[svn r19426] DLTT import

Carlos Vargas 16 years ago
parent 5705017e31
commit f88ce154b4
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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langClarContent = "<p><b>Teacher</b></p><p>Dokeos is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the teacher to organise learning materials, learning paths and to manage the interaction with his/her students. All this is made inside the web browser.</p><p>To use Dokeos as a teacher, you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organisation. Note that a login and a password never contain spaces or acents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a course (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organisation.</p><p>To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course:<ol><li>If he/she is not yet registered in the system, register him/her and select \'Teacher\' as a profile,</li><li>If he/she is already registered in the system, temporarily open course subscription in Course settings and ask him/her to enroll in your course. Then edit his/her profile and give him/her Teacher rights.</li></ol></p><p>Every Dokeos tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don\'t find there the good information, consider checking the Dokeos documentation page: <a href=\\\"http://www.dokeos.com/documentation.php\\\">http://www.dokeos.com/documentation.php</a> and download the teacher manual. in your own language or in English</p><p><b>Student</b></p><p>This portal allows you to follow and participate to courses, trainings, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, casesbased learning, collaborative research etc.Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.</p><p>Registration process can vary from one organisation to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.</p>";
$langClarContent = "<p><b>Teacher</b></p><p>Dokeos is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the teacher to organize learning materials, courses and to manage the interaction with his/her students. All this is made inside the web browser.</p><p>To use Dokeos as a teacher, you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organization. Note that a login and a password will never contain spaces or accents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a course (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organization.</p><p>To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course:<ol><li>If he/she is not yet registered in the system, register him/her and select \'Teacher\' as a profile,</li><li>If he/she is already registered in the system, temporarily open course subscription in Course settings and ask him/her to enroll in your course. Then edit his/her profile and give him/her Teacher rights.</li></ol></p><p>Every Dokeos tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don\'t find there the good information, consider checking the Dokeos documentation page: <a href=\\\"http://www.dokeos.com/documentation.php\\\">http://www.dokeos.com/documentation.php</a> and download the teacher manual. in your own language or in English</p><p><b>Student</b></p><p>This portal allows you to follow and participate to courses, trainings, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, case-based learning, collaborative research etc.Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.</p><p>Registration process can vary from one organization to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.</p>";
$test = "test";
$WCAGImage = "Image";
$WCAGLabel = "Image label";

@ -374,15 +374,15 @@ $StudentPublications = "Assignments";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Deleted files cannot be restored";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored";
$ClassName = "Class name";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Documents sharing: Maximum file size of a document";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a Documents Sharing space document be?";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Documents sharing: Can documents be overwritten";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Maximum file size of a document";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a dropbox document be?";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a students or teacher uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Documents sharing: Upload to own documents sharing space?";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow teachers and student to upload documents to their own documents sharing space without sending them to anyone (=sending the documents to themselves)";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Documents sharing: Student <-> Student";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox space?";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow teachers and student to upload documents to their dropbox without sending the documents to themselves";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Dropbox: Student <-> Student";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow students to send documents to other students (peer 2 peer, P2P exchange). Students might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, solutions, ...). If you disable this then the student can only send documents to the teachers";
$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Documents sharing: Allow mailing";
$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Dropbox: Allow mailing";
$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each student a personal document";
$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permissions for new directories";
$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.";
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ $PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name";
$InsertThisLink = "Insert this link";
$FirstPlace = "First place";
$After = "after";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Documents sharing: allow group";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: allow group";
$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups ";
$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ $langActiveExtensions = "Activate this service";
$langVisioconf = "Visio-conference";
$langVisioconfDescription = "Dokeos Live Conferencing® is a standard tool of visioconference which offers : displaying of diapos, whiteboard to draw and write, audio/video duplex, chat. It requires just the Flash® player and permits to use three modes : one2one, one2many et many2many. ";
$langPpt2lp = "Oogie-Woogie Rapid Learning";
$langPpt2lpDescription = "Oogie-Woogie is a Rapid Learning tool. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and Word documents and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you are in the Dokeos Learning Path management tool and able to add audio on slides and pages, tests between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching. The system combines the power of Openoffice as a MS-Office documents conversion tool + RED5 streaming server for audio recording + Dokeos learning path management tool.";
$langPpt2lpDescription = "Oogie-Woogie is a Rapid Learning tool. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and Word documents and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you are in the Dokeos Courses management tool and able to add audio on slides and pages, tests between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching. The system combines the power of Openoffice as a MS-Office documents conversion tool + RED5 streaming server for audio recording + Dokeos learning path management tool.";
$langBandWidthStatistics = "Bandwidth statistics";
$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours.";
$ServerStatistics = "Server statistics";
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ $EmailMandatory = "The email cannot be empty";
$TabsMyAgenda = "My Agenda tab";
$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage";
$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Let those fields empty to hide the notice";
$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the learning path editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server\'s parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server\'s parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Character set";
$PlatformCharsetComment = "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Dokeos. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default iso-8859-15 should be alright.";
$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Extended profile fields in registration";
@ -890,8 +890,8 @@ $UserListInURL = "Users subscribed to this URL";
$UsersWereEdited = "The user accounts have been updated";
$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "You must select at least one user and one URL";
$UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL";
$LPTestScore = "Scores of learning path\'s tests";
$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Total average of tests from SCORM and learning paths";
$LPTestScore = "Scores of course tests";
$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Total average of tests from SCORM and courses";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users from a file";
$ImportCourses = "Import training from a file";
$ManageUsers = "Manage users";

@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$MyTasks = "My tasks";
$FavoriteBlogs = "My favorite blogs";
$FavoriteBlogs = "My projects";
$Navigation = "Navigation";
$TopTen = "Top ten blogs";
$TopTen = "Top ten";
$Subtitle = "Subtitle";
$ThisBlog = "This blog";
$ThisBlog = "This project";
$NewPost = "New article";
$TaskManager = "Task management";
$MemberManager = "Users management";
$PostFullText = "Text";
$ReadPost = "Read this post";
$Home = "Home";
$FirstPostText = "This is the first article in this blog. Now everybody subscribed to this blog is able to participate";
$FirstPostText = "This is the first article in this project. Everybody subscribed to this project is able to participate";
$AddNewComment = "Add a new comment";
$ReplyToThisComment = "Reply to this comment";
$ManageTasks = "Manage tasks";
$ManageMembers = "Subscribe / Unsubscribe the user in this blog";
$ManageMembers = "Subscribe / Unsubscribe the user in this project";
$Register = "Register";
$UnRegister = "Unregister";
$SubscribeMembers = "Subscribe users";
$UnsubscribeMembers = "Unsubscribe users";
$RightsManager = "Users rights management";
$ManageRights = "Manage roles and rights of this user in this blog";
$ManageRights = "Manage roles and rights of user in this project";
$Task = "Task";
$Tasks = "Tasks";
$Member = "Member";
@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ $SelectTask = "Task";
$SelectTargetDate = "Date";
$TargetDate = "Date";
$Color = "Color";
$TaskList = "Tasks in this blog";
$TaskList = "Tasks in this project";
$AssignedTasks = "Assigned tasks";
$ArticleManager = "Article manager";
$CommentManager = "Comment manager";
$BlogManager = "Blog manager";
$BlogManager = "Project manager";
$ReadMore = "Read more...";
$DeleteThisArticle = "Delete this article";
$EditThisPost = "Edit this post";
$DeleteThisComment = "Delete this comment";
$NoArticles = "At this time, there are no articles in this blog. If you are the author of this blog, click on the link \'new article\' to write a new one.";
$NoArticles = "At this time, there are no articles in this project. If you are the author of this project, click on link \'new article\' to write an article.";
$NoTasks = "You have no task to do at this time.";
$Rating = "Rating";
$RateThis = "Rate this article";
$SelectTaskArticle = "Select an article for this task";
$ExecuteThisTask = "Execute this task";
$WrittenBy = "Written by";
$InBlog = "In the blog";
$InBlog = "in the project";
$ViewPostsOfThisDay = "View posts of this day";
$PostsOf = "Posts of";
$NoArticleMatches = "No article have been found. Check the word spelling or try another search.";
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $langTask3 = "Task 3";
$langTask1Desc = "Task 1 description";
$langTask2Desc = "Task 2 description";
$langTask3Desc = "Task 3 description";
$blog_management = "Blog management";
$blog_management = "Project management";
$langWelcome = "Welcome !";
$langModule = "Module";
$langUserHasPermissionNot = "The user hasn\'t rights";
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ $langUserHasPermission = "The user has rights";
$langLegend = "Legend";
$langUserHasPermissionByRoleGroup = "The user has rights of its group";
$EditPost = "Edit an article";
$AddBlog = "Create a new blog";
$AddBlog = "Create a new project";
$EditBlog = "Edit the title and the subtitle";
$DeleteBlog = "Delete this blog";
$DeleteBlog = "Delete this project";
$NoTasks = "No tasks";
$Shared = "Shared";
$PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "Permission granted by group or role";

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $langCombinedCourse = "Combined course";
$ToolIsNowVisible = "The tool is now visible.";
$ToolIsNowHidden = "The tool is now invisible.";
$EditLink = "Edit link";
$Blog_management = "Blogs";
$Blog_management = "Projects";
$Forum = "Forums";
$Course_maintenance = "Maintenance";
$TOOL_SURVEY = "Surveys";

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ $langLastVisit = "Last visit";
$langSubscription = "Subscription";
$langCourseAccess = "Course access";
$langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup the course area?";
$langCreateSite = "Create a course area";
$langCreateSite = "Create training";
$langRestoreDescription = "The course is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the course recreated.";
$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
$langAvailableArchives = "Available archives list";
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ $CourseVisibilityModified = "Modified (more detailed settings specified through
$WorkEmailAlert = "Alert by e-mail on work submission";
$WorkEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail alert on new work submission";
$WorkEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on new work submission";
$DropboxEmailAlert = "Alert by e-mail on documents sharing submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail alert on new documents sharing submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on new documents sharing submission";
$DropboxEmailAlert = "Alert by e-mail on dropbox submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertActivate = "Activate e-mail alert on dropbox submission";
$DropboxEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on dropbox submission";
$AllowUserEditAgenda = "Allow users to edit course agenda";
$AllowUserEditAgendaActivate = "Activate course agenda edition by users";
$AllowUserEditAgendaDeactivate = "Disable course agenda edition by users";
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $QuizEmailAlertDeactivate = "Disable e-mail alert on new quiz answers submission
$AllowUserImageForum = "User picture in forum";
$AllowUserImageForumActivate = "Display users pictures in the forum";
$AllowUserImageForumDeactivate = "Hide users pictures in the forum";
$AllowLearningPathTheme = "Allow learning path theme";
$AllowLearningPathTheme = "Allow course theme";
$AllowLearningPathThemeAllow = "Allowed";
$AllowLearningPathThemeDisallow = "Disallowed";
$ConfigChat = "Chat settings";

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $langCreateBackupInfo = "Create a backup of this course. You can select the cour
$ToolIntro = "Tool introduction";
$UploadError = "Upload failed, please check maximum file size limits and folder rights.";
$DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Documents will be added too";
$ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "If you want to export a learning path containing a test, you have to make sure the corresponding tests are included in the export, so you have to select them in the list of tests.";
$ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "If you want to export a course containing a test, you have to make sure the corresponding tests are included in the export, so you have to select them in the list of tests.";
$ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The archives directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator.";
$DestinationCourse = "Destination course";

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ $ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from this
$NoCourseCategory = "No course category";
$EditCourseCategorySucces = "The course was added to the category";
$SubscribingNotAllowed = "Subscribing not allowed";
$CourseSortingDone = "Course sorting done";
$CourseSortingDone = "Courses sorted";
$ExistingCourseCategories = "Existing training categories";
$YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "You are now unsubscribed from the course";
$ViewOpenCourses = "View open courses";

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langProfessors = "Teachers";
$langExplanation = "Once you click OK, a website with Forum, Agenda, Documents manager, SCORM courses importa and authoring etc. will be created. Your login, as creator of the website, allows you to modify it along your own requirements.";
$langExplanation = "Once you click OK, a training is created with a Tests, Documents, Courses will be created. Your login as trainer allows you editing privileges.";
$langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your course code, see the Course Program";
$langCodeTaken = "This course code is already in use. <br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again";
$langFormula = "Yours sincerely";
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $langCreateCourseGroups = "Groups";
$langCatagoryMain = "Main";
$langCatagoryGroup = "Groups forums";
$langLn = "Language";
$langCreateSite = "Create a course area";
$langCreateSite = "Create training";
$langFieldsRequ = "All fields required";
$langEx = "e.g. <i>Innovation management</i>";
$langFac = "Category";
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $langDoubt = "If you doubt on your course code, consult ";
$langProgram = "Course Program</a>. If your course has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance <i>INNOVATION</i> if the course is about Innovation Management";
$langScormtool = "Courses";
$langScormbuildertool = "Scorm Path builder";
$langPathbuildertool = "Learning Path builder";
$langPathbuildertool = "Course builder";
$langOnlineConference = "Conference";
$langAgendaCreationTitle = "Course creation";
$langAgendaCreationContenu = "This course has been created on this moment.";

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $langEditDocument = "Edit";
$langDocuments = "Documents";
$langOrganiseDocuments = "Create table of contents";
$langEditTOC = "Edit table of contents";
$langChapter = "Chapter";
$langChapter = "Section";
$langDocumentList = "List of all documents";
$langOrganisationList = "Table of contents";
$langCreationSucces = "Table of contents successfully created.";
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $langHere = "here.";
$langViewDocument = "View";
$langHtmlTitle = "Table of contents";
$langAddToTOC = "Add to contents";
$langAddChapter = "Add chapter";
$langAddChapter = "Add section";
$langReady = "Generate table of contents";
$langStoreDocuments = "Store documents";
$langTocDown = "Down";
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ $lang_cut_paste_link = "No frames";
$langCreatePath = "Create a course";
$SendDocument = "Send document";
$langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Oogie : PowerPoint conversion";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "A PowerPoint to Learning Path converter";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "A PowerPoint to Courses converter";
$langAddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata";
$langGoMetadata = "Go";
$langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this course is";
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ $fileModified = "The file is modified";
$DocumentsOverview = "documents overview";
$ViewSlideshow = "Images gallery";
$Options = "Options";
$WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Oogie PowerPoint converter<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file<li>Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm learning path.<li>You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and inserts test between slides for evaluation";
$WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Oogie PowerPoint converter<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file<li>Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm course.<li>You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and inserts test between slides for evaluation";
$ConvertToLP = "Convert to Course";
$AdvancedSettings = "Advanced settings";
$AdvancedSettings = "Advanced settings";
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ $TemplateTitleGlossaryDescription = "List of term of the section ";
$TemplateTitleEvaluation = "Evaluation";
$TemplateTitleEvaluationDescription = "Evaluation";
$TemplateTitleCertificate = "Certificate of completion";
$TemplateTitleCertificateDescription = "To appear at the end of a learning path";
$TemplateTitleCertificateDescription = "To appear at the end of a course";
$TemplateTitleCheckList = "Checklist";
$TemplateTitleCourseTitle = "Course title";
$TemplateTitleLeftList = "Left list";

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$dropbox_lang["help"] = "Help";
$dropbox_lang["aliensNotAllowed"] = "Only course members can use the dropbox tool. You are not a member of this course.";
$dropbox_lang["dropbox"] = "Documents sharing";
$dropbox_lang["dropbox"] = "Drop Box";
$dropbox_lang["queryError"] = "Error in database query. Please contact your system administrator.";
$dropbox_lang["generalError"] = "An error has occured. Please contact your system administrator.";
$dropbox_lang["badFormData"] = "Submit failed: bad form data. Please contact your system administrator.";
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $dropbox_lang["mailingExamine"] = "Examine mailing zip-file";
$dropbox_lang["mailingNotYetSent"] = "Mailing content files have not yet been sent out...";
$dropbox_lang["mailingSend"] = "Send content files";
$dropbox_lang["mailingConfirmSend"] = "Send content files to individual destinations ?";
$dropbox_lang["mailingBackToDropbox"] = "(back to documents sharing\'s main window)";
$dropbox_lang["mailingBackToDropbox"] = "(back to dropbox main window)";
$dropbox_lang["mailingWrongZipfile"] = "Mailing must be zipfile with STUDENTID or LOGINNAME";
$dropbox_lang["mailingZipEmptyOrCorrupt"] = "Mailing zipfile is empty or not a valid zipfile";
$dropbox_lang["mailingZipPhp"] = "Mailing zipfile must not contain php files - it will not be sent";
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $dropbox_lang["justUploadInSelect"] = "---Just upload---";
$dropbox_lang["justUploadInList"] = "Upload by";
$dropbox_lang["giveFeedback"] = "Give / Edit Feedback";
$dropbox_lang["showFeedback"] = "Show Feedback";
$dropbox_lang["backList"] = "Go back to your documents sharing space";
$dropbox_lang["backList"] = "Return to dropbox";
$dropbox_lang["filingFolders"] = "View only folder";
$dropbox_lang["filingRefile"] = "Refile selected files as";
$dropbox_lang["filingSelected"] = "Received/Sent (original folder)";
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ $MailingSelectNoOther = "Mailing cannot be combined with other recipients";
$MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther = "Just Upload cannot be combined with other recipients";
$NoFilesHere = "No files here";
$NoFilesHere = "No files here";
$NewDropboxFileUploaded = "A new file has been sent in the documents sharing tool";
$NewDropboxFileUploadedContent = "A new file has been sent in the documents sharing tool of your course";
$NewDropboxFileUploaded = "A new file has been sent in the dropbox";
$NewDropboxFileUploadedContent = "A new file has been sent to the dropbox of your course";
$langAddEdit = "Add / Edit";
$ErrorNoFilesInFolder = "This folder is empty";
$dropbox_lang["upload"] = "Upload";

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $langYourResults = "Your results";
$langStudentResults = "Students\' scores";
$langExerciseType = "Test type";
$langExerciseName = "Test name";
$langExerciseDescription = "Test description + image/audio/video";
$langExerciseDescription = "Test description w/ (image/audio/video)";
$langSimpleExercise = "All questions on one page";
$langSequentialExercise = "One question per page (sequential)";
$langRandomQuestions = "Random questions";
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $YourScore = "Your score";
$Attempted = "Attempted";
$AssignMarks = "Assign a mark";
$Results = "Results";
$ExerciseStored = "The test structure has been saved.<br>Proceed by clicking on a question type, then completing the entering the appropriate information.";
$ExerciseStored = "The test structure has been saved. Proceed by clicking on a question type, then completing the entering the appropriate information.";
$ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox = "Choose at least one good answer";
$ExerciseEdited = "The exercise has been edited";
$ExerciseDeleted = "The exercise has been deleted";
@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ $ReachedMaxAttempts = "You cannot take test <b>%s</b> because you have already r
$AdvancedParameters = "Advanced parameters";
$RandomQuestionsToDisplay = "Number of random questions to display ";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "Number of random questions to display; let 0 to have all questions in the right order";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "The number of questions that will be picked randomly within the complete list of questions. Choose 0 in order no to randomize. <br />Choose the total number of questions to simply randomize them all.";
$RandomQuestionsHelp = "The number of questions to be chosen randomly from the complete question listing. Choose 0 for no randomization. <br />Choose the total number of questions present to randomize them all.";
$ExerciseAttempts = "Max number of attempts";
$DoNotRandomize = "Do not randomize";
$Infinite = "Infinite";
$BackToExercisesList = "Back to exercises";
$BackToExercisesList = "Back to tests";
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history";
$NoStartDate = "No start date";
$NoLogOfDuration = "No log of duration";
@ -280,9 +280,11 @@ $NewScore = "New score";
$NewComment = "New comment";
$ExerciseNoStartedYet = "The exercise didn\'t start yet";
$ExerciseNoStartedAdmin = "The admin didn\'t start the exercise yet";
$SelectTargetLP = "Select target learning path";
$SelectTargetLP = "Select target course";
$SelectTargetQuestion = "Select target question";
$DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "The quiz type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, as such, the type of such quiz cannot be changed afterwards.";
$CantShowResults = "Not available";
$CantViewResults = "Can\'t view results";
$ShowCorrectedOnly = "Show the corrected exercise";
$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "show the uncorrected exercise";

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ModifyEvaluation = "Save evaluation";
$CreateLink = "Create link";
$FlatView = "List view";
$ScoreEdit = "Score rules editing";
$ScoreEdit = "Scoring rules";
$ScoreColor = "Score color";
$ScoringSystem = "Scoring system";
$EnableScoreColor = "Enable score colouring";
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $Between = "between";
$CurrentCategory = "Course";
$RootCat = "Course";
$NewCategory = "New category";
$NewEvaluation = "Create assessment";
$NewEvaluation = "Add classroom assessment";
$Weight = "Weight";
$PickACourse = "Pick a training";
$CategoryName = "Category name";
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ $Max = "Max";
$DateEval = "Evaluation date";
$AddUserToEval = "Add users to evaluation";
$NewSubCategory = "New sub-category";
$MakeLink = "Make a link";
$MakeLink = "Add on-line assessment";
$DeleteSelected = "Delete selected";
$SetVisible = "Set visible";
$SetInvisible = "Set invisible";
$ChooseLink = "Choose link type";
$DokeosExercises = "Dokeos exercises";
$DokeosDropbox = "Doc sharing";
$DokeosDropbox = "Dropbox";
$DokeosStudentPublications = "Assignments";
$DokeosLearningPaths = "Courses";
$ChooseExercise = "Choose exercise";
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ $ViewResult = "View results";
$NoUser = "No user";
$NoResultsInEvaluation = "No results in evaluation for now";
$AddStudent = "Add users";
$ImportResult = "Import result set";
$ImportResult = "Import results";
$Score = "Ranking";
$ImportFileLocation = "Import file\'s path";
$ImportFileLocation = "Path to file";
$Location = "Location";
$FileType = "File type";
$ExampleCSVFile = "Example CSV file";
@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ $DeletedCategories = "Deleted categories";
$DeletedEvaluations = "Deleted evaluations";
$DeletedLinks = "Deleted links";
$TotalItems = "Total items";
$LinkAdded = "Link added";
$LinkAdded = "Assessment added";
$LinkDeleted = "Link deleted";
$EditEvaluation = "Edit evaluation";
$DeleteResult = "Delete result";
$DeleteResult = "Delete results";
$Display = "Grade";
$Average = "Average";
$ViewStatistics = "View statistics";
$ViewStatistics = "Statistics in graphical view";
$ResultAdded = "Result added";
$EvaluationStatistics = "Evaluation statistics";
$ExportResult = "Export results set";
$ExportResult = "Export results";
$EditResult = "Edit results";
$GradebookWelcomeMessage = "Welcome to the gradebook tool. This tool allow you to set achievable objectives for a course or a set of courses, and to introduce external scoring into the system.";
$CreateAllCat = "Create all the course categories";

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ $langRequestDenied = "The invitation has been rejected.";
$UsageDatacreated = "Usage data created";
$SessionView = "Display the courses ordered by sessions";
$CourseView = "Display the full list of the courses";
$DropboxFileAdded = "Documents sharing file added";
$DropboxFileAdded = "Dropbox file added";
$NewMessageInForum = "New message posted in the forum";
$FolderCreated = "New folder created";
$LinkAdded = "New link added";

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $lang_change_order = "Change order";
$lang_add_prereqi = "Add prerequisities";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Edit title & desc.";
$lang_delete = "Delete";
$lang_add_chapter = "Add chapter";
$lang_add_chapter = "Add section";
$lang_show_hide = "Show / hide";
$langLearnpathMystatus = "My status";
$langLearnpathCompstatus = "completed";
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $langLearnpathRestarted = "All the steps are now incomplete.";
$langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last step.";
$langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first step.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Add course";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Add chapters by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new course was successfully created. Add sections by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "edit learnpath";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Delete Course";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "Course has been edited";
@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ $lang_no_publish = "do not publish";
$lang_publish = "publish";
$lang_no_published = "not published";
$lang_published = "published";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a chapter";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a chapter to this course";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "The chapter was successfully created. Add steps by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit chapter description/title";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete chapter";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The learning path chapter was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The learning path chapter and all the steps it contained have been deleted";
$lang_nochapters = "No chapters added yet.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add steps to this chapter";
$lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a section";
$lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a section to this course";
$lang_learnpath_module_added = "The section was successfully created. Add steps by clicking on the cross.";
$lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit setion description/title";
$lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete section";
$lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The course section was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The course section and the steps it contained have been deleted";
$lang_nochapters = "No sectionss added yet.";
$lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add steps to this section";
$lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "The step has been deleted";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "Assign this/these steps to a chapter: ";
$lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "Assign this/these steps to a section: ";
$lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Edit step additional description/title";
$lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisities to this step";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete step";
@ -74,30 +74,30 @@ $lang_date = "Date";
$langBasicOverview = "Organize";
$langAdvanced = "Build";
$langDisplay = "Display";
$langNewChapter = "Add chapter";
$langNewChapter = "Add section";
$langNewStep = "Add step";
$langPrerequisites = "Prerequisites";
$langEditPrerequisites = "Edit the prerequisites of the current item";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Manipulate the current chapter";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Manipulate the current chapter";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Manipulate the current document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Manipulate the current link";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Manipulate the current exercise";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Edit the current assignment";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Enter the data of the new chapter";
$langEnterDataNewModule = "Enter the data of the new chapter";
$langTitleManipulateChapter = "Modify section";
$langTitleManipulateModule = "Modify section";
$langTitleManipulateDocument = "Edit document";
$langTitleManipulateLink = "Edit link";
$langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Edit test";
$langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Edit assignment";
$langEnterDataNewChapter = "Enter information of section";
$langEnterDataNewModule = "Enter information for section";
$langCreateNewStep = "Create a new step :";
$langNewDocument = "New document";
$langUseAnExistingResource = "Or use an existing resource :";
$langParent = "Parent";
$langPosition = "Position";
$langNewChapterCreated = "A new chapter has now been created. You may continue by adding a chapter or step.";
$langNewChapterCreated = "A new section has now been created. You may continue by adding a section or step.";
$langNewLinksCreated = "The new link has been created";
$langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "The new assignment has been created";
$langNewModuleCreated = "The new chapter has been created. You can now add a chapter or a step to it.";
$langNewModuleCreated = "The new section has been created. You can now add a section or a step to it.";
$langNewExerciseCreated = "The new exercise has been created.";
$langItemRemoved = "The item has been removed";
$langLearnPathAdded = "Your course has been successfully created in the left-hand column. Proceed by adding chapters and steps. The use of chapters is optional but will add sophistication to your structure.";
$langLearnPathAdded = "Your course has been successfully created in the left-hand column. Proceed by adding sections and steps. The use of sections is optional but will add sophistication to your structure.";
$langConverting = "Converting...";
$langPpt2lpError = "Error during the conversion of PowerPoint. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your PowerPoint.";
$langBuild = "Build";
@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ $langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
$langDone = "Done";
$langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the side menu";
$langNewDocumentCreated = "The new document has been created.";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current chapter";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current chapter";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Create the document";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current section";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current section";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Save document";
$langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Move the current document";
$langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Edit the current document";
$langWarning = "Warning !";
$langWarningEditingDocument = "When you edit an existing document in the Learning Path, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool.";
$langWarningEditingDocument = "When you edit an existing document in Courses, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool.";
$langDirectory = "Folder";
$langCreateTheExercise = "Create the exercise";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Move the current exercise";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current exercise";
$langUploadScorm = "SCORM and AICC import";
$langPowerPointConvert = "PowerPoint conversion";
$langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue you can add a chapter or a step to your learning path from the left menu.";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "Organize to re-arrange order of chapters and steps.Display to show the path of the course.Add chapter to add a chapter or sub-section.Add step to add a lesson or learning experience.";
$langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue you can add a section or a step to your course from the left menu.";
$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "Organize, to re-arrange order of sections and steps. Display, to show the path of the course. Add section, to add a sub-set. Add step, to add a lesson or learning experience.";
$langPrerequisitesAdded = "Prerequisites to the current step have been added.";
$langAddEditPrerequisites = "Add/edit prerequisites";
$langMinimum = "Minimum";
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Maximum";
$langNoDocuments = "No documents";
$langNoExercisesAvailable = "No tests available";
$langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available";
$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the learning path. Click on \"Build\" to create your learning path items.";
$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the course. Click on \"Build\" to create your course items.";
$FirstPosition = "First position";
$NewQuiz = "New test";
$CreateTheForum = "Add the forum";
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ $CreateANewForum = "Create a new forum";
$LinkAdd = "Add link";
$WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie : Word conversion";
$WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "MS Word to course converter";
$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome in the Woogie converter<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM learning path<li>You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between pages</ul>";
$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome in the Woogie converter<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM course<li>You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between pages</ul>";
$WoogieError = "Error during the conversion of the word document. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your document..";
$WordConvert = "MS Word conversion";
$Order = "Order";
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ $StudentResponse = "Student responses";
$LatencyTimeSpent = "Time spent";
$Result = "Result";
$SplitStepsPerPage = "A page a step";
$SplitStepsPerChapter = "A chapter a step";
$TakeSlideName = "Use the slides names for the learning path steps";
$SplitStepsPerChapter = "A section, a step";
$TakeSlideName = "Use the slides names for the course steps";
$CannotConnectToOpenOffice = "The connexion to the document converter failed. Please contact your platform administrator to fix the problem.";
$OogieConversionFailed = "The conversion failed. <br />Some documents are too complex to be threated automatically by the document converter. <br />We try to improve it.";
$OogieUnknownError = "The conversion failed for an unknown reason.<br />Please contact your administrator to get more information.";
@ -193,10 +193,10 @@ $OogieBadExtension = "Please upload presentations only. Filename should end with
$WoogieBadExtension = "Please upload text documents only. Filename should end with .doc, .docx or .odt";
$ShowAudioRecorder = "Show audio recorder";
$SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Dokeos. Please contact the Dokeos administrator.";
$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the learning path database, please use the following syntax:<br/>    <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \\\"exact phrase\\\"</i><br/> For example:<br/>    <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \\\"high consumption\\\".</i><br/> This will show all the results for the word \'car\' tagged as \'truck\', not including the word \'ferrari\' but including the word \'ford\' and the exact phrase \'high consumption\'.";
$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:<br/>    <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \\\"exact phrase\\\"</i><br/> For example:<br/>    <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \\\"high consumption\\\".</i><br/> This will show all the results for the word \'car\' tagged as \'truck\', not including the word \'ferrari\' but including the word \'ford\' and the exact phrase \'high consumption\'.";
$ViewLearningPath = "View course";
$SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags to add to the document, if indexing";
$ReturnToLearningPaths = "Return to lectures";
$ReturnToLearningPaths = "Back to courses";
$UploadMp3audio = "Upload Mp3 audio";
$UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Update audio links";
$LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile = "Leave empty to keep current file";

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $langListDeleted = "List has been deleted";
$langAddLink = "Add a link";
$langDelList = "Delete list";
$langModifyLink = "Edit Link";
$langCsvImport = "Import a CSV file";
$langCsvImport = "Import CSV";
$langCsvFileNotFound = "CSV import file could not be opened (e.g. empty, too big)";
$langCsvFileNoSeps = "CSV import file must use , or ; as listseparator";
$langCsvFileNoURL = "CSV import file must at least have columns URL and title";

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $lang_new_link = "new link added";
$lang_new_forum_topic = "new topic added";
$lang_new_groupforum_topic = "new topic added to group forum";
$lang_new_dropbox_file = "new file received";
$lang_update_dropbox_file = "file in your documents sharing space was updated";
$lang_update_dropbox_file = "a file in your dropbox was updated";
$ForumCategoryAdded = "Forum category added";
$LearnpathAdded = "Courses added";
$GlossaryAdded = "Added new term in the Glossary";

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $CourseMaterial = "Training material";
$CourseMaterialQuestions = "Is there a coursebook, a collection of papers, a bibliography, a list of links on the internet?";
$CourseMaterialInformation = "Short description of the course materials.";
$HumanAndTechnicalResources = "Resources";
$HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions = "What are the teachers, tutors, a technical helpdesk, assistants, and/or materials available?";
$HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions = "Consider the teachers, tutors, a technical helpdesk, assistants, and/or materials available?";
$HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation = "Identify and describe the different contact persons and technical devices available.";
$Assessment = "Evaluation";
$AssessmentQuestions = "How will users be evaluated? Are there strategies to develop in order to master the topic?";

@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ $langUserNumber = "number";
$langDownloadUserList = "Upload the list";
$langSend = "Send";
$langUserAddExplanation = "every line of file to send will necessarily an only include 5 fields: <b>First name   Last name    Login   Password    Email</b> separated by tabs and in this order. Users will receive email confirmation with login/password.";
$langUserMany = "Import a user list through a CSV / XML file";
$langUserMany = "Import a user list from CSV/XML file";
$langOneByOne = "Add user manually";
$langNow = "now";
$langTutor = "Coach";
$langTitular = "Author";
$langAddHereSomeCourses = "<font size=2 face=\'Arial, Helvetica\'><big>Modify training list</big><br><br>Check the trainings you want to follow.<br>Uncheck the ones you don\'t want to follow anymore.<br> Then click Ok at the bottom of the list";
$langStudent = "student";
$langImportUserList = "Import a list of users";
$langImportUserList = "Import list of users";
$langAddAU = "Add a user";
$langAddedU = "has been added. An email has been sent to give him his username ";
$langTheU = "The user";

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ $BackTo = "Back to";
$ExternalResources = "External resources";
$CourseResources = "Course resources";
$ExternalLink = "External link";
$DropboxAdd = "Add the dropbox to this chapter.";
$AddAssignmentPage = "Add the assignments tool to this chapter.";
$DropboxAdd = "Add the dropbox to this section.";
$AddAssignmentPage = "Add the assignments tool to this section";
$Exercise = "Tests";
$Link = "Links";
$AdValvas = "Announcements";
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ $IntroductionText = "Introduction text";
$CourseDescription = "Training description";
$Groups = "Groups";
$Users = "Users";
$IntroductionTextAdd = "Add a page containing the introduction text to this chapter.";
$CourseDescriptionAdd = "Add a page containing the training description to this chapter.";
$GroupsAdd = "Add the Groups tool to this chapter.";
$UsersAdd = "Add the Users tool to this chapter.";
$IntroductionTextAdd = "Add a page containing the introduction text to this section.";
$CourseDescriptionAdd = "Add a page containing the training description to this section.";
$GroupsAdd = "Add the Groups tool to this section.";
$UsersAdd = "Add the Users tool to this section.";
$ExportableCourseResources = "Exportable course resources";
$DokeosRelatedCourseMaterial = "Dokeos related course resources";
$LinkTarget = "Link\'s target";
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $NewWindow = "In a new window";
$StepDeleted1 = "This ";
$StepDeleted2 = "item was deleted in that tool.";
$Modify = "Edit";
$Chapter = "Chapter";
$Chapter = "Section";
$NoAgendaItems = "There are no Agenda items";
$AgendaAdd = "Add Agenda item";
$UserGroupFilter = "User group filter";

@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ $ContentMaker = "Course origin";
$ContentProximity = "Course location";
$UploadLocalFileFromGarbageDir = "Upload local file from main/garbage directory";
$ThisItemIsNotExportable = "This item is not scorm compatible for the moment. That\'s why it is not exportable.";
$MoveCurrentChapter = "Move the current chapter";
$MoveCurrentChapter = "Move the current section";
$GenericScorm = "Generic Scorm";
$UnknownPackageFormat = "The package format cannot be recognized. Please make sure it is well formed and doesn\'t contain errors. Problems may be due to proprietary ZIP format or transfer of long files. If unsure about the ZIP, please try to use minimal zipping features.";
$Attempt = "Attempt";
$MoveTheCurrentForum = "Move the current forum";
$WarningWhenEditingScorm = "Warning !<br /> When you edit the content of a scorm step, you may alter the reporting of the learning path or damage the step.";
$WarningWhenEditingScorm = "Warning !<br /> When you edit the content of a scorm step, you may alter the reporting of the course or damage the step.";

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langChapter = "Chapter";
$langChapter = "Section";
$langDocumentList = "Documents list";
$langOrganisationList = "Organization list";
$langEditTOC = "Edit TOC";
@ -39,23 +39,23 @@ $langRename = "rename";
$langCopy = "copy";
$langNameDir = "Name of the new directory";
$langDownloadFile = "Upload AICC or SCORM course ZIP file";
$learning_path_access = "click \'create learning path\' to delete/modify/show/hide/create/add a learning path";
$learning_path_access = "Click \'Courses\' to delete/modify/show/hide/create/add a course";
$langRoot = "root";
$langBuilder = "Course builder";
$lang_edit_learnpath = "Edit name/description";
$lang_add_title_and_desc = "Rename & add desc.";
$lang_add_learnpath = "Create a Course";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Now you can add modules to it. Click on its name to edit it.";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Delete learning path";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "The learning path was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "The learning path and all of its modules are deleted";
$lang_learnpath_added = "The course was successfully created. Now you can add sections to it. Click on the name to edit it.";
$lang_delete_learnpath = "Delete the course";
$lang_learnpath_edited = "The course was successfully edited";
$lang_learnpath_deleted = "The course and all of its sections have been deleted";
$lang_no_publish = "Hide from students";
$lang_publish = "Show for students";
$lang_no_published = "is now hidden from students";
$lang_published = "is now accessible for students";
$lang_description = "description";
$lang_title = "title";
$langScormBuilder = "Learning path builder";
$langScormBuilder = "Course builder";
$langCreateDoc = "Create document";
$langOrganiseDocuments = "Organise documents";
$langUncompress = "Uncompress";

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $langEmail = "E-mail";
$SlideshowConversion = "Slideshow conversion";
$UploadFile = "File upload";
$AvailableFrom = "Available from";
$AvailableTill = "Available Untill";
$AvailableTill = "Available Until";
$Preview = "Preview";
$Type = "Type";
$EmailAddress = "Email address";
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ $langDate = "Date";
$langAmong = "among";
$langShow = "Show";
$langMyCourses = "Trainings";
$langModifyProfile = "Profiles";
$langModifyProfile = "Profile";
$langMyStats = "View my statistics";
$langLogout = "Logout";
$langMyAgenda = "Agenda";
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ $Document = "Documents";
$Learnpath = "Courses";
$Link = "Links";
$Announcement = "Announcements";
$Dropbox = "Documents sharing";
$Dropbox = "Dropbox";
$Quiz = "Tests";
$langChat = "Chat";
$Conference = "Conference";
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ $Day = "day";
$Days = "days";
$PleaseStandBy = "Please stand by...";
$Language = "Language";
$AvailableUntill = "Available untill";
$AvailableUntill = "Available until";
$HourMinuteDivider = "h";
$Here = "here";
$Visio_classroom = "Video classroom";
@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ $UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "File upload failed: this file extension
$OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
$UplFileTooBig = "The file you uploaded is too big for the current Dokeos settings (%sMB). Please contact the portal administrator to discuss this issue.";
$UplGenericError = "The file you uploaded was not received succesfully. Please try again later or contact the administrator of this portal.";
$MyGradebook = "Assessments";
$Gradebook = "Assessments";
$MyGradebook = "Gradebook";
$Gradebook = "Gradebook";
$OpenIDWhatIs = "What is OpenID?";
$OpenIDDescription = "OpenID eliminates the need for multiple usernames across different websites, simplifying your online experience. You get to choose the OpenID Provider that best meets your needs and most importantly that you trust. At the same time, your OpenID can stay with you, no matter which Provider you move to. And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic. OpenID lowers user frustration by letting users have control of their login.<br /><br /><a href=\"http://openid.net/what/\">Read on...</a>";
$NoManager = "No manager";

@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ $ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "
$ConfigureHomePage = "配置主页";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "在课程创建时激活模块";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "当新课程创建时,哪个工具默认已经激活?";
$SearchUsers = "&#25628;&#32034;&#29992;&#25143;";
$CreateUser = "&#21019;&#24314;&#29992;&#25143;";
$ModifyInformation = "&#20462;&#25913;&#20449;&#24687;";
$ModifyUser = "&#20462;&#25913;&#29992;&#25143;";
$ModifyCoach = "&#20462;&#25913;&#35757;&#32451;";
$ModifyThisSession = "&#20462;&#25913;&#36825;&#20010;&#35838;&#31243;";
$ExportSession = "&#23548;&#20986;&#35838;&#31243;";
$ImportSession = "&#23548;&#20837;&#35838;&#31243;";
$langCourseBackup = "备份课程";
$langCourseTitular = "教师";
$langCourseTitle = "课程名称";

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ $ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Na platformi ni nobenih navideznih te
$ConfigureHomePage = "Nastavitev domaèe strani";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Moduli, ki bodo aktivni po kreiranju teèaja";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Katera orodja morajo biti aktivirana (vidna) kot prednastavljena, ko je kreiran kov teèaj?";
$CreateUser = "Ustvari uporabnika";
$ExportSession = "Izvozi sejo";
$ImportSession = "Uvozi sejo";
$langCourseBackup = "Naredi rezervno kopijo tega teèaja";
$langCourseTitular = "Uèitelj";
$langCourseTitle = "Naslov teèaja";
@ -937,4 +940,5 @@ $FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Uporabniki, ki
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "uvažana datoteka mora biti v skladu z izbrano možnostjo";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Uèiteljev ali tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi ";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Prikažem uèiteljev oz. tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi?";
$Created = "Ustvarjeno";

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ $RepeatedEventViewOriginalEvent = "Poglej za
$ICalFileImport = "Uvozi iCal/ics datoteko";
$AllUsersOfThePlatform = "Vsi uporabniki platforme";
$GlobalEvent = "Globalni dogodek";
$ModifyEvent = "Spremeni dogodek";
$EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheStartDate = "Konèni datum ne more biti pred zaèetnim datumom";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "Razvrsti agendo kronološko (narašèajoèe)";
$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "Razvrsti agendo kronološko (padajoèe)";

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ $langTocDown = "Dol";
$langTocUp = "Gor";
$lang_cut_paste_link = "Brez okvirjev";
$langCreatePath = "Kreiraj pot";
$SendDocument = "Pošlji dokument";
$langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Oogie : PowerPoint pretvorba";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "Pretvornik PowerPoint datotek v u&#269;no pot";
$langAddMetadata = "Poglej/Uredi metapodatke";

@ -131,4 +131,8 @@ $YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "Dolo
$DeleteAttachmentFile = "Odstrani pripeto datoteko";
$EditAnAttachment = "Uredi priponko";
$SeeForum = "Glej forum";
$CreateForum = "Ustvari forum";
$ModifyForum = "Spremeni forum";
$CreateThread = "Ustvari nit";
$ModifyThread = "Spremeni nit";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ModifyEvaluation = "Shrani ocenjevanje";
$CreateLink = "Ustvari povezavo";
$FlatView = "Ravninski pogled";
$ScoreEdit = "Urejanje pravil ocen(jevanja)";
$ScoreColor = "Barva ocene";
@ -131,4 +133,5 @@ $GradebookWeightUpdated = "Ute
$ChooseItem = "Izberi element";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Povpreèen rezultat / vir";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Za ogled grafa mora biti pravilo prikaza rezultata omogoèeno ";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Predhodna utež resursa";

@ -221,4 +221,6 @@ $ShowAndQualifyAttempt = "Prika
$langAddEdit = "Dodaj / Uredi";
$ModifyPrerequisities = "Spremeni predzahteve";
$CreateLearningPath = "Ustvari uèno pot";
$AddExercise = "Dodaj vajo/test";
$AddForum = "Dodaj forum";

@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ $NoteTitle = "Naslov bele
$NoteComment = "Podrobnosti beležke";
$NoteAdded = "Beležka je bila dodana";
$NoteConfirmDelete = "Ste preprièani, da želite odstraniti beležko?";
$AddNote = "Dodaj beležko";
$ModifyNote = "Spremeni beležko";

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ $langUpdateImage = "Zamenjaj sliko";
$langImageWrong = "Velikost datoteke mora biti manjša od";
$langAddImage = "Slika";
$langCourseManager = "Uèitelj";
$NewPass = "Novo geslo";
$CurrentPasswordEmptyOrIncorrect = "Trenutno geslo je prazno ali neustrezno";
$password_request = "Zahtevali ste ponastavitev vašega gesla.
Èe to ni bila vaša zahteva, prezrite to sporoèilo.

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$PublishSurvey = "Objavi vprašalnik";
$CompareQuestions = "Primerjaj vprašanja";
$SurveyTitle = "Naslov vprašalnika";
$SurveyIntroduction = "Vprašalnik : Uvodno besedilo";
$CreateNewSurvey = "Ustvari evalvacijski vprašalnik";
@ -207,4 +209,7 @@ $AutoInviteLink = "Uporabniki, ki niso vabljeni, lahko uporabijo to povezavo za
$CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Zakljuèi z vprašanji vprašalnika";
$SurveysDeleted = "Vprašalnik je bil odstranjen";
$RemindUnanswered = "Opomni le uporabnike, ki niso odgovorili";
$ModifySurvey = "Spremeni vprašalnik";
$CreateQuestionSurvey = "Ustvari vprašanje";
$ModifyQuestionSurvey = "Spremeni vprašanje";

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ $Down = "dol";
$Up = "gor";
$Theme = "Tema";
$TheListIsEmpty = "Seznam je prazen.";
$CreateCategory = "Ustvari kategorijo";
$SendFile = "Pošlji datoteko";
$SaveChanges = "Shrani spremembe";
$langCourseCreate = "Tvori področje tečaja";
$langTodo = "Predlogi";
$UserName = "Uporabniško ime";
@ -702,4 +705,6 @@ $Invitation = "Vabilo";
$SeeMoreOptions = "Poglej več možnosti";
$TemplatePreview = "Pedogled predlog";
$NoTemplatePreview = "Predogled ni na voljo";
$ModifyCategory = "Spremeni kategorijo";
$Photo = "Foto";

@ -74,4 +74,5 @@ $SocialSeeContacts = "Poglej kontakte";
$SocialUserInformationAttach = "Napišite sporoèilo predenj skušate poslati zahtevo";
$MessageInvitationNotSent = "vaše vabilo ni bilo poslano";
$SocialAddToFriends = "Dodaj k mojim kontaktom";
$ChangeContactGroup = "Spremeni skupino kontaktov";

@ -58,4 +58,5 @@ $ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed = "Datum poteka je
$EndDateAlreadyPassed = "Konèni datum je že presežen";
$MoveXTo = "Prestavi %s v";
$QualificationMustNotBeMoreThanQualificationOver = "Ocena ne more prese&#269;i najve&#269;je možne ocene";
$ModifyDirectory = "Spremeni mapo";

@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ $ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Na platformi ni nobenih navideznih tečajev.";
$ConfigureHomePage = "Nastavitev domače strani";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Moduli, ki bodo aktivni po kreiranju tečaja";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Katera orodja morajo biti aktivirana (vidna) kot prednastavljena, ko je kreiran kov tečaj?";
$SearchUsers = "Išči uporabnike";
$CreateUser = "Ustvari uporabnika";
$ModifyInformation = "Spremeni informacijo";
$ModifyUser = "Spremeni uporabnika";
$buttonEditUserField = "Uredi uporabniško polje";
$ModifyCoach = "Spremeni inštruktorja";
$ModifyThisSession = "Spremeni to sejo";
$ExportSession = "Izvozi sejo";
$ImportSession = "Uvozi sejo";
$langCourseBackup = "Naredi rezervno kopijo tega tečaja";
$langCourseTitular = "Učitelj";
$langCourseTitle = "Naslov tečaja";
@ -937,4 +946,5 @@ $FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Uporabniki, ki še niso registrira
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "uvažana datoteka mora biti v skladu z izbrano možnostjo";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Učiteljev ali tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Prikažem učiteljev oz. tutorjev e-poštni naslov v nogi?";
$Created = "Ustvarjeno";

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ $langScore = "Rezultat";
$langCorrespondsTo = "Ustreza";
$langExpectedChoice = "Pričakovana izbira";
$langYourTotalScore = "Tvoj skupen rezultat je";
$ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin = "Dosegli ste največje dovoljeno število poskusov te vaje/testa. V primeru, da upravljate ta tečaj, lahko še vedno poskušate, vendar pomnite, da nadaljni rezultati ne bodo prikazani na strani rezultatov.";
$Build = "Zgradi";
$langEvalSet = "ocenjevalni parametri";
$langActive = "aktiven";

@ -131,4 +131,8 @@ $YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "Dodeliti je potrebno utež kvalifikaciji"
$DeleteAttachmentFile = "Odstrani pripeto datoteko";
$EditAnAttachment = "Uredi priponko";
$SeeForum = "Glej forum";
$CreateForum = "Ustvari forum";
$ModifyForum = "Spremeni forum";
$CreateThread = "Ustvari nit";
$ModifyThread = "Spremeni nit";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ModifyEvaluation = "Shrani ocenjevanje";
$CreateLink = "Ustvari povezavo";
$FlatView = "Ravninski pogled";
$ScoreEdit = "Urejanje pravil ocen(jevanja)";
$ScoreColor = "Barva ocene";
@ -131,4 +133,5 @@ $GradebookWeightUpdated = "Uteži so bile uspešno ažurirane";
$ChooseItem = "Izberi element";
$AverageResultsVsResource = "Povprečen rezultat / vir";
$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Za ogled grafa mora biti pravilo prikaza rezultata omogočeno";
$GradebookPreviousWeight = "Predhodne uteži resursov";

@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ $WriteAMessage = "Sestavi sporočilo";
$AlreadyReadMessage = "Sporočilo je že bilo prebrano";
$UnReadMessage = "Neprebrana sporočila";
$MessageSent = "Sporočilo je bilo poslano";
$WriteToMessage = "Piši sporočilo";

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$PublishSurvey = "Objavi vprašalnik";
$CompareQuestions = "Primerjaj vprašanja";
$SurveyTitle = "Naslov vprašalnika";
$SurveyIntroduction = "Vprašalnik : Uvodno besedilo";
$CreateNewSurvey = "Ustvari nov evalvacijski vprašalnik";
@ -207,4 +209,7 @@ $AutoInviteLink = "Uporabniki, ki niso vabljeni, lahko uporabijo to povezavo za
$CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Zaključi z vprašanji vprašalnika";
$SurveysDeleted = "Vprašalnik je bil odstranjen";
$RemindUnanswered = "Opomni le uporabnike, ki niso odgovorili";
$ModifySurvey = "Spremeni vprašalnik";
$CreateQuestionSurvey = "Ustvari vprašanje";
$ModifyQuestionSurvey = "Spremeni vprašanje";

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ $Down = "dol";
$Up = "gor";
$Theme = "Tema";
$TheListIsEmpty = "Seznam je prazen.";
$CreateCategory = "Ustvari kategorijo";
$SendFile = "Pošlji datoteko";
$SaveChanges = "Shrani spremembe";
$langCourseCreate = "Tvori področje tečaja";
$langTodo = "Predlogi";
$UserName = "Uporabniško ime";
@ -702,4 +705,6 @@ $Invitation = "Povabilo";
$SeeMoreOptions = "Poglej več možnosti";
$TemplatePreview = "Predogled predlog";
$NoTemplatePreview = "Predogled ni na voljo";
$ModifyCategory = "Spremeni kategorijo";
$Photo = "Foto";

@ -74,4 +74,6 @@ $SocialSeeContacts = "Pogle kontakte";
$SocialUserInformationAttach = "Napišite sporočilo predenj skušate poslati zahtevo";
$MessageInvitationNotSent = "vaše vabilo ni bilo poslano";
$SocialAddToFriends = "Dodaj k mojim kontaktom";
$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Uporabnik ni vpisan v tečaj";
$ChangeContactGroup = "Spremeni skupino kontaktov";

@ -285,4 +285,6 @@ $SelectTargetQuestion = "Seleccionar pregunta de destino";
$DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "El tipo de evaluación no puede ser modificado ya que fue seleccionado para Autoevaluación";
$CantShowResults = "No disponible";
$CantViewResults = "No se puede ver los resultados";
$ShowCorrectedOnly = "Mostrar los ejercicios corregidos";
$ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "Mostrar los ejercicios sin corregir";

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ $langNewDocument = "Nuevo documento";
$langUseAnExistingResource = "O usar un recurso ya existente :";
$langParent = "Principal";
$langPosition = "Posición";
$langNewChapterCreated = "El capítulo ha sido creado. Ahora puede incorporarle elementos o o crear otro capítulo";
$langNewChapterCreated = "El capítulo ha sido creado. Ahora puede incorporarle elementos o crear otro capítulo";
$langNewLinksCreated = "El nuevo enlace ha sido creado";
$langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "El nuevo trabajo ha sido creado";
$langNewModuleCreated = "El capítulo ha sido creado. Ahora puede incorporarle elementos o crear otro capítulo";
