<li>Added a link to export courses in the "platform administrator -> courses list" entry (DT#4257)</li>
<li>Added a link to export courses in the "platform administrator > courses list" entry (DT#4257)</li>
<li>Added sessions history (optional access to previous sessions in read-only or read-write, for students)</li>
<li>Added advanced search in sessions: you can also search by session name, session category, tutor and visibility. (DT#5541)</li>
<li>Added an option to configure courses as "auto-registered" (every user has it in his courses list and is automatically subscribed)</li>
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<li>Added privacy for the chat tool in a sessions or groups context (DT#5558)</li>
<li>Added possibility to view glossary terms in exercises and learning paths (courses)</li>
<li>Reporting: notification of users who have never been active yet</li>
<li>Reporting: the additional user profile fields (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > profiling) can now be shown in the reporting screens</li>
<li>Reporting: the additional user profile fields (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > profiling) can now be shown in the reporting screens</li>
<li>Subscribing users in a course: you can now filter on addtional user profile fields when subscribing a user in a course (through user/subscribe_user.php) </li>
<li>Definition of wiki pages as tasks for students is now possible</li>
<li>Added feedback to student wiki pages, synchronized with their progress in the task</li>
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
<li>Added posibility to establish a max number of versions for each wiki page</li>
<li>Improved control of concurrent users in wiki</li>
<li>Improved the use of wiki pages such as student's portfolios (individual task)</li>
<li>Added an immediate redirection to the course after login when a user is enrolled only in one course (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > configuration settings > training)- DT#3466</li>
<li>Added an immediate redirection to the course after login when a user is enrolled only in one course (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > configuration settings > training)- DT#3466</li>
<li>Added user's photo into users list interface - DT#5496</li>
<li>Disabled trainer/tutor name field in create course form, set to current user's name by default. Can be modified into course settings - DT#5496 </li>
<li>Added option to export the training list to CSV in Administration > Training - DT#4256</li>
<li>Added option to export the training list to CSV in Administration > Training - DT#4256</li>
<li>Added user tags in social network - DT#5508</li>
<p> Are you interested in translating the installation guide to your own language? The best way to proceed is to ask us on the <ahref="http://forum.chamilo.org">Chamilo forum</a>
for the latest version – there may be updates to the guide since
this version was released – and send new translations off to the <ahref="mailto:translation@dokeos.com">translation@dokeos.com</a> email address. </p>
this version was released – and send new translations off to the <ahref="mailto:translation@chamilo.com">translation@chamilo.com</a> email address. </p>
<ahref="license.html">GNU General Public License Version 2</a>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ From now on, we will refer to red5 home directory by $RED5_HOME.
[1] http://osflash.org/red5
1.2. Dokeos Red5 Application
1.2. Chamilo Red5 Application
To install either the recorder or the videoconference application, the only step that needs to be done is to copy the .war file in the $RED5_HOME/webapps directory.
You have to restart red5 to get the applications deployed inside red5. You can install both applications inside red5. They can run together
<p>If you are reluctant to modify your Apache configuration, alternately you may do at step 4 the following:
copy mimetex.exe (for windows) or mimetex.cgi (for linux) from <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i> directory to your <i>cgi-bin/</i></p>
copy mimetex.exe (for windows) or mimetex.cgi (for linux) from <i>chamilo/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i> directory to your <i>cgi-bin/</i></p>
<li>5. Make sure that the file mimetex.cgi (or mimetex.exe) has right to be executed by the web-server process. For example, on a Ubuntu Linux system you may write a command like the following:</li>
<p>Chamilo is an elearning and course management web application,<br/>
and is free software (GNU GPL). It's translated into 30 languages,<br/>
and is free software (GNU/GPLv2). It's translated into more 30 languages,<br/>
SCORM compliant, and light and flexible.</p>
SCORM compatible, light and flexible.</p>
<p>Chamilo supports many different kinds of learning and collaboration activities.<br/>
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<p>Technically, Chamilo is a web application written in PHP that stores data in a <br/>
MySQL database. Users access it using a web browser.</p>
MySQL database. Users access it using a web browser. The first stable version of Chamilo, Salto, is based on the Dokeos code and is meant to be the next software step for institutions currently using Dokeos.</p>
<p>If you would like to know more or help develop this software, please visit<br/>
@ -50,10 +50,12 @@
Chamilo FREE imports Scorm 1.2 contents.<br/>
For more information on Scorm normalisation, see http://www.adlnet.org<br/>
Chamilo does not implement the full set of SCORM 1.2 specifications, as many are not mandatory. Check our website for more details.<br/>
<p>Chamilo is distributed under the GNU General Public license (GPL).<br/>
<p>Chamilo is distributed under the GNU General Public license (GNU/GPLv2).<br/>
Read the <ahref="licence.html">GNU General Public license (GPL)</a> .</p>
@ -90,45 +92,44 @@
<li> Mac OS X 10.3</li>
We officially recommend Debian and Ubuntu operating systems for their security, community and availability to the public.<br/>
<p>Email functions remain silent on systems where there is no mail sending software<br/>
<p>E-mail functions remain silent on systems where there is no mail sending software<br/>
(Sendmail, Postfix, Hamster...), which is the case by default on a Windows machine.</p>
<p>Chamilo imports Scorm compliant learning contents. It imports then "On the shelve"<br/>
<p>Chamilo imports SCORM 1.2 compliant learning contents. It imports then "On the shelve"<br/>
contents from many companies : NETg, Skillsoft, Explio, Microsoft, Macromedia, etc.</p>
contents from many companies : NETg, Skillsoft, Explio, Microsoft, Macromedia, etc.</p>
<p>Admin interface imports users through CSV and XML. You can create a CSV file from<br/>
a list of users in MSExcel. OpenOffice can export to both CSV and XML formats.<br/>
a list of users in MS-Excel. OpenOffice can export to both CSV and XML formats.<br/>
Many database management systems, like Oracle, SAP, Access, SQL-Server, LDAP ...<br/>
export to CSV and/or XML.</p>
<p>Chamilo includes a LDAP module that allows admin to deactivate MySQL authentication<br/>
<p>Chamilo includes a LDAP module that allows admin to disable database authentication<br/>
and replace it by connection to a LDAP directory.</p>
<p>Client side, Chamilo runs on any browser : Firefox, MS Internet Explorer (5.0+), Netscape (4.7+),<br/>
Mozilla (1.2+), Safari, Opera, ...</p>
Mozilla (1.2+), Safari, Opera, ...<br/>For better user experience, we recommend Firefox 3.5+ (you can download it freely from <ahref="http://getfirefox.com">http://getfirefox.com</a>).</p>
<p>Chamilo is also a consulting company helping companies in their e-learning projects and selling Chamilo PRO and Chamilo MEDICAL.<br/>
<p>Chamilo is also an association, backed up by a network of private partners to help companies in their e-learning projects. This network also promotes professional versions of Chamilo, which include additional features and a complete package of services (see http://www.chamilo.org/providers for more details)</p>