Warning : This course doesn\'t exist"; $langGetCourseFromOldPortal = "click here to get this course from your old portal"; $langOtherCourses = "Training list"; $langSupportForum = "Support forum"; $langCategories = "Categories"; $langBackToHomePage = "Categories Overview"; $lang_No_course_publicly_available = "No course publicly available."; $langLostPassword = "Lost Password"; $lang_edit_my_course_list = "Edit training list"; $langAgenda = "Agenda next events"; $langValvas = "Latest announcements"; $langUp = "previous level"; $langCatList = "Categories"; $langCourseList = "Trainings"; $langHelptwo = "Help"; $langRegAll = "register"; $EussMenu = "menu"; $Opinio = "Opinion"; $Intranet = "Intranet"; $Englin = "English"; $langInvalidForSelfRegistration = "Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using the registration form"; $langSubCat = "sub-categories"; $langMenuGeneral = "General"; $langMenuUser = "User"; $langMenuAdmin = "Portal Admin"; $langUsersOnLineList = "Online user list"; $langTotalOnLine = "Total online"; $langRefresh = "Refresh page"; $langMe = "me"; $langSystemAnnouncements = "Portal Announcements"; $langHelpMaj = "Help"; $langNotRegistered = "Not Registered"; $langAdmin = "Portal admin"; $Login = "Login"; $langRegisterForCourse = "Register for course"; $langUnregisterForCourse = "Unregister from course"; $langCombinedCourse = "Combined course - "; $Platform = "Portal"; $Refresh = "Refresh"; $TotalOnLine = "total users online"; $langCourseClosed = "(the course is currently closed)"; $ViewOpenCourses = "View open trainings"; $langCompetences = "Competences"; $langDiplomas = "Diplomas"; $langTeach = "What s/he can teach"; $langOpenarea = "Personal area"; $langProductions = "Productions"; $langSendChatRequest = "Send chat request to this person"; $langRequestDenied = "The invitation has been rejected."; $UsageDatacreated = "Usage data created"; $SessionView = "Display the courses ordered by sessions"; $CourseView = "Display the full list of the courses"; $DropboxFileAdded = "Dropbox file added"; $NewMessageInForum = "New message posted in the forum"; $FolderCreated = "New folder created"; $LinkAdded = "New link added"; $AnnouncementAdded = "Announcement added"; $AgendaAdded = "Agenda item added"; ?>