| | Hugues Peeters | | Christophe Gesché | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Translator : | | Thomas Depraetere | | Andrew Lynn | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ $langRoot="root"; $langDoc="Learning Path"; $langBuilder="Learning Path builder"; $learning_path_access="In order to delete/modify/show/hide/edit/add a learning path with the bricks icon, click on '$langBuilder'."; $langDownloadFile= "Upload scorm zip (1.2 or 1.3) to the server"; $langDownload="Upload"; $langCreateDir="Create a directory"; $langName="Name"; $langNameDir="Name of the new directory"; $langSize="Size / description"; $langDate="Date"; $langRename="Rename"; $langComment="Comment"; $langVisible="Visible/invisible"; $langCopy="Copy"; $langTo="to"; $langNoSpace="The upload has failed. There is not enough disk space in your directory"; $langDownloadEnd="The upload is finished"; $langFileExists="Operation impossible.
A file with this name already exists."; $langDocCopied="Document copied"; $langDocDeleted="Document deleted"; $langElRen="Element renamed"; $langDirCr="Directory created"; $langDirMv="Element moved"; $langComMod="Comment modified"; $langIn="in"; $langNewDir="Name of new directory"; $langImpossible="Operation impossible"; $langAddComment="Add/modify a comment to"; $langUp="Up"; $langDown="Down"; $langViMod="Visibility modified"; $langElRen="Element renamed"; $langFileError="The file to upload is not valid."; $langMaxFileSize="Max file size is"; $langFileName="File name"; $langNoFileName="Please enter the file name"; $langNoText="Please type your text / HTML content"; $langNotScormContent="This is not a scorm ZIP file !"; // Special for group documents $langGroupManagement="Group management"; $langGroupSpace="Group area"; $langGroupSpaceLink="Group area"; $langGroupForumLink="Group forum"; $langZipNoPhp="The zip file can not contain .PHP files"; $langDownloadAndZipEnd=" Zip file uploaded and uncompressed"; $langAreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure to delete"; $langScormcontent="This is a Scorm content
"; $langScormcontentstudent="This is a Scorm format area. If you would like to play it, click here : "; $langPublish = "Publish"; $langMissingImagesDetected = "Missing images detected"; $langCreateDocument="Create a document"; $langEditDocument="Edit"; /* ------------------------------ Language strings for Miniweb ------------------------------ */ $langDocuments = "Documents"; $langMiniweb = "Table of contents"; $langMakeMiniweb = "Create organisation"; $langEditTOC = "Edit table of contents"; $langReadMiniweb = "View table of contents"; $langChangeMiniweb = "Edit this table of contents"; $langChapter = "Chapter"; $langDocumentList = "List of all documents"; //title of the list box that shows the documents $langOrganisationList = "Table of contents"; //title of the list box that shows the organisation $langHelpMiniweb = "This module allows you to organise documents. You can arrange documents in chapters and choose the order in which they appear. When you are ready, click the \"generate table of contents\" button. The documents you see are stored in the documents tool. "; $langCreationSucces = "Table of contents succesfully created."; $langCanViewOrganisation = "You can view your organisation "; $langHere = "here."; $langViewDocument = "View"; $langHtmlTitle = "Table of contents"; $langAddToTOC = "Add to contents"; $langAddChapter = "Add chapter"; $langReady = "Generate table of contents"; $langStoreDocuments = "Store documents"; $langTocDown = "Down"; $langTocUp = "Up"; ?>