<li>[2017-12-13] (<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/de79a59f46e2de4ecf81b9782532f4bef092bd27">de79a59f</a>) Template: Change course code for the course id to use in Twig variable</li>
<li>[2017-06-16] (<ahref="https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms/commit/686274be02c1ed3027ed0b7a76b2f6e12cc800cd">686274be</a> - <ahref="https://task.beeznest.com/issues/12926">BT#12926</a>) Template: Improving and create tpl for forum view</li>
<li>Additional templates in main/template/ will now work as override: you don't need to copy the full default/ folder anymore, just create the .tpl you need to change and its dependencies (see "extend" statements in some .tpl)</li>