@administration Feature: Courses management as admin In order to add courses As an administrator I need to be able to create new courses from the admin page Background: Given I am a platform administrator # This is executed just before each scenario below Scenario: See the courses list Given I am on "/main/admin/course_list.php" Then I should see "Course list" And I should not see "not authorized" Scenario: See the course creation link on the admin page Given I am on "/main/admin/index.php" Then I should see "Create a course" Scenario: Access the course creation page Given I am on "/main/admin/course_add.php" Then I should not see "not authorized" Scenario: Access the course creation page Given I am on "/main/admin/course_add.php" When I fill in "title" with "TESTCOURSE1" And I press "submit" Then I should see "Course list" Scenario: Search and delete a course Given I am on "/main/admin/course_list.php" And I fill in "course-search-keyword" with "TESTCOURSE1" And I press "submit" When I follow "Delete" Then I should see "Course list" And I should not see "not be deleted"