$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'].'?selectcat=1', 'name' => get_lang('ToolGradebook')); $showeval = isset($_POST['showeval']) ? '1' : '0'; $showlink = isset($_POST['showlink']) ? '1' : '0'; if (($showlink == '0') && ($showeval == '0')) { $showlink = '1'; $showeval = '1'; } $cat = Category::load($_REQUEST['selectcat']); if (isset($_GET['userid'])) { $userid = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['userid']); } else { $userid = ''; } if ($showeval) { $alleval = $cat[0]->get_evaluations($userid, true); } else { $alleval = null; } if ($showlink) { $alllinks = $cat[0]->get_links($userid, true); } else { $alllinks = null; } if (isset($export_flatview_form) && (!$file_type == 'pdf')) { Display :: display_normal_message($export_flatview_form->toHtml(), false); } if (isset($_GET['selectcat'])) { $category_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']); } else { $category_id = ''; } $simple_search_form = new UserForm(UserForm :: TYPE_SIMPLE_SEARCH, null, 'simple_search_form', null, api_get_self() . '?selectcat=' . $category_id); $values = $simple_search_form->exportValues(); $keyword = ''; if (isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) { $keyword = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['search']); } if ($simple_search_form->validate() && (empty($keyword))) { $keyword = $values['keyword']; } if (!empty($keyword)) { $users = find_students($keyword); } else { if (isset($alleval) && isset($alllinks)) { $users = get_all_users($alleval, $alllinks); } else { $users = null; } } $offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : '0'; $flatviewtable = new FlatViewTable($cat[0], $users, $alleval, $alllinks, true, $offset, $addparams); $parameters=array('selectcat'=>intval($_GET['selectcat'])); $flatviewtable->set_additional_parameters($parameters); if (isset($_GET['export_pdf']) && $_GET['export_pdf'] == 'category') { $params = array(); $params['only_total_category'] = true; $params['join_firstname_lastname'] = true; $params['show_official_code'] = true; $params['export_pdf'] = true; if ($cat[0]->is_locked() == true || api_is_platform_admin()) { Display :: set_header(null, false, false); export_pdf_flatview($cat, $users, $alleval, $alllinks, $params); } } if (isset($_GET['exportpdf'])) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array ( 'url' => api_get_self().'?selectcat=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']), 'name' => get_lang('FlatView') ); $export_pdf_form = new DataForm(DataForm::TYPE_EXPORT_PDF, 'export_pdf_form', null, api_get_self().'?exportpdf=&offset='.intval($_GET['offset']).'&selectcat='.intval($_GET['selectcat']), '_blank', ''); if ($export_pdf_form->validate()) { $params = array(); $params = $export_pdf_form->exportValues(); Display :: set_header(null, false, false); $params['join_firstname_lastname'] = true; $params['show_official_code'] = true; $params['export_pdf'] = true; $params['only_total_category'] = false; export_pdf_flatview($cat, $users, $alleval, $alllinks, $params); } else { Display :: display_header(get_lang('ExportPDF')); } } if (isset ($_GET['print'])) { $printable_data = get_printable_data($cat[0], $users, $alleval, $alllinks); echo print_table($printable_data[1],$printable_data[0], get_lang('FlatView'), $cat[0]->get_name()); exit; } if (!empty($_GET['export_report']) && $_GET['export_report'] == 'export_report') { if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_course_admin() || api_is_course_coach()) { $user_id = null; if (empty($_SESSION['export_user_fields'])) { $_SESSION['export_user_fields'] = false; } if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, false) and !api_is_course_tutor()) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } require_once 'gradebook_result.class.php'; $printable_data = get_printable_data($cat[0], $users, $alleval, $alllinks); switch($_GET['export_format']) { case 'xls': $export = new GradeBookResult(); $export->exportCompleteReportXLS($printable_data); break; case 'doc': $export = new GradeBookResult(); $export->exportCompleteReportDOC($printable_data); exit; break; case 'csv': default: $export = new GradeBookResult(); $export->exportCompleteReportCSV($printable_data); exit; break; } } else { api_not_allowed(true); } } $addparams = array ('selectcat' => $cat[0]->get_id()); if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $addparams['search'] = $keyword; } $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; if (isset($_GET['exportpdf'])) { $export_pdf_form->display(); } else { Display :: display_header(get_lang('FlatView')); } if (isset($_GET['isStudentView']) && $_GET['isStudentView'] == 'false') { DisplayGradebook :: display_header_reduce_flatview($cat[0], $showeval, $showlink, $simple_search_form); $flatviewtable->display(); } elseif (isset($_GET['selectcat']) && ($_SESSION['studentview'] == 'teacherview')) { DisplayGradebook :: display_header_reduce_flatview($cat[0], $showeval, $showlink, $simple_search_form); // main graph $flatviewtable->display(); // @todo this needs a fix //$image_file = $flatviewtable->display_graph(); //@todo load images with jquery echo '
'; if (!empty($image_file)) { echo ''; } $flatviewtable->display_graph_by_resource(); echo '
'; } Display :: display_footer();