@ -2,6 +2,33 @@ |
/* |
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
*/ |
$ToReviewXYZ = "%s to review (%s)"; |
$UnansweredXYZ = "%s unanswered (%s)"; |
$AnsweredXYZ = "%s answered (%s)+(%s)"; |
$UnansweredZ = "(%s) Unanswered"; |
$AnsweredZ = "(%s) Answered"; |
$CurrentQuestionZ = "(%s) Current question"; |
$ToReviewZ = "(%s) To review"; |
$ReturnToExerciseList = "Return to exercises list"; |
$ExerciseAutoLaunch = "Auto-launch for exercises"; |
$AllowFastExerciseEdition = "Enable exercise fast edition mode"; |
$Username = "Username"; |
$SignIn = "Sign in"; |
$YouAreReg = "Your are registered to"; |
$ManageQuestionCategories = "Manage global questions categories"; |
$ManageCourseFields = "Manage extra fields for courses"; |
$ManageQuestionFields = "Manage extra fields for questions"; |
$QuestionFields = "Questions fields"; |
$FieldLoggeable = "Field changes should be logged"; |
$EditExtraFieldWorkFlow = "Edit this field's workflow"; |
$SelectRole = "Select role"; |
$SelectAnOption = "Please select an option"; |
$CurrentStatus = "Current status"; |
$MyCourseCategories = "My courses categories"; |
$SessionsCategories = "Sessions categories"; |
$CourseSessionBlock = "Courses and sessions"; |
$Committee = "Committee"; |
$ModelType = "Exercise model type"; |
$YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourUsername = "Your password cannot be the same as your username"; |
$CheckEasyPasswords = "Check passwords too easy to guess"; |
$PasswordVeryStrong = "Very strong"; |