/**/ "; // Database table definitions $TABLETRACK_ACCESS = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LASTACCESS); $TABLETRACK_LINKS = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LINKS); $TABLETRACK_DOWNLOADS = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DOWNLOADS); $TABLETRACK_ACCESS_2 = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ACCESS); $TABLETRACK_EXERCISES = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $TABLECOURSE = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSE_LINKS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK); $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $TABLEQUIZ = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $tbl_learnpath_main = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); $tbl_learnpath_item = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM); $tbl_learnpath_view = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW); $tbl_learnpath_item_view = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW); // breadcrumbs if (isset($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '../admin/index.php','name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '../admin/session_list.php','name' => get_lang('SessionList')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '../admin/resume_session.php?id_session='.$_SESSION['id_session'], 'name' => get_lang('SessionOverview')); } $view = (isset($_REQUEST['view']) ? $_REQUEST['view'] : ''); $nameTools = get_lang('Tracking'); // display the header Display::display_header($nameTools, 'Tracking'); // getting all the students of the course $a_students = CourseManager :: get_student_list_from_course_code($_course['id'], true, (empty($_SESSION['id_session']) ? null : $_SESSION['id_session'])); $nbStudents = count($a_students); // gettting all the additional information of an additional profile field if (isset($_GET['additional_profile_field']) && is_numeric($_GET['additional_profile_field'])) { //$additional_user_profile_info = get_addtional_profile_information_of_field($_GET['additional_profile_field']); $user_array = array(); foreach ($a_students as $key=>$item) { $user_array[] = $key; } //fetching only the user that are loaded NOT ALL user in the portal $additional_user_profile_info = TrackingCourseLog::get_addtional_profile_information_of_field_by_user($_GET['additional_profile_field'],$user_array); } /* ============================================================================== MAIN CODE ============================================================================== */ echo '
'; if ($_GET['studentlist'] == 'false') { echo ''.get_lang('StudentsTracking').' | '.get_lang('CourseTracking').' | '.get_lang('ResourcesTracking'); } elseif($_GET['studentlist'] == 'resources') { echo ''.get_lang('StudentsTracking').' | '.get_lang('CourseTracking').' | '.get_lang('ResourcesTracking'); } elseif($_GET['studentlist'] == '' || $_GET['studentlist'] == 'true') { echo get_lang('StudentsTracking').' | '.get_lang('CourseTracking').' | '.get_lang('ResourcesTracking').''; } echo ' '.Display::return_icon('printmgr.gif',get_lang('Print')).get_lang('Print').''; if($_GET['studentlist'] == 'false') { echo ' '.get_lang('ExportAsCSV').''; } elseif ($_GET['studentlist'] == '' || $_GET['studentlist'] == 'true') { $addional_param = ''; if (isset($_GET['additional_profile_field'])) { $addional_param ='additional_profile_field='.intval($_GET['additional_profile_field']); } echo ''.Display::return_icon('csv.gif',get_lang('ExportAsCSV')).get_lang('ExportAsCSV').''; } if($_GET['studentlist'] == 'true' || empty($_GET['studentlist'])) { echo TrackingCourseLog::display_additional_profile_fields(); } echo '
'; if ($_GET['studentlist'] == 'false') { echo'

'; // learning path tracking echo '


'; $list = new LearnpathList($student); $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list(); if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath', ''), ''); $csv_content[] = array('', ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (count($flat_list) > 0) { foreach ($flat_list as $lp_id => $lp) { $lp_avg_progress = 0; foreach ($a_students as $student_id => $student) { // get the progress in learning pathes $lp_avg_progress += learnpath::get_db_progress($lp_id, $student_id); } if ($nbStudents > 0) { $lp_avg_progress = $lp_avg_progress / $nbStudents; } else { $lp_avg_progress = null; } // Separated presentation logic. if (is_null($lp_avg_progress)) { $lp_avg_progress = '0%'; } else { $lp_avg_progress = round($lp_avg_progress, 1).'%'; } echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array($lp['lp_name'], $lp_avg_progress); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('NoLearningPath', ''), ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'; echo '
'; // Exercices tracking echo '

'.Display::return_icon('quiz.gif',get_lang('AverageResultsToTheExercices')).get_lang('AverageResultsToTheExercices').' - '.get_lang('SeeDetail').'

'; $sql = "SELECT id, title FROM $TABLEQUIZ WHERE active <> -1"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath'), ''); $csv_content[] = array('', ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { // gets course actual administrators $sql = "SELECT user.user_id FROM $table_user user, $TABLECOURSUSER course_user WHERE course_user.user_id=user.user_id AND course_user.course_code='".api_get_course_id()."' AND course_user.status <> '1' AND course_user.relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." "; $res = Database::query($sql); $student_ids = array(); while($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) { $student_ids[] = $row[0]; } $count_students = count($student_ids); while ($quiz = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $quiz_avg_score = 0; if ($count_students > 0) { foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) { // get the scorn in exercises $sql = 'SELECT exe_result , exe_weighting FROM '.$TABLETRACK_EXERCISES.' WHERE exe_exo_id = '.$quiz['id'].' AND exe_user_id = '.(int)$student_id.' AND exe_cours_id = "'.api_get_course_id().'" AND orig_lp_id = 0 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0 ORDER BY exe_date DESC'; $rsAttempt = Database::query($sql); $nb_attempts = 0; $avg_student_score = 0; while ($attempt = Database::fetch_array($rsAttempt)) { $nb_attempts++; $exe_weight = $attempt['exe_weighting']; if ($exe_weight > 0) { $avg_student_score += round(($attempt['exe_result'] / $exe_weight * 100), 2); } } if ($nb_attempts > 0) { $avg_student_score = $avg_student_score / $nb_attempts; } $quiz_avg_score += $avg_student_score; } } $count_students = ($count_students == 0 || is_null($count_students) || $count_students == '') ? 1 : $count_students; echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array($quiz['title'], $quiz_avg_score); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('NoExercises', ''), ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'.$quiz['title'].''.round(($quiz_avg_score / $count_students), 2).'%'.'
'; echo '
'; // forums tracking echo '

'.Display::return_icon('forum.gif', get_lang('Forum')).get_lang('Forum').' - '.get_lang('SeeDetail').'

'; $count_number_of_posts_by_course = Tracking :: count_number_of_posts_by_course($_course['id']); $count_number_of_forums_by_course = Tracking :: count_number_of_forums_by_course($_course['id']); $count_number_of_threads_by_course = Tracking :: count_number_of_threads_by_course($_course['id']); if ($export_csv) { $csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Forum'), ''); $csv_content[] = array(get_lang('ForumForumsNumber', ''), $count_number_of_forums_by_course); $csv_content[] = array(get_lang('ForumThreadsNumber', ''), $count_number_of_threads_by_course); $csv_content[] = array(get_lang('ForumPostsNumber', ''), $count_number_of_posts_by_course); } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // chat tracking echo '


'; $chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course = Tracking :: chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course($_course['id'], 7); if ($export_csv) { $csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Chat', ''), ''); $csv_content[] = array(sprintf(get_lang('ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays', ''), '7'), $chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course); } echo ''; echo '
'.sprintf(get_lang('ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays'), '7').''.$chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course.'
'; echo '
'; // tools tracking echo '

'.Display::return_icon('acces_tool.gif', get_lang('ToolsMostUsed')).get_lang('ToolsMostUsed').'

'; $sql = "SELECT access_tool, COUNT(DISTINCT access_user_id),count( access_tool ) as count_access_tool FROM $TABLETRACK_ACCESS WHERE access_tool IS NOT NULL AND access_cours_code = '$_cid' GROUP BY access_tool ORDER BY count_access_tool DESC LIMIT 0, 3"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('ToolsMostUsed'), ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { echo ' '; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang(ucfirst($row['access_tool']), ''), $row['count_access_tool'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', '')); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'.get_lang(ucfirst($row['access_tool'])).' '.$row['count_access_tool'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; // Documents tracking if ($_GET['num'] == 0 or empty($_GET['num'])) { $num = 3; $link=' - '.get_lang('SeeDetail').''; } else { $num = 1000; $link=' - '.get_lang('ViewMinus').''; } echo '

'.Display::return_icon('documents.gif',get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded')).' '.get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded').$link.'

'; $sql = "SELECT down_doc_path, COUNT(DISTINCT down_user_id), COUNT(down_doc_path) as count_down FROM $TABLETRACK_DOWNLOADS WHERE down_cours_id = '$_cid' GROUP BY down_doc_path ORDER BY count_down DESC LIMIT 0, $num"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded', ''), ''); $csv_content[] = array('', ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { echo ' '; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array($row['down_doc_path'], $row['count_down'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', '')); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('NoDocumentDownloaded', ''),''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'.$row['down_doc_path'].' '.$row['count_down'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; // links tracking echo '

'.Display::return_icon('link.gif',get_lang('LinksMostClicked')).' '.get_lang('LinksMostClicked').'

'; $sql = "SELECT cl.title, cl.url,count(DISTINCT sl.links_user_id), count(cl.title) as count_visits FROM $TABLETRACK_LINKS AS sl, $TABLECOURSE_LINKS AS cl WHERE sl.links_link_id = cl.id AND sl.links_cours_id = '$_cid' GROUP BY cl.title, cl.url ORDER BY count_visits DESC LIMIT 0, 3"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('LinksMostClicked'),''); $csv_content[] = array('',''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { echo ' '; if ($export_csv){ $temp = array($row['title'],$row['count_visits'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', '')); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = array(get_lang('NoLinkVisited'), ''); $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'.$row['title'].' '.$row['count_visits'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; // send the csv file if asked if ($export_csv) { ob_end_clean(); Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_course_tracking'); exit; } } elseif ($_GET['studentlist'] == 'true' or $_GET['studentlist'] == '') { // else display student list with all the informations // BEGIN : form to remind inactives susers $form = new FormValidator('reminder_form', 'get', api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'announcements/announcements.php'); $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{label} {element} ','since'); $options = array ( 2 => '2 '.get_lang('Days'), 3 => '3 '.get_lang('Days'), 4 => '4 '.get_lang('Days'), 5 => '5 '.get_lang('Days'), 6 => '6 '.get_lang('Days'), 7 => '7 '.get_lang('Days'), 15 => '15 '.get_lang('Days'), 30 => '30 '.get_lang('Days'), 'never' => get_lang('Never') ); $el = $form -> addElement('select', 'since', ''.get_lang('RemindInactivesLearnersSince'), $options); $el -> setSelected(7); $form -> addElement('hidden', 'action', 'add'); $form -> addElement('hidden', 'remindallinactives', 'true'); $form -> display(); // END : form to remind inactives susers if ($export_csv) { $is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order(PERSON_NAME_DATA_EXPORT); } else { $is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order(); } $sort_by_first_name = api_sort_by_first_name(); $tracking_column = isset($_GET['tracking_column']) ? $_GET['tracking_column'] : 0; $tracking_direction = isset($_GET['tracking_direction']) ? $_GET['tracking_direction'] : 'DESC'; if (count($a_students) > 0) { if ($export_csv) { $csv_content[] = array (); } $all_datas = array(); $course_code = $_course['id']; $user_ids = array_keys($a_students); $table = new SortableTable('users_tracking', array('TrackingCourseLog','get_number_of_users'), array('TrackingCourseLog','get_user_data'), (api_is_western_name_order() xor api_sort_by_first_name()) ? 3 : 2); $parameters['cidReq'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']); $parameters['studentlist'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['studentlist']); $parameters['from'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['myspace']); $table->set_additional_parameters($parameters); $table -> set_header(0, get_lang('OfficialCode'), false, 'align="center"'); if ($is_western_name_order) { $table -> set_header(1, get_lang('FirstName'), false, 'align="center"'); $table -> set_header(2, get_lang('LastName'), true, 'align="center"'); } else { $table -> set_header(1, get_lang('LastName'), true, 'align="center"'); $table -> set_header(2, get_lang('FirstName'), false, 'align="center"'); } $table -> set_header(3, get_lang('TrainingTime'),false); $table -> set_header(4, get_lang('CourseProgress'),false); $table -> set_header(5, get_lang('Score'),false); $table -> set_header(6, get_lang('Student_publication'),false); $table -> set_header(7, get_lang('Messages'),false); $table -> set_header(8, get_lang('FirstLogin'), false, 'align="center"'); $table -> set_header(9, get_lang('LatestLogin'), false, 'align="center"'); //if (isset($_GET['additional_profile_field']) AND is_numeric($_GET['additional_profile_field'])) { $table -> set_header(10, get_lang('AdditionalProfileField'),false); /*} else { $table -> set_header(10, ,false); }*/ $table -> set_header(11, get_lang('Details'),false); $table->display(); } else { echo get_lang('NoUsersInCourseTracking'); } // send the csv file if asked if ($export_csv) { if ($is_western_name_order) { $csv_headers = array ( get_lang('OfficialCode', ''), get_lang('FirstName', ''), get_lang('LastName', ''), get_lang('TrainingTime', ''), get_lang('CourseProgress', ''), get_lang('Score', ''), get_lang('Student_publication', ''), get_lang('Messages', ''), get_lang('FirstLogin', ''), get_lang('LatestLogin', '') ); } else { $csv_headers = array ( get_lang('OfficialCode', ''), get_lang('LastName', ''), get_lang('FirstName', ''), get_lang('TrainingTime', ''), get_lang('CourseProgress', ''), get_lang('Score', ''), get_lang('Student_publication', ''), get_lang('Messages', ''), get_lang('FirstLogin', ''), get_lang('LatestLogin', '') ); } if (isset($_GET['additional_profile_field']) AND is_numeric($_GET['additional_profile_field'])) { $csv_headers[]=get_lang('AdditionalProfileField'); } ob_end_clean(); array_unshift($csv_content, $csv_headers); // adding headers before the content Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_student_list'); exit; } } elseif($_GET['studentlist'] == 'resources') { // Create a search-box $form = new FormValidator('search_simple','get',api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'tracking/courseLog.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&studentlist=resources','','width=200px',false); $renderer =& $form->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element}'); $form->addElement('hidden','studentlist','resources'); $form->addElement('text','keyword',get_lang('keyword')); $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submit', get_lang('Search'),'class="search"'); echo '
'; $form->display(); echo '
'; $table = new SortableTable('resources', array('TrackingCourseLog','count_item_resources'), array('TrackingCourseLog','get_item_resources_data'), 5, 20, 'DESC'); $parameters = array(); if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) { $parameters['keyword'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['keyword']); } $parameters['studentlist'] = 'resources'; $table->set_additional_parameters($parameters); $table->set_header(0, get_lang('Tool')); $table->set_header(1, get_lang('EventType')); $table->set_header(2, get_lang('Session'), false); $table->set_header(3, get_lang('UserName')); $table->set_header(4, get_lang('Document'), false); $table->set_header(5, get_lang('Date')); $table->display(); } ?>