2006-05 UltraVNC Team * Improved MS Logon * MS Logon weak challenge fixed 2005-01-?? and 2005-02-?? ??:?? Ultr@VNC team * Made the viewer compilable with Java SDK 1.3 * Added support for huge files transfers (> 4Gb) * Added more color modes (64 colors, 8 Colors, Grey scales). Default settings are now Tight and 64 Colors. 2004-11-10 23:00 Ultr@VNC Team * Prevented the FT GUI to be closed while a transfer is running * Made FT GUI window non resizable * Added confirmation dialogs for file Deletion and Overwrite * Uniformized and cleaned the status/history messages * Added "Stop" button * Added certificate into the applet * Made it compatible with enhanced FT protocole ( >= RC19) * The selected pane is more "white" so the user knows to which side the buttons apply * Directory names are listed first, and are surrounded with "[ " and " ]" 2004-08-15 18:00 Ultr@VNC Team * Added Kenn Min Chong and John Witchel FileTransfer code and GUI * Added improvements in FileTransfer code (compression...) and GUI 2004-07-05 12:00 Alban Chazot - Carmi Grenoble * Modified AuthPanel to show username if Ultr@VNC mslogon connection required * Modified VncViewer to accept Ultravnc mslogon * Modified VncViewer to add scrollPane to applet mode 2002-09-30 12:00 Ultr@VNC Team * Replaced "TightVNC" with "Ultr@VNC" string in ClipboardFrame.java, OptionsFrame.java and VncViewer.java * Added Ultr@VNC in the .vnc files