, main programmer, initial version * @author Ren� Haentjens , several contributions (see RH) * @author Roan Embrechts, virtual course support * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University (see history version 1.3) * * @package dokeos.dropbox * * @todo complete refactoring. Currently there are about at least 3 sql queries needed for every individual dropbox document. * first we find all the documents that were sent (resp. received) by the user * then for every individual document the user(s)information who received (resp. sent) the document is searched * then for every individual document the feedback is retrieved * @todo the implementation of the dropbox categories could (on the database level) have been done more elegantly by storing the category * in the dropbox_person table because this table stores the relationship between the files (sent OR received) and the users ============================================================================== */ /** ============================================================================== HISTORY ============================================================================== Version 1.1 ------------ - dropbox_init1.inc.php: changed include statements to require statements. This way if a file is not found, it stops the execution of a script instead of continuing with warnings. - dropbox_init1.inc.php: the include files "claro_init_global.inc.php" & "debug.lib.inc.php" are first checked for their existence before including them. If they don't exist, in the .../include dir, they get loaded from the .../inc dir. This change is necessary because the UCL changed the include dir to inc. - dropbox_init1.inc.php: the databasetable name in the variable $dropbox_cnf["introTbl"] is chnged from "introduction" to "tool_intro" - install.php: after submit, checks if the database uses accueil or tool_list as a tablename - index.php: removed the behaviour of only the teachers that are allowed to delete entries - index.php: added field "lastUploadDate" in table dropbox_file to store information about last update when resubmiting a file - dropbox.inc.php: added $lang["lastUpdated"] - index.php: entries in received list show when file was last updated if it is updated - index.php: entries in sent list show when file was last resent if it was resent - dropbox_submit.php: add a unique id to every uploaded file - index.php: add POST-variable to the upload form with overwrite data when user decides to overwrite the previous sent file with new file - dropbox_submit.php: add sanity checks on POST['overwrite'] data - index.php: remove title field in upload form - dropbox_submit.php: remove use of POST['title'] variable - dropbox_init1.inc.php: added $dropbox_cnf["version"] variable - dropbox_class.inc.php: add $this->lastUploadDate to Dropbox_work class - dropbox.inc.php: added $lang['emptyTable'] - index.php: if the received or sent list is empty, a message is displayed - dropbox_download.php: the $file var is set equal to the title-field of the filetable. So not constructed anymore by substracting the username from the filename - index.php: add check to see if column lastUploadDate exists in filetable - index.php: moved javascripts from dropbox_init2.inc.php to index.php - index.php: when specifying an uploadfile in the form, a checkbox allowing the user to overwrite a previously sent file is shown when the specified file has the same name as a previously uploaded file of that user. - index.php: assign all the metadata (author, description, date, recipient, sender) of an entry in a list to the class="dropbox_detail" and add css to html-header - index.php: assign all dates of entries in list to the class="dropbox_date" and add CSS - index.php: assign all persons in entries of list to the class="dropbox_person" and add CSS - dropbox.inc.php: added $lang['dropbox_version'] to indicate the lates version. This must be equal to the $dropbox_cnf['version'] variable. - dropbox_init1.inc.php: if the newest lang file isn't loaded by claro_init_global.inc.php from the .../lang dir it will be loaded locally from the .../plugin/dropbox/ dir. This way an administrator must not install the dropbox.inc.php in the .../lang/english dir, but he can leave it in the local .../plugin/dropbox/ dir. However if you want to present multiple language translations of the file you must still put the file in the /lang/ dir, because there is no language management system inside the .../plugin/dropbox dir. - mime.inc.php: created this file. It contains an array $mimetype with all the mimetypes that are used by dropbox_download.php to give hinst to the browser during download about content - dropbox_download.php: remove https specific headers because they're not necessary - dropbox_download.php: use application/octet-stream as the default mime and inline as the default Content-Disposition - dropbox.inc.php: add lang vars for "order by" action - dropbox_class.inc.php: add methods orderSentWork, orderReceivedWork en _cmpWork and propery _orderBy to class Dropbox_person to take care of sorting - index.php: add selectionlist to headers of sent/received lists to select "order by" and add code to keep selected value in sessionvar. - index.php: moved part of a hyperlink to previous line to remove the underlined space between symbol and title of a work entry in the sent/received list - index.php: add filesize info in sent/received lists - dropbox_submit.php: resubmit prevention only for GET action, because it gives some annoying behaviour in POST situation: white screen in IE6 Version 1.2 ----------- - adapted entire dropbox tool so it can be used as a default tool in Dokeos 1.5 - index.php: add event registration to log use of tool in stats tables - index.php: upload form checks for correct user selection and file specification before uploading the script - dropbox_init1.inc.php: added dropbox_cnf["allowOverwrite"] to allow or disallow overwriting of files - index.php: author name textbox is automatically filled in - mailing functionality (see RH comments in code) - allowStudentToStudent and allowJustUpload options (id.) - help in separate window (id.) Version 1.3 (Patrick Cool) -------------------------- - sortable table - categories - fixing a security hole - tabs (which can be disabled: see $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']) - same action on multiple documents ([zip]download, move, delete) - consistency with the docuements tool (open/download file, icons of documents, ...) - zip download of complete folder Version 1.4 (Yannick Warnier) ----------------------------- - removed all self-built database tables names ============================================================================== */ /* ============================================================================== INIT SECTION ============================================================================== */ // the file that contains all the initialisation stuff (and includes all the configuration stuff) require_once( "dropbox_init.inc.php"); // get the last time the user accessed the tool if ($_SESSION['last_access'][$_course['id']][TOOL_DROPBOX]=='') { $last_access=get_last_tool_access(TOOL_DROPBOX,$_course['code'],$_user['user_id']); $_SESSION['last_access'][$_course['id']][TOOL_DROPBOX]=$last_access; } else { $last_access=$_SESSION['last_access'][$_course['id']][TOOL_DROPBOX]; } // do the tracking event_access_tool(TOOL_DROPBOX); //this var is used to give a unique value to every page request. This is to prevent resubmiting data $dropbox_unid = md5( uniqid( rand( ), true)); /* ============================================================================== DISPLAY SECTION ============================================================================== */ // Tool introduction text Display::display_introduction_section(TOOL_DROPBOX); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- ACTIONS: add a dropbox file, add a dropbox category. ----------------------------------------------------------- */ // *** display the form for adding a new dropbox item. *** if ($_GET['action']=="add") { display_add_form(); } if ($_POST['submitWork']) { $check = Security::check_token(); if($check) { Display :: display_normal_message(store_add_dropbox()); //include_once('dropbox_submit.php'); } } // *** display the form for adding a category *** if ($_GET['action']=="addreceivedcategory" or $_GET['action']=="addsentcategory") { display_addcategory_form($_POST['category_name']); } // *** editing a category: displaying the form *** if ($_GET['action']=='editcategory' and isset($_GET['id'])) { if (!$_POST) { display_addcategory_form('',$_GET['id']); } } // *** storing a new or edited category *** if ($_POST['StoreCategory']) { Display :: display_normal_message(store_addcategory()); } // *** Move a File *** if (($_GET['action']=='movesent' OR $_GET['action']=='movereceived') AND isset($_GET['move_id'])) { display_move_form(str_replace('move','',$_GET['action']), $_GET['move_id'], get_dropbox_categories(str_replace('move','',$_GET['action']))); } if ($_POST['do_move']) { Display :: display_normal_message(store_move($_POST['id'], $_POST['move_target'], $_POST['part'])); } // *** Delete a file *** if (($_GET['action']=='deletereceivedfile' OR $_GET['action']=='deletesentfile') AND isset($_GET['id']) AND is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $dropboxfile=new Dropbox_Person( $_user['user_id'], $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor); if ($_GET['action']=='deletereceivedfile') { $dropboxfile->deleteReceivedWork($_GET['id']); $message=get_lang('ReceivedFileDeleted'); } if ($_GET['action']=='deletesentfile') { $dropboxfile->deleteSentWork($_GET['id']); $message=get_lang('SentFileDeleted'); } Display :: display_normal_message($message); } // *** Delete a category *** if (($_GET['action']=='deletereceivedcategory' OR $_GET['action']=='deletesentcategory') AND isset($_GET['id']) AND is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $message=delete_category($_GET['action'], $_GET['id']); } // *** Do an action on multiple files *** // only the download has is handled separately in dropbox_init_inc.php because this has to be done before the headers are sent // (which also happens in dropbox_init.inc.php if ($_POST['do_actions_received'] OR $_POST['do_actions_sent']) { $display_message=handle_multiple_actions(); Display :: display_normal_message($display_message); } // *** Store Feedback *** if ($_POST['store_feedback']) { $display_message = store_feedback(); Display :: display_normal_message($display_message); } // *** Error Message *** if (isset($_GET['error']) AND !empty($_GET['error'])) { Display :: display_normal_message(get_lang($_GET['error'])); } // getting all the categories in the dropbox for the given user $dropbox_categories=get_dropbox_categories(); // creating the arrays with the categories for the received files and for the sent files foreach ($dropbox_categories as $category) { if ($category['received']=='1') { $dropbox_received_category[]=$category; } if ($category['sent']=='1') { $dropbox_sent_category[]=$category; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- THE MENU TABS ----------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']) { ?> '.get_lang('ReceivedFiles').''; // This is for the categories if (isset($_GET['view_received_category']) AND $_GET['view_received_category']<>'') { $view_dropbox_category_received=$_GET['view_received_category']; } else { $view_dropbox_category_received=0; } /* *** Menu Received *** */ if ($view_dropbox_category_received<>0) { echo get_lang('CurrentlySeeing').': '.$dropbox_categories[$view_dropbox_category_received]['cat_name'].'
'; echo ''.get_lang('up').''.get_lang('Root')."\n"; } echo "\"".get_lang('NewFolder')."\" ".get_lang('AddNewCategory')."\n"; echo '
'; // object initialisation $dropbox_person = new Dropbox_Person( $_user['user_id'], $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor); // note: are the $is_courseAdmin and $is_courseTutor parameters needed???? // constructing the array that contains the total number of feedback messages per document. $number_feedback=get_total_number_feedback(); // sorting and paging options $sorting_options = array(); $paging_options = array(); // the headers of the sortable tables $column_header=array(); $column_header[] = array('',false,''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"'); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('ReceivedTitle'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Description'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Size'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('LastResent'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'), FALSE, '', 'nowrap style="text-align: right"'); // the content of the sortable table = the received files foreach ( $dropbox_person -> receivedWork as $dropbox_file) { $dropbox_file_data=array(); if ($view_dropbox_category_received==$dropbox_file->category) // we only display the files that are in the category that we are in. { $dropbox_file_data[]=display_file_checkbox($dropbox_file->id, 'received'); // new icon if ($dropbox_file->last_upload_date > $last_access AND !in_array($dropbox_file->id,$_SESSION['_seen'][$_course['id']][TOOL_DROPBOX])) { $new_icon=' '.get_lang('New').''; } else { $new_icon=''; } $dropbox_file_data[]=build_document_icon_tag('file',$dropbox_file->title); $dropbox_file_data[]=''.get_lang('Save').''.$dropbox_file->title.''.$new_icon; $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author; $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->description; $dropbox_file_data[]=ceil(($dropbox_file->filesize)/1024).' '.get_lang('kB'); $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date; $action_icons=check_number_feedback($dropbox_file->id, $number_feedback).' '.get_lang('Feedback').' '.get_lang('Comment').' '.get_lang('Move').' '.get_lang('Delete').''; //$action_icons=' '.get_lang('Move').' // '.get_lang('Delete').''; // this is a hack to have an additional row in a sortable table if($_GET['action']=='viewfeedback' AND isset($_GET['id']) and is_numeric($_GET['id']) AND $dropbox_file->id==$_GET['id']) { $action_icons.="\n"; // ending the normal row of the sortable table $action_icons.="\n\t".get_lang('CloseFeedback')."".feedback($dropbox_file->feedback2)."\n\n"; } $dropbox_file_data[]=$action_icons; $action_icons=''; $dropbox_data_recieved[]=$dropbox_file_data; } } // the content of the sortable table = the categories (if we are not in the root) if ($view_dropbox_category_received==0) { foreach ($dropbox_categories as $category) // note: this can probably be shortened since the categories for the received files are already in the $dropbox_received_category array; { $dropbox_category_data=array(); if ($category['received']=='1') { $dropbox_category_data[]=''; // this is where the checkbox icon for the files appear // the icon of the category $dropbox_category_data[]=build_document_icon_tag('folder',$category['cat_name']); $dropbox_category_data[]=''.get_lang('Save').''.$category['cat_name'].''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''.get_lang('Edit').' '.get_lang('Delete').''; } if (is_array($dropbox_category_data) && count($dropbox_category_data)>0) { $dropbox_data_recieved[]=$dropbox_category_data; } } } // Displaying the table $additional_get_parameters=array('view'=>$_GET['view'], 'view_received_category'=>$_GET['view_received_category'],'view_sent_category'=>$_GET['view_sent_category']); Display::display_sortable_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_recieved, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters); if (empty($dropbox_data_recieved)) { //echo get_lang('NoFilesHere'); } else { echo ''.get_lang('SelectAll').' - '; echo ''.get_lang('UnSelectAll').' '; echo get_lang('WithSelected').': '; display_action_options('received',$dropbox_received_category, $view_dropbox_category_received); } echo '
'; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- SENT FILES ----------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false) { //echo '


'; // This is for the categories if (isset($_GET['view_sent_category']) AND $_GET['view_sent_category']<>'') { $view_dropbox_category_sent=$_GET['view_sent_category']; } else { $view_dropbox_category_sent=0; } /* *** Menu Sent *** */ if ($view_dropbox_category_sent<>0) { echo get_lang('CurrentlySeeing').': '.$dropbox_categories[$view_dropbox_category_sent]['cat_name'].'
'; echo ''.get_lang('Up').''.get_lang('Root')."\n"; } echo "\"".get_lang('Upload')."\" ".get_lang('UploadNewFile')." \n"; echo "\"".get_lang('NewFolder')."\" ".get_lang('AddNewCategory')."\n"; //echo '
'; echo ''; // object initialisation $dropbox_person = new Dropbox_Person( $_user['user_id'], $is_courseAdmin, $is_courseTutor); // constructing the array that contains the total number of feedback messages per document. $number_feedback=get_total_number_feedback(); // sorting and paging options $sorting_options = array(); $paging_options = array(); // the headers of the sortable tables $column_header=array(); $column_header[] = array('',false,''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"','style="text-align:center"'); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('SentTitle'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Description'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Size'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('LastResent'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('SentTo'), TRUE, ''); $column_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'), FALSE, '', 'nowrap style="text-align: right"'); // the content of the sortable table = the received files foreach ( $dropbox_person -> sentWork as $dropbox_file) { $dropbox_file_data=array(); if ($view_dropbox_category_sent==$dropbox_file->category) { $dropbox_file_data[]=display_file_checkbox($dropbox_file->id, 'sent'); ; $dropbox_file_data[]=build_document_icon_tag('file',$dropbox_file->title); $dropbox_file_data[]=''.get_lang('Save').''.$dropbox_file->title.''; $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author; $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->description; $dropbox_file_data[]=ceil(($dropbox_file->filesize)/1024).' '.get_lang('kB'); $dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date; foreach ($dropbox_file->recipients as $recipient) { $receivers_celldata=display_user_link($recipient['user_id'], $recipient['name']).', '.$receivers_celldata; } $dropbox_file_data[]=$receivers_celldata; $receivers_celldata=''; $action_icons=check_number_feedback($dropbox_file->id, $number_feedback).' '.get_lang('Feedback').' '.get_lang('Comment').' '.get_lang('Move').' '.get_lang('Delete').''; // this is a hack to have an additional row in a sortable table if($_GET['action']=='viewfeedback' AND isset($_GET['id']) and is_numeric($_GET['id']) AND $dropbox_file->id==$_GET['id']) { $action_icons.="\n"; // ending the normal row of the sortable table $action_icons.="\n\t".get_lang('CloseFeedback')."".feedback($dropbox_file->feedback2)."\n\n"; } $dropbox_file_data[]=$action_icons; $action_icons=''; $dropbox_data_sent[]=$dropbox_file_data; } } // the content of the sortable table = the categories (if we are not in the root) if ($view_dropbox_category_sent==0) { foreach ($dropbox_categories as $category) { $dropbox_category_data=array(); if ($category['sent']=='1') { $dropbox_category_data[]=''; // this is where the checkbox icon for the files appear $dropbox_category_data[]=build_document_icon_tag('folder',$category['cat_name']); $dropbox_category_data[]=''.get_lang('Save').''.$category['cat_name'].''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''; $dropbox_category_data[]=''.get_lang('Edit').' '.get_lang('Delete').''; } if (is_array($dropbox_category_data) && count($dropbox_category_data)>0) { $dropbox_data_sent[]=$dropbox_category_data; } } } // Displaying the table $additional_get_parameters=array('view'=>$_GET['view'], 'view_received_category'=>$_GET['view_received_category'],'view_sent_category'=>$_GET['view_sent_category']); Display::display_sortable_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_sent, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters); if (empty($dropbox_data_sent)) { //echo get_lang('NoFilesHere'); } else { echo ''.get_lang('SelectAll').' - '; echo ''.get_lang('UnSelectAll').' '; echo get_lang('WithSelected').': '; display_action_options('sent',$dropbox_sent_category, $view_dropbox_category_sent); } echo '
'; } Display::display_footer(); ?>