This page has been created online using Dokeos Create a document tool, a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) online web page editor. It allows you to create simple web pages without any HTML knowledge. You can noticeably add :
1. Links
Like this one : Google (search) or this one: Wikipedia (encyclopedia).
2. Tables
Cell 1
Cell 2
3. Images
Tip : To add an image : upload it > open it > copy its url > enter
page editing > click on image icon > paste URL.
You can edit this page easily by clicking on the Pencil icon beside the name of this file. This online editability is an advantage of HTML files compared to Word or PDF.
Another advantage of HTML is that it facilitates linking things together and structuring content and activities to help your audience browse through it and understand its logic.
HTML files are easy for your target audience. They display inside the browser instead of opening a new application. You can cut and paste them, print them and they are usually lightweight, displaying quicker than other file types.
If you need help to create simple or sophisticated content and learning paths, Dokeos people will be happy to help you. We organise both online and face-to-face training sessions. Feel free to contact