# Chamilo 2.x tests directory This directory is being used for all kinds of tests and scripts and is removed from public releases as it may represent a risk for production systems. ## Behat Make sure you set the right base_url in behat/behat.yml, then run (on the command line, from the tests/ directory): ``` ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/login.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/createUser.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/createCourse.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/courseTools.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/forum.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/socialGroup.feature ../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat behat/features/accessCompanyReports.feature ``` ## PHPUnit We use the default Symfony PHPUnit settings: https://symfony.com/doc/current/testing.html ### Setup a test database Create a new env file called **.env.test.local** with your MySQL credentials for your new test database. ``` DATABASE_HOST='' DATABASE_PORT='3306' DATABASE_NAME='chamilo_test' DATABASE_USER='root' DATABASE_PASSWORD='root' ``` After creating the .env.test.local file execute: ``` php bin/console --env=test cache:clear php bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:create php bin/console --env=test doctrine:schema:create php bin/console --env=test doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction ``` If there are DB changes you can migrate your test installation with: `php bin/console --env=test doctrine:schema:update --force` Those commands will install Chamilo in the chamilo_test database. In order to delete the test database and restart the process use: `php bin/console --env=test doctrine:database:drop` ### Use Execute the tests with: `php bin/phpunit` ## Folders Although many scripts here are deprecated, the current structure can be described as follows ### datafiller Set of scripts to fill your test installation of Chamilo with demo content. ### history Attempt at keeping a track of what Chamilo looked like over time. ### migrations Combination of unofficial scripts to execute migrations from other systems ### procedures xls spreadsheets to be used as base for manual quality review of features in Chamilo. ### scripts A collection of scripts used to fix or improve some things globally in Chamilo portals. Mostly for old versions.