Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
9.5 KiB

/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* This script pre-generates a list of commits to generate a changelog in the
* form (branch, then commits in HTML form, then a final feedback):
* @example
* master
* <li>(<a href="">7333997c</a> - <a href="">BT#8680</a>) Fixing custom lost password to work as classic Chamilo</li>
* ...
* <li>(<a href="">acdc14c4</a> - <a href="">BT#8676</a>) Adding unique email validation option</li>
* Printed 367 commits of 500 requested (others were minor)
* @author Yannick Warnier <>
* Includes a modified version of Git lib by Sebastian Bergmann of PHPUnit
* @usage php gitlog.php [-t|some-commit|-max20171001]
* @see
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
die('This script can only be launched from the command line');
require 'php-git/src/Git.php';
$repository = __DIR__.'/../..';
$number = 10000; //the number of commits to check (including minor)
$formatHTML = true;
$showDate = false;
$endCommit = false;
$isMaxDate = false;
if (!empty($argv[1])) {
if ($argv[1] == '-t') {
$showDate = true;
} else if (substr($argv[1], 0, 4) == '-max') {
$isMaxDate = true;
$tempDate = substr($argv[1], 4);
$y = substr($tempDate, 0, 4);
$m = substr($tempDate, 4, 2);
$d = substr($tempDate, 6, 2);
$maxDate = new DateTime($y.'-'.$m.'-'.$d);
} else {
$endCommit = $argv[1];
echo "An initial commit has been defined as ".$endCommit.PHP_EOL;
// List if prefixes that can be skipped when creating a simplified, communication-focused changelog
$skipTechnicalPrefixes = [
$git = new \YWarnier\PHPGit\Git($repository);
echo "Log from branch: ".$git->getCurrentBranch().PHP_EOL;
$logs = $git->getRevisions('DESC', $number);
$i = 0;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$commitDate = $log['date']->format('Y-m-d');
if ($showDate) {
echo $commitDate.' '.substr($log['sha1'],0,8).PHP_EOL;
if ($isMaxDate) {
// if the commit date is older than the max date, just forget about it
if ($log['date'] < $maxDate) {
// Replace "Something - Something" by "Something: Something"
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(\w*)\s-\s(.*)/', $log['message'], $matches)) {
$log['message'] = $matches[1].': '.$matches[2];
// Replace "Something - Something" by "Something: Something"
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(\w*\s\w*)\s-\s(.*)/', $log['message'], $matches)) {
$log['message'] = $matches[1].': '.$matches[2];
// Replace "Something : Something" by "Something: Something"
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(\w*)\s:\s(.*)/', $log['message'], $matches)) {
$log['message'] = $matches[1].': '.$matches[2];
//Skip language update messages (not important)
$langMsg = array(
'Update language terms',
'Update language vars',
'Update lang vars',
'Scrutinizer Auto-Fixes',
'Update changelog',
'Fix PHP Warning'
foreach ($langMsg as $msg) {
if (strpos($log['message'], $msg) === 0) {
continue 2;
$log['message'] = sanitizeCategory($log['message']);
// Check for Minor importance messages to ignore...
if (strncasecmp($log['message'], 'Minor', 5) === 0) {
//Skip minor messages
// Look for tasks references
$issueLink = '';
$matches = array();
if (preg_match_all('/((BT)?#(\d){2,5})/', $log['message'], $matches)) {
$issue = $matches[0][0];
if (substr($issue, 0, 1) == '#') {
// not a BeezNest task
$num = substr($issue, 1);
//should be Github
if ($formatHTML) {
$issueLink = ' - <a href="' . $num . '">GH#' . $num . '</a>';
} else {
$issueLink = ' - ' . $num;
} else {
$num = substr($issue, 3);
if ($num != '7683') {
if ($formatHTML) {
//7683 is an internal task at BeezNest for all general contributions to Chamilo - no use in adding this reference
$issueLink = ' - <a href="' . $num . '">BT#' . $num . '</a>';
} else {
$issueLink = ' - ' . $num;
if ($hasRefs = stripos($log['message'], ' see '.$issue)) {
$log['message'] = substr($log['message'], 0, $hasRefs);
if ($hasRefs = stripos($log['message'], ' - ref')) {
$log['message'] = substr($log['message'], 0, $hasRefs);
if ($hasRefs = stripos($log['message'], ' -refs ')) {
$log['message'] = substr($log['message'], 0, $hasRefs);
if ($hasRefs = stripos($log['message'], ' - refs ')) {
$log['message'] = substr($log['message'], 0, $hasRefs);
if ($hasRefs = stripos($log['message'], ' '.$matches[0][0])) {
$log['message'] = substr($log['message'], 0, $hasRefs);
$commitLink = '';
if ($formatHTML) {
$log['message'] = ucfirst($log['message']);
$commitLink = '<a href="' . $log['sha1'] . '">' .
substr($log['sha1'], 0, 8) . '</a>';
echo '<li>['.$commitDate.'] ('.$commitLink.$issueLink.') '.$log['message'].'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
} else {
$commitLink = substr($log['sha1'], 0, 8);
echo '('.$commitLink.$issueLink.') '.$log['message'].''.PHP_EOL;
// check end commit to stop processing
if ($endCommit) {
$length = strlen($endCommit);
if (substr($log['sha1'], 0, $length) == $endCommit) {
echo "Found the end commit ".$endCommit.", exiting...".PHP_EOL;
echo "Printed $i commits of $number requested (others were minor)".PHP_EOL;
* Get a message string and replace prefixes that do not match specs
* in /documentation/changelog.html#terminology with prefixes that do
* @param string $message
* @return string The modified log message
function sanitizeCategory(string $message): string {
$knownMistakes = [
'Quiz' => 'Exercise',
'Exercises' => 'Exercise',
'LP' => 'Learnpath',
'Learning Paths' => 'Learnpath',
'LearningPath' => 'Learnpath',
'Learnpaths' => 'Learnpath',
'Documents' => 'Document',
'Announcements' => 'Announcement',
'RemedialCourse' => 'Plugin: RemedialCourse',
'Groups' => 'Group',
'Survey report' => 'Survey',
'Survey list export' => 'Survey',
'Learnpath report' => 'Learnpath',
'TopLink' => 'Plugin: TopLinks',
'TopLinks' => 'Plugin: TopLinks',
'Sessions' => 'Session',
'Cas' => 'Authentication: CAS',
'Webservices' => 'Webservice',
'WebService' => 'Webservice',
'Web services' => 'Webservice',
'BBB' => 'Plugin: BigBlueButton',
'My Progress' => 'Tracking',
'My Progres' => 'Tracking',
'Reports' => 'Tracking',
'Courses' => 'Display',
'[LP]' => 'Learnpath',
'Student follow page' => 'Tracking: Student follow-up',
'REST' => 'Webservice: REST',
'Import CSV' => 'Admin: CSV import',
'ImportCSV' => 'Admin: CSV import',
'Import_csv.php' => 'Admin: CSV import',
'[Minor]' => 'Minor:',
'[usergroup]' => 'Group',
'[admin]' => 'Admin',
'MySpace' => 'Tracking',
'Career diagram' => 'Career',
'Careers' => 'Career',
'Users' => 'User',
'Style:' => 'Display:',
'Course Announcement' => 'Announcement',
'Testing' => 'QA',
'CI' => 'QA',
'Blogs' => 'Blog',
'Gradebook eval' => 'Gradebook',
'Survey test' => 'QA: Survey',
'Editor' => 'WYSIWYG',
'Global' => 'Internal',
'Extra field' => 'Extra Fields',
'Settings' => 'Admin',
'Changelog' => 'Documentation',
'Session import' => 'Admin: Session import',
'XAPI' => 'xAPI',
'CourseCopy' => 'Maintenance',
'Course Copy' => 'Maintenance',
'Reporting' => 'Tracking',
'Course Backup' => 'Maintenance',
'SSO' => 'Authentication: Single Sign On',
'Skills' => 'Skill',
'Messages' => 'Message',
'Security fixes -' => 'Security:',
'Work' => 'Assignment',
'Works' => 'Assignment',
'Improve code' => 'Internal: Improve code',
'Pending works' => 'Assignment',
'Thematic' => 'Course Progress',
'Thematic advance' => 'Course Progress',
'Agenda' => 'Calendar',
'Course import' => 'Maintenance',
'Student publication' => 'Assignment',
'Student publications' => 'Assignment',
foreach ($knownMistakes as $term => $fix) {
if (strncasecmp($message, $term, strlen($term)) === 0) {
//Skip minor messages
$message = $fix.substr($message, strlen($term));
return $message;