$_configuration['db_host'], 'username' => $_configuration['db_user'], 'password' => $_configuration['db_password'], 'persistent' => $_configuration['db_persistent_connection'] // When $_configuration['db_persistent_connection'] is set, it is expected to be a boolean type. )))) { $global_error_code = 3; // The database server is not available or credentials are invalid. require $includePath.'/global_error_message.inc.php'; die(); } if (!$_configuration['db_host']) { $global_error_code = 4; // A configuration option about database server is missing. require $includePath.'/global_error_message.inc.php'; die(); } // The system has not been designed to use special SQL modes that were introduced since MySQL 5. Database::query("set session sql_mode='';"); if (!Database::select_db($_configuration['main_database'], $dokeos_database_connection)) { $global_error_code = 5; // Connection to the main Dokeos database is impossible, it might be missing or restricted or its configuration option might be incorrect. require $includePath.'/global_error_message.inc.php'; die(); } /* -------------------------------------------- Initialization of the default encodings -------------------------------------------- */ // The platform's character set must be retrieved at this early moment. $sql = "SELECT selected_value FROM settings_current WHERE variable = 'platform_charset';"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = @Database::fetch_array($result)) { $charset = $row[0]; } if (empty($charset)) { $charset = 'UTF-8'; } // Preserving the value of the global variable $charset. $charset_initial_value = $charset; // Initialization of the internationalization library. api_initialize_internationalization(); // Initialization of the default encoding that will be used by the multibyte string routines in the internationalization library. api_set_internationalization_default_encoding($charset); // Initialization of the database encoding to be used. Database::query("SET SESSION character_set_server='utf8';"); Database::query("SET SESSION collation_server='utf8_general_ci';"); Database::query("SET CHARACTER SET '" . Database::to_db_encoding($charset) . "';"); /* -------------------------------------------- RETRIEVING ALL THE DOKEOS CONFIG SETTINGS -------------------------------------------- */ if (!empty($_configuration['multiple_access_urls'])) { $_configuration['access_url'] = 1; $access_urls = api_get_access_urls(); $protocol = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'OFF') ? 'https' : 'http').'://'; $request_url1 = $protocol.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'; $request_url2 = $protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'; foreach ($access_urls as & $details) { if ($request_url1 == $details['url'] or $request_url2 == $details['url']) { $_configuration['access_url'] = $details['id']; } } } else { $_configuration['access_url'] = 1; } // access_url == 1 is the default dokeos location if ($_configuration['access_url'] != 1) { $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']); if ($url_info['active'] == 1) { $settings_by_access = & api_get_settings(null, 'list', $_configuration['access_url'], 1); foreach ($settings_by_access as & $row) { if (empty($row['variable'])) { $row['variable'] = 0; } if (empty($row['subkey'])) { $row['subkey'] = 0; } if (empty($row['category'])) { $row['category'] = 0; } $settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']][$row['category']] = $row; } } } $result = & api_get_settings(null, 'list', 1); foreach ($result as & $row) { if ($_configuration['access_url'] != 1) { if ($url_info['active'] == 1) { $var = empty($row['variable']) ? 0 : $row['variable']; $subkey = empty($row['subkey']) ? 0 : $row['subkey']; $category = empty($row['category']) ? 0 : $row['category']; } if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 1 && $url_info['active'] == 1) { if ($settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value'] != '') { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value']; } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } $result = & api_get_settings('Plugins', 'list', $_configuration['access_url']); $_plugins = array(); foreach ($result as & $row) { $key = & $row['variable']; if (is_string($_setting[$key])) { $_setting[$key] = array(); } $_setting[$key][] = $row['selected_value']; $_plugins[$key][] = $row['selected_value']; } //load array Kses for Htmlpurifier require_once $lib_path.'formvalidator/Rule/allowed_tags.inc.php'; //load htmpurifier require_once $lib_path.'htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'; // include the local (contextual) parameters of this course or section require $includePath.'/local.inc.php'; // ===== "who is logged in?" module section ===== require_once $lib_path.'online.inc.php'; // check and modify the date of user in the track.e.online table if (!$x = strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'whoisonline.php')) { LoginCheck(isset($_user['user_id']) ? $_user['user_id'] : '', $_configuration['statistics_database']); } // ===== end "who is logged in?" module section ===== if (api_get_setting('server_type') == 'test') { /* -------------------------------------------- Server type is test - high error reporting level - only do addslashes on $_GET and $_POST -------------------------------------------- */ if (IS_PHP_53) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } //error_reporting(E_ALL); //Addslashes to all $_GET variables foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) { if (is_string($val)) { $_GET[$key] = addslashes($val); } } } //Addslashes to all $_POST variables foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) { if (is_string($val)) { $_POST[$key] = addslashes($val); } } } } else { /* -------------------------------------------- Server type is not test - normal error reporting level - full fake register globals block -------------------------------------------- */ error_reporting(E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR); // TODO: These obsolete variables $HTTP_* to be check whether they are actually used. if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { $HTTP_GET_VARS = $_GET; } if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $HTTP_POST_VARS = $_POST; } if (!isset($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { $HTTP_POST_FILES = $_FILES; } if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) { $HTTP_SESSION_VARS = $_SESSION; } if (!isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) { $HTTP_SERVER_VARS = $_SERVER; } // Register SESSION variables into $GLOBALS if (sizeof($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) { if (!is_array($_SESSION)) { $_SESSION = array(); } foreach ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS as $key => $val) { $_SESSION[$key] = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$key]; $GLOBALS[$key] = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$key]; } } // Register SERVER variables into $GLOBALS if (sizeof($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) { $_SERVER = array(); foreach ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS as $key => $val) { $_SERVER[$key] = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$key]; if (!isset($_SESSION[$key]) && $key != 'includePath' && $key != 'rootSys' && $key!= 'clarolineRepositorySys' && $key!= 'lang_path' && $key!= 'extAuthSource' && $key!= 'thisAuthSource' && $key!= 'main_configuration_file_path' && $key!= 'phpDigIncCn' && $key!= 'drs') { $GLOBALS[$key]=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[$key]; } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- LOAD LANGUAGE FILES SECTION ----------------------------------------------------------- */ // if we use the javascript version (without go button) we receive a get // if we use the non-javascript version (with the go button) we receive a post $user_language = ''; if (!empty($_GET['language'])) { $user_language = $_GET['language']; } if (!empty($_POST['language_list'])) { $user_language = str_replace('index.php?language=', '', $_POST['language_list']); } // Include all files (first english and then current interface language) $langpath = api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH); /* This will only work if we are in the page to edit a sub_language */ if (api_get_self() == api_get_path(REL_PATH).'main/admin/sub_language.php' || api_get_self() == api_get_path(REL_PATH).'main/admin/sub_language_ajax.inc.php') { require_once '../admin/sub_language.class.php'; // getting the arrays of files i.e notification, trad4all, etc $language_files_to_load = SubLanguageManager::get_all_data_of_dokeos_folder(api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH).'english', true); //getting parent info $parent_language = SubLanguageManager::get_all_information_of_language(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); //getting sub language info $sub_language = SubLanguageManager::get_all_information_of_language(intval($_REQUEST['sub_language_id'])); $english_language_array = $parent_language_array = $sub_language_array = array(); foreach ($language_files_to_load as $language_file_item) { $lang_list_pre = array_keys($GLOBALS); include $langpath.'english/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; //loading english $lang_list_post = array_keys($GLOBALS); $lang_list_result = array_diff($lang_list_post, $lang_list_pre); unset($lang_list_pre); // ------ english language array $english_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } $parent_file = $langpath.$parent_language['dokeos_folder'].'/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; if (is_file($parent_file)) { include_once $parent_file; } // ------ parent language array $parent_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } $sub_file = $langpath.$sub_language['dokeos_folder'].'/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; if (is_file($sub_file)) { include $sub_file; } // ------ sub language array $sub_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } } } // Checking if we have a valid language. If not we set it to the platform language. $valid_languages = api_get_languages(); if (!empty($valid_languages)) { if (!in_array($user_language, $valid_languages['folder'])) { $user_language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); } if (in_array($user_language, $valid_languages['folder']) && (isset($_GET['language']) || isset($_POST['language_list']))) { $user_selected_language = $user_language; // $_GET['language']; $_SESSION['user_language_choice'] = $user_selected_language; $platformLanguage = $user_selected_language; } else { $platformLanguage = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); } if (isset($_SESSION['user_language_choice'])) { $language_interface = $_SESSION['user_language_choice']; } else { $language_interface = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); } if (isset($_user['language'])) { $language_interface = $_user['language']; } if ($_course['language']) { $language_interface = $_course['language']; } } // Sometimes the variable $language_interface is changed // temporarily for achieving translation in different language. // We need to save the genuine value of this variable and // to use it within the function get_lang(...). $language_interface_initial_value = $language_interface; /* * Include all necessary language files * - trad4all * - notification * - custom tool language files */ $language_files = array(); $language_files[] = 'trad4all'; $language_files[] = 'notification'; $language_files[] = 'accessibility'; if (isset($language_file)) { if (!is_array($language_file)) { $language_files[] = $language_file; } else { $language_files = array_merge($language_files, $language_file); } } if (is_array($language_files)) { if (api_get_setting('allow_use_sub_language') == 'true') { foreach ($language_files as $index => $language_file) { include $langpath.'english/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; $langfile = $langpath.$language_interface.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; $tbl_admin_languages = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); $sql_sub_language = 'SELECT dokeos_folder FROM '.$tbl_admin_languages.' WHERE parent_id=(SELECT id FROM '.$tbl_admin_languages.' WHERE dokeos_folder="'.Database::escape_string($language_interface).'" AND ISNULL(parent_id))'; $rs_sub_language = Database::query($sql_sub_language); $num_row_sub_language = Database::num_rows($rs_sub_language); if (file_exists($langfile)) { include $langfile; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_row_sub_language; $i++) { $row_sub_language = Database::result($rs_sub_language, $i, 'dokeos_folder'); $sub_langfile = $langpath.$row_sub_language.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($sub_langfile)) { include $sub_langfile; } } } } } else { foreach ($language_files as $index => $language_file) { include $langpath.'english/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; $langfile = $langpath.$language_interface.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($langfile)) { include $langfile; } } } } // The global variable $charset has been defined in a language file too (trad4all.inc.php), this is legacy situation. // So, we have to reassign this variable again in order to keep its value right. $charset = $charset_initial_value; // The global variable $text_dir has been defined in the language file trad4all.inc.php. // For determing text direction correspondent to the current language we use now information from the internationalization library. $text_dir = api_get_text_direction(); //Update of the logout_date field in the table track_e_login (needed for the calculation of the total connection time) if ($_configuration['tracking_enabled'] && !isset($_SESSION['login_as']) && isset($_user)) { // if $_SESSION['login_as'] is set, then the user is an admin logged as the user $tbl_track_login = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $sql_last_connection = "SELECT login_id, login_date FROM $tbl_track_login WHERE login_user_id='".$_user["user_id"]."' ORDER BY login_date DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $q_last_connection = Database::query($sql_last_connection); if (Database::num_rows($q_last_connection) > 0) { $i_id_last_connection = Database::result($q_last_connection, 0, 'login_id'); $s_sql_update_logout_date = "UPDATE $tbl_track_login SET logout_date=NOW() WHERE login_id='$i_id_last_connection'"; Database::query($s_sql_update_logout_date); } }