$YouDoNotHaveAnySessionInItsHistory = "You do not have any training session in its history";
$PortalHomepageDefaultIntroduction = "<h2>Congratulations! You have successfully installed your e-learning portal!</h2><p>You can now complete the installation by following three easy steps:<br/><ol><li>Configure you portal by going to the administration section, and select the Portal -> <ahref=\"main/admin/settings.php\">Configuration settings</a> entry.</li><li>Add some life to your portal by creating users and/or training. You can do that by inviting new people to create their accounts or creating them yourself through the <ahref=\"main/admin/\">administration</a>'s Users and Training sections.</li><li>Edit this page through the <ahref=\"main/admin/configure_homepage.php\">Edit portal homepage</a> entry in the administration section.</li></ol><p>You can always find more information about this software on our website: <ahref=\"http://www.chamilo.org\">http://www.chamilo.org</a>.</p><p>Have fun, and don't hesitate to join the community and give us feedback through <ahref=\"http://www.chamilo.org/forum\">our forum</a>.</p>";
@ -814,4 +814,29 @@ $CleanCalendar = "Clean the calendar of all lists";
$AttendanceCalendarDescription = "The attendance calendar allows you to register attendance lists (one per real session the students need to attend). Add new attendance lists here.";
$CalendarList = "Calendar list of attendances";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "There is no date/time registered yet";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Dashboard plugins have been updated sucessfully";
$Send2All = "No seleccionó ningún usuario / grupo. Este item será visible por todos los usuarios.";
$Wiki = "Wiki del grupo";
$Wiki = "Wiki";
$Complete = "Completado";
$Incomplete = "Sin completar";
$reservation = "reservar";
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ $EnableDashboardBlock = "Habilitar bloque del panel de control";
$ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins = "No hay habilitado ningún plugin en el panel de control";
$Enabled = "Habilitado";
$ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "¿ Cuál es el progreso actual que ha alcanzado con sus alumnos en el curso? ¿Cuánto resta para completar el programa del curso?";
$ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Avance del historial";
$ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Historial del avance temático";
$Homepage = "Página principal";
$Attendances = "Asistencia";
$CountDoneAttendance = "# asistencias";
@ -816,4 +816,27 @@ $CalendarList = "Lista de calendario";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "No hay fecha/hora registrada todavía";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Los plugins del panel de control han sido actualizados correctamente";
$LoginEnter = "Entrar";
$ToolCourseDescription = "Descripción del curso";
$ToolDocument = "Documentos";
$ToolLearnpath = "Lecciones";
$ToolLink = "Enlaces";
$ToolQuiz = "Ejercicios";
$ToolAnnouncement = "Anuncios";
$ToolGradebook = "Evaluaciones";
$ToolGlossary = "Glosario";
$ToolAttendance = "Asistencias";
$ToolCalendarEvent = "Agenda";
$ToolForum = "Foros";
$ToolDropbox = "Compartir documentos";
$ToolUser = "Usuarios";
$ToolGroup = "Grupos";
$ToolChat = "Chat";
$ToolStudentPublication = "Tareas";
$ToolSurvey = "Encuestas";
$ToolWiki = "Wiki";
$ToolNotebook = "Notas personales";
$ToolBlogManagement = "Gestión de blogs";
$ToolTracking = "Informes";
$ToolCourseSetting = "Configuración del curso";
$ToolCourseMaintenance = "Mantenimiento del curso";