{ "Agenda": "Agenda", "Announcement": "Anunci", "Attendance": "Assist\u00e8ncia", "Course description": "Detalls del curs", "Course progress": "Programaci\u00f3 did\u00e0ctica", "Documents": "Documents", "Tests": "Exercicis", "Forum": "F\u00f2rums", "Glossary": "Glossari", "Link": "Enlla\u00e7", "Groups": "Grups", "Member": "Usuari", "Survey": "Enquesta", "Tracking": "Tracking", "Course maintenance": "Course maintenance", "Course setting": "Course setting", "Sign in": "Accedeix", "My courses": "La meva llista de cursos", "Attach": "Attach", "Home": "P\u00e0gina inicial", "Title": "t\u00edtol", "Content": "Contingut", "Invitees": "Invitees", "Is it editable by the invitees?": "Is it editable by the invitees?", "Field is required": "Field is required", "Are you sure you want to delete this item?": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "title": "title", "code": "code", "No results": "No results", "category": "category", "visibility": "visibility", "name": "name", "Search": "Cercar", "Filter": "Filtre", "Reset": "Reinicia", "Filters": "Filters", "Content is required": "Content is required", "Profile": "Perfil", "Inbox": "Safata d'entrada", "Signed in as": "Signed in as", "Settings": "Modifica la informaci\u00f3 del curs", "Sign out": "Sign out", "My sessions": "Les meves sessions", "Events": "Esdeveniments", "My progress": "La meva situaci\u00f3", "Users": "Usuaris", "Courses": "Itinerari formatiu", "Sessions": "Sessions", "Administration": "Administraci\u00f3", "Remember me": "Remember me", "Forgot your password ?": "Ha oblidat la seva contrasenya?", "Register oneself": "Register oneself", "Share with User": "Share with User", "Course": "Curs", "Session": "Sessi\u00f3", "Group": "Grup", "Class": "Classe", "Status": "Situaci\u00f3", "Close": "Tanca", "List": "Listar", "Edit": "Editar", "Submit": "Enviar", "Send": "Send", "Delete": "Eliminar l'itinerari formatiu", "{resource} created": "{resource} created", "{resource} deleted": "{resource} deleted", "Course: {course}": "Course: {course}", "Session: {session}": "Session: {session}", "Status: {status}": "Status: {status}", "Edit event": "Modificar esdeveniment", "Add event": "Afegir una nova activitat a l'agenda", "Add": "Afegeix", "From:": "From:", "Until:": "Until:", "Go to session": "Go to session", "See as student": "See as student", "Add a course introduction to display to your students": "Add a course introduction to display to your students", "Course introduction": "Course introduction", "Tools": "Eines", "Loading": "Carregant", "Course language": "Idioma del curs", "Department": "Departament", "Department URL": "URL del Departament", "Expiration date": "Finalitza", "description": "description", "Modified": "Actualitzat", "Size": "Mida", "New folder": "New folder", "Name": "Nom", "Title is required": "El t\u00edtol \u00e9s obligatori", "Actions": "Actions", "All": "Totes", "Data unavailable": "Data unavailable", "Records per page:": "Records per page:", "New document": "New document", "Upload": "Enviar", "Download": "Descarrega", "Delete selected": "Eliminar selecci\u00f3", "iid": "iid", "Download file": "Pujar fitxer al servidor", "Author": "Autor", "Comment": "Comenta", "Created at": "Creat el", "Updated at": "Actualitzat el", "File": "Fitxer", "From": "De", "Send date": "Send date", "Sender": "Sender", "To": "Per a", "Cc": "Cc", "User": "Usuari", "Sent date": "Data d'enviament", "Sent": "Enviat", "Attachments": "Annexes", "You don't have any course content yet.": "You don't have any course content yet.", "You don't have any course yet.": "You don't have any course yet.", "Go to \"Explore\" to find a topic of interest, or wait for someone to subscribe you.": "Go to \"Explore\" to find a topic of interest, or wait for someone to subscribe you.", "You don't have any session yet.": "You don't have any session yet.", "Username": "Usuari", "Password": "Contrasenya", "Update": "Actualitzar", "Add a course introduction to display to your students.": "Add a course introduction to show your students.", "Assessments": "Les meues qualificacions", "Assignments": "Publicacions d'estudiants", "Videoconference": "Videoconfer\u00e8ncia", "Reporting": "Informes", "Learning paths": "Itinerari formatiu", "Diagnostic Form": "Diagnostic Form", "Diagnosis Management": "Diagnosis Management", "Edit profile": "Editar informaci\u00f3", "Update profile": "Update profile", "Firstname": "Firstname", "Lastname": "Lastname", "Courses catalog": "Courses catalog", "Expand": "Expandir", "Collapse": "Contreure", "Clear filter results": "Neteja els resultats", "Coach": "Tutor", "Ranking": "Nivell", "Teachers": "Docents del curs", "Categories": "Categories", "Category": "Categoria", "Language": "Idioma", "Go to the course": "V\u00e9s al curs", "Go to the session": "Go to the session", "Total number of courses": "Nombre total de cursos", "Number of sessions": "Nombre de sessions", "Courses in this session": "Llista dels cursos d'aquesta sessi\u00f3", "Session description": "Session description", "Start Date": "Data inici", "No course available": "no hi ha curs", "There are no sessions available": "Encara no hi ha una sessi\u00f3", "Loading courses. Please wait.": "Loading courses. Please wait.", "Loading sessions. Please wait.": "Loading sessions. Please wait.", "There is no terms that matches the search: {searchTerm}": "There is no terms that matches the search: {searchTerm}", "Send diagnostic finalization message": "Send diagnostic finalization message", "DiagnosticfinalizationmessageTitle": "Diagnostic finalization", "DiagnosticfinalizationmessageContent": "Hi {0}, I'm {1} and I'm reviewing your diagnostic to define the course you will be following.", "Contact": "Contacte", "Registration": "Inscripci\u00f3", "Current session tab": "Current", "Upcoming session tab": "Upcoming", "Past session tab": "Past", "Sticky courses": "Special courses", "This message was deleted when the user was removed from the platform on %s": "This message was deleted when the user was removed from the platform on {0}", "My General Certificate": "My General Certificate", "My skills": "Les meves compet\u00e8ncies", "Social network": "Xarxa social", "Sessions catalogue": "Sessions catalogue", "Create your certificate copy-pasting the following tags. They will be replaced in the document by their student-specific value:": "Crear certificat amb aquestes etiquetes", "Your browser does not support Javascript": "Your browser does not support Javascript", "Email reply header": "The {0}, {1} ({2}) wrote:", "My files": "Els meus arxius", "Read the installation guide": "Llegeix la guia d'instal\u00b7laci\u00f3", "Installation language": "Installation language", "Requirements": "Requisits", "Licence": "Llic\u00e8ncia", "Database settings": "Database settings", "Config settings": "Par\u00e0metres de configuraci\u00f3", "Show Overview": "Resum de la instal\u00b7laci\u00f3", "Install": "Instal\u00b7la", "New installation": "Instal\u00b7laci\u00f3 nova", "Chamilo\\'s installation wizard": "Chamilo\\'s installation wizard", "Keyword": "Paraula clau", "Assignment name": "Nom de la tasca", "Description": "Descripci\u00f3 d'aquest curs", "Maximum score": "Qualificaci\u00f3 num\u00e8rica sobre", "Add to gradebook": "Permetre qualificar", "Select assessment": "Selecciona avaluaci\u00f3", "Weight inside assessment": "Pes en l'informe d'avaluaci\u00f3", "Enable handing over deadline (visible to learners)": "Activar data de venciment", "Posted sending deadline": "Expira en", "Enable final acceptance date (invisible to learners)": "Activar data de finalitzaci\u00f3", "Ends at (completely closed)": "Acaba en (tancat completament)", "Add to calendar": "Afegeix-ho al calendari", "Document type": "Tipus de document", "Save": "Guarda", "Allow files or online text": "Permet arxius i respostes en l\u00ednia", "Allow only text": "Nom\u00e9s resposta en l\u00ednia", "Allow only files": "Nom\u00e9s arxius", "Deadline": "Data l\u00edmit d'entrega", "Number submitted": "Quantitat enviada", "Visibility": "Visibilitat", "Confirmation": "Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?", "Assignments deleted": "Assignments deleted", "We\\'re sorry, your browser does not support using a microphone": "We\\'re sorry, your browser does not support using a microphone", "Permission to use the microphone is not enabled, please enable it in your browser to record audio": "Permission to use the microphone is not enabled, please enable it in your browser to record audio", "Hide advanced settings": "Hide advanced settings", "Show advanced settings": "Show advanced settings", "Yes": "S\u00ed", "No": "No", "Confirm": "Confirmar", "No available options": "No available options", "Pages": "P\u00e0gines", "Messages": "Missatges instantanis", "Until": "Disponible fins", "Enter filename here": "Escriviu el vostre nom aqu\u00ed", "Save recorded audio": "Guardar l'\u00e0udio gravat", "It is necessary a file name before save recorded audio": "It is necessary a file name before save recorded audio", "Export format": "Export format", "Back": "Tornar", "Export": "Exportar", "Glossary exported": "Glossary exported", "Could not export glossary": "Could not export glossary", "Term": "Terme", "Save term": "Guardar aquest terme", "Could not fetch glossary term": "Could not fetch glossary term", "Glossary term saved": "Glossary term saved", "Could not create glossary term": "Could not create glossary term", "File type": "Tipus de fitxer", "Delete all terms before import": "Delete all terms before import", "Update existing terms": "Update existing terms", "Import": "Importar", "Terms imported succesfully": "Terms imported succesfully", "Could not import terms": "Could not import terms", "Definition": "Definition", "Install step 1": "Install step 1", "Step 1 - Installation Language": "Step 1 - Installation Language", "Next": "Seg\u00fcent", "Please select installation language": "Please select installation language", "Server requirements": "Requeriments del servidor", "Server requirements information": "Server requirements information", "PHP version ": "PHP version ", "Your PHP version matches the minimum requirement:": "La seva versi\u00f3 de PHP \u00e9s suficient:", "Recommended settings": "Par\u00e0metres recomanats", "Setting": "Par\u00e0metre", "Recommended": "Recommended", "Currently": "Actual", "Directory and files permissions": "Permisos de directoris i fitxers", "Writable": "Escriptura permesa", "Not writable": "Escriptura no permesa", "Error": "Error", "has not been found in that directory": "No s'ha trobat en aquest directori", "installation guide": "installation guide", "Previous": "Anterior", "For more details {0}": "For more details {0}", "Step 2 - Requirements": "Step 2 - Requirements", "read the installation guide": "read the installation guide", "Warning!": "Warning!", "Contact information": "Informaci\u00f3 de contacte", "Select one": "Seleccioneu un", "Send information": "Envia la informaci\u00f3", "You must accept the licence": "Heu d'acceptar la llic\u00e8ncia per poder utilitzar aquest programari", "Contact information has been sent": "Informaci\u00f3 de contacte enviada", "Step 3 - Licence": "Step 3 - Licence", "Printable version": "Versi\u00f3 imprimible", "I accept": "I accept", "CC website": "CC website", "Dear user": "Estimat (ada) usuari (a)", "E-mail": "Correu electr\u00f2nic", "Your company\\'s name": "Your company\\'s name", "Your company\\'s activity": "Your company\\'s activity", "Your job\\'s description": "Your job\\'s description", "Your company\\'s home country": "Your company\\'s home country", "Company city": "Ciutat", "Preferred contact language": "Quin idioma de contacte prefereix?", "Do you have the power to take financial decisions on behalf of your company?": "T\u00e9 la capacitat de prendre decisions financeres?", "Check database connection": "Comproveu la connexi\u00f3 amb la base de dades", "Step 4 - Database settings": "Step 4 - Database settings", "Database host": "Database host", "Port": "Port", "Database login": "Database login", "Database password": "Database password", "Database name": "Database name", "Database port": "Database port", "Database driver": "Database driver", "CREATE TABLE works": "CREATE TABLE works", "OK": "OK", "ALTER TABLE works": "ALTER TABLE works", "DROP COLUMN works": "DROP COLUMN works", "Step 5 - Configuration settings": "Step 5 - Configuration settings", "System": "Sistema", "Chamilo URL": "URL de Chamilo", "Path": "Ruta", "Administrator": "Administrador/a", "Administrator login": "Nom d'usuari de l'administrador", "Administrator password": "Administrator password", "You may want to change this": "You may want to change this", "Administrator first name": "Nom de l'administrador", "Administrator last name": "Cognoms de l'administrador", "Administrator e-mail": "E-mail de l'administrador", "Administrator telephone": "Tel\u00e8fon de l'administrador", "Portal": "Plataforma basada en", "Your portal name": "Nom de la plataforma", "Your company short name": "Nom curt de la instituci\u00f3", "URL of this company": "URL de l'organitzaci\u00f3", "Encryption method": "M\u00e8tode d'encriptaci\u00f3", "None": "None", "Allow self-registration": "Permetre que els propis usuaris puguin registrar-se", "After approval": "Despr\u00e9s de ser aprovat", "Allow self-registration as a trainer": "Permetre que els propis usuaris puguin registrar-se com a creadors de cursos", "Update Chamilo": "Update Chamilo", "Install Chamilo": "Install Chamilo", "Step 6 - Last check before install": "Step 6 - Last check before install", "Here are the values you entered": "Aquests s\u00f3n els valors que heu introdu\u00eft", "Main language": "Idioma principal", "Database": "Base de dades", "Database Host": "Servidor de base de dades", "Database Login": "Nom d'usuari de la base de dades", "Database Password": "Contrasenya de la base de dades", "Step 7 - Installation process execution": "Step 7 - Installation process execution", "Step 7 - Update process execution": "Step 7 - Update process execution", "Security advice": "Av\u00eds de seguretat", "Menu": "Men\u00fa", "Created with Chamilo copyright year": "Created with Chamilo \u00a9 {0}", "FAQ": "FAQ", "Demo": "Demo", "Category name": "Nom de categoria", "Save category": "Save category", "Category saved": "Categoria desada", "URL": "URL", "Link name": "Nom de l'enlla\u00e7", "Show link on course homepage": "Mostrar l'enlla\u00e7 a la p\u00e0gina principal", "Select a category": "Seleccioneu una categoria", "Link\\'s target": "Link\\'s target", "Save link": "Guardar enlla\u00e7", "Link saved": "Link saved", "Link is valid": "Link is valid", "Link is not valid": "Link is not valid", "Check link": "Comprova enlla\u00e7", "Toggle visibility": "Toggle visibility", "Move up": "Moure dalt", "Move down": "Moure baix", "Forgot your password?": "Forgot your password?", "Enabled": "Activat", "Locale": "Locale", "My Files": "My Files", "Draft": "Draft", "My friends": "Els meus amics", "View all friends": "View all friends", "Search user by geolocalization": "Search user by geolocalization", "Skills": "Compet\u00e8ncies", "Skills Wheel": "Skills Wheel", "Your skill ranking": "Your skill ranking", "Without achieved skills": "Sense compet\u00e8ncies assolides", "My profile": "My profile", "Social groups": "Grups", "Send message": "Enviar", "Write new comment": "Redactar nou comentari", "The comment is required": "The comment is required", "Comments": "Comentaris", "Mark as promoted message": "Mark as promoted message", "File upload": "Enviar arxiu", "What are you thinking about?": "En qu\u00e8 est\u00e0 pensant en aquest moment?", "Write something to {0}": "Write something to {0}", "Switch to student view": "Vista de l'estudiant", "Switch to teacher view": "Vista del professor", "Waiting": "Esperant", "Requests": "Requests", "Deleted": "Esborrat", "{resource} updated": "{resource} updated", "Courses catalogue": "Cat\u00e1logo de cursos", "Course sessions": "Sessions", "Learners": "Alumnes", "Progress": "Progr\u00e9s", "Diagnosis": "Diagnosis", "Configure chamilo colors": "Configure chamilo colors", "Pick primary color": "Pick primary color", "Pick primary color gradient": "Pick primary color gradient", "Pick secondary color": "Pick secondary color", "Pick secondary color gradient": "Pick secondary color gradient", "Pick tertiary color": "Pick tertiary color", "Pick tertiary color gradient": "Pick tertiary color gradient", "Pick success color": "Pick success color", "Pick success color gradient": "Pick success color gradient", "Pick danger color": "Pick danger color", "You can see examples of how chamilo will look here": "You can see examples of how chamilo will look here", "Buttons": "Buttons", "Button": "Button", "Disabled": "Desactivat", "Secondary": "Segon", "Tertiary": "Tertiary", "Success": "Qualificaci\u00f3", "Danger": "Danger", "Menu on button pressed": "Menu on button pressed", "Checkbox and radio buttons": "Checkbox and radio buttons", "Checkbox 1": "Checkbox 1", "Checkbox 2": "Checkbox 2", "This is a text example": "This is a text example", "Show dialog": "Show dialog", "Dialog example": "Dialog example", "Item 1": "Item 1", "Item 2": "Item 2", "Item 3": "Item 3", "Value 1": "Value 1", "Value 2": "Value 2", "Value 3": "Value 3", "Here you can manage registered users within your platform": "Here you can manage registered users within your platform", "User management": "User management", "Create and manage your courses in a simple way": "Create and manage your courses in a simple way", "Course management": "Course management", "Create course packages for a certain time with training sessions": "Create course packages for a certain time with training sessions", "Sessions management": "Sessions management", "Manage the skills of your users, through courses and badges": "Manage the skills of your users, through courses and badges", "View the status of your server, perform performance tests": "View the status of your server, perform performance tests", "Enable version check": "Activar la verificaci\u00f3 de versiones", "Configure your platform, view reports, publish and send announcements globally": "Configure your platform, view reports, publish and send announcements globally", "Platform management": "Platform management", "Colors": "Colors", "Learn more about Chamilo and its use, official references links": "Learn more about Chamilo and its use, official references links", "Version check enabled": "Comprovaci\u00f3 de la versi\u00f3 activada", "Version Check": "Version Check", "Hide campus from public platforms list": "Amaga el campus de llista p\u00fablica de plataformes", "Assignment created": "Assignment created", "Create assignment": "Crear", "Assignment updated": "Assignment updated", "Edit assignment": "Modificar l'actual treball", "Cancel": "Cancela", "Event": "Event", "Are you sure you want to delete this event?": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", "Edit introduction": "Edit introduction", "Show all": "Mostrar tots", "Hide all": "Hide all", "Sort": "Sort", "Customize": "Customize", "Updated": "\u00daltima modificaci\u00f3", "Create certificate": "Crear certificat", "New drawing": "New drawing", "New cloud file": "New cloud file", "Slideshow": "Presentaci\u00f3", "Usage": "Usage", "Download all": "Descarregar tot", "Select all": "Seleccionar tot", "Unselect all": "Desmarcar tots", "Are you sure you want to delete": "Est\u00e0s segur que vols esborrar?", "Space available": "Space available", "Add as a template": "Afegir com a plantilla", "Saved": "Saved", "Document not saved": "Document not saved", "Certificate set as default successfully": "Certificate set as default successfully", "Error setting certificate as default": "Error setting certificate as default", "Options": "Opcions", "Uncompress zip": "descomprimeix el fitxer '.zip' en el servidor", "If file exists": "If file exists", "Do nothing": "No fer res", "Overwrite the existing file": "Sobreescriure l'arxiu existent", "Rename the uploaded file if it exists": "Canviar el nom a l'arxiu enviat si ja existeix", "Export glossary": "Export glossary", "Import glossary": "Importar glossari", "Add new glossary term": "Afegir un terme", "List view": "Vista en llista", "Table view": "Vista en taula", "Export to Documents": "Export to Documents", "Term deleted": "Term deleted", "Could not delete term": "Could not delete term", "Exported to documents": "Exported to documents", "Could not export to documents": "Could not export to documents", "Could not fetch glossary terms": "Could not fetch glossary terms", "Edit glossary term": "Edit glossary term", "Add a category": "Afegir una categoria", "Update category": "Update category", "Add a link": "Afegir un enlla\u00e7", "Export to PDF": "Exportar a PDF", "Add your first link to this course": "Add your first link to this course", "General": "General", "Change visibility": "Canviar visibilitat", "There are no links in this category": "There are no links in this category", "With links": "With links", "Link deleted": "Link deleted", "Could not delete link": "Could not delete link", "Link visibility updated": "Link visibility updated", "Could not change visibility of link": "Could not change visibility of link", "Link moved up": "Link moved up", "Could not moved link up": "Could not moved link up", "Link moved down": "Link moved down", "Could not moved link down": "Could not moved link down", "Category deleted": "Categoria esborrada", "Could not delete category": "Could not delete category", "Visibility of category changed": "Visibility of category changed", "Could not change visibility of category": "Could not change visibility of category", "Could not retrieve links": "Could not retrieve links", "Update link": "Update link", "As read": "As read", "As unread": "As unread", "Message deleted": "Message deleted", "Messages deleted": "Messages deleted", "No sender": "No sender", "Tags": "Etiquetes", "New page": "New page", "Pages deleted": "Pages deleted", "Go to Explore to find a topic of interest, or wait for someone to subscribe you": "Go to Explore to find a topic of interest, or wait for someone to subscribe you", "You don\\'t have any course yet": "You don\\'t have any course yet", "Personal Data: Introduction": "Personal Data: Introduction", "Terms and Conditions": "Termes i condicions", "Read the Terms and Conditions": "Llegeix les condicions del servei", "Legal agreement accepted": "Condicions legals acceptades", "Date": "Data", "Why you want to delete your Legal Agreement": "Why you want to delete your Legal Agreement", "Please tell us why you want to withdraw the rights you previously gave us, to let us make it in the smoothest way possible": "Please tell us why you want to withdraw the rights you previously gave us, to let us make it in the smoothest way possible", "Delete legal agreement": "Esborrar acord legal", "Delete Account": "Delete Account", "Friend request sent successfully": "Friend request sent successfully", "Failed to send friend request": "Failed to send friend request", "Add friends": "Add friends", "Add friend": "Add friend", "Refresh": "Actualitzar", "Are you sure to delete the friendship?": "Are you sure to delete the friendship?", "Friends": "Amics", "Go to friends list": "Go to friends list", "Please enter a search query": "Please enter a search query", "Error fetching friends list": "Error fetching friends list", "Error fetching users": "Error fetching users", "Search users for friends": "Search users for friends", "Business card": "Targeta personal" }