, Ghent University - * ability for course admins to specify wether uploaded documents are visible or invisible by default. * @author Roan Embrechts, code refactoring and virtual course support * @author Frederic Vauthier, directories management * @author Julio Montoya BeezNest 2011 LOTS of bug fixes * @todo this lib should be convert in a static class and moved to main/inc/lib */ /** * Displays action links (for admins, authorized groups members and authorized students) * @param string Current dir * @param integer Whether to show tool options * @param integer Whether to show upload form option * @return void */ function display_action_links($id, $cur_dir_path, $action) { $id = $my_back_id = intval($id); if ($action == 'list') { $my_back_id = 0; } $display_output = ''; $origin = api_get_origin(); if (!empty($id)) { $display_output .= ''. Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('BackToWorksList'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; } if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && $origin != 'learnpath') { // Create dir if (empty($id)) { $display_output .= ''; $display_output .= Display::return_icon( 'new_work.png', get_lang('CreateAssignment'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ). ''; } if (empty($id)) { // Options $display_output .= ''; $display_output .= Display::return_icon( 'settings.png', get_lang('EditToolOptions'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ).''; } $display_output .= ''. Display::return_icon( 'listwork.png', get_lang('ViewStudents'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ). ''; } if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && $origin != 'learnpath' && api_is_allowed_to_session_edit(false, true) ) { // Delete all files if (api_get_setting('permanently_remove_deleted_files') == 'true') { $message = get_lang('ConfirmYourChoiceDeleteAllfiles'); } else { $message = get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'); } } if ($display_output != '') { echo '
'; echo $display_output; echo '
'; } } /** * Returns a form displaying all options for this tool. * These are * - make all files visible / invisible * - set the default visibility of uploaded files * @param $defaults * @return string The HTML form */ function settingsForm($defaults) { $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true); if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { return; } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=settings'; $form = new FormValidator('edit_settings', 'post', $url); $form->addElement('hidden', 'changeProperties', 1); $form->addElement('header', get_lang('EditToolOptions')); $group = array( $form->createElement('radio', 'show_score', null, get_lang('NewVisible'), 0), $form->createElement('radio', 'show_score', null, get_lang('NewUnvisible'), 1) ); $form->addGroup($group, '', get_lang('DefaultUpload')); $group = array( $form->createElement('radio', 'student_delete_own_publication', null, get_lang('Yes'), 1), $form->createElement('radio', 'student_delete_own_publication', null, get_lang('No'), 0) ); $form->addGroup($group, '', get_lang('StudentAllowedToDeleteOwnPublication')); $form->addButtonSave(get_lang('Save')); $form->setDefaults($defaults); return $form->returnForm(); } /** * @param string $path * @param int $courseId * * @return array */ function get_work_data_by_path($path, $courseId = null) { $path = Database::escape_string($path); if (empty($courseId)) { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); } else { $courseId = intval($courseId); } $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$work_table." WHERE url = '$path' AND c_id = $courseId "; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $return = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } return $return; } /** * @param int $id * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * @return array */ function get_work_data_by_id($id, $courseId = null, $sessionId = null) { $id = intval($id); if (!empty($courseId)) { $courseId = intval($courseId); } else { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); } $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sessionCondition = null; if (!empty($sessionId)) { $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, true); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = $id AND c_id = $courseId $sessionCondition"; $result = Database::query($sql); $work = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); if (empty($work['title'])) { $work['title'] = basename($work['url']); } $work['download_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/download.php?id='.$work['id'].'&'.api_get_cidreq(); $work['view_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?id='.$work['id'].'&'.api_get_cidreq(); $work['show_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/show_file.php?id='.$work['id'].'&'.api_get_cidreq(); $work['show_content'] = ''; if ($work['contains_file']) { $fileInfo = pathinfo($work['title']); if (is_array($fileInfo) && !empty($fileInfo['extension']) && in_array($fileInfo['extension'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif')) ) { $work['show_content'] = ''; } } $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $work['extra'] = $fieldValue->getAllValuesForAnItem( $id, true ); } return $work; } /** * @param int $user_id * @param int $work_id * * @return int */ function get_work_count_by_student($user_id, $work_id) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $work_id = intval($work_id); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($session_id); $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM $table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND parent_id = $work_id AND user_id = $user_id AND active IN (0, 1) $sessionCondition"; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = 0; if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $return = Database::fetch_row($result, 'ASSOC'); $return = intval($return[0]); } return $return; } /** * @param int $id * @param int $courseId * * @return array */ function get_work_assignment_by_id($id, $courseId = null) { if (empty($courseId)) { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); } else { $courseId = intval($courseId); } $id = intval($id); $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id = $courseId AND publication_id = $id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $return = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $return = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } return $return; } /** * @param int $id * @param array $my_folder_data * @param string $add_in_where_query * @param int $course_id * @param int $session_id * * @return array */ function getWorkList($id, $my_folder_data, $add_in_where_query = null, $course_id = 0, $session_id = 0) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $course_id = $course_id ? $course_id : api_get_course_int_id(); $session_id = $session_id ? $session_id : api_get_session_id(); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true); $linkInfo = GradebookUtils::isResourceInCourseGradebook( api_get_course_id(), 3, $id, api_get_session_id() ); if ($linkInfo) { $workInGradeBookLinkId = $linkInfo['id']; if ($workInGradeBookLinkId) { if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { if (intval($my_folder_data['qualification']) == 0) { echo Display::return_message( get_lang('MaxWeightNeedToBeProvided'), 'warning' ); } } } } $contains_file_query = ''; // Get list from database if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $active_condition = ' active IN (0, 1)'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $work_table WHERE c_id = $course_id $add_in_where_query $condition_session AND $active_condition AND (parent_id = 0) $contains_file_query AND post_group_id = $groupIid ORDER BY sent_date DESC"; } else { if (!empty($group_id)) { // set to select only messages posted by the user's group $group_query = " WHERE c_id = $course_id AND post_group_id = $groupIid"; $subdirs_query = " AND parent_id = 0"; } else { $group_query = " WHERE c_id = $course_id AND (post_group_id = '0' OR post_group_id is NULL) "; $subdirs_query = " AND parent_id = 0"; } //@todo how we can active or not an assignment? $active_condition = ' AND active IN (1, 0)'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $work_table $group_query $subdirs_query $add_in_where_query $active_condition $condition_session ORDER BY title"; } $work_parents = array(); $sql_result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($sql_result)) { while ($work = Database::fetch_object($sql_result)) { if ($work->parent_id == 0) { $work_parents[] = $work; } } } return $work_parents; } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * @return array */ function getWorkPerUser($userId, $courseId = 0, $sessionId = 0) { $works = getWorkList(null, null, null, $courseId, $sessionId); $result = array(); if (!empty($works)) { foreach ($works as $workData) { $workId = $workData->id; $result[$workId]['work'] = $workData; $result[$workId]['work']->user_results = get_work_user_list( 0, 100, null, null, $workId, null, $userId, false, $courseId, $sessionId ); } } return $result; } /** * @param int $workId * @param int $groupId * @param int $course_id * @param int $sessionId * @return mixed */ function getUniqueStudentAttemptsTotal($workId, $groupId, $course_id, $sessionId) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_id = intval($course_id); $workId = intval($workId); $sessionId = intval($sessionId); $groupId = intval($groupId); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition( $sessionId, true, false, 'w.session_id' ); $groupIid = 0; if ($groupId) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $sql = "SELECT count(DISTINCT u.user_id) FROM $work_table w INNER JOIN $user_table u ON w.user_id = u.user_id WHERE w.c_id = $course_id $sessionCondition AND w.parent_id = $workId AND w.post_group_id = $groupIid AND w.active IN (0, 1) "; $res_document = Database::query($sql); $rowCount = Database::fetch_row($res_document); return $rowCount[0]; } /** * @param mixed $workId * @param int $groupId * @param int $course_id * @param int $sessionId * @param int $userId user id to filter * @param array $onlyUserList only parse this user list * @return mixed */ function getUniqueStudentAttempts( $workId, $groupId, $course_id, $sessionId, $userId = null, $onlyUserList = array() ) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_id = intval($course_id); $workCondition = null; if (is_array($workId)) { $workId = array_map('intval', $workId); $workId = implode("','", $workId); $workCondition = " w.parent_id IN ('".$workId."') AND"; } else { $workId = intval($workId); $workCondition = " w.parent_id = ".$workId." AND"; } $sessionId = intval($sessionId); $groupId = intval($groupId); $studentCondition = null; if (!empty($onlyUserList)) { $onlyUserList = array_map('intval', $onlyUserList); $studentCondition = "AND u.user_id IN ('".implode("', '", $onlyUserList)."') "; } else { if (empty($userId)) { return 0; } } $groupIid = 0; if ($groupId) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition( $sessionId, true, false, 'w.session_id' ); $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT count(*), w.parent_id FROM $work_table w INNER JOIN $user_table u ON w.user_id = u.user_id WHERE w.filetype = 'file' AND w.c_id = $course_id $sessionCondition AND $workCondition w.post_group_id = $groupIid AND w.active IN (0, 1) $studentCondition "; if (!empty($userId)) { $userId = intval($userId); $sql .= " AND u.user_id = ".$userId; } $sql .= " GROUP BY u.user_id, w.parent_id) as t"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } /** * Shows the work list (student view) * @return string */ function showStudentWorkGrid() { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); $url = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'model.ajax.php?a=get_work_student&'.api_get_cidreq(); $columns = array( get_lang('Type'), get_lang('Title'), get_lang('HandOutDateLimit'), get_lang('Feedback'), get_lang('LastUpload') ); $columnModel = array( array('name'=>'type', 'index'=>'type', 'width'=>'30', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable' => 'false'), array('name'=>'title', 'index'=>'title', 'width'=>'250', 'align'=>'left'), array('name'=>'expires_on', 'index'=>'expires_on', 'width'=>'80', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable'=>'false'), array('name'=>'feedback', 'index'=>'feedback', 'width'=>'80', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable'=>'false'), array('name'=>'last_upload', 'index'=>'feedback', 'width'=>'125', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable'=>'false') ); if ($courseInfo['show_score'] == 0) { $columnModel[] = array( 'name' => 'others', 'index' => 'others', 'width' => '80', 'align' => 'left', 'sortable' => 'false' ); $columns[] = get_lang('Others'); } $params = array( 'autowidth' => 'true', 'height' => 'auto' ); $html = ''; $html .= Display::grid_html('workList'); return $html; } /** * Shows the work list (teacher view) * @return string */ function showTeacherWorkGrid() { $columnModel = array( array('name'=>'type', 'index'=>'type', 'width'=>'35', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable' => 'false'), array('name'=>'title', 'index'=>'title', 'width'=>'300', 'align'=>'left', 'wrap_cell' => "true"), array('name'=>'sent_date', 'index'=>'sent_date', 'width'=>'125', 'align'=>'center'), array('name'=>'expires_on', 'index'=>'expires_on', 'width'=>'125', 'align'=>'center'), array('name'=>'amount', 'index'=>'amount', 'width'=>'110', 'align'=>'center', 'sortable' => 'false'), array('name'=>'actions', 'index'=>'actions', 'width'=>'110', 'align'=>'left', 'sortable'=>'false') ); $token = null; $url = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'model.ajax.php?a=get_work_teacher&'.api_get_cidreq(); $deleteUrl = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'work.ajax.php?a=delete_work&'.api_get_cidreq(); $columns = array( get_lang('Type'), get_lang('Title'), get_lang('SentDate'), get_lang('HandOutDateLimit'), get_lang('AmountSubmitted'), get_lang('Actions') ); $params = array( 'multiselect' => true, 'autowidth' => 'true', 'height' => 'auto' ); $html = ''; $html .= Display::grid_html('workList'); return $html; } /** * Builds the form thats enables the user to * select a directory to browse/upload in * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library * * @param array $folders * @param string $curdirpath * @param string $group_dir * @return string html form */ // TODO: This function is a candidate for removal, it is not used anywhere. function build_work_directory_selector($folders, $curdirpath, $group_dir = '') { $form = '
'; $form .= get_lang('CurrentDirectory').' '; $form .= ''; $form .= '
'; return $form; } /** * Builds the form thats enables the user to * move a document from one directory to another * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library * * @param array $folders * @param string $curdirpath * @param string $move_file * @param string $group_dir * @return string html form */ function build_work_move_to_selector($folders, $curdirpath, $move_file, $group_dir = '') { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $move_file = intval($move_file); $tbl_work = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sql = "SELECT title, url FROM $tbl_work WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id ='".$move_file."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $title = empty($row['title']) ? basename($row['url']) : $row['title']; $form = new FormValidator( 'move_to_form', 'post', api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.Security::remove_XSS($curdirpath) ); $form->addHeader(get_lang('MoveFile').' - '.Security::remove_XSS($title)); $form->addHidden('item_id', $move_file); $form->addHidden('action', 'move_to'); //group documents cannot be uploaded in the root if ($group_dir == '') { if ($curdirpath != '/') { //$form .= ''; } if (is_array($folders)) { foreach ($folders as $fid => $folder) { //you cannot move a file to: //1. current directory //2. inside the folder you want to move //3. inside a subfolder of the folder you want to move if (($curdirpath != $folder) && ($folder != $move_file) && (substr($folder, 0, strlen($move_file) + 1) != $move_file.'/')) { //$form .= ''; $options[$fid] = $folder; } } } } else { if ($curdirpath != '/') { $form .= ''; } foreach ($folders as $fid => $folder) { if (($curdirpath != $folder) && ($folder != $move_file) && (substr($folder, 0, strlen($move_file) + 1) != $move_file.'/')) { //cannot copy dir into his own subdir $display_folder = substr($folder, strlen($group_dir)); $display_folder = ($display_folder == '') ? '/ ('.get_lang('Root').')' : $display_folder; //$form .= ''."\n"; $options[$fid] = $display_folder; } } } $form->addSelect('move_to_id', get_lang('Select'), $options); $form->addButtonSend(get_lang('MoveFile'), 'move_file_submit'); return $form->returnForm(); } /** * creates a new directory trying to find a directory name * that doesn't already exist * * @author Hugues Peeters * @author Bert Vanderkimpen * @author Yannick Warnier Adaptation for work tool * @param string $base_work_dir Base work dir (.../work) * @param string $desiredDirName complete path of the desired name * * @return string actual directory name if it succeeds, boolean false otherwise */ function create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir, $desired_dir_name) { $nb = ''; $base_work_dir = (substr($base_work_dir, -1, 1) == '/' ? $base_work_dir : $base_work_dir.'/'); while (file_exists($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb)) { $nb += 1; } if (@mkdir($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories())) { return $desired_dir_name.$nb; } else { return false; } } /** * Delete a work-tool directory * @param int $id work directory id to delete * @return integer -1 on error */ function deleteDirWork($id) { $locked = api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook($id, LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION); if ($locked == true) { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('ResourceLockedByGradebook'), 'warning'); return false; } $_course = api_get_course_info(); $id = intval($id); $work_data = get_work_data_by_id($id); if (empty($work_data)) { return false; } $base_work_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/work'; $work_data_url = $base_work_dir.$work_data['url']; $check = Security::check_abs_path($work_data_url.'/', $base_work_dir.'/'); $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $TSTDPUBASG = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $t_agenda = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); if (!empty($work_data['url'])) { if ($check) { $consideredWorkingTime = api_get_configuration_value('considered_working_time'); if (!empty($consideredWorkingTime)) { $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $resultExtra = $fieldValue->getAllValuesForAnItem( $work_data['id'], true ); $workingTime = null; foreach ($resultExtra as $field) { $field = $field['value']; if ($consideredWorkingTime == $field->getField()->getVariable()) { $workingTime = $field->getValue(); break; } } $courseUsers = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code($_course['code'], $sessionId); if (!empty($workingTime)) { foreach ($courseUsers as $user) { $userWorks = get_work_user_list( 0, 100, null, null, $work_data['id'], null, $user['user_id'], false, $course_id, $sessionId ); if (count($userWorks) != 1) { continue; } Event::eventRemoveVirtualCourseTime($course_id, $user['user_id'], $sessionId, $workingTime); } } } // Deleting all contents inside the folder $sql = "UPDATE $table SET active = 2 WHERE c_id = $course_id AND filetype = 'folder' AND id = $id"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET active = 2 WHERE c_id = $course_id AND parent_id = $id"; Database::query($sql); $new_dir = $work_data_url.'_DELETED_'.$id; if (api_get_setting('permanently_remove_deleted_files') == 'true') { my_delete($work_data_url); } else { if (file_exists($work_data_url)) { rename($work_data_url, $new_dir); } } // Gets calendar_id from student_publication_assigment $sql = "SELECT add_to_calendar FROM $TSTDPUBASG WHERE c_id = $course_id AND publication_id = $id"; $res = Database::query($sql); $calendar_id = Database::fetch_row($res); // delete from agenda if it exists if (!empty($calendar_id[0])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_agenda WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = '".$calendar_id[0]."'"; Database::query($sql); } $sql = "DELETE FROM $TSTDPUBASG WHERE c_id = $course_id AND publication_id = $id"; Database::query($sql); Event::addEvent( LOG_WORK_DIR_DELETE, LOG_WORK_DATA, [ 'id' => $work_data['id'], 'url' => $work_data['url'], 'title' => $work_data['title'] ], null, api_get_user_id(), api_get_course_int_id(), $sessionId ); $link_info = GradebookUtils::isResourceInCourseGradebook( api_get_course_id(), 3, $id, api_get_session_id() ); $link_id = $link_info['id']; if ($link_info !== false) { GradebookUtils::remove_resource_from_course_gradebook($link_id); } return true; } } } /** * Get the path of a document in the student_publication table (path relative to the course directory) * @param integer $id * @return string Path (or -1 on error) */ function get_work_path($id) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = 'SELECT url FROM '.$table.' WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND id='.intval($id); $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res)) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['url']; } return -1; } /** * Update the url of a work in the student_publication table * @param integer $id of the work to update * @param string $new_path Destination directory where the work has been moved (must end with a '/') * @param int $parent_id * * @return mixed Int -1 on error, sql query result on success */ function updateWorkUrl($id, $new_path, $parent_id) { if (empty($id)) { return -1; } $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $id = intval($id); $parent_id = intval($parent_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $id"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) != 1) { return -1; } else { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $filename = basename($row['url']); $new_url = $new_path.$filename; $new_url = Database::escape_string($new_url); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET url = '$new_url', parent_id = '$parent_id' WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $id"; $res = Database::query($sql); return $res; } } /** * Update the url of a dir in the student_publication table * @param array $work_data work original data * @param string $newPath Example: "folder1" * @return bool */ function updateDirName($work_data, $newPath) { $course_id = $work_data['c_id']; $sessionId = intval($work_data['session_id']); $work_id = intval($work_data['iid']); $oldPath = $work_data['url']; $originalNewPath = Database::escape_string($newPath); $newPath = Database::escape_string($newPath); $newPath = api_replace_dangerous_char($newPath); $newPath = disable_dangerous_file($newPath); if ($oldPath == '/'.$newPath) { return true; } if (!empty($newPath)) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET title = '".$originalNewPath."' WHERE c_id = $course_id AND iid = $work_id"; Database::query($sql); } } /** * Return an array with all the folder's ids that are in the given path * @param string Path of the directory * @return array The list of ids of all the directories in the path * @author Julio Montoya * @version April 2008 */ function get_parent_directories($id) { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $em = Database::getManager(); $directories = $em ->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CStudentPublication') ->findBy([ 'cId' => $course_id, 'parentId' => $id ]); $list_id = array(); foreach ($directories as $directory) { $list_id[] = $directory->getId(); } return $list_id; } /** * Transform an all directory structure (only directories) in an array * @param string path of the directory * @return array the directory structure into an array * @author Julio Montoya * @version April 2008 */ function directory_to_array($directory) { $array_items = array(); if ($handle = @opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($directory.'/'.$file)) { $array_items = array_merge($array_items, directory_to_array($directory.'/'.$file)); $file = $directory.'/'.$file; $array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", '/', $file); } } } closedir($handle); } return $array_items; } /** * Insert into the DB of the course all the directories * @param string $base_work_dir path of the /work directory of the course * @return mixed Int -1 on error, sql query result on success * @author Julio Montoya * @version April 2008 */ function insert_all_directory_in_course_table($base_work_dir) { $dir_to_array = directory_to_array($base_work_dir, true); $only_dir = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir_to_array); $i++) { $only_dir[] = substr($dir_to_array[$i], strlen($base_work_dir), strlen($dir_to_array[$i])); } $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($only_dir); $i++) { $url = $only_dir[$i]; $params = [ 'c_id' => $course_id, 'url' => $url, 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'author' => '', 'active' => '1', 'accepted' => '1', 'filetype' => 'folder', 'post_group_id' => $groupIid, ]; Database::insert($work_table, $params); } } /** * This function displays the number of files contained in a directory * * @param string the path of the directory * @param boolean true if we want the total quantity of files * include in others child directories, false only files in the directory * @return array the first element is an integer with the number of files * in the folder, the second element is the number of directories * @author Julio Montoya * @version April 2008 */ function count_dir($path_dir, $recurse) { $count = 0; $count_dir = 0; $d = dir($path_dir); while ($entry = $d->Read()) { if (!(($entry == '..') || ($entry == '.'))) { if (is_dir($path_dir.'/'.$entry)) { $count_dir++; if ($recurse) { $count += count_dir($path_dir.'/'.$entry, $recurse); } } else { $count++; } } } $return_array = array(); $return_array[] = $count; $return_array[] = $count_dir; return $return_array; } /** * returns all the javascript that is required for easily * validation when you create a work * this goes into the $htmlHeadXtra[] array */ function to_javascript_work() { $js = ''; return $js; } /** * Gets the id of a student publication with a given path * @param string $path * @return true if is found / false if not found */ // TODO: The name of this function does not fit with the kind of information it returns. Maybe check_work_id() or is_work_id()? function get_work_id($path) { $TBL_STUDENT_PUBLICATION = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $TBL_PROP_TABLE = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $path = Database::escape_string($path); if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { $sql = "SELECT work.id FROM $TBL_STUDENT_PUBLICATION AS work, $TBL_PROP_TABLE AS props WHERE props.c_id = $course_id AND work.c_id = $course_id AND props.tool='work' AND work.id=props.ref AND work.url LIKE 'work/".$path."%' AND work.filetype='file' AND props.visibility<>'2'"; } else { $sql = "SELECT work.id FROM $TBL_STUDENT_PUBLICATION AS work, $TBL_PROP_TABLE AS props WHERE props.c_id = $course_id AND work.c_id = $course_id AND props.tool='work' AND work.id=props.ref AND work.url LIKE 'work/".$path."%' AND work.filetype='file' AND props.visibility<>'2' AND props.lastedit_user_id = '".api_get_user_id()."'"; } $result = Database::query($sql); $num_rows = Database::num_rows($result); if ($result && $num_rows > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @param int $work_id * @param int $onlyMeUserId show only my works * @param int $notMeUserId show works from everyone except me * @return int */ function get_count_work($work_id, $onlyMeUserId = null, $notMeUserId = null) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $iprop_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition( $session_id, true, false, 'work.session_id' ); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $course_info = api_get_course_info(); $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $work_id = intval($work_id); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } if (!empty($group_id)) { // set to select only messages posted by the user's group $extra_conditions = " work.post_group_id = '".intval($groupIid)."' "; } else { $extra_conditions = " (work.post_group_id = '0' or work.post_group_id IS NULL) "; } if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $extra_conditions .= ' AND work.active IN (0, 1) '; } else { $extra_conditions .= ' AND work.active IN (0, 1) AND accepted = 1'; if (isset($course_info['show_score']) && $course_info['show_score'] == 1) { $extra_conditions .= " AND work.user_id = ".api_get_user_id()." "; } else { $extra_conditions .= ''; } } $extra_conditions .= " AND parent_id = ".$work_id." "; $where_condition = null; if (!empty($notMeUserId)) { $where_condition .= " AND u.user_id <> ".intval($notMeUserId); } if (!empty($onlyMeUserId)) { $where_condition .= " AND u.user_id = ".intval($onlyMeUserId); } $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM $iprop_table prop INNER JOIN $work_table work ON ( prop.ref = work.id AND prop.c_id = $course_id AND prop.tool='work' AND prop.visibility <> 2 AND work.c_id = $course_id ) INNER JOIN $user_table u ON (work.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE $extra_conditions $where_condition $condition_session"; $result = Database::query($sql); $users_with_work = 0; if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $result = Database::fetch_array($result); $users_with_work = $result['count']; } return $users_with_work; } /** * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @param string $column * @param string $direction * @param string $where_condition * @param bool $getCount * @return array */ function getWorkListStudent( $start, $limit, $column, $direction, $where_condition, $getCount = false ) { $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workTableAssignment = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $userId = api_get_user_id(); $isDrhOfCourse = CourseManager::isUserSubscribedInCourseAsDrh( api_get_user_id(), $courseInfo ); if (!in_array($direction, array('asc', 'desc'))) { $direction = 'desc'; } if (!empty($where_condition)) { $where_condition = ' AND '.$where_condition; } $column = !empty($column) ? Database::escape_string($column) : 'sent_date'; $start = intval($start); $limit = intval($limit); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $groupIid = (int) $groupIid; // Get list from database if (!empty($groupIid)) { $group_query = " WHERE w.c_id = $course_id AND post_group_id = $groupIid"; $subdirs_query = "AND parent_id = 0"; } else { $group_query = " WHERE w.c_id = $course_id AND (post_group_id = '0' or post_group_id is NULL) "; $subdirs_query = "AND parent_id = 0"; } $active_condition = ' AND active IN (1, 0)'; if ($getCount) { $select = "SELECT count(w.id) as count "; } else { $select = "SELECT w.*, a.expires_on, expires_on, ends_on, enable_qualification "; } $sql = "$select FROM $workTable w LEFT JOIN $workTableAssignment a ON (a.publication_id = w.id AND a.c_id = w.c_id) $group_query $subdirs_query $active_condition $condition_session $where_condition "; $sql .= " ORDER BY $column $direction "; if (!empty($start) && !empty($limit)) { $sql .= " LIMIT $start, $limit"; } $result = Database::query($sql); if ($getCount) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result); return $row['count']; } $works = array(); $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); if ($isDrhOfCourse) { $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list_all.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); } $urlOthers = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list_others.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='; while ($work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $isSubscribed = userIsSubscribedToWork($userId, $work['id'], $course_id); if ($isSubscribed == false) { continue; } $visibility = api_get_item_visibility($courseInfo, 'work', $work['id'], $session_id); if ($visibility != 1) { continue; } $work['type'] = Display::return_icon('work.png'); $work['expires_on'] = empty($work['expires_on']) ? null : api_get_local_time($work['expires_on']); if (empty($work['title'])) { $work['title'] = basename($work['url']); } $whereCondition = " AND u.user_id = ".intval($userId); $workList = get_work_user_list( 0, 1000, null, null, $work['id'], $whereCondition ); $count = getTotalWorkComment($workList, $courseInfo); $lastWork = getLastWorkStudentFromParentByUser($userId, $work, $courseInfo); if (!is_null($count) && !empty($count)) { $urlView = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?id='.$lastWork['id'].'&'.api_get_cidreq(); $feedback = ' '.Display::url( Display::returnFontAwesomeIcon('comments-o'), $urlView, ['title' => get_lang('View')] ); $work['feedback'] = ' '.Display::label($count.' '.get_lang('Feedback'), 'info').$feedback; } if (!empty($lastWork)) { $work['last_upload'] = (!empty($lastWork['qualification'])) ? $lastWork['qualification_rounded'].' - ' : ''; $work['last_upload'] .= api_get_local_time($lastWork['sent_date']); } $work['title'] = Display::url($work['title'], $url.'&id='.$work['id']); $work['others'] = Display::url( Display::return_icon('group.png', get_lang('Others')), $urlOthers.$work['id'] ); $works[] = $work; } return $works; } /** * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @param string $column * @param string $direction * @param string $where_condition * @param bool $getCount * @return array */ function getWorkListTeacher( $start, $limit, $column, $direction, $where_condition, $getCount = false ) { $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workTableAssignment = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $groupIid = (int) $groupIid; $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_coach(); if (!in_array($direction, array('asc', 'desc'))) { $direction = 'desc'; } if (!empty($where_condition)) { $where_condition = ' AND '.$where_condition; } $column = !empty($column) ? Database::escape_string($column) : 'sent_date'; $start = intval($start); $limit = intval($limit); $works = array(); // Get list from database if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $active_condition = ' active IN (0, 1)'; if ($getCount) { $select = " SELECT count(w.id) as count"; } else { $select = " SELECT w.*, a.expires_on, expires_on, ends_on, enable_qualification "; } $sql = " $select FROM $workTable w LEFT JOIN $workTableAssignment a ON (a.publication_id = w.id AND a.c_id = w.c_id) WHERE w.c_id = $course_id $condition_session AND $active_condition AND parent_id = 0 AND post_group_id = $groupIid $where_condition ORDER BY $column $direction LIMIT $start, $limit"; $result = Database::query($sql); if ($getCount) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result); return $row['count']; } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list_all.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); while ($work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $workId = $work['id']; $work['type'] = Display::return_icon('work.png'); $work['expires_on'] = empty($work['expires_on']) ? null : api_get_local_time($work['expires_on']); $countUniqueAttempts = getUniqueStudentAttemptsTotal( $workId, $group_id, $course_id, $session_id ); $totalUsers = getStudentSubscribedToWork( $workId, $course_id, $group_id, $session_id, true ); $work['amount'] = Display::label( $countUniqueAttempts.'/'. $totalUsers, 'success' ); $visibility = api_get_item_visibility($courseInfo, 'work', $workId, $session_id); if ($visibility == 1) { $icon = 'visible.png'; $text = get_lang('Visible'); $action = 'invisible'; $class = ''; } else { $icon = 'invisible.png'; $text = get_lang('Invisible'); $action = 'visible'; $class = 'muted'; } $visibilityLink = Display::url( Display::return_icon($icon, $text, array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work.php?id='.$workId.'&action='.$action.'&'.api_get_cidreq() ); if (empty($work['title'])) { $work['title'] = basename($work['url']); } $work['title'] = Display::url($work['title'], $url.'&id='.$workId, ['class' => $class]); $work['title'] .= ' '.Display::label(get_count_work($work['id']), 'success'); $work['sent_date'] = api_get_local_time($work['sent_date']); $editLink = Display::url( Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/edit_work.php?id='.$workId.'&'.api_get_cidreq() ); $correctionLink = ' '.Display::url( Display::return_icon('upload_package.png', get_lang('UploadCorrections'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/upload_corrections.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$workId ).' '; if ($countUniqueAttempts > 0) { $downloadLink = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'save_pack.png', get_lang('Save'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/downloadfolder.inc.php?id='.$workId.'&'.api_get_cidreq() ); } else { $downloadLink = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'save_pack_na.png', get_lang('Save'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ), '#' ); } // Remove Delete Work Button from action List // Because removeXSS "removes" the onClick JS Event to do the action (See model.ajax.php - Line 1639) // But still can use the another jqgrid button to remove works (trash icon) // // $deleteUrl = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work.php?id='.$workId.'&action=delete_dir&'.api_get_cidreq(); // $deleteLink = '' . // Display::return_icon( // 'delete.png', // get_lang('Delete'), // array(), // ICON_SIZE_SMALL // ) . ''; if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { // $deleteLink = null; $editLink = null; } $work['actions'] = $visibilityLink.$correctionLink.$downloadLink.$editLink; $works[] = $work; } } return $works; } /** * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @param string $column * @param string $direction * @param int $workId * @param int $studentId * @param string $whereCondition * @param bool $getCount * @return array */ function get_work_user_list_from_documents( $start, $limit, $column, $direction, $workId, $studentId = null, $whereCondition = '', $getCount = false ) { if ($getCount) { $select1 = " SELECT count(u.user_id) as count "; $select2 = " SELECT count(u.user_id) as count "; } else { $select1 = " SELECT DISTINCT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.user_id, w.title, w.parent_id, w.document_id document_id, w.id, qualification, qualificator_id"; $select2 = " SELECT DISTINCT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.user_id, d.title, w.parent_id, d.id document_id, 0, 0, 0"; } $documentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workRelDocument = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); if (empty($studentId)) { $studentId = api_get_user_id(); } $studentId = intval($studentId); $workId = intval($workId); $userCondition = " AND u.user_id = $studentId "; $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, true, false, 'w.session_id'); $workCondition = " AND w_rel.work_id = $workId"; $workParentCondition = " AND w.parent_id = $workId"; $sql = "( $select1 FROM $userTable u INNER JOIN $workTable w ON (u.user_id = w.user_id AND w.active IN (0, 1) AND w.filetype = 'file') WHERE w.c_id = $courseId $userCondition $sessionCondition $whereCondition $workParentCondition ) UNION ( $select2 FROM $workTable w INNER JOIN $workRelDocument w_rel ON (w_rel.work_id = w.id AND w.active IN (0, 1) AND w_rel.c_id = w.c_id) INNER JOIN $documentTable d ON (w_rel.document_id = d.id AND d.c_id = w.c_id) INNER JOIN $userTable u ON (u.user_id = $studentId) WHERE w.c_id = $courseId $workCondition $sessionCondition AND d.id NOT IN ( SELECT w.document_id id FROM $workTable w WHERE user_id = $studentId AND c_id = $courseId AND filetype = 'file' AND active IN (0, 1) $sessionCondition $workParentCondition ) )"; $start = intval($start); $limit = intval($limit); $direction = in_array(strtolower($direction), array('desc', 'asc')) ? $direction : 'desc'; $column = Database::escape_string($column); if ($getCount) { $result = Database::query($sql); $result = Database::fetch_array($result); return $result['count']; } $sql .= " ORDER BY $column $direction"; $sql .= " LIMIT $start, $limit"; $result = Database::query($sql); $currentUserId = api_get_user_id(); $work_data = get_work_data_by_id($workId); $qualificationExists = false; if (!empty($work_data['qualification']) && intval($work_data['qualification']) > 0) { $qualificationExists = true; } $urlAdd = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/upload_from_template.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); $urlEdit = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/edit.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); $urlDelete = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list.php?action=delete&'.api_get_cidreq(); $urlView = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); $editIcon = Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit')); $addIcon = Display::return_icon('add.png', get_lang('Add')); $deleteIcon = Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete')); $viewIcon = Display::return_icon('rate_work.png', get_lang('CorrectAndRate')); $allowEdition = api_get_course_setting('student_delete_own_publication'); $workList = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $userId = $row['user_id']; $documentId = $row['document_id']; $itemId = $row['id']; $addLinkShowed = false; if (empty($documentId)) { $url = $urlEdit.'&item_id='.$row['id'].'&id='.$workId; $editLink = Display::url($editIcon, $url); if ($allowEdition == false) { $editLink = null; } } else { $documentToWork = getDocumentToWorkPerUser($documentId, $workId, $courseId, $sessionId, $userId); if (empty($documentToWork)) { $url = $urlAdd.'&document_id='.$documentId.'&id='.$workId; $editLink = Display::url($addIcon, $url); $addLinkShowed = true; } else { $row['title'] = $documentToWork['title']; $row['sent_date'] = $documentToWork['sent_date']; $newWorkId = $documentToWork['id']; $url = $urlEdit.'&item_id='.$newWorkId.'&id='.$workId; $editLink = Display::url($editIcon, $url); if ($allowEdition == false) { $editLink = null; } } } if ($allowEdition && !empty($itemId)) { $deleteLink = Display::url($deleteIcon, $urlDelete.'&item_id='.$itemId.'&id='.$workId); } else { $deleteLink = null; } $viewLink = null; if (!empty($itemId)) { $viewLink = Display::url($viewIcon, $urlView.'&id='.$itemId); } $row['type'] = null; if ($qualificationExists) { if (empty($row['qualificator_id'])) { $status = Display::label(get_lang('NotRevised'), 'warning'); } else { $status = Display::label(get_lang('Revised'), 'success'); } $row['qualificator_id'] = $status; } if (!empty($row['qualification'])) { $row['qualification'] = Display::label($row['qualification'], 'info'); } if (!empty($row['sent_date'])) { $row['sent_date'] = api_get_local_time($row['sent_date']); } if ($userId == $currentUserId) { $row['actions'] = $viewLink.$editLink.$deleteLink; } if ($addLinkShowed) { $row['qualification'] = ''; $row['qualificator_id'] = ''; } $workList[] = $row; } return $workList; } /** * @param int $start * @param int $limit * @param int $column * @param string $direction * @param int $work_id * @param array $where_condition * @param int $studentId * @param bool $getCount * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * @return array */ function get_work_user_list( $start, $limit, $column, $direction, $work_id, $where_condition = null, $studentId = null, $getCount = false, $courseId = 0, $sessionId = 0 ) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $session_id = $sessionId ? $sessionId : api_get_session_id(); $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $course_info = api_get_course_info(); $course_info = empty($course_info) ? api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId) : $course_info; $course_id = isset($course_info['real_id']) ? $course_info['real_id'] : $courseId; $work_id = intval($work_id); $column = !empty($column) ? Database::escape_string($column) : 'sent_date'; $start = intval($start); $limit = intval($limit); if (!in_array($direction, array('asc', 'desc'))) { $direction = 'desc'; } $work_data = get_work_data_by_id($work_id, $courseId, $sessionId); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_coach(); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition( $session_id, true, false, 'work.session_id' ); $locked = api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook( $work_id, LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $course_info['code'] ); $isDrhOfCourse = CourseManager::isUserSubscribedInCourseAsDrh( api_get_user_id(), $course_info ); $groupIid = 0; if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } if (!empty($work_data)) { if (!empty($group_id)) { $extra_conditions = " work.post_group_id = '".intval($groupIid)."' "; // set to select only messages posted by the user's group } else { $extra_conditions = " (work.post_group_id = '0' OR work.post_group_id is NULL) "; } if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $isDrhOfCourse) { $extra_conditions .= ' AND work.active IN (0, 1) '; } else { if (isset($course_info['show_score']) && $course_info['show_score'] == 1 ) { $extra_conditions .= " AND (u.user_id = ".api_get_user_id()." AND work.active IN (0, 1)) "; } else { $extra_conditions .= ' AND work.active IN (0, 1) '; } } $extra_conditions .= " AND parent_id = ".$work_id." "; $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, work.id as id, title as title, description, url, sent_date, contains_file, has_properties, view_properties, qualification, weight, allow_text_assignment, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.username, parent_id, accepted, qualificator_id, url_correction, title_correction '; if ($getCount) { $select = "SELECT DISTINCT count(u.user_id) as count "; } $work_assignment = get_work_assignment_by_id($work_id, $courseId); if (!empty($studentId)) { $where_condition .= " AND u.user_id = ".intval($studentId); } $sql = " $select FROM $work_table work INNER JOIN $user_table u ON (work.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE work.c_id = $course_id AND $extra_conditions $where_condition $condition_session AND u.status != ".INVITEE." ORDER BY $column $direction"; if (!empty($start) && !empty($limit)) { $sql .= " LIMIT $start, $limit"; } $result = Database::query($sql); $works = array(); if ($getCount) { $work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); return $work['count']; } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/'; $unoconv = api_get_configuration_value('unoconv.binaries'); $loadingText = addslashes(get_lang('Loading')); $uploadedText = addslashes(get_lang('Uploaded')); $failsUploadText = addslashes(get_lang('UplNoFileUploaded')); $failsUploadIcon = Display::return_icon( 'closed-circle.png', '', [], ICON_SIZE_TINY ); $saveIcon = Display::return_icon( 'save.png', get_lang('Save'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $correctionIcon = Display::return_icon( 'check-circle.png', get_lang('Correction'), null, ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); $correctionIconSmall = Display::return_icon( 'check-circle.png', get_lang('Correction'), null, ICON_SIZE_TINY ); $rateIcon = Display::return_icon( 'rate_work.png', get_lang('CorrectAndRate'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); while ($work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $item_id = $work['id']; // Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table $is_author = false; $can_read = false; $owner_id = $work['user_id']; /* Because a bug found when saving items using the api_item_property_update() the field $item_property_data['insert_user_id'] is not reliable. */ if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && $owner_id == api_get_user_id()) { $is_author = true; } if ($course_info['show_score'] == 0) { $can_read = true; } $qualification_exists = false; if (!empty($work_data['qualification']) && intval($work_data['qualification']) > 0 ) { $qualification_exists = true; } $qualification_string = ''; if ($qualification_exists) { if ($work['qualification'] == '') { $qualification_string = Display::label('-'); } else { $qualification_string = formatWorkScore($work['qualification'], $work_data['qualification']); } } $work['qualification_score'] = $work['qualification']; $add_string = ''; $time_expires = ''; if (!empty($work_assignment['expires_on'])) { $time_expires = api_strtotime( $work_assignment['expires_on'], 'UTC' ); } if (!empty($work_assignment['expires_on']) && !empty($time_expires) && ($time_expires < api_strtotime($work['sent_date'], 'UTC'))) { $add_string = Display::label(get_lang('Expired'), 'important').' - '; } if (($can_read && $work['accepted'] == '1') || ($is_author && in_array($work['accepted'], array('1', '0'))) || ($is_allowed_to_edit || api_is_drh()) ) { // Firstname, lastname, username $work['fullname'] = Display::div( api_get_person_name($work['firstname'], $work['lastname']), ['class' => 'work-name'] ); // Title $work['title_clean'] = $work['title']; $work['title'] = Security::remove_XSS($work['title']); if (strlen($work['title']) > 30) { $short_title = substr($work['title'], 0, 27).'...'; $work['title'] = Display::span($short_title, array('class' => 'work-title', 'title' => $work['title'])); } else { $work['title'] = Display::div($work['title'], array('class' => 'work-title')); } // Type. $work['type'] = DocumentManager::build_document_icon_tag('file', $work['url']); // File name. $link_to_download = null; // If URL is present then there's a file to download keep BC. if ($work['contains_file'] || !empty($work['url'])) { $link_to_download = ''.$saveIcon.' '; } $send_to = Portfolio::share( 'work', $work['id'], array('style' => 'white-space:nowrap;') ); $feedback = ''; $count = getWorkCommentCount($item_id, $course_info); if (!is_null($count) && !empty($count)) { if ($qualification_exists) { $feedback .= ' '; } $feedback .= ''. $count.' '.Display::returnFontAwesomeIcon('comments-o').' '; } $correction = ''; $hasCorrection = ''; if (!empty($work['url_correction'])) { $hasCorrection = Display::url( $correctionIcon, api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/download.php?id='.$item_id.'&'.api_get_cidreq().'&correction=1' ); } if ($qualification_exists) { $work['qualification'] = $qualification_string.$feedback; } else { $work['qualification'] = $qualification_string.$feedback.$hasCorrection; } $work['qualification_only'] = $qualification_string; // Date. $work_date = api_get_local_time($work['sent_date']); $date = date_to_str_ago($work['sent_date']).' '.$work_date; $work['formatted_date'] = $work_date.' '.$add_string; $work['sent_date_from_db'] = $work['sent_date']; $work['sent_date'] = '
'.$add_string.' '.Display::dateToStringAgoAndLongDate($work['sent_date']).'
'; $work['status'] = $hasCorrection; $work['has_correction'] = $hasCorrection; // Actions. $action = ''; if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { $action .= ''.$rateIcon.' '; if ($unoconv && empty($work['contains_file'])) { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('export_doc.png', get_lang('ExportToDoc'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).' '; } $alreadyUploaded = ''; if (!empty($work['url_correction'])) { $alreadyUploaded = '
'.$work['title_correction'].' '.$correctionIconSmall; } $correction = '
'.addslashes(get_lang('ClickOrDropOneFileHere')).' '.Display::return_icon('upload_file.png', get_lang('Correction'), [], ICON_SIZE_TINY).' '.$alreadyUploaded.'
'; $correction .= ""; if ($locked) { if ($qualification_exists) { $action .= Display::return_icon('edit_na.png', get_lang('CorrectAndRate'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } else { $action .= Display::return_icon('edit_na.png', get_lang('Comment'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } } else { if ($qualification_exists) { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } else { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } } if ($work['contains_file']) { if ($locked) { $action .= Display::return_icon( 'move_na.png', get_lang('Move'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); } else { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('move.png', get_lang('Move'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } } if ($work['accepted'] == '1') { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('visible.png', get_lang('Invisible'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } else { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('invisible.png', get_lang('Visible'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).' '; } if ($locked) { $action .= Display::return_icon('delete_na.png', get_lang('Delete'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } else { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } } elseif ($is_author && (empty($work['qualificator_id']) || $work['qualificator_id'] == 0)) { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('default.png', get_lang('View'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; if (api_get_course_setting('student_delete_own_publication') == 1) { if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit(false, true)) { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Comment'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } $action .= ' '. Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } } else { $action .= ''. Display::return_icon('default.png', get_lang('View'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''; } // Status. if (empty($work['qualificator_id'])) { $qualificator_id = Display::label(get_lang('NotRevised'), 'warning'); } else { $qualificator_id = Display::label(get_lang('Revised'), 'success'); } $work['qualificator_id'] = $qualificator_id.' '.$hasCorrection; $work['actions'] = '
'; $work['correction'] = $correction; $works[] = $work; } } return $works; } } /** * Send reminder to users who have not given the task * * @param int * @return array * @author cvargas carlos.vargas@beeznest.com cfasanando, christian.fasanado@beeznest.com */ function send_reminder_users_without_publication($task_data) { $_course = api_get_course_info(); $task_id = $task_data['id']; $task_title = !empty($task_data['title']) ? $task_data['title'] : basename($task_data['url']); $subject = '['.api_get_setting('siteName').'] '; // The body can be as long as you wish, and any combination of text and variables $content = get_lang('ReminderToSubmitPendingTask')."\n".get_lang('CourseName').' : '.$_course['name']."\n"; $content .= get_lang('WorkName').' : '.$task_title."\n"; $list_users = get_list_users_without_publication($task_id); $mails_sent_to = array(); foreach ($list_users as $user) { $name_user = api_get_person_name($user[1], $user[0], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $dear_line = get_lang('Dear')." ".api_get_person_name($user[1], $user[0]).", \n\n"; $body = $dear_line.$content; MessageManager::send_message($user[3], $subject, $body); $mails_sent_to[] = $name_user; } return $mails_sent_to; } /** * @param int $courseId The course ID * @param int $workId The work ID * @param int $sessionId Optional. The session ID */ function sendEmailToDrhOnHomeworkCreation($courseId, $workId, $sessionId = 0) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $assignment = get_work_assignment_by_id($workId, $courseId); $work = get_work_data_by_id($workId, $courseId, $sessionId); $workInfo = array_merge($assignment, $work); if (empty($session_id)) { $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($courseInfo['code']); } else { $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($courseInfo['code'], true, $sessionId); } $bodyView = new Template(null, false, false, false, false, false); foreach ($students as $student) { $student['complete_name'] = api_get_person_name($student["firstname"], $student["lastname"]); $hrms = UserManager::getDrhListFromUser($student['id']); foreach ($hrms as $hrm) { $hrmName = api_get_person_name($hrm['firstname'], $hrm['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $bodyView->assign('hrm_name', $hrmName); $bodyView->assign('student', $student); $bodyView->assign('course', $courseInfo); $bodyView->assign('course_link', api_get_course_url($courseInfo['code'], $sessionId)); $bodyView->assign('work', $workInfo); $bodyTemplate = $bodyView->get_template('mail/new_work_alert_hrm.tpl'); MessageManager::send_message( $hrm['id'], sprintf( get_lang('StudentXHasBeenAssignedNewWorkInCourseY'), $student['firstname'], $courseInfo['title'] ), $bodyView->fetch($bodyTemplate) ); } } } /** * Sends an email to the students of a course when a homework is created * * @param int $courseId course_id * @param int $sessionId session_id * @param int $workId work_id * * * @author Guillaume Viguier * @author Julio Montoya Adding session support - 2011 */ function sendEmailToStudentsOnHomeworkCreation($courseId, $sessionId = 0, $workId) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $courseCode = $courseInfo['code']; // Get the students of the course if (empty($session_id)) { $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($courseCode); } else { $students = CourseManager::get_student_list_from_course_code($courseCode, true, $sessionId); } $emailsubject = '['.api_get_setting('siteName').'] '.get_lang('HomeworkCreated'); $currentUser = api_get_user_info(api_get_user_id()); if (!empty($students)) { foreach ($students as $student) { $user_info = api_get_user_info($student["user_id"]); if (!empty($user_info["mail"])) { $name_user = api_get_person_name( $user_info["firstname"], $user_info["lastname"], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $link = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/work_list_all.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$workId; $emailbody = get_lang('Dear')." ".$name_user.",\n\n"; $emailbody .= get_lang('HomeworkHasBeenCreatedForTheCourse')." ".$courseCode.". "."\n\n". ''.get_lang('PleaseCheckHomeworkPage').''; $emailbody .= "\n\n".api_get_person_name($currentUser["firstname"], $currentUser["lastname"]); $additionalParameters = array( 'smsType' => SmsPlugin::ASSIGNMENT_BEEN_CREATED_COURSE, 'userId' => $student["user_id"], 'courseTitle' => $courseCode, 'link' => $link ); api_mail_html( $name_user, $user_info["mail"], $emailsubject, $emailbody, api_get_person_name( $currentUser["firstname"], $currentUser["lastname"], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ), $currentUser["mail"], null, null, null, $additionalParameters ); } } } } /** * @param string $url * @return bool */ function is_work_exist_by_url($url) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $url = Database::escape_string($url); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $work_table WHERE url='$url'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_row($result); if (empty($row)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * Check if a user is the author of a work document. * @param int $itemId * @param int $userId * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * @return bool */ function user_is_author($itemId, $userId = null, $courseId = null, $sessionId = null) { if (empty($itemId)) { return false; } if (empty($userId)) { $userId = api_get_user_id(); } $isAuthor = false; $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(); if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $isAuthor = true; } else { if (empty($courseId)) { $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); } $data = api_get_item_property_info($courseId, 'work', $itemId, $sessionId); if ($data['insert_user_id'] == $userId) { $isAuthor = true; } $workData = get_work_data_by_id($itemId); if ($workData['user_id'] == $userId) { $isAuthor = true; } } if (!$isAuthor) { return false; } return $isAuthor; } /** * Get list of users who have not given the task * @param int * @param int * @return array * @author cvargas * @author Julio Montoya Fixing query */ function get_list_users_without_publication($task_id, $studentId = null) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $table_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $session_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $users = getAllUserToWork($task_id, api_get_course_int_id()); $users = array_column($users, 'user_id'); // Condition for the session $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $task_id = intval($task_id); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($session_id); if ($session_id == 0) { $sql = "SELECT user_id as id FROM $work_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND parent_id = '$task_id' AND active IN (0, 1)"; } else { $sql = "SELECT user_id as id FROM $work_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND parent_id = '$task_id' $sessionCondition AND active IN (0, 1)"; } $result = Database::query($sql); $users_with_tasks = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $users_with_tasks[] = $row['id']; } if ($session_id == 0) { $sql_users = "SELECT cu.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.email FROM $table_course_user AS cu, $table_user AS u WHERE u.status != 1 and cu.c_id='".$course_id."' AND u.user_id = cu.user_id"; } else { $sql_users = "SELECT cu.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.email FROM $session_course_rel_user AS cu, $table_user AS u WHERE u.status != 1 AND cu.c_id='".$course_id."' AND u.user_id = cu.user_id AND cu.session_id = '".$session_id."'"; } if (!empty($studentId)) { $sql_users .= " AND u.user_id = ".intval($studentId); } $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $new_group_user_list = array(); if ($group_id) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($group_id); $group_user_list = GroupManager::get_subscribed_users($groupInfo); if (!empty($group_user_list)) { foreach ($group_user_list as $group_user) { $new_group_user_list[] = $group_user['user_id']; } } } $result_users = Database::query($sql_users); $users_without_tasks = array(); while ($rowUsers = Database::fetch_array($result_users)) { $userId = $rowUsers['user_id']; if (in_array($userId, $users_with_tasks)) { continue; } if ($group_id && !in_array($userId, $new_group_user_list)) { continue; } if (!empty($users)) { if (!in_array($userId, $users)) { continue; } } $row_users = []; $row_users[0] = $rowUsers['lastname']; $row_users[1] = $rowUsers['firstname']; $row_users[2] = Display::encrypted_mailto_link($rowUsers['email']); $row_users[3] = $userId; $users_without_tasks[] = $row_users; } return $users_without_tasks; } /** * Display list of users who have not given the task * * @param int task id * @param int $studentId * @return array * @author cvargas carlos.vargas@beeznest.com cfasanando, christian.fasanado@beeznest.com * @author Julio Montoya Fixes */ function display_list_users_without_publication($task_id, $studentId = null) { global $origin; $table_header[] = array(get_lang('LastName'), true); $table_header[] = array(get_lang('FirstName'), true); $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Email'), true); $data = get_list_users_without_publication($task_id); $sorting_options = array(); $sorting_options['column'] = 1; $paging_options = array(); $my_params = array(); if (isset($_GET['edit_dir'])) { $my_params['edit_dir'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['edit_dir']); } if (isset($_GET['list'])) { $my_params['list'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['list']); } $my_params['origin'] = $origin; $my_params['id'] = intval($_GET['id']); //$column_show $column_show[] = 1; $column_show[] = 1; $column_show[] = 1; Display::display_sortable_config_table( 'work', $table_header, $data, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $my_params, $column_show ); } /** * @param int $documentId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId */ function addDocumentToWork($documentId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $params = array( 'document_id' => $documentId, 'work_id' => $workId, 'c_id' => $courseId ); Database::insert($table, $params); } /** * @param int $documentId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @return array */ function getDocumentToWork($documentId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $params = array( 'document_id = ? and work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($documentId, $workId, $courseId) ); return Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params)); } /** * @param int $documentId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @param int $sessionId * @param int $userId * @param int $active * @return array */ function getDocumentToWorkPerUser($documentId, $workId, $courseId, $sessionId, $userId, $active = 1) { $workRel = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $work = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $documentId = intval($documentId); $workId = intval($workId); $courseId = intval($courseId); $userId = intval($userId); $sessionId = intval($sessionId); $active = intval($active); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId); $sql = "SELECT w.* FROM $work w INNER JOIN $workRel rel ON (w.parent_id = rel.work_id) WHERE w.document_id = $documentId AND w.parent_id = $workId AND w.c_id = $courseId $sessionCondition AND user_id = $userId AND active = $active "; $result = Database::query($sql); $workInfo = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $workInfo = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } return $workInfo; } /** * * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @return array */ function getAllDocumentToWork($workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $params = array( 'work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($workId, $courseId) ); return Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params)); } /** * @param int $documentId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId */ function deleteDocumentToWork($documentId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_DOCUMENT); $params = array( 'document_id = ? and work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($documentId, $workId, $courseId) ); Database::delete($table, $params); } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId */ function addUserToWork($userId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_USER); $params = array( 'user_id' => $userId, 'work_id' => $workId, 'c_id' => $courseId ); Database::insert($table, $params); } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @return array */ function getUserToWork($userId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_USER); $params = array( 'user_id = ? and work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($userId, $workId, $courseId) ); return Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params)); } /** * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @param bool $getCount * @return array|int */ function getAllUserToWork($workId, $courseId, $getCount = false) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_USER); $params = array( 'work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($workId, $courseId) ); if ($getCount) { $count = 0; $result = Database::select( 'count(user_id) as count', $table, array('where' => $params), 'simple' ); if (!empty($result)) { $count = intval($result['count']); } return $count; } else { return Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params)); } } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId */ function deleteUserToWork($userId, $workId, $courseId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_REL_USER); $params = array( 'user_id = ? and work_id = ? and c_id = ?' => array($userId, $workId, $courseId) ); Database::delete($table, $params); } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @return bool */ function userIsSubscribedToWork($userId, $workId, $courseId) { $subscribedUsers = getAllUserToWork($workId, $courseId); if (empty($subscribedUsers)) { return true; } else { $subscribedUsersList = array(); foreach ($subscribedUsers as $item) { $subscribedUsersList[] = $item['user_id']; } if (in_array($userId, $subscribedUsersList)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the list of students that have to submit their work * @param integer $workId The internal ID of the assignment * @param integer $courseId The course ID * @param integer $groupId The group ID, if any * @param integer $sessionId The session ID, if any * @param bool $getCount Whether we want just the amount or the full result * @return array|int An integer (if we just asked for the count) or an array of users */ function getStudentSubscribedToWork( $workId, $courseId, $groupId = null, $sessionId = null, $getCount = false ) { $usersInWork = null; $usersInCourse = null; if (empty($groupId)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); $status = STUDENT; if (!empty($sessionId)) { $status = 0; } $usersInCourse = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code( $courseInfo['code'], $sessionId, null, null, $status, $getCount ); } else { $usersInCourse = GroupManager::get_users( $groupId, false, null, null, $getCount, $courseId ); } $usersInWork = getAllUserToWork($workId, $courseId, $getCount); if (empty($usersInWork)) { return $usersInCourse; } else { return $usersInWork; } } /** * @param int $userId * @param int $workId * @param int $courseId * @return bool */ function allowOnlySubscribedUser($userId, $workId, $courseId) { if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { return true; } if (userIsSubscribedToWork($userId, $workId, $courseId) == false) { api_not_allowed(true); } } /** * @param int $workId * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $documentId * @return array */ function getDocumentTemplateFromWork($workId, $courseInfo, $documentId) { $documents = getAllDocumentToWork($workId, $courseInfo['real_id']); if (!empty($documents)) { foreach ($documents as $doc) { if ($documentId != $doc['document_id']) { continue; } $docData = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($doc['document_id'], $courseInfo['code']); $fileInfo = pathinfo($docData['path']); if ($fileInfo['extension'] == 'html') { if (file_exists($docData['absolute_path']) && is_file($docData['absolute_path'])) { $docData['file_content'] = file_get_contents($docData['absolute_path']); return $docData; } } } } return array(); } /** * @param int $workId * @param array $courseInfo * @return string */ function getAllDocumentsFromWorkToString($workId, $courseInfo) { $documents = getAllDocumentToWork($workId, $courseInfo['real_id']); $content = null; if (!empty($documents)) { $content .= '
'; } return $content; } /** * Returns fck editor toolbar * @return array */ function getWorkDescriptionToolbar() { return array( 'ToolbarStartExpanded' => 'true', 'ToolbarSet' => 'Work', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '400' ); } /** * @param array $work * @return array */ function getWorkComments($work) { $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $courseId = intval($work['c_id']); $workId = intval($work['id']); if (empty($courseId) || empty($workId)) { return array(); } $sql = "SELECT c.id, c.user_id FROM $commentTable c INNER JOIN $userTable u ON (u.id = c.user_id) WHERE c_id = $courseId AND work_id = $workId ORDER BY sent_at "; $result = Database::query($sql); $comments = Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC'); if (!empty($comments)) { foreach ($comments as &$comment) { $userInfo = api_get_user_info($comment['user_id']); $comment['picture'] = $userInfo['avatar']; $comment['complete_name'] = $userInfo['complete_name_with_username']; $commentInfo = getWorkComment($comment['id']); if (!empty($commentInfo)) { $comment = array_merge($comment, $commentInfo); } } } return $comments; } /** * Get total score from a work list * @param $workList * @return int|null */ function getTotalWorkScore($workList) { $count = 0; foreach ($workList as $data) { $count += $data['qualification_score']; } return $count; } /** * Get comment count from a work list (docs sent by students) * @param array $workList * @param array $courseInfo * @return int|null */ function getTotalWorkComment($workList, $courseInfo = array()) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } $count = 0; foreach ($workList as $data) { $count += getWorkCommentCount($data['id'], $courseInfo); } return $count; } /** * Get comment count for a specific work sent by a student. * @param int $id * @param array $courseInfo * @return int */ function getWorkCommentCount($id, $courseInfo = array()) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM $commentTable WHERE work_id = $id AND c_id = ".$courseInfo['real_id']; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $comment = Database::fetch_array($result); return $comment['count']; } return 0; } /** * Get comment count for a specific parent * @param int $parentId * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $sessionId * @return int */ function getWorkCommentCountFromParent( $parentId, $courseInfo = array(), $sessionId = 0 ) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); } else { $sessionId = intval($sessionId); } $work = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $parentId = intval($parentId); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, false, false, 'w.session_id'); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM $commentTable c INNER JOIN $work w ON c.c_id = w.c_id AND w.id = c.work_id WHERE $sessionCondition AND parent_id = $parentId AND w.c_id = ".$courseInfo['real_id']; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $comment = Database::fetch_array($result); return $comment['count']; } return 0; } /** * Get last work information from parent * @param int $parentId * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $sessionId * @return int */ function getLastWorkStudentFromParent( $parentId, $courseInfo = array(), $sessionId = 0 ) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); } else { $sessionId = intval($sessionId); } $work = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId, false); $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $parentId = intval($parentId); $sql = "SELECT w.* FROM $commentTable c INNER JOIN $work w ON c.c_id = w.c_id AND w.id = c.work_id WHERE $sessionCondition AND parent_id = $parentId AND w.c_id = ".$courseInfo['real_id']." ORDER BY w.sent_date LIMIT 1 "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $comment = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); return $comment; } return array(); } /** * Get last work information from parent * @param array $parentInfo * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $sessionId * @return int */ function getLastWorkStudentFromParentByUser( $userId, $parentInfo, $courseInfo = array(), $sessionId = 0 ) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } if (empty($sessionId)) { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); } else { $sessionId = intval($sessionId); } $userId = intval($userId); $work = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); if (empty($parentInfo)) { return false; } $parentId = $parentInfo['id']; $sessionCondition = api_get_session_condition($sessionId); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $work WHERE user_id = $userId $sessionCondition AND parent_id = $parentId AND c_id = ".$courseInfo['real_id']." ORDER BY sent_date DESC LIMIT 1 "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $work = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $work['qualification_rounded'] = formatWorkScore($work['qualification'], $parentInfo['qualification']); return $work; } return array(); } /** * @param float $score * @param int $weight * * @return string */ function formatWorkScore($score, $weight) { $label = 'info'; $weight = (int) $weight; $relativeScore = 0; if (!empty($weight)) { $relativeScore = $score / $weight; } if ($relativeScore < 0.5) { $label = 'important'; } elseif ($relativeScore < 0.75) { $label = 'warning'; } $scoreBasedInModel = ExerciseLib::convertScoreToModel($relativeScore*100); if (empty($scoreBasedInModel)) { $finalScore = api_number_format($score, 1).' / '.$weight; return Display::label( $finalScore, $label ); } else { $finalScore = $scoreBasedInModel; return $finalScore; } } /** * @param int $id comment id * @param array $courseInfo * @return string */ function getWorkComment($id, $courseInfo = array()) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); } if (empty($courseInfo['real_id'])) { return array(); } $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $id = intval($id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $commentTable WHERE id = $id AND c_id = ".$courseInfo['real_id']; $result = Database::query($sql); $comment = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $comment = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $filePath = null; $fileUrl = null; $deleteUrl = null; $fileName = null; if (!empty($comment['file'])) { $work = get_work_data_by_id($comment['work_id']); $workParent = get_work_data_by_id($work['parent_id']); $filePath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/work/'.$workParent['url'].'/'.$comment['file']; $fileUrl = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/download_comment_file.php?comment_id='.$id.'&'.api_get_cidreq(); $deleteUrl = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$comment['work_id'].'&action=delete_attachment&comment_id='.$id; $fileParts = explode('_', $comment['file']); $fileName = str_replace($fileParts[0].'_'.$fileParts[1].'_', '', $comment['file']); } $comment['delete_file_url'] = $deleteUrl; $comment['file_path'] = $filePath; $comment['file_url'] = $fileUrl; $comment['file_name_to_show'] = $fileName; $comment['sent_at_with_label'] = Display::dateToStringAgoAndLongDate($comment['sent_at']); } return $comment; } /** * @param int $id * @param array $courseInfo */ function deleteCommentFile($id, $courseInfo = array()) { $workComment = getWorkComment($id, $courseInfo); if (isset($workComment['file']) && !empty($workComment['file'])) { if (file_exists($workComment['file_path'])) { $result = my_delete($workComment['file_path']); if ($result) { $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); $params = array('file' => ''); Database::update( $commentTable, $params, array('id = ? AND c_id = ? ' => array($workComment['id'], $workComment['c_id'])) ); } } } } /** * Adds a comments to the work document * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $userId * @param array $parentWork * @param array $work * @param array $data * @return int */ function addWorkComment($courseInfo, $userId, $parentWork, $work, $data) { $fileData = isset($data['attachment']) ? $data['attachment'] : null; $commentTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT_COMMENT); // If no attachment and no comment then don't save comment if (empty($fileData['name']) && empty($data['comment'])) { return false; } $params = array( 'work_id' => $work['id'], 'c_id' => $work['c_id'], 'user_id' => $userId, 'comment' => $data['comment'], 'sent_at' => api_get_utc_datetime() ); $commentId = Database::insert($commentTable, $params); if ($commentId) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message(get_lang('CommentAdded')) ); $sql = "UPDATE $commentTable SET id = iid WHERE iid = $commentId"; Database::query($sql); } $userIdListToSend = array(); if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { if (isset($data['send_email']) && $data['send_email']) { // Teacher sends a feedback $userIdListToSend = array($work['user_id']); } } else { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); if (empty($sessionId)) { $teachers = CourseManager::get_teacher_list_from_course_code( $courseInfo['code'] ); if (!empty($teachers)) { $userIdListToSend = array_keys($teachers); } } else { $teachers = SessionManager::getCoachesByCourseSession( $sessionId, $courseInfo['code'] ); if (!empty($teachers)) { $userIdListToSend = array_values($teachers); } } } $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$work['id']; $subject = sprintf(get_lang('ThereIsANewWorkFeedback'), $parentWork['title']); $content = sprintf(get_lang('ThereIsANewWorkFeedbackInWorkXHere'), $work['title'], $url); if (!empty($userIdListToSend)) { foreach ($userIdListToSend as $userIdToSend) { MessageManager::send_message_simple( $userIdToSend, $subject, $content ); } } if (!empty($commentId) && !empty($fileData)) { $workParent = get_work_data_by_id($work['parent_id']); if (!empty($workParent)) { $uploadDir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/work'.$workParent['url']; $newFileName = 'comment_'.$commentId.'_'.php2phps(api_replace_dangerous_char($fileData['name'])); $newFilePath = $uploadDir.'/'.$newFileName; $result = move_uploaded_file($fileData['tmp_name'], $newFilePath); if ($result) { $params = array('file' => $newFileName); Database::update( $commentTable, $params, array('id = ? AND c_id = ? ' => array($commentId, $work['c_id'])) ); } } } } /** * @param array $work * * @return string */ function getWorkCommentForm($work, $workParent) { $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'work/view.php?id='.$work['id'].'&action=send_comment&'.api_get_cidreq(); $form = new FormValidator( 'work_comment', 'post', $url, '', array('enctype' => "multipart/form-data") ); $qualification = $workParent['qualification']; if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { if (!empty($qualification) && intval($qualification) > 0) { $model = ExerciseLib::getCourseScoreModel(); if (empty($model)) { $form->addFloat( 'qualification', array(get_lang('Qualification'), " / ".$qualification), false, [], false, 0, $qualification ); } else { ExerciseLib::addScoreModelInput( $form, 'qualification', $qualification, $work['qualification'] ); } $form->addFile('file', get_lang('Correction')); $form->setDefaults(['qualification' => $work['qualification']]); } } $form->addHtmlEditor('comment', get_lang('Comment'), false); $form->addFile('attachment', get_lang('Attachment')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'id', $work['id']); if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { $form->addCheckBox( 'send_email', null, get_lang('SendMailToStudent') ); } $form->addButtonSend(get_lang('Send'), 'button'); return $form->returnForm(); } /** * @param array $homework result of get_work_assignment_by_id() * @return string */ function getWorkDateValidationStatus($homework) { $message = null; $has_expired = false; $has_ended = false; if (!empty($homework)) { if (!empty($homework['expires_on']) || !empty($homework['ends_on'])) { $time_now = time(); if (!empty($homework['expires_on'])) { $time_expires = api_strtotime($homework['expires_on'], 'UTC'); $difference = $time_expires - $time_now; if ($difference < 0) { $has_expired = true; } } if (empty($homework['expires_on'])) { $has_expired = false; } if (!empty($homework['ends_on'])) { $time_ends = api_strtotime($homework['ends_on'], 'UTC'); $difference2 = $time_ends - $time_now; if ($difference2 < 0) { $has_ended = true; } } $ends_on = api_convert_and_format_date($homework['ends_on']); $expires_on = api_convert_and_format_date($homework['expires_on']); } if ($has_ended) { $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('EndDateAlreadyPassed').' '.$ends_on, 'error'); } elseif ($has_expired) { $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed').' '.$expires_on, 'warning'); } else { if ($has_expired) { $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs').' '.$expires_on); } } } return array( 'message' => $message, 'has_ended' => $has_ended, 'has_expired' => $has_expired ); } /** * @param FormValidator $form * @param int $uploadFormType */ function setWorkUploadForm($form, $uploadFormType = 0) { $form->addElement('header', get_lang('UploadADocument')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'contains_file', 0, array('id'=>'contains_file_id')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'active', 1); $form->addElement('hidden', 'accepted', 1); $form->addElement('text', 'title', get_lang('Title'), array('id' => 'file_upload')); $form->addRule('title', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); switch ($uploadFormType) { case 0: // File and text. $form->addElement('file', 'file', get_lang('UploadADocument'), 'size="40" onchange="updateDocumentTitle(this.value)"'); $form->addProgress(); $form->addHtmlEditor('description', get_lang('Description'), false, false, getWorkDescriptionToolbar()); break; case 1: // Only text. $form->addHtmlEditor('description', get_lang('Description'), false, false, getWorkDescriptionToolbar()); $form->addRule('description', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); break; case 2: // Only file. $form->addElement('file', 'file', get_lang('UploadADocument'), 'size="40" onchange="updateDocumentTitle(this.value)"'); $form->addProgress(); $form->addRule('file', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); break; } $form->addButtonUpload(get_lang('Upload'), 'submitWork'); } /** * @param array $my_folder_data * @param array $_course * @param bool $isCorrection * @param array $workInfo * @param array $file * * @return array */ function uploadWork($my_folder_data, $_course, $isCorrection = false, $workInfo = [], $file = []) { if (isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file'])) { $file = $_FILES['file']; } if (empty($file['size'])) { return array( 'error' => Display:: return_message( get_lang('UplUploadFailedSizeIsZero'), 'error' ) ); } $updir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/work/'; //directory path to upload // Try to add an extension to the file if it has'nt one $filename = add_ext_on_mime(stripslashes($file['name']), $file['type']); // Replace dangerous characters $filename = api_replace_dangerous_char($filename); // Transform any .php file in .phps fo security $filename = php2phps($filename); $filesize = filesize($file['tmp_name']); if (empty($filesize)) { return array( 'error' => Display:: return_message( get_lang('UplUploadFailedSizeIsZero'), 'error' ) ); } elseif (!filter_extension($new_file_name)) { return array( 'error' => Display:: return_message( get_lang('UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension'), 'error' ) ); } $totalSpace = DocumentManager::documents_total_space($_course['real_id']); $course_max_space = DocumentManager::get_course_quota($_course['code']); $total_size = $filesize + $totalSpace; if ($total_size > $course_max_space) { return array( 'error' => Display :: return_message(get_lang('NoSpace'), 'error') ); } // Compose a unique file name to avoid any conflict $new_file_name = api_get_unique_id(); if ($isCorrection) { if (!empty($workInfo['url'])) { $new_file_name = basename($workInfo['url']).'_correction'; } else { $new_file_name = $new_file_name.'_correction'; } } $curdirpath = basename($my_folder_data['url']); // If we come from the group tools the groupid will be saved in $work_table if (is_dir($updir.$curdirpath) || empty($curdirpath)) { $result = move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], $updir.$curdirpath.'/'.$new_file_name ); } else { return array( 'error' => Display :: return_message( get_lang('FolderDoesntExistsInFileSystem'), 'error' ) ); } $url = null; if ($result) { $url = 'work/'.$curdirpath.'/'.$new_file_name; } else { return false; } return array( 'url' => $url, 'filename' => $filename, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'error' => null ); } /** * Send an e-mail to users related to this work (course teachers, usually, but * might include other group members) * @param int $workId * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $session_id */ function sendAlertToUsers($workId, $courseInfo, $session_id) { $user_list = array(); //$workData = get_work_assignment_by_id($workId, $courseInfo['real_id']); $workData = get_work_data_by_id($workId, $courseInfo['real_id'], $session_id); //last value is to check this is not "just" an edit //YW Tis part serve to send a e-mail to the tutors when a new file is sent $send = api_get_course_setting('email_alert_manager_on_new_doc'); if ($send == SEND_EMAIL_EVERYONE || $send == SEND_EMAIL_TEACHERS) { // Lets predefine some variables. Be sure to change the from address! if (empty($session_id)) { //Teachers $user_list = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id(), null, null, null, COURSEMANAGER ); } else { // Coaches $user_list = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id(), $session_id, null, null, 2 ); } } if ($send == SEND_EMAIL_EVERYONE || $send == SEND_EMAIL_STUDENTS) { if (!$session_id) { $session_id = null; } $student = CourseManager::get_user_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id(), $session_id, null, null, STUDENT, null, null, null, null, null, array(api_get_user_id()) ); $user_list = array_merge($user_list, $student); } if ($send) { $senderEmail = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $senderName = api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); $subject = "[".api_get_setting('siteName')."] ".get_lang('SendMailBody')."\n ".get_lang('CourseName').": ".$courseInfo['name']." "; foreach ($user_list as $user_data) { $to_user_id = $user_data['user_id']; $user_info = api_get_user_info($to_user_id); $message = get_lang('SendMailBody')."\n".get_lang('CourseName')." : ".$courseInfo['name']."\n"; $message .= get_lang('UserName')." : ".api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'])."\n"; $message .= get_lang('DateSent')." : ".api_format_date(api_get_local_time())."\n"; $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."work/work.php?cidReq=".$courseInfo['code']."&id_session=".$session_id."&id=".$workData['id']; $message .= get_lang('WorkName')." : ".$workData['title']."\n\n".''.get_lang('DownloadLink')."\n"; //$message .= $url; MessageManager::send_message_simple($to_user_id, $subject, $message); api_mail_html( api_get_person_name( $user_info['firstname'].' '.$user_info['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ), $user_info['email'], $subject, $message, $senderName, $senderEmail ); } } } /** * Check if the current uploaded work filename already exists in the current assement * * @param $filename * @param $workId * @return mixed */ function checkExistingWorkFileName($filename, $workId) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $filename = Database::escape_string($filename); $sql = "SELECT title FROM $work_table WHERE parent_id = $workId AND title = '$filename' AND active = 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::fetch_assoc($result); } /** * @param array $workInfo * @param array $values * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $sessionId * @param int $groupId * @param int $userId * @param array $file * @param bool $checkDuplicated * @param bool $showFlashMessage * * @return null|string */ function processWorkForm( $workInfo, $values, $courseInfo, $sessionId, $groupId, $userId, $file = [], $checkDuplicated = false, $showFlashMessage = true ) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $courseId = $courseInfo['real_id']; $groupId = intval($groupId); $sessionId = intval($sessionId); $userId = intval($userId); $title = $values['title']; $description = $values['description']; $contains_file = isset($values['contains_file']) && !empty($values['contains_file']) ? intval($values['contains_file']) : 0; $saveWork = true; $filename = null; $url = null; $filesize = null; $workData = []; $message = null; if ($values['contains_file']) { if ($checkDuplicated) { if (checkExistingWorkFileName($file['name'], $workInfo['id'])) { $saveWork = false; $result['error'] = get_lang('YouAlreadySentThisFile'); $workData['error'] = get_lang('UplAlreadyExists'); } else { $result = uploadWork($workInfo, $courseInfo, false, [], $file); } } else { $result = uploadWork($workInfo, $courseInfo, false, [], $file); } if (isset($result['error'])) { if ($showFlashMessage) { $message = $result['error']; } $saveWork = false; } } if ($saveWork) { $filename = isset($result['filename']) ? $result['filename'] : null; if (empty($title)) { $title = isset($result['title']) && !empty($result['title']) ? $result['title'] : get_lang('Untitled'); } $filesize = isset($result['filesize']) ? $result['filesize'] : null; $url = isset($result['url']) ? $result['url'] : null; } if (empty($title)) { $title = get_lang('Untitled'); } $groupIid = 0; $groupInfo = []; if ($groupId) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } if ($saveWork) { $active = '1'; $params = [ 'c_id' => $courseId, 'url' => $url, 'filetype' => 'file', 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'contains_file' => $contains_file, 'active' => $active, 'accepted' => '1', 'qualificator_id' => 0, 'document_id' => 0, 'weight' => 0, 'allow_text_assignment' => 0, 'post_group_id' => $groupIid, 'sent_date' => api_get_utc_datetime(), 'parent_id' => $workInfo['id'], 'session_id' => $sessionId ? $sessionId : null, 'user_id' => $userId, 'has_properties' => 0, 'qualification' => 0 //'filesize' => $filesize ]; $workId = Database::insert($work_table, $params); if ($workId) { $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET id = iid WHERE iid = $workId "; Database::query($sql); if (array_key_exists('filename', $workInfo) && !empty($filename)) { $filename = Database::escape_string($filename); $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET filename = '$filename' WHERE iid = $workId"; Database::query($sql); } if (array_key_exists('document_id', $workInfo)) { $documentId = isset($values['document_id']) ? intval($values['document_id']) : 0; $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET document_id = '$documentId' WHERE iid = $workId"; Database::query($sql); } api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, 'work', $workId, 'DocumentAdded', $userId, $groupInfo ); sendAlertToUsers($workId, $courseInfo, $sessionId); Event::event_upload($workId); // The following feature requires the creation of a work-type // extra_field and the following setting in the configuration file // (until moved to the database). It allows te teacher to set a // "considered work time", meaning the time we assume a student // would have spent, approximately, to prepare the task before // handing it in Chamilo, adding this time to the student total // course use time, as a register of time spent *before* his // connection to the platform to hand the work in. $consideredWorkingTime = api_get_configuration_value('considered_working_time'); if (!empty($consideredWorkingTime)) { // Get the "considered work time" defined for this work $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $resultExtra = $fieldValue->getAllValuesForAnItem( $workInfo['iid'], //the ID of the work *folder*, not the document uploaded by the student true ); $workingTime = null; foreach ($resultExtra as $field) { $field = $field['value']; if ($consideredWorkingTime == $field->getField()->getVariable()) { $workingTime = $field->getValue(); } } // If no time was defined, or a time of "0" was set, do nothing if (!empty($workingTime)) { // If some time is set, get the list of docs handed in by // this student (to make sure we count the time only once) $userWorks = get_work_user_list( 0, 100, null, null, $workInfo['id'], null, $userId, false, $courseId, $sessionId ); if (count($userWorks) == 1) { // The student only uploaded one doc so far, so add the // considered work time to his course connection time $ip = api_get_real_ip(); Event::eventAddVirtualCourseTime($courseId, $userId, $sessionId, $workingTime, $ip); } } } $workData = get_work_data_by_id($workId); if ($showFlashMessage) { Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('DocAdd'))); } } } else { if ($showFlashMessage) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message( $message ? $message : get_lang('IsNotPosibleSaveTheDocument'), 'error' ) ); } } return $workData; } /** * Creates a new task (directory) in the assignment tool * @param array $formValues * @param int $user_id * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $groupId * @param int $session_id * @return bool|int * @note $params can have the following elements, but should at least have the 2 first ones: ( * 'new_dir' => 'some-name', * 'description' => 'some-desc', * 'qualification' => 20 (e.g. 20), * 'weight' => 50 (percentage) to add to gradebook (e.g. 50), * 'allow_text_assignment' => 0/1/2, * @todo Rename createAssignment or createWork, or something like that */ function addDir($formValues, $user_id, $courseInfo, $groupId, $session_id) { $em = Database::getManager(); $user_id = intval($user_id); $groupId = intval($groupId); $groupIid = 0; $groupInfo = []; if (!empty($groupId)) { $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $groupIid = $groupInfo['iid']; } $session = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $session_id); $base_work_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/work'; $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; $directory = api_replace_dangerous_char($formValues['new_dir']); $directory = disable_dangerous_file($directory); $created_dir = create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir, $directory); if (empty($created_dir)) { return false; } $enableEndDate = isset($formValues['enableEndDate']) ? true : false; $enableExpiryDate = isset($formValues['enableExpiryDate']) ? true : false; if ($enableEndDate && $enableExpiryDate) { if ($formValues['expires_on'] > $formValues['ends_on']) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message( get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine'), 'warning' ) ); return false; } } $dirName = '/'.$created_dir; $today = new DateTime(api_get_utc_datetime(), new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $title = isset($formValues['work_title']) ? $formValues['work_title'] : $formValues['new_dir']; $workTable = new CStudentPublication(); $workTable ->setCId($course_id) ->setUrl($dirName) ->setTitle($title) ->setDescription($formValues['description']) ->setActive(true) ->setAccepted(true) ->setFiletype('folder') ->setPostGroupId($groupIid) ->setSentDate($today) ->setQualification($formValues['qualification'] != '' ? $formValues['qualification'] : 0) ->setParentId(0) ->setQualificatorId(0) ->setWeight(!empty($formValues['weight']) ? $formValues['weight'] : 0) ->setSession($session) ->setAllowTextAssignment($formValues['allow_text_assignment']) ->setContainsFile(0) ->setUserId($user_id) ->setHasProperties(0) ->setDocumentId(0); $em->persist($workTable); $em->flush(); $workTable->setId($workTable->getIid()); $em->merge($workTable); $em->flush(); // Folder created api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, 'work', $workTable->getIid(), 'DirectoryCreated', $user_id, $groupInfo ); updatePublicationAssignment( $workTable->getIid(), $formValues, $courseInfo, $groupIid ); // Added the new Work ID to the extra field values $formValues['item_id'] = $workTable->getIid(); $workFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $workFieldValue->saveFieldValues($formValues); $sendEmailAlert = api_get_course_setting('email_alert_students_on_new_homework'); switch ($sendEmailAlert) { case 1: sendEmailToStudentsOnHomeworkCreation( $course_id, $session ? $session->getId() : 0, $workTable->getIid() ); //no break case 2: sendEmailToDrhOnHomeworkCreation( $course_id, $workTable->getIid(), $session ? $session->getId() : 0 ); break; } return $workTable->getIid(); } /** * @param int $workId * @param array $courseInfo * @return int */ function agendaExistsForWork($workId, $courseInfo) { $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $courseId = $courseInfo['real_id']; $workId = intval($workId); $sql = "SELECT add_to_calendar FROM $workTable WHERE c_id = $courseId AND publication_id = ".$workId; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res)) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res, 'ASSOC'); if (!empty($row['add_to_calendar'])) { return $row['add_to_calendar']; } } return 0; } /** * Update work description, qualification, weight, allow_text_assignment * @param int $workId (iid) * @param array $params * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $sessionId */ function updateWork($workId, $params, $courseInfo, $sessionId = 0) { $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $filteredParams = array( 'description' => $params['description'], 'qualification' => $params['qualification'], 'weight' => $params['weight'], 'allow_text_assignment' => $params['allow_text_assignment'] ); Database::update( $workTable, $filteredParams, array( 'iid = ? AND c_id = ?' => array( $workId, $courseInfo['real_id'] ) ) ); $workFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $workFieldValue->saveFieldValues($params); } /** * @param int $workId * @param array $params * @param array $courseInfo * @param int $groupId */ function updatePublicationAssignment($workId, $params, $courseInfo, $groupId) { $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $workTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $workId = intval($workId); $now = api_get_utc_datetime(); $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; // Insert into agenda $agendaId = 0; if (isset($params['add_to_calendar']) && $params['add_to_calendar'] == 1) { // Setting today date $date = $end_date = $now; if (isset($params['enableExpiryDate'])) { $end_date = $params['expires_on']; $date = $end_date; } $title = sprintf(get_lang('HandingOverOfTaskX'), $params['new_dir']); $description = isset($params['description']) ? $params['description'] : ''; $content = '' .$params['new_dir'].''.$description; $agendaId = agendaExistsForWork($workId, $courseInfo); // Add/edit agenda $agenda = new Agenda('course'); $agenda->set_course($courseInfo); if (!empty($agendaId)) { // add_to_calendar is set but it doesnt exists then invalidate $eventInfo = $agenda->get_event($agendaId); if (empty($eventInfo)) { $agendaId = 0; } } $eventColor = $agenda->eventStudentPublicationColor; if (empty($agendaId)) { $agendaId = $agenda->addEvent( $date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content, array('GROUP:'.$groupId), false, null, [], [], null, $eventColor ); } else { $agenda->editEvent( $agendaId, $end_date, $end_date, 'false', $title, $content, [], [], [], null, $eventColor ); } } $qualification = isset($params['qualification']) && !empty($params['qualification']) ? 1 : 0; $expiryDate = isset($params['enableExpiryDate']) && (int) $params['enableExpiryDate'] == 1 ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['expires_on']) : ''; $endDate = isset($params['enableEndDate']) && (int) $params['enableEndDate'] == 1 ? api_get_utc_datetime($params['ends_on']) : ''; $data = get_work_assignment_by_id($workId, $course_id); if (!empty($expiryDate)) { $expiryDateCondition = "expires_on = '".Database::escape_string($expiryDate)."', "; } else { $expiryDateCondition = "expires_on = null, "; } if (!empty($endDate)) { $endOnCondition = "ends_on = '".Database::escape_string($endDate)."', "; } else { $endOnCondition = "ends_on = null, "; } if (empty($data)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET c_id = $course_id , $expiryDateCondition $endOnCondition add_to_calendar = $agendaId, enable_qualification = '$qualification', publication_id = '$workId'"; Database::query($sql); $my_last_id = Database::insert_id(); if ($my_last_id) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET id = iid WHERE iid = $my_last_id"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $workTable SET has_properties = $my_last_id, view_properties = 1 WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $workId"; Database::query($sql); } } else { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $expiryDateCondition $endOnCondition add_to_calendar = $agendaId, enable_qualification = '".$qualification."' WHERE publication_id = $workId AND c_id = $course_id AND iid = ".$data['iid']; Database::query($sql); } if (!empty($params['category_id'])) { $link_info = GradebookUtils::isResourceInCourseGradebook( $courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, api_get_session_id() ); $linkId = null; if (!empty($link_info)) { $linkId = $link_info['id']; } if (isset($params['make_calification']) && $params['make_calification'] == 1 ) { if (empty($linkId)) { GradebookUtils::add_resource_to_course_gradebook( $params['category_id'], $courseInfo['code'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, $workId, $params['new_dir'], api_float_val($params['weight']), api_float_val($params['qualification']), $params['description'], 1, api_get_session_id() ); } else { GradebookUtils::updateResourceFromCourseGradebook( $linkId, $courseInfo['code'], $params['weight'] ); } } else { // Delete everything of the gradebook for this $linkId GradebookUtils::remove_resource_from_course_gradebook($linkId); } } } /** * Delete all work by student * @param int $userId * @param array $courseInfo * @return array return deleted items */ function deleteAllWorkPerUser($userId, $courseInfo) { $deletedItems = array(); $workPerUser = getWorkPerUser($userId); if (!empty($workPerUser)) { foreach ($workPerUser as $work) { $work = $work['work']; foreach ($work->user_results as $userResult) { $result = deleteWorkItem($userResult['id'], $courseInfo); if ($result) { $deletedItems[] = $userResult; } } } } return $deletedItems; } /** * @param int $item_id * @param array course info * @return bool */ function deleteWorkItem($item_id, $courseInfo) { $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION); $TSTDPUBASG = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT); $currentCourseRepositorySys = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$courseInfo['path'].'/'; $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(); $file_deleted = false; $item_id = intval($item_id); $is_author = user_is_author($item_id); $work_data = get_work_data_by_id($item_id); $locked = api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook($work_data['parent_id'], LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION); $course_id = $courseInfo['real_id']; if (($is_allowed_to_edit && $locked == false) || ( $locked == false && $is_author && api_get_course_setting('student_delete_own_publication') == 1 && $work_data['qualificator_id'] == 0 ) ) { // We found the current user is the author $sql = "SELECT url, contains_file, user_id, session_id, parent_id FROM $work_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $item_id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $count = Database::num_rows($result); if ($count > 0) { // If the "considered_working_time" option is enabled, check // whether some time should be removed from track_e_course_access $consideredWorkingTime = api_get_configuration_value('considered_working_time'); if ($consideredWorkingTime) { $userWorks = get_work_user_list( 0, 100, null, null, $row['parent_id'], null, $row['user_id'], false, $course_id, $row['session_id'] ); // We're only interested in deleting the time if this is the latest work sent if (count($userWorks) == 1) { // Get the "considered work time" defined for this work $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('work'); $resultExtra = $fieldValue->getAllValuesForAnItem( $row['parent_id'], true ); $workingTime = null; foreach ($resultExtra as $field) { $field = $field['value']; if ($consideredWorkingTime == $field->getField()->getVariable()) { $workingTime = $field->getValue(); } } // If no time was defined, or a time of "0" was set, do nothing if (!empty($workingTime)) { $sessionId = empty($row['session_id']) ? 0 : $row['session_id']; // Getting false from the following call would mean the // time record Event::eventRemoveVirtualCourseTime( $course_id, $row['user_id'], $sessionId, $workingTime ); } } } // end of considered_working_time check section $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET active = 2 WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $item_id"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM $TSTDPUBASG WHERE c_id = $course_id AND publication_id = $item_id"; Database::query($sql); api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, 'work', $item_id, 'DocumentDeleted', api_get_user_id() ); Event::addEvent( LOG_WORK_FILE_DELETE, LOG_WORK_DATA, [ 'id' => $work_data['id'], 'url' => $work_data['url'], 'title' => $work_data['title'] ], null, api_get_user_id(), api_get_course_int_id(), api_get_session_id() ); $work = $row['url']; if ($row['contains_file'] == 1) { if (!empty($work)) { if (api_get_setting('permanently_remove_deleted_files') === 'true') { my_delete($currentCourseRepositorySys.'/'.$work); $file_deleted = true; } else { $extension = pathinfo($work, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $new_dir = $work.'_DELETED_'.$item_id.'.'.$extension; if (file_exists($currentCourseRepositorySys.'/'.$work)) { rename($currentCourseRepositorySys.'/'.$work, $currentCourseRepositorySys.'/'.$new_dir); $file_deleted = true; } } } } else { $file_deleted = true; } } } return $file_deleted; } /** * @param FormValidator $form * @param array $defaults * @param integer $workId * @return FormValidator */ function getFormWork($form, $defaults = array(), $workId = 0) { $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); if (!empty($defaults)) { if (isset($defaults['submit'])) { unset($defaults['submit']); } } // Create the form that asks for the directory name $form->addText('new_dir', get_lang('AssignmentName')); $form->addHtmlEditor( 'description', get_lang('Description'), false, false, getWorkDescriptionToolbar() ); $form->addButtonAdvancedSettings('advanced_params', get_lang('AdvancedParameters')); if (!empty($defaults) && (isset($defaults['enableEndDate']) || isset($defaults['enableExpiryDate']))) { $form->addHtml('
'); } else { $form->addHtml('