready for a larger battle, getting Chamilo LMS every day to a larger community, we thought we'd make a last quiet stop and salute the little town where several contributors of Chamilo have set foot in the past.</p>
<li>Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in announcement, blog and chat tools - see <ahref="https://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/wiki/Security_issues">our security page for details</a></li>
<li>Fixed unreported design flaw in e-mail password resetter</li>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<li>Documents gallery now creates thumbnails to speed rendering up (#4536)</li>
<li>New "Impress" visualization for learning paths (#4595)</li>
<li>Show weight of current teacher's documents in session (#5298)</li>
<li>Added system trancking for homepage edition (#5597)</li>
<li>Show user data in admin tracking (#5723)</li>
<li>User import through CSV now accepts language (#5746)</li>
<li>Written assignments can be downloaded by teacher (#5805)</li>
<li>Online-text assignments can be downloaded by teacher (#5805)</li>
<li>Added improved permissions checker to installer to avoid HTTP 500 Server error page when entering the course on a Security Enhanced server (#5863)</li>
<li>Added feature to "Mark all as read" in social messaging (#6019)</li>
<li>Added return link on top of courses tree on homepage (#5986)</li>
<li>Set minimum certification score to 75 by default in gradebook (#6001)</li>
<li>Changed "Edit settings" label in groups edition (#6003)</li>
<li>Improved (visually) the procedure to add new friends in the social network (#6015)</li>
<li>Added "Re:[subject]" as title to answers in social messaging (#6018)</li>
<li>Authorize .psd files uploads in custom stylesheet uploads to avoid frustration (#6038)</li>
<li>Updated logo of all Chamilo styles with the new logo</li>
<h3>Third-Party Libraries additions/updates</h3>
<li>Fixed filter function in agenda tool (#2238)</li>
<li>Fixed bug preventing HotPotatoes exercises from opening for students (#3993)</li>
<li>Fixed missing conclusion text for exercises when seen from LP (#4227)</li>
<li>Fixed bug changing forum post as main thread when edited by admin (#4271)</li>
<li>Fixed bug preventing the creation of links in assignments description (#4374)</li>
<li>Fixed confusing message for expired session (#4797)</li>
<li>Fixed bug preventing import of large course backup files (#5334)</li>
<li>Fixed confusing Nanogong text in admin settings (#5400)</li>
<li>Fixed fonts size in Windows 7 (#5410)</li>
<li>Fixed messaging isolation bug in multi-URL installations (#5441)</li>
<li>Fixed bug importing backup copy (#5460)</li>
<li>Fixed bug in survey not showing questions when invitation sent by mail (#5529)</li>
<li>Fixed header in backup progress page (#5540)</li>
<li>Fixed teacher viewing more folders in drop-down list (#5555)</li>
<li>Fixed side panel not hiding in learning path when using through mobile device (#5563)</li>
<li>Fixed 1.9.4 installation bug (#5565)</li>
<li>Fixed wrong number of questions in survey list (#5567)</li>
<li>Fixed reverse numbering of courses and users in sessions reporting block (#5594)</li>
<li>Fixed users import from CSV in groups (#5603)</li>
<li>Fixed groups too visible (#5608)</li>
<li>Fixed score bug in exercise showing different scores to student and teacher (#5623)</li>
<li>Fixed bug preventing edition of groups (#5625)</li>
<li>Fixed visual bug in admin section, caused by mobile tweaks (#5660)</li>
<li>Fixed bug in course code handling when importing users through CSV in course (#5670)</li>
<li>Fixed crypto bug when upgrading from to 1.9.2 (#5685)</li>
<li>Fixed users edition bug after upgrading from to 1.9.2 (#5687)</li>
<li>Fixed wrong link in mail sent to user when a test has been reviewed by the teacher (#5697)</li>
<li>Fixed bug in teacher report chart in admin dashboard (#5713)</li>
<li>Fixed bug in end of HotPotatoes tests (#5719)</li>
<li>Fixed quick toolbar icons not showing nicely in IE (#5733)</li>
<li>Fixed e-mail sender for teacher announcements (#5738)</li>
<li>Fixed missing images after backup restoration (#5765)</li>
<li>Fixed bug preventing user from changing his stylesheet (#5767)</li>
<li>Fixed notice message in local.inc.php (#5769)</li>