set one up or ask the Chamilo official providers for a quote. BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.
"; $strings['big_blue_button_welcome_message'] = 'Willkommensnachricht'; $strings['enable_global_conference'] = 'Globale Konferenz aktivieren'; $strings['enable_global_conference_per_user'] = 'Globale Konferenz pro Benutzer aktivieren'; $strings['enable_conference_in_course_groups'] = 'Konferenz in Kurs-Gruppen aktivieren'; $strings['enable_global_conference_link'] = 'Aktivieren Sie den Link zur globalen Konferenz auf der Website'; $strings['big_blue_button_record_and_store'] = 'Aufnehmen und Speichern von Meetings'; $strings['bbb_enable_conference_in_groups'] = 'Konferenz in Gruppen zulassen'; $strings['plugin_tool_bbb'] = 'Video'; $strings['ThereAreNotRecordingsForTheMeetings'] = 'Es gibt keine Aufnahmen von den Meetings'; $strings['NoRecording'] = 'Keine Videoaufzeichnung'; $strings['ClickToContinue'] = 'Klicken um fortzufahren'; $strings['NoGroup'] = 'Keine Gruppe'; $strings['UrlMeetingToShare'] = 'URL zu teilen'; $strings['AdminView'] = 'Administrator Ansicht'; $strings['max_users_limit'] = 'Maximale Anzahl von Benutzern'; $strings['max_users_limit_help'] = 'Setzen Sie diese auf die maximale Anzahl der Benutzer, die Sie nach Kurs oder Session-Kurs erlauben möchten. Leer lassen oder auf 0 setzen, um dieses Limit zu deaktivieren.'; $strings['MaxXUsersWarning'] = 'Dieser Konferenzraum hat eine maximale Anzahl von %s gleichzeitigen Benutzern.'; $strings['MaxXUsersReached'] = 'The limit of %s simultaneous users has been reached for this conference room. Please wait for one seat to be freed or for another conference to start in order to join.'; $strings['MaxXUsersReachedManager'] = 'The limit of %s simultaneous users has been reached for this conference room. To increase this limit, please contact the platform administrator.'; $strings['MaxUsersInConferenceRoom'] = 'Max simultaneous users in a conference room'; $strings['global_conference_allow_roles'] = "Globaler Konferenz-Link nur für diese Benutzerrollen sichtbar"; $strings['CreatedAt'] = "Erstellt am";