@ -253,321 +253,310 @@ $user_online_list = who_is_online(api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline'), true |
$user_online_count = count($user_online_list); |
echo '<div id="social-content">'; |
echo '<div id="social-content-left">'; |
//this include the social menu div |
SocialManager::show_social_menu('shared_profile', null, $user_id, $show_full_profile); |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<div id="social-content-right">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
if (!empty($user_info['firstname']) || !empty($user_info['lastname'])) { |
echo '<div><h3>'.api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</h3></div>'; |
} else { |
//--- Basic Information |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('Information').'</h3></div>'; |
} |
echo ' <div id="social-content-left">'; |
//this include the social menu div |
SocialManager::show_social_menu('shared_profile', null, $user_id, $show_full_profile); |
echo ' </div>'; |
echo ' <div id="social-content-right">'; |
echo ' <div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo ' <div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo ' <div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo ' <div class="social-box-content1">'; |
if (!empty($user_info['firstname']) || !empty($user_info['lastname'])) { |
echo ' <div><h3>'.api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</h3></div>'; |
} else { |
//--- Basic Information |
echo ' <div><h3>'.get_lang('Information').'</h3></div>'; |
} |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
echo '<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('UserName').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['username'].' </dd>'; |
/* if (!empty($user_info['firstname']) || !empty($user_info['lastname'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Name').'</dt><dd>'. api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</dd>';*/ |
if (!empty($user_info['official_code'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('OfficialCode').'</dt><dd>'.$user_info['official_code'].'</dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['email'])) |
if (api_get_setting('show_email_addresses')=='true') |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Email').'</dt><dd>'.$user_info['email'].'</dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['phone'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Phone').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['phone'].'</dd>'; |
echo '</dl>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} else { |
echo '<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
echo '<dl>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['username'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('UserName').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['username'].'</dd>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
echo '<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('UserName').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['username'].' </dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['firstname']) || !empty($user_info['lastname'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Name').'</dt><dd>'. api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['official_code'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('OfficialCode').'</dt><dd>'.$user_info['official_code'].'</dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['email'])) |
if (api_get_setting('show_email_addresses')=='true') |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Email').'</dt><dd>'.$user_info['email'].'</dd>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['phone'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('Phone').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['phone'].'</dd>'; |
echo '</dl>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} else { |
echo '<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
echo '<dl>'; |
if (!empty($user_info['username'])) |
echo '<dt>'.get_lang('UserName').'</dt><dd>'. $user_info['username'].'</dd>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
// Extra information |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
//-- Extra Data |
$t_uf = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD); |
$t_ufo = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_OPTIONS); |
$extra_user_data = UserManager::get_extra_user_data($user_id); |
$extra_information = ''; |
if (is_array($extra_user_data) && count($extra_user_data)>0 ) { |
$extra_information = '<br />'; |
$extra_information .= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('ExtraInformation').'</h3></div>'; |
$extra_information .='<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
$extra_information_value = ''; |
foreach($extra_user_data as $key=>$data) { |
// get display text, visibility and type from user_field table |
$field_variable = str_replace('extra_','',$key); |
$sql = "SELECT field_display_text,field_visible,field_type,id FROM $t_uf WHERE field_variable ='$field_variable'"; |
$res_field = Database::query($sql); |
$row_field = Database::fetch_row($res_field); |
$field_display_text = $row_field[0]; |
$field_visible = $row_field[1]; |
$field_type = $row_field[2]; |
$field_id = $row_field[3]; |
if ($field_visible == 1) { |
if (is_array($data)) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).'</dt><dd> '.implode(',',$data).'</dd>'; |
} else { |
if ($field_type == USER_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE_SELECT) { |
$id_options = explode(';',$data); |
$value_options = array(); |
// get option display text from user_field_options table |
foreach ($id_options as $id_option) { |
$sql = "SELECT option_display_text FROM $t_ufo WHERE id = '$id_option'"; |
$res_options = Database::query($sql); |
$row_options = Database::fetch_row($res_options); |
$value_options[] = $row_options[0]; |
} |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.implode(' ',$value_options).'</dd>'; |
} elseif($field_type == USER_FIELD_TYPE_TAG ) { |
$user_tags = UserManager::get_user_tags($user_id, $field_id); |
$tag_tmp = array(); |
foreach ($user_tags as $tags) { |
//$tag_tmp[] = $tags['tag']; |
$tag_tmp[] = '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/social/search.php?q='.$tags['tag'].'">'.$tags['tag'].'</a>'; |
} |
if (is_array($user_tags) && count($user_tags)>0) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.implode(', ',$tag_tmp).'</dd>'; |
} |
} else { |
if (!empty($data)) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.$data.'</dd>'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
// Extra information |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
//-- Extra Data |
$t_uf = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD); |
$t_ufo = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_OPTIONS); |
$extra_user_data = UserManager::get_extra_user_data($user_id); |
$extra_information = ''; |
if (is_array($extra_user_data) && count($extra_user_data)>0 ) { |
$extra_information = '<br />'; |
$extra_information .= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('ExtraInformation').'</h3></div>'; |
$extra_information .='<div class="social-profile-info">'; |
$extra_information_value = ''; |
foreach($extra_user_data as $key=>$data) { |
// get display text, visibility and type from user_field table |
$field_variable = str_replace('extra_','',$key); |
$sql = "SELECT field_display_text,field_visible,field_type,id FROM $t_uf WHERE field_variable ='$field_variable'"; |
$res_field = Database::query($sql); |
$row_field = Database::fetch_row($res_field); |
$field_display_text = $row_field[0]; |
$field_visible = $row_field[1]; |
$field_type = $row_field[2]; |
$field_id = $row_field[3]; |
if ($field_visible == 1) { |
if (is_array($data)) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).'</dt><dd> '.implode(',',$data).'</dd>'; |
} else { |
if ($field_type == USER_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE_SELECT) { |
$id_options = explode(';',$data); |
$value_options = array(); |
// get option display text from user_field_options table |
foreach ($id_options as $id_option) { |
$sql = "SELECT option_display_text FROM $t_ufo WHERE id = '$id_option'"; |
$res_options = Database::query($sql); |
$row_options = Database::fetch_row($res_options); |
$value_options[] = $row_options[0]; |
} |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.implode(' ',$value_options).'</dd>'; |
} elseif($field_type == USER_FIELD_TYPE_TAG ) { |
$user_tags = UserManager::get_user_tags($user_id, $field_id); |
$tag_tmp = array(); |
foreach ($user_tags as $tags) { |
//$tag_tmp[] = $tags['tag']; |
$tag_tmp[] = '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/social/search.php?q='.$tags['tag'].'">'.$tags['tag'].'</a>'; |
} |
// if there are information to show |
if (!empty($extra_information_value)) { |
$extra_information .= $extra_information_value; |
if (is_array($user_tags) && count($user_tags)>0) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.implode(', ',$tag_tmp).'</dd>'; |
} |
} else { |
if (!empty($data)) { |
$extra_information_value .= '<dt>'.ucfirst($field_display_text).':</dt><dd>'.$data.'</dd>'; |
} |
$extra_information .= '</div>'; |
} |
// if there are information to show |
if (!empty($extra_information_value)) echo $extra_information; |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-content1 |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-left |
} |
} |
} |
// if there are information to show |
if (!empty($extra_information_value)) { |
$extra_information .= $extra_information_value; |
} |
$extra_information .= '</div>'; |
} |
// if there are information to show |
if (!empty($extra_information_value)) echo $extra_information; |
} |
echo ' </div>'; // close div tag .social-box-content1 |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-left |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
$list_path_friends= $list_path_normal_friends = $list_path_parents = array(); |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
$friends = SocialManager::get_friends($user_id, USER_RELATION_TYPE_FRIEND); |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
$friend_html = ''; |
$list_path_friends= $list_path_normal_friends = $list_path_parents = array(); |
$number_of_images = 6; |
$number_friends = 0; |
$list_friends_id = array(); |
$number_friends = count($friends); |
$friends = SocialManager::get_friends($user_id, USER_RELATION_TYPE_FRIEND); |
if ($number_friends != 0) { |
$friend_html.= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('SocialFriend').'</h3></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-container" class="social-friend-container">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-header" >'; |
$friend_html = ''; |
$number_of_images = 6; |
$number_friends = 0; |
$list_friends_id = array(); |
$number_friends = count($friends); |
if ($number_friends == 1) { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left;width:80%">'.$number_friends.' '.get_lang('Friend').'</div>'; |
} else { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left;width:80%">'.$number_friends.' '.get_lang('Friends').'</div>'; |
} |
if ($number_friends != 0) { |
$friend_html.= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('SocialFriend').'</h3></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-container" class="social-friend-container">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-header" >'; |
if ($number_friends > $number_of_images) { |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:right;width:20%"><a href="friends.php">'.get_lang('SeeAll').'</a></div>'; |
} else { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:right;width:20%"><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/profile_friends_and_groups.inc.php?view=friends&height=390&width=610&&user_id='.$user_id.'" class="thickbox" title="'.get_lang('SeeAll').'" >'.get_lang('SeeAll').'</a></div>'; |
} |
} |
if ($number_friends == 1) { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left;width:80%">'.$number_friends.' '.get_lang('Friend').'</div>'; |
} else { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left;width:80%">'.$number_friends.' '.get_lang('Friends').'</div>'; |
} |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; // close div friend-header |
if ($number_friends > $number_of_images) { |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:right;width:20%"><a href="friends.php">'.get_lang('SeeAll').'</a></div>'; |
} else { |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:right;width:20%"><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/profile_friends_and_groups.inc.php?view=friends&height=390&width=610&&user_id='.$user_id.'" class="thickbox" title="'.get_lang('SeeAll').'" >'.get_lang('SeeAll').'</a></div>'; |
} |
} |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; // close div friend-header |
$j=1; |
for ($k=0;$k<$number_friends;$k++) { |
$j=1; |
for ($k=0;$k<$number_friends;$k++) { |
if ($j > $number_of_images) break; |
if (isset($friends[$k])) { |
$friend = $friends[$k]; |
$name_user = api_get_person_name($friend['firstName'], $friend['lastName']); |
$friend_html.='<div id=div_'.$friend['friend_user_id'].' class="image_friend_network" ><span><center>'; |
if ($j > $number_of_images) break; |
if (isset($friends[$k])) { |
$friend = $friends[$k]; |
$name_user = api_get_person_name($friend['firstName'], $friend['lastName']); |
$friend_html.='<div id=div_'.$friend['friend_user_id'].' class="image_friend_network" ><span><center>'; |
// the height = 92 must be the sqme in the image_friend_network span style in default.css |
$friends_profile = SocialManager::get_picture_user($friend['friend_user_id'], $friend['image'], 92, USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM , 'width="85" height="90" '); |
// the height = 92 must be the sqme in the image_friend_network span style in default.css |
$friends_profile = SocialManager::get_picture_user($friend['friend_user_id'], $friend['image'], 92, USER_IMAGE_SIZE_MEDIUM , 'width="85" height="90" '); |
$friend_html.='<a href="profile.php?u='.$friend['friend_user_id'].'&'.$link_shared.'">'; |
$friend_html.='<img src="'.$friends_profile['file'].'" '.$friends_profile['style'].' id="imgfriend_'.$friend['friend_user_id'].'" title="'.$name_user.'" />'; |
$friend_html.= '</center></span>'; |
$friend_html.= '<center class="friend">'.$name_user.'</a></center>'; |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; |
} |
$j++; |
} |
} else { |
// No friends!! :( |
$friend_html .= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('SocialFriend').'</h3></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-container" class="social-friend-container">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-header">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 8px;">'.get_lang('NoFriendsInYourContactList').'<br /><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'whoisonline.php">'.get_lang('TryAndFindSomeFriends').'</a></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; // close div friend-header |
$friend_html.='<a href="profile.php?u='.$friend['friend_user_id'].'&'.$link_shared.'">'; |
$friend_html.='<img src="'.$friends_profile['file'].'" '.$friends_profile['style'].' id="imgfriend_'.$friend['friend_user_id'].'" title="'.$name_user.'" />'; |
$friend_html.= '</center></span>'; |
$friend_html.= '<center class="friend">'.$name_user.'</a></center>'; |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; |
} |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; |
echo $friend_html; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
$j++; |
} |
} else { |
// No friends!! :( |
$friend_html .= '<div><h3>'.get_lang('SocialFriend').'</h3></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-container" class="social-friend-container">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div id="friend-header">'; |
$friend_html.= '<div style="float:left; padding:0px 8px 0px 8px;">'.get_lang('NoFriendsInYourContactList').'<br /><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'whoisonline.php">'.get_lang('TryAndFindSomeFriends').'</a></div>'; |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; // close div friend-header |
} |
$friend_html.= '</div>'; |
echo $friend_html; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-main1 |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
$results = GroupPortalManager::get_groups_by_user($my_user_id, 0); |
$grid_my_groups = array(); |
$max_numbers_of_group = 4; |
if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) { |
$i = 1; |
foreach ($results as $result) { |
if ($i > $max_numbers_of_group) break; |
$id = $result['id']; |
$url_open = '<a href="groups.php?id='.$id.'">'; |
$url_close = '</a>'; |
$icon = ''; |
$name = api_strtoupper(cut($result['name'],20,true)); |
if ($result['relation_type'] == GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_ADMIN) { |
$icon = Display::return_icon('admin_star.png', get_lang('Admin'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;')); |
} elseif ($result['relation_type'] == GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_MODERATOR) { |
$icon = Display::return_icon('moderator_star.png', get_lang('Moderator'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;')); |
} |
$count_users_group = count(GroupPortalManager::get_all_users_by_group($id)); |
if ($count_users_group == 1 ) { |
$count_users_group = $count_users_group.' '.get_lang('Member'); |
} else { |
$count_users_group = $count_users_group.' '.get_lang('Members'); |
} |
$picture = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($result['id'], $result['picture_uri'],80); |
$item_name = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_title">'.$url_open.'<span class="social-groups-text1">'.api_strtoupper($name).'</span>'. $icon.$url_close.'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-main1 |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
$results = GroupPortalManager::get_groups_by_user($my_user_id, 0); |
$grid_my_groups = array(); |
$max_numbers_of_group = 4; |
if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) { |
$i = 1; |
foreach ($results as $result) { |
if ($i > $max_numbers_of_group) break; |
$id = $result['id']; |
$url_open = '<a href="groups.php?id='.$id.'">'; |
$url_close = '</a>'; |
$icon = ''; |
$name = api_strtoupper(cut($result['name'],20,true)); |
if ($result['relation_type'] == GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_ADMIN) { |
$icon = Display::return_icon('admin_star.png', get_lang('Admin'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;')); |
} elseif ($result['relation_type'] == GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_MODERATOR) { |
$icon = Display::return_icon('moderator_star.png', get_lang('Moderator'), array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle;width:16px;height:16px;')); |
} |
$count_users_group = count(GroupPortalManager::get_all_users_by_group($id)); |
if ($count_users_group == 1 ) { |
$count_users_group = $count_users_group.' '.get_lang('Member'); |
} else { |
$count_users_group = $count_users_group.' '.get_lang('Members'); |
} |
$picture = GroupPortalManager::get_picture_group($result['id'], $result['picture_uri'],80); |
$item_name = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_title">'.$url_open.'<span class="social-groups-text1">'.api_strtoupper($name).'</span>'. $icon.$url_close.'</div>'; |
if ($result['description'] != '') { |
$item_description = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_description"><span class="social-groups-text2">'.get_lang('DescriptionGroup').'</span><p class="social-groups-text4">'.cut($result['description'],100,true).'</p></div>'; |
} else { |
$item_description = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_description"><span class="social-groups-text2"></span><p class="social-groups-text4"></p></div>'; |
} |
if ($result['description'] != '') { |
$item_description = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_description"><span class="social-groups-text2">'.get_lang('DescriptionGroup').'</span><p class="social-groups-text4">'.cut($result['description'],100,true).'</p></div>'; |
} else { |
$item_description = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_description"><span class="social-groups-text2"></span><p class="social-groups-text4"></p></div>'; |
} |
$result['picture_uri'] = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_image"><img class="social-groups-image" src="'.$picture['file'].'" hspace="4" height="50" border="2" align="left" width="50" /></div>'; |
$item_actions = ''; |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
$item_actions = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="groups.php?id='.$id.'">'.get_lang('SeeMore').$url_close.'</div>'; |
} |
$grid_my_groups[]= array($item_name,$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].$url_close, $item_description.$item_actions); |
$i++; |
$result['picture_uri'] = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_image"><img class="social-groups-image" src="'.$picture['file'].'" hspace="4" height="50" border="2" align="left" width="50" /></div>'; |
$item_actions = ''; |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
$item_actions = '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="groups.php?id='.$id.'">'.get_lang('SeeMore').$url_close.'</div>'; |
} |
$grid_my_groups[]= array($item_name,$url_open.$result['picture_uri'].$url_close, $item_description.$item_actions); |
$i++; |
} |
} |
if (count($grid_my_groups) > 0) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MyGroups').'</h3></div>'; |
$count_groups = 0; |
if (count($results) == 1 ) { |
$count_groups = count($results).' '.get_lang('Group'); |
} else { |
$count_groups = count($results).' '.get_lang('Groups'); |
} |
echo '<div>'.$count_groups.'</div>'; |
if (count($grid_my_groups) > 0) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MyGroups').'</h3></div>'; |
$count_groups = 0; |
if (count($results) == 1 ) { |
$count_groups = count($results).' '.get_lang('Group'); |
if ($i > $max_numbers_of_group) { |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
echo '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="groups.php?view=mygroups">'.get_lang('SeeAllMyGroups').'</a></div>'; |
} else { |
$count_groups = count($results).' '.get_lang('Groups'); |
} |
echo '<div>'.$count_groups.'</div>'; |
if ($i > $max_numbers_of_group) { |
if (api_get_user_id() == $user_id) { |
echo '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="groups.php?view=mygroups">'.get_lang('SeeAllMyGroups').'</a></div>'; |
} else { |
echo '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/profile_friends_and_groups.inc.php?view=mygroups&height=390&width=610&&user_id='.$user_id.'" class="thickbox" title="'.get_lang('SeeAll').'" >'.get_lang('SeeAllMyGroups').'</a></div>'; |
} |
echo '<div class="box_shared_profile_group_actions"><a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/profile_friends_and_groups.inc.php?view=mygroups&height=390&width=610&&user_id='.$user_id.'" class="thickbox" title="'.get_lang('SeeAll').'" >'.get_lang('SeeAllMyGroups').'</a></div>'; |
} |
} |
Display::display_sortable_grid('shared_profile_mygroups', array(), $grid_my_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 2), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false)); |
echo '</div>'; |
Display::display_sortable_grid('shared_profile_mygroups', array(), $grid_my_groups, array('hide_navigation'=>true, 'per_page' => 2), $query_vars, false, array(true, true, true,false)); |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
if ( is_array($list) ) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.api_ucfirst(get_lang('MyCourses')).'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-training">'; |
//Courses whithout sessions |
$old_user_category = 0; |
$i=1; |
foreach($list as $key=>$value) { |
if ( empty($value[2]) ) { //if out of any session |
echo $value[1]; |
echo '<div id="social_content'.$i.'" style="background : #EFEFEF; padding:0px; ">'; |
echo '</div>'; |
$i++; |
} |
} |
$listActives = $listInactives = $listCourses = array(); |
foreach ( $list as $key=>$value ) { |
if ( $value['active'] ) { //if the session is still active (as told by get_logged_user_course_html()) |
$listActives[] = $value; |
} elseif ( !empty($value[2]) ) { //if there is a session but it is not active |
$listInactives[] = $value; |
} |
} |
if ( is_array($list) ) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.api_ucfirst(get_lang('MyCourses')).'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-training">'; |
//Courses whithout sessions |
$old_user_category = 0; |
$i=1; |
foreach($list as $key=>$value) { |
if ( empty($value[2]) ) { //if out of any session |
echo $value[1]; |
echo '<div id="social_content'.$i.'" style="background : #EFEFEF; padding:0px; ">'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
$i++; |
} |
} |
$listActives = $listInactives = $listCourses = array(); |
foreach ( $list as $key=>$value ) { |
if ( $value['active'] ) { //if the session is still active (as told by get_logged_user_course_html()) |
$listActives[] = $value; |
} elseif ( !empty($value[2]) ) { //if there is a session but it is not active |
$listInactives[] = $value; |
} |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
} |
// user feeds |
if ($show_full_profile) { |
$user_feeds = SocialManager::get_user_feeds($user_id); |
if (!empty($user_feeds )) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('RSSFeeds').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-training">'.$user_feeds.'</div>'; |
//echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
// user feeds |
$user_feeds = SocialManager::get_user_feeds($user_id); |
if (!empty($user_feeds )) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-container2">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('content-post-group1.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content2">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('RSSFeeds').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-training">'.$user_feeds.'</div>'; |
//echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
//--Productions |
$production_list = UserManager::build_production_list($user_id); |
@ -589,99 +578,98 @@ echo '<div id="social-content-right">'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-main1">'; |
if (!empty($production_list) || !empty($file_list) || $count_pending_invitations > 0) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
//Pending invitations |
if (!isset($_GET['u']) || (isset($_GET['u']) && $_GET['u']==api_get_user_id())) { |
if ($count_pending_invitations > 0) { |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('PendingInvitations').'</h3></div>'; |
for ($i=0;$i<$count_pending_invitations;$i++) { |
$user_invitation_id = $pending_invitations[$i]['user_sender_id']; |
echo '<div id="dpending_'.$user_invitation_id.'" class="friend_invitations">'; |
echo '<div style="float:left;width:60px;" >'; |
echo '<img style="margin-bottom:5px;" src="'.$list_get_path_web[$i]['dir'].'/'.$list_get_path_web[$i]['file'].'" width="60px">'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<div style="padding-left:70px;">'; |
$user_info = api_get_user_info($user_invitation_id); |
echo '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/social/profile.php?u='.$user_invitation_id.'">'.api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</a>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
echo ' '.(substr($pending_invitations[$i]['content'],0,50)); |
echo '<br />'; |
echo '<a id="btn_accepted_'.$user_invitation_id.'" onclick="register_friend(this)" href="javascript:void(0)">'.get_lang('SocialAddToFriends').'</a>'; |
echo '<div id="id_response"> </div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
} |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
//--Productions |
$production_list = UserManager::build_production_list($user_id); |
if (!empty($production_list )) { |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MyProductions').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="rounded1">'; |
echo $production_list; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
// Images uploaded by course |
if (!empty($production_list) || !empty($file_list) || $count_pending_invitations > 0) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
//Pending invitations |
if (!isset($_GET['u']) || (isset($_GET['u']) && $_GET['u']==api_get_user_id())) { |
if ($count_pending_invitations > 0) { |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('PendingInvitations').'</h3></div>'; |
for ($i=0;$i<$count_pending_invitations;$i++) { |
$user_invitation_id = $pending_invitations[$i]['user_sender_id']; |
echo '<div id="dpending_'.$user_invitation_id.'" class="friend_invitations">'; |
echo '<div style="float:left;width:60px;" >'; |
echo '<img style="margin-bottom:5px;" src="'.$list_get_path_web[$i]['dir'].'/'.$list_get_path_web[$i]['file'].'" width="60px">'; |
echo '</div>'; |
if (!empty($file_list)) { |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('ImagesUploaded').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-information">'; |
echo $file_list; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-content1 |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-left |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['competences']) || !empty($user_info['diplomas']) || !empty($user_info['openarea']) || !empty($user_info['teach']) ) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MoreInformation').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-competences">'; |
$cut_size = 220; |
if (!empty($user_info['competences'])) { |
echo '<br />'; |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;">'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyCompetences').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['competences'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['diplomas'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyDiplomas').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['diplomas'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['openarea'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyPersonalOpenArea').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['openarea'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['teach'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyTeach').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['teach'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<div style="padding-left:70px;">'; |
$user_info = api_get_user_info($user_invitation_id); |
echo '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/social/profile.php?u='.$user_invitation_id.'">'.api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']).'</a>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
echo ' '.(substr($pending_invitations[$i]['content'],0,50)); |
echo '<br />'; |
echo '<a id="btn_accepted_'.$user_invitation_id.'" onclick="register_friend(this)" href="javascript:void(0)">'.get_lang('SocialAddToFriends').'</a>'; |
echo '<div id="id_response"> </div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
} |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
//--Productions |
$production_list = UserManager::build_production_list($user_id); |
if (!empty($production_list )) { |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MyProductions').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="rounded1">'; |
echo $production_list; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
// Images uploaded by course |
if (!empty($file_list)) { |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('ImagesUploaded').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-information">'; |
echo $file_list; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-content1 |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-left |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['competences']) || !empty($user_info['diplomas']) || !empty($user_info['openarea']) || !empty($user_info['teach']) ) { |
echo '<div class="social-box-left">'; |
echo '<div>'.Display::return_icon('boxmygroups.jpg').'</div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-box-content1">'; |
echo '<div><h3>'.get_lang('MoreInformation').'</h3></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-content-competences">'; |
$cut_size = 220; |
if (!empty($user_info['competences'])) { |
echo '<br />'; |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;">'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyCompetences').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['competences'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['diplomas'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyDiplomas').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['diplomas'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['openarea'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyPersonalOpenArea').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['openarea'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
if (!empty($user_info['teach'])) { |
echo '<div class="social-background-content" style="width:100%;" >'; |
echo '<div class="social-actions-message"><strong>'.get_lang('MyTeach').'</strong></div>'; |
echo '<div class="social-profile-extended">'.$user_info['teach'].'</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '<br />'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
echo '</div>'; |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .social-box-main |
} |
echo '</div>'; // close div tag .socialContentRight |