* @author Yannick Warnier * @version v 1.0 * @access public * @package chamilo.learnpath * @license GNU/GPL */ /** * This script is divided into three sections. * The first section (below) is the initialisation part. * The second section is the AICC object part * The third section defines the event handlers for Chamilo's internal messaging * and frames refresh * * This script implements the API messaging for AICC. The HACP messaging is * made by another set of scripts. */ // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php. $use_anonymous = true; // Load common libraries using a compatibility script to bridge between 1.6 and 1.8. require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; // Is this needed? This is probabaly done in the header file. $file = $_SESSION['file']; $oLP = unserialize(Session::read('lpobject')); $oItem = $oLP->items[$oLP->current]; if (!is_object($oItem)) { error_log('New LP - scorm_api - Could not load oItem item', 0); exit; } $autocomplete_when_80pct = 0; /* JavaScript Functions */ ?>var scorm_logs=scorm_debug) ? '0' : '3'); ?>; //debug log level for SCORM. 0 = none, 1=light, 2=a lot, 3=all - displays logs in log frame var lms_logs=0; //debug log level for LMS actions. 0=none, 1=light, 2=a lot, 3=all //logit_lms('scormfunctions.php included',0); function APIobject() { this.LMSInitialize=LMSInitialize; this.LMSGetValue=LMSGetValue; this.LMSSetValue=LMSSetValue; this.LMSCommit=LMSCommit; this.LMSFinish=LMSFinish; this.LMSGetLastError=LMSGetLastError; this.LMSGetErrorString=LMSGetErrorString; this.LMSGetDiagnostic=LMSGetDiagnostic; } // It is not sure that the scos use the above declarations. API = new APIobject(); //for scorm 1.2 var G_NoError = 0; var G_GeneralException = 101; var G_ServerBusy = 102; var G_InvalidArgumentError = 201; var G_ElementCannotHaveChildren = 202; var G_ElementIsNotAnArray = 203; var G_NotInitialized = 301; var G_NotImplementedError = 401; var G_InvalidSetValue = 402; var G_ElementIsReadOnly = 403; var G_ElementIsWriteOnly = 404; var G_IncorrectDataType = 405; var G_LastError = G_NoError ; var commit = false ; // Strictly SCORM variables. var score=get_score();?>; var max=get_max();?>; var min=get_min();?>; var lesson_status='get_status();?>'; var session_time='get_scorm_time('js');?>'; var suspend_data = 'get_suspend_data();?>'; var lesson_location = 'get_lesson_location();?>'; var total_time = 'get_scorm_time('js');?>'; // Chamilo internal variables. var saved_lesson_status = 'not attempted'; var lms_lp_id = get_id();?>; var lms_item_id = get_id();?>; //var lms_new_item_id = 0; //temporary value (only there between a load_item() and a LMSInitialize()) var lms_been_synchronized = 0; var lms_initialized = 0; var lms_total_lessons = get_total_items_count(); ?>; var lms_complete_lessons = get_complete_items_count();?>; var lms_progress_bar_mode = 'progress_bar_mode;?>'; if(lms_progress_bar_mode == ''){lms_progress_bar_mode='%';} var lms_view_id = 'get_view();?>'; if(lms_view_id == ''){ lms_view_id = 1;} var lms_user_id = ''; var lms_next_item = 'get_next_item_id();?>'; var lms_previous_item = 'get_previous_item_id();?>'; var lms_lp_type = 'get_type();?>'; var lms_item_type = 'get_type();?>'; // Backup for old values. var old_score = 0; var old_max = 0; var old_min = 0; var old_lesson_status = ''; var old_session_time = ''; var old_suspend_data = ''; var lms_old_item_id = 0; function LMSInitialize() { //this is the initialize function of all APIobjects logit_scorm('LMSInitialise()',0); lms_initialized=1; return('true'); } function LMSGetValue(param) { //logit_scorm("LMSGetValue('"+param+"')",1); var result=''; if(param=='cmi.core._children' || param=='cmi.core_children'){ result='entry, exit, lesson_status, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, total_time, credit, lesson_mode, score, session_time'; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.entry'){ result=''; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.exit'){ result=''; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_status'){ if(lesson_status != '') { result=lesson_status; } else{ result='not attempted'; } }else if(param == 'cmi.core.student_id'){ result=''; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.student_name'){ }else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_location'){ result=lesson_location; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.total_time'){ result=total_time; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.score._children'){ result='raw,min,max'; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.raw'){ result=score; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.max'){ result=max; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.score.min'){ result=min; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.score'){ result=score; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.credit'){ result='no-credit'; }else if(param == 'cmi.core.lesson_mode'){ result='normal'; }else if(param == 'cmi.suspend_data'){ result='get_suspend_data();?>'; }else if(param == 'cmi.launch_data'){ result=''; }else if(param == 'cmi.objectives._count'){ result='get_view_count();?>'; } /* // Switch not working??? WTF??? switch(param) { case 'cmi.core._children' : result='entry, exit, lesson_status, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, total_time, credit, lesson_mode, score, session_time'; break; case 'cmi.core_children' : result='entry, exit, lesson_status, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, total_time, credit, lesson_mode, score, session_time'; break; case 'cmi.core.entry' : result=''; break; case 'cmi.core.exit' : result=''; break; case 'cmi.core.lesson_status' : if(lesson_status != '') { result=lesson_status; } else{ result='not attempted'; } break; case 'cmi.core.student_id' : result=''; break; case 'cmi.core.student_name' : break; case 'cmi.core.lesson_location' : result=''; break; case 'cmi.core.total_time' : result=total_time; break; case 'cmi.core.score._children' : result='raw,min,max'; break; case 'cmi.core.score.raw' : result=score; break; case 'cmi.core.score.max' : result=max; break; case 'cmi.core.score.min' : result=min; break; case 'cmi.core.score' : result=score; break; case 'cmi.core.credit' : result='no-credit'; break; case 'cmi.core.lesson_mode' : result='normal'; break; case 'cmi.suspend_data' : result='get_suspend_data();?>'; break; case 'cmi.launch_data' : result=''; break; case 'cmi.objectives._count': result='get_view_count();?>'; break; default : result=''; break; } */ logit_scorm("LMSGetValue('"+param+"') returned '"+result+"'",1); return result; } function LMSSetValue(param, val) { logit_scorm("LMSSetValue('"+param+"','"+val+"')",0); switch(param) { case 'cmi.core.score.raw' : score= val ; break; case 'cmi.core.score.max' : max = val; break; case 'cmi.core.score.min' : min = val; break; case 'cmi.core.lesson_location' : lesson_location = val;break; case 'cmi.core.lesson_status' : saved_lesson_status = lesson_status; lesson_status = val; mode != 'fullscreen') { ?> //var update = update_toc(lesson_status,lms_item_id); break; case 'cmi.completion_status' : lesson_status = val; break; //1.3 case 'cmi.core.session_time' : session_time = val; break; case 'cmi.score.scaled' : score = val ; break; //1.3 case 'cmi.success_status' : success_status = val; break; //1.3 case 'cmi.suspend_data' : suspend_data = val; break; } //var update = update_toc(); //var update_progress = update_progress_bar(); force_commit == 1) { echo " var mycommit = LMSCommit('force');"; } ?> return(true); } function savedata(origin) { //origin can be 'commit', 'finish' or 'terminate' if( ( lesson_status == 'incomplete') && (score >= (0.8*max) ) ){ lesson_status = 'completed'; } param = 'id='+lms_item_id+'&origin='+origin+'&score='+score+'&max='+max+'&min='+min+'&lesson_status='+lesson_status+'&time='+session_time+'&suspend_data='+suspend_data; url="http:///lp_controller.php?&action=save&lp_id=get_id();?>&" + param + ""; logit_lms('saving data (status='+lesson_status+')',1); xajax_save_item(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id, score, max, min, lesson_status, session_time, suspend_data, lesson_location); //xajax_update_pgs(); //xajax_update_toc(); } function LMSCommit(val) { logit_scorm('LMSCommit()',0); commit = true ; savedata('commit'); return('true'); } function LMSFinish(val) { if ( !commit ) { logit_scorm('LMSFinish() (no LMSCommit())',1); } if ( commit ) { logit_scorm('LMSFinish() called',1); savedata('finish'); } return('true'); } function LMSGetLastError() { logit_scorm('LMSGetLastError()',1); return(G_LastError); } function LMSGetErrorString(errCode){ logit_scorm('LMSGetErrorString()',1); return('No error !'); } function LMSGetDiagnostic(errCode){ logit_scorm('LMSGetDiagnostic()',1); return(API.LMSGetLastError()); } /** * Defining the AJAX-object class to be made available from other frames. */ function XAJAXobject() { this.xajax_switch_item_details=xajax_switch_item_details; this.switch_item=switch_item; } //it is not sure that the scos use the above declarations oXAJAX = new XAJAXobject(); oxajax = new XAJAXobject(); /** * Cross-browser event handling by Scott Andrew * @param element Element that needs an event attached * @param string Event type (load, unload, click, keyDown, ...) * @param string Function name (the event handler) * @param string used in addEventListener */ function addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture){ if(elm.addEventListener){ elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; }else if (elm.attachEvent){ var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); }else{ elm['on'+evType] = fn; } } /** * Add listeners to the page objects. This has to be defined for * the current context as it acts on objects that should exist * on the page */ function addListeners(){ //exit if the browser doesn't support ID or tag retrieval logit_lms('Entering addListeners()',2); if(!document.getElementsByTagName){ logit_lms("getElementsByTagName not available",2); return; } if(!document.getElementById){ logit_lms("getElementById not available",2); return; } //assign event handlers to objects if(lms_lp_type==1 || lms_item_type=='asset'){ logit_lms('Dokeos LP or asset',2); // If this path is a Chamilo learnpath, then start manual save // when something is loaded in there. var myelem = document.getElementById('content_id'); if(!myelem){logit_lms("Impossible to find content_id element in document",2);} addEvent(myelem,'unload',chamilo_save_asset,false); logit_lms('Added event listener on content_id for unload',2); } logit_lms('Quitting addListeners()',2); } /** * Load an item into the content frame: * - making sure the previous item status have been saved * - first updating the current item ID (to save the right item) * - updating the frame src */ function load_item(item_id,url){ if(document.getElementById('content_id')) { logit_lms('Loading item '+item_id,2); var cont_f = document.getElementById('content_id'); if(cont_f.src){ lms_old_item_id = lms_item_id; var lms_new_item_id = item_id; //load new content page into content frame if(lms_lp_type==1 || lms_item_type=='asset'){ chamilo_save_asset(); } cont_f.src = url; update_toc('unhighlight',lms_old_item_id); update_toc('highlight',item_id); /* legacy code lms_been_synchronized = 0; lms_initialized = 0; if(lms_lp_type==1 || lms_item_type=='asset'){ lms_item_id = lms_new_item_id; }*/ return true; } logit_lms('cont_f.src has no properties',0); } logit_lms('content_id has no properties',0); return false; } /** * Save a Chamilo learnpath item's time and mark as completed upon * leaving it */ function chamilo_save_asset(){ //var linkparams = 'id='+lms_item_id+'&score='+score+'&max='+max+'&min='+min+'&lesson_status='+lesson_status+'&time='+session_time+'&suspend_data='+suspend_data; //var url = "?action=save&" + linkparams + ""; logit_lms('chamilo_save_asset: '+url,0); //frames["message_name"].src = url; xajax_save_item(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id, score, max, min, lesson_status, session_time, suspend_data, lesson_location); } /** * Logs information about SCORM messages into the log frame * @param string Message to log * @param integer Priority (0 for top priority, 3 for lowest) */ function logit_scorm(message,priority) { if (scorm_logs) { log_in_log("SCORM: " + message); } return false; /*if(frames["lp_log_name"] && scorm_logs>priority){ frames["lp_log_name"].document.getElementById("log_content").innerHTML += "AICC: " + message + "
"; }*/ } function log_in_log(message) { var ua = $.browser; if (ua.mozilla) { console.log(message); } else { if (window.console) { window.console.log(message); } } } /** * Logs information about LMS activity into the log frame * @param string Message to log * @param integer Priority (0 for top priority, 3 for lowest) */ function logit_lms(message,priority) { /* if(frames["lp_log_name"] && lms_logs>priority){ frames["lp_log_name"].document.getElementById("log_content").innerHTML += "LMS: " + message + "
"; }*/ if (scorm_logs) { log_in_log("LMS: " + message); } } /** * update the Table Of Contents frame, by changing CSS styles, mostly * @param string Action to be taken * @param integer Item id to update */ function update_toc(update_action,update_id) { mode != 'fullscreen') { ?> var myframe = frames["toc_name"]; var myelem = myframe.document.getElementById("toc_"+update_id); var myelemimg = myframe.document.getElementById("toc_img_"+update_id); logit_lms('update_toc('+update_action+','+update_id+')',2); if(update_id != 0){ switch(update_action){ case 'unhighlight': myelem.className = "scorm_item"; break; case 'highlight': myelem.className = "scorm_item_highlight"; break; case 'not attempted': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/notattempted.gif'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/notattempted.gif"; myelemimg.alt = "not attempted"; } break; case 'incomplete': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/incomplete.png'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/incomplete.png"; myelemimg.alt = "incomplete"; } break; case 'completed': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/completed.png'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/completed.png"; myelemimg.alt = "completed"; } break; case 'failed': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/failed.png'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/failed.png"; myelemimg.alt = "failed"; } break; case 'passed': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/completed.png' && myelemimg.alt != 'passed'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/completed.png"; myelemimg.alt = "passed"; } break; case 'browsed': if(myelemimg.src != '../img/completed.png' && myelemimg.alt != 'browsed'){ myelemimg.src = "../img/completed.png"; myelemimg.alt = "browsed"; } break; default: logit_lms('Update action unknown',2); break; } } return true; return true; } /** * Updates the progress bar with the new status. Prevents the need of a page refresh and flickering * @param integer Number of completed items * @param integer Number of items in total * @param string Display mode (absolute 'abs' or percentage '%').Defaults to % */ function update_progress_bar(nbr_complete, nbr_total, mode) { logit_lms('update_progress_bar('+nbr_complete+','+nbr_total+','+mode+')',2); logit_lms('could update with data: '+lms_lp_id+','+lms_view_id+','+lms_user_id,2); var myframe = frames["nav_name"]; if(myframe){ if(mode == ''){mode='%';} if(nbr_total == 0){nbr_total=1;} var percentage = (nbr_complete/nbr_total)*100; percentage = Math.round(percentage); var progress_bar = $("#progress_bar_value"); progress_bar.css('width', percentage +"%"); /* var pr_text = myframe.document.getElementById('progress_text'); var pr_full = myframe.document.getElementById('progress_img_full'); var pr_empty = myframe.document.getElementById('progress_img_empty'); pr_full.width = percentage; pr_empty.width = 100-percentage; */ var mytext = ''; switch(mode){ case 'abs': mytext = nbr_complete + '/' + nbr_total; break; case '%': default: mytext = percentage + '%'; break; } pr_text.innerHTML = mytext; } return true; } function update_stats_page() { var myframe = document.getElementById('content_id'); var mysrc = myframe.location.href; if(mysrc == 'lp_controller.php?action=stats'){ if(myframe && myframe.src){ var mysrc = myframe.src; myframe.src = mysrc; } // = mysrc; //refresh page } return true; } /** * Updates the message frame with the given string */ function update_message_frame(msg_msg) { if(msg_msg==null){msg_msg='';} var msg_f = frames["message_name"]; if(!msg_f.document || !msg_f.document.getElementById('msg_div_id')){ logit_lms('In update_message_frame() - message frame has no document property',0); }else{ logit_lms('In update_message_frame() - updating frame',0); msg_f.document.getElementById('msg_div_id').innerHTML= msg_msg; } } /** * Function that handles the saving of an item and switching from an item to another. * Once called, this function should be able to do the whole process of (1) saving the * current item, (2) refresh all the values inside the SCORM API object, (3) open the * new item into the content_id frame, (4) refresh the table of contents, (5) refresh * the progress bar (completion), (6) refresh the message frame * @param integer Chamilo ID for the current item * @param string This parameter can be a string specifying the next * item (like 'next', 'previous', 'first' or 'last') or the id to the next item */ function switch_item(current_item, next_item){ /* if(!current_item){ logit_lms('In switch - no current_item defined',0); } if(!next_item){ logit_lms('In switch - no next_item defined',0); } */ if(lms_item_id == next_item){ return; //nothing to switch } //(1) save the current item logit_lms('Called switch_item with params '+lms_item_id+' and '+next_item+'',0); xajax_save_item(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id, score, max, min, lesson_status, session_time, suspend_data, lesson_location); //(2) Refresh all the values inside this SCORM API object - use AJAX xajax_switch_item_details(lms_lp_id,lms_user_id,lms_view_id,lms_item_id,next_item); //(3) open the new item in the content_id frame var cont_f = document.getElementById('content_id'); if(!cont_f){logit_lms('In switch - content frame not found',0);return false;} switch(next_item){ case 'next': next_item = lms_next_item; break; case 'previous': next_item = lms_previous_item; break; default: break; } cont_f.src = 'lp_controller.php?action=content&lp_id='+lms_lp_id+'&item_id='+next_item; //(4) refresh table of contents /* var toc_f = document.getElementById('toc_id'); if(!toc_f){logit_lms('In switch - toc frame not found',0);return false;} var myrefresh = toc_f.src; toc_f.src = myrefresh; */ //(5) refresh the progress bar /* var prg_f = document.getElementById('nav_id'); if(!prg_f){logit_lms('In switch - navigation frame not found',0);return false;} var myrefresh = prg_f.src; prg_f.src = myrefresh; */ //(6) refresh the message box (included in switch_item_details) return true; } /** * Save a specific item (with its interactions, if any) into the LMS through * an AJAX call. Originally, we used the xajax library. Now we use jQuery. * Because of the need to pass an array, we have to build the parameters * manually into GET[] */ function xajax_save_item(lms_lp_id, lms_user_id, lms_view_id, lms_item_id, score, max, min, lesson_status, session_time, suspend_data, lesson_location, interactions, lms_item_core_exit) { params=''; params += 'lid='+lms_lp_id+'&uid='+lms_user_id+'&vid='+lms_view_id; params += '&iid='+lms_item_id+'&s='+score+'&max='+max+'&min='+min; params += '&status='+lesson_status+'&t='+session_time; params += '&suspend='+suspend_data+'&loc='+lesson_location; params += '&core_exit='+lms_item_core_exit; interact_string = ''; for (i in interactions){ interact_string += '&interact['+i+']='; interact_temp = '['; for (j in interactions[i]) { interact_temp += interactions[i][j]+','; } interact_temp = interact_temp.substr(0,(interact_temp.length-2)) + ']'; interact_string += encodeURIComponent(interact_temp); } //interact_string = encodeURIComponent(interact_string.substr(0,(interact_string.length-1))); params += interact_string; /*params = { 'lid': lms_lp_id, 'uid': lms_user_id, 'vid': lms_view_id, 'iid': lms_item_id, 's': score, 'max': max, 'min': min, 'status': lesson_status, 't': session_time, 'suspend': suspend_data, 'loc': lesson_location, 'interact': interac_string, 'core_exit': lms_item_core_exit } */ $.ajax({ type:"POST", data: params, url: "lp_ajax_save_item.php", dataType: "script", async: false } ); } /** * Starts the timer with the server clock time. * Originally, we used the xajax library. Now we use jQuery */ function xajax_start_timer() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "lp_ajax_start_timer.php", dataType: "script", async: false }); } /** * Save a specific item's objectives into the LMS through * an AJAX call. Originally, we used the xajax library. Now we use jQuery */ function xajax_save_objectives(lms_lp_id,lms_user_id,lms_view_id,lms_item_id,item_objectives) { params=''; params += 'lid='+lms_lp_id+'&uid='+lms_user_id+'&vid='+lms_view_id; params += '&iid='+lms_item_id; obj_string = ''; for (i in item_objectives){ obj_string += '&objectives['+i+']='; obj_temp = '['; for (j in item_objectives[i]) { obj_temp += item_objectives[i][j]+','; } obj_temp = obj_temp.substr(0,(obj_temp.length-2)) + ']'; obj_string += encodeURIComponent(obj_temp); } params += obj_string; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: params, url: "lp_ajax_save_objectives.php", dataType: "script", async: false }); } /** * Switch between two items through * an AJAX call. Originally, we used the xajax library. Now we use jQuery */ function xajax_switch_item_details(lms_lp_id,lms_user_id,lms_view_id,lms_item_id,next_item) { params = { 'lid': lms_lp_id, 'uid': lms_user_id, 'vid': lms_view_id, 'iid': lms_item_id, 'next': next_item } $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: params, url: "lp_ajax_switch_item.php", dataType: "script", async: false }); } addEvent(window,'load',addListeners,false);