no rights on this page"; $langAllAdmin = "has from now on all rights on this page"; $langModRole = "Change role of"; $langRole = "Description"; $langIsNow = "is from now on"; $langInC = "in this training"; $langFilled = "You have left some fields empty."; $langUserNo = "The login you chose"; $langTaken = "is already in use. Choose another one."; $langTutor = "Coach"; $langUnreg = "Unsubscribe"; $langGroupUserManagement = "Groups management"; $langUnregister = "Unregister"; $langAddAUser = "Add a user"; $UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training"; $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information"; $NoDataAvailable = "No data available"; $AddToFriends = "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?"; $AddPersonalMessage = "Add a personal message"; $Friends = "Friends"; $PersonalData = "Profile"; $Contacts = "Contacts"; $SocialInformationComment = "This screen allows you to organise your contacts"; $AttachContactsToGroup = "Attach contacts to group"; $ContactsList = "Contacts list"; $AttachToGroup = "Add to a group"; $SelectOneContact = "Select one contact"; $SelectOneGroup = "Select one group"; $AttachContactsPersonal = "Add personal contacts"; $AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Successfully added contacts to group"; $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied"; $AddedContactToList = "Added contact to list"; $ContactsGroupsComment = "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups"; $YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "No contacts found"; $SelectTheCheckbox = "Select the check box"; $YouDontHaveInvites = "Empty"; $SocialInvitesComment = "Pending invitations."; $InvitationSentBy = "Invitation sent by"; $RequestContact = "Request contact"; $SocialUnknow = "Unknown"; $SocialParent = "My parents"; $SocialFriend = "My friends"; $SocialGoodFriend = "My real friends"; $SocialEnemy = "My enemies"; $SocialDeleted = "Contact deleted"; $MessageOutboxComment = "Messages sent."; $MyPersonalData = "My personal data"; $AlterPersonalData = "Alter personal data"; $Invites = "Invitations"; $ContactsGroups = "Group contacts"; $ErrorSendingMessage = "There was an error while trying to send the message."; $PendingInvitations = "Pending invitations"; $MyInbox = "My inbox"; $ViewSharedProfile = "View shared profile"; $SeeAll = "See all"; $ImagesUploaded = "Uploaded images"; $ExtraInformation = "Extra information"; $SearchContacts = "Search contacts"; $SocialSeeContacts = "See contacts"; $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Please write a message before sending the request"; $MessageInvitationNotSent = "your invitation message has not been sent"; $SocialAddToFriends = "Add to my contacts"; $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User not registered in course"; $ChangeContactGroup = "Change contact group"; $Friend = "Friend"; $ViewMySharedProfile = "My shared profile"; $UserStatistics = "Reporting for this user"; $EditUser = "Edit this user"; $ViewUser = "View this user"; $RSSFeeds = "RSS feed"; $NoFriendsInYourContactList = "No friends in your contact list"; $TryAndFindSomeFriends = "Try and find some friends"; $ClearSearchResults = "Clear search results"; $SendInvitation = "Send invitation"; $SocialInvitationToFriends = "Invite to join my group of friends"; $MyCertificates = "My certificates"; $UnsubscribeFromPlatformSuccess = "Your account %s has been completely removed from this portal. Thank you for staying with us for a while. We hope to see you again later."; $ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword = "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password"; $Invitations = "Invitations"; $MyGroups = "My groups"; $EditProfile = "Edit profile"; $Social = "Social"; $Profile = "Profile"; $MyFriends = "My friends"; $Messages = "Messages"; $CreateAgroup = "Create a group"; $UsersGroups = "Users, Groups"; $SorryNoResults = "Sorry no results"; $URL = "URL"; $AddPicture = "Add picture"; $GroupPermissions = "Group Permissions"; $Closed = "Closed"; $AddGroup = "Add group"; $Privacy = "Privacy"; $ThisIsAnOpenGroup = "This is an open group"; $YouShouldCreateATopic = "You should create a topic"; $IAmAnAdmin = "I am an admin"; $NewTopic = "Create thread"; $MessageList = "Messages list"; $EditGroup = "Edit group"; $MemberList = "Members list"; $WaitingList = "Waiting list"; $InviteFriends = "Invite friends"; $Members = "Members"; $Admin = "Administrator"; $AttachmentFiles = "Attachments"; $AddOneMoreFile = "Add one more file"; $MaximunFileSizeX = "Maximun file size: %s"; $ModifyInformation = "Edit information"; $GroupList = "Group List"; $GroupEdit = "Edit group"; $ThereAreNotUsersInTheWaitingList = "There are no users in the waiting list"; $SendInvitationTo = "Send invitation to"; $InviteUsersToGroup = "Invite users to group"; $PostIn = "It posted"; $Reply = "Reply"; $Newest = "Newest"; $Popular = "Popular"; $Moderator = "Moderator"; $DeleteModerator = "Remove moderator"; $UserChangeToModerator = "User updated to moderator"; $IAmAModerator = "I am a moderator"; $ThisIsACloseGroup = "This is a closed group"; $IAmAReader = "I am a reader"; $UserChangeToReader = "User updated to reader"; $AddModerator = "Add as moderator"; $UserDeleted = "The user is deleted"; $JoinGroup = "Join group"; $YouShouldJoinTheGroup = "You should join the group"; $WaitingForAdminResponse = "Waiting for admin response"; $Member = "Member"; $Re = "Re"; $FilesAttachment = "Files attachments"; $GroupWaitingList = "Group waiting list"; $Open = "Open"; $UsersAlreadyInvited = "Users already invited"; $SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Subscribe users to group"; $YouHaveBeenInvitedJoinNow = "You have been invited to join now"; $DenyInvitation = "Deny invitation"; $AcceptInvitation = "Accept invitation"; $GroupsWaitingApproval = "Groups waiting for approval"; $GroupInvitationWasDeny = "Group invitation was denied"; $UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup = "User is subscribed to this group"; $DeleteFromGroup = "Delete from group"; $GroupMembers = "Group members"; $Subscribe = "Subscribe"; $YouAreInvitedToGroupContent = "You are invited to access a group content"; $YouAreInvitedToGroup = "You are invited to group"; $ToSubscribeClickInTheLinkBelow = "To subscribe, click the link below"; $ReturnToInbox = "Return to inbox"; $View = "View"; $Me = "Me"; $ReturnToOutbox = "Return to outbox"; $EditNormalProfile = "Edit normal profile"; $GroupPendingInvitations = "Group pending invitations"; $LeaveGroup = "Leave group"; $UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup = "User is not subscribed to this group"; $InvitationReceived = "Invitation received"; $InvitationSent = "Invitation sent"; $YouAlreadySentAnInvitation = "You already sent an invitation"; $UserAdded = "The user is added"; $FilesSizeExceedsX = "Files size exceeds"; $YouShouldWriteASubject = "You should write a subject"; $Topics = "Topics"; $StatusInThisGroup = "Status in this group"; $FriendsOnline = "Friends online"; $GroupDescription = "Group description"; $MyProductions = "My productions"; $YouHaveReceivedANewMessageInTheGroupX = "You have received a new message in group %s"; $ClickHereToSeeMessageGroup = "Click here to see group message"; $OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl = "or copy paste the following url :"; $ThereIsANewMessageInTheGroupX = "There is a new message in group %s"; $UserIsAlreadySubscribedToThisGroup = "User is already subscribed to this group"; $AddNormalUser = "Add as simple user"; $DenyEntry = "Deny access"; $YouNeedToHaveFriendsInYourSocialNetwork = "You need to have friends in your social network"; $SeeAllMyGroups = "See all my groups"; $YouAlreadyInviteAllYourContacts = "You already invite all your contacts"; $YouShouldCreateAGroup = "You should create a group"; $MyFiles = "My files"; $MySocialGroups = "My social groups"; $SocialGroups = "Social groups"; $CreateASocialGroup = "Create a social group"; $EditMembersList = "Edit members list"; $IAmAHRM = "I am a human resources manager"; $UnsubscribeFromPlatform = "If you want to unsubscribe completely from this campus and have all your information removed from our database, please click the button below and confirm."; $UnsubscribeFromPlatformConfirm = "Yes, I want to remove this account completely. No data will remain on the server and I will be unable to login again, unless I create a completely new account."; ?>