"; $langScormcontentstudent = "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : "; $langPublish = "Publish"; $langMissingImagesDetected = "Missing images detected"; $langCreateDocument = "Create a rich media page / activity"; $langEditDocument = "Edit"; $langDocuments = "Documents"; $langOrganiseDocuments = "Create table of contents"; $langEditTOC = "Edit table of contents"; $langChapter = "Section"; $langDocumentList = "List of all documents"; $langOrganisationList = "Table of contents"; $langCreationSucces = "Table of contents successfully created."; $langCanViewOrganisation = "You can view your organisation"; $langHere = "here."; $langViewDocument = "View"; $langHtmlTitle = "Table of contents"; $langAddToTOC = "Add to contents"; $langAddChapter = "Add section"; $langReady = "Generate table of contents"; $langStoreDocuments = "Store documents"; $langTocDown = "Down"; $langTocUp = "Up"; $lang_cut_paste_link = "No frames"; $langCreatePath = "Create a course (authoring tool)"; $SendDocument = "Upload file"; $ThisFolderCannotBeDeleted = "This folder cannot be deleted"; $ChangeVisibility = "Change visibility"; $VisibilityCannotBeChanged = "The visibility cannot be changed"; $DocumentCannotBeMoved = "The document cannot be moved"; $langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Chamilo RAPID : PowerPoint conversion"; $langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "A PowerPoint to SCORM Courses converter"; $langAddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata"; $langGoMetadata = "Go"; $langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this course is"; $langDel = "delete"; $langUp = "Up"; $langDate = "Date"; $ShowCourseQuotaUse = "Space Available"; $CourseCurrentlyUses = "This course currently uses"; $MaximumAllowedQuota = "Your storage limit is"; $PercentageQuotaInUse = "Percentage of your quota that is in use"; $PercentageQuotaFree = "Percentage of your quota that is still free"; $CurrentDirectory = "Current folder"; $UplUploadDocument = "Upload documents"; $UplPartialUpload = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."; $UplExceedMaxPostSize = "The file size exceeds the maximum allowed setting:"; $UplExceedMaxServerUpload = "The uploaded file exceeds the maximum filesize allowed by the server:"; $UplFileTooBig = "The file is too big to upload."; $UplUploadFailed = "The file upload has failed."; $UplUnableToSaveFile = "The uploaded file could not be saved (perhaps a permission problem?)"; $UplNotEnoughSpace = "There is not enough space to upload this file."; $UplNoSCORMContent = "No SCORM content was found."; $UplZipExtractSuccess = "The zipfile was successfully extracted."; $UplZipCorrupt = "Unable to extract zip file (corrupt file?)."; $UplAlreadyExists = " already exists."; $UplFileSavedAs = "File saved as"; $UplFileOverwritten = " was overwritten."; $CannotCreateDir = "Unable to create the folder."; $UplUpload = "Upload"; $UplWhatIfFileExists = "If file exists:"; $UplDoNothing = "Do nothing"; $UplDoNothingLong = "Don't upload if file exists"; $UplOverwrite = "Overwrite"; $UplOverwriteLong = "Overwrite the existing file"; $UplRename = "Rename"; $UplRenameLong = "Rename the uploaded file if it exists"; $Metadata = "Metadata"; $DocumentQuota = "Space Available"; $NoDocsInFolder = "There are no documents to be displayed."; $UploadTo = "Upload to"; $fileModified = "The file is modified"; $DocumentsOverview = "Documents overview"; $ViewSlideshow = "Images gallery"; $Options = "Options"; $WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Chamilo RAPID