'big_blue_button_record_and_store', 'type' => 'checkbox', ], [ 'name' => 'bbb_enable_conference_in_groups', 'type' => 'checkbox', ], [ 'name' => 'bbb_force_record_generation', 'type' => 'checkbox', ], ]; /** * BBBPlugin constructor. */ protected function __construct() { parent::__construct( '2.8.1', 'Julio Montoya, Yannick Warnier, Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos', [ 'tool_enable' => 'boolean', 'host' => 'text', 'salt' => 'text', 'enable_global_conference' => 'boolean', 'enable_global_conference_per_user' => 'boolean', 'enable_conference_in_course_groups' => 'boolean', 'enable_global_conference_link' => 'boolean', 'disable_download_conference_link' => 'boolean', 'max_users_limit' => 'text', 'global_conference_allow_roles' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'options' => [ PLATFORM_ADMIN => get_lang('Administrator'), COURSEMANAGER => get_lang('Trainer'), STUDENT => get_lang('Learner'), STUDENT_BOSS => get_lang('LearnerBoss'), ], 'attributes' => ['multiple' => 'multiple'], ], 'interface' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'options' => [ self::INTERFACE_FLASH => 'Flash', self::INTERFACE_HTML5 => 'HTML5', ], ], 'launch_type' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'options' => [ self::LAUNCH_TYPE_DEFAULT => 'SetByDefault', self::LAUNCH_TYPE_SET_BY_TEACHER => 'SetByTrainer', self::LAUNCH_TYPE_SET_BY_STUDENT => 'SetByLearner', ], 'translate_options' => true, // variables will be translated using the plugin->get_lang ], 'allow_regenerate_recording' => 'boolean', ] ); $this->isAdminPlugin = true; } /** * @param string $variable * * @return bool */ public function validateCourseSetting($variable) { if ('bbb_enable_conference_in_groups' === $variable) { if ('true' === $this->get('enable_conference_in_course_groups')) { return true; } return false; } return true; } /** * @return BBBPlugin|null */ public static function create() { static $result = null; return $result ?: $result = new self(); } /** * Install. */ public function install() { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plugin_bbb_meeting ( id INT unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, c_id INT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, group_id INT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_id INT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, meeting_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', attendee_pw VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', moderator_pw VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', record INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, status INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, closed_at VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, calendar_id INT DEFAULT 0, welcome_msg VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', session_id INT unsigned DEFAULT 0, remote_id CHAR(30), internal_meeting_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, visibility TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, voice_bridge INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, access_url INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, video_url TEXT NULL, has_video_m4v TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, interface INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )"; Database::query($sql); Database::query( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plugin_bbb_room ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, meeting_id int NOT NULL, participant_id int(11) NOT NULL, in_at datetime, out_at datetime, interface int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 );' ); $fieldLabel = 'plugin_bbb_course_users_limit'; $fieldType = ExtraField::FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER; $fieldTitle = 'MaxUsersInConferenceRoom'; $fieldDefault = '0'; $extraField = new ExtraField('course'); $fieldId = CourseManager::create_course_extra_field( $fieldLabel, $fieldType, $fieldTitle, $fieldDefault ); $extraField->find($fieldId); $extraField->update( [ 'id' => $fieldId, 'variable' => 'plugin_bbb_course_users_limit', 'changeable' => 1, 'visible_to_self' => 1, 'visible_to_others' => 0, ] ); $fieldLabel = 'plugin_bbb_session_users_limit'; $extraField = new ExtraField('session'); $fieldId = SessionManager::create_session_extra_field( $fieldLabel, $fieldType, $fieldTitle, $fieldDefault ); $extraField->find($fieldId); $extraField->update( [ 'id' => $fieldId, 'variable' => 'plugin_bbb_session_users_limit', 'changeable' => 1, 'visible_to_self' => 1, 'visible_to_others' => 0, ] ); // Installing course settings $this->install_course_fields_in_all_courses(); } /** * Uninstall. */ public function uninstall() { $t_settings = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $t_options = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_OPTIONS); $t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $variables = [ 'bbb_salt', 'bbb_host', 'bbb_tool_enable', 'enable_global_conference', 'enable_global_conference_per_user', 'enable_global_conference_link', 'disable_download_conference_link', 'enable_conference_in_course_groups', 'bbb_plugin', 'bbb_plugin_host', 'bbb_plugin_salt', 'max_users_limit', 'global_conference_allow_roles', 'interface', 'launch_type', ]; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_settings WHERE variable = '$variable'"; Database::query($sql); } $extraField = new ExtraField('course'); $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable( 'plugin_bbb_course_users_limit' ); if (!empty($extraFieldInfo)) { $extraField->delete($extraFieldInfo['id']); } $extraField = new ExtraField('session'); $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable( 'plugin_bbb_session_users_limit' ); if (!empty($extraFieldInfo)) { $extraField->delete($extraFieldInfo['id']); } $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_options WHERE variable = 'bbb_plugin'"; Database::query($sql); // hack to get rid of Database::query warning (please add c_id...) $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_tool WHERE name = 'bbb' AND c_id != 0"; Database::query($sql); Database::query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_bbb_room'); Database::query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_bbb_meeting'); // Deleting course settings $this->uninstall_course_fields_in_all_courses($this->course_settings); } /** * Return an array with URL. * * @param string $conferenceUrl * * @return array */ public function getUrlInterfaceLinks($conferenceUrl) { $urlList[] = $this->getFlashUrl($conferenceUrl); $urlList[] = $this->getHtmlUrl($conferenceUrl); return $urlList; } /** * @param string $conferenceUrl * * @return array */ public function getFlashUrl($conferenceUrl) { return [ 'text' => $this->get_lang('EnterConferenceFlash'), 'url' => $conferenceUrl.'&interface='.self::INTERFACE_FLASH, 'icon' => 'resources/img/64/videoconference_flash.png', ]; } /** * @param string $conferenceUrl * * @return array */ public function getHtmlUrl($conferenceUrl) { return [ 'text' => $this->get_lang('EnterConferenceHTML5'), 'url' => $conferenceUrl.'&interface='.self::INTERFACE_HTML5, 'icon' => 'resources/img/64/videoconference_html5.png', ]; } }