You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
352 lines
16 KiB
352 lines
16 KiB
* This script displays statistics on the current learning path (scorm)
* This script must be included by lp_controller.php to get basic initialisation
* @package dokeos.learnpath
* @author Yannick Warnier <>
* Script
require_once ('');
//The two following variables have to be declared by the includer script
//$lp_id = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_id();
//$list = $_SESSION['oLP']->get_flat_ordered_items_list($lp_id);
//$user_id = $_user['user_id'];
//$stats_charset = $_SESSION['oLP']->encoding
$origin = '';
if($origin != 'tracking')
if (!empty ($stats_charset)) {
$charset_lang = $stats_charset;
} else {
$charset_lang = 'ISO-8859-1';
$dokeos_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
$charset = $charset_lang;
$w = $tablewidth -20;
$htmlHeadXtra[] = ''.'<style type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
@import "../css/default/scorm.css";
include_once ('../inc/');
echo '<body>';
//if display in fullscreen required
if (strcmp($_GET["fs"], "true") == 0) {
$output .= "<table align='center'>";
} else {
$output .= "<table class='margin_table'>";
//check if the user asked for the "extend all" option
$extend_all_link = '';
$extend_all = 0;
if($origin == 'tracking')
$url_suffix = '&course='.$_GET['course'].'&student_id='.$_GET['student_id'].'&lp_id='.$_GET['lp_id'].'&origin='.$_GET['origin'];
$url_suffix = '';
if (!empty ($_GET['extend_all'])) {
$extend_all_link = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=stats'.$url_suffix.'"><img src="../img/view_less_stats.gif" alt="fold_view" border="0"></a>';
$extend_all = 1;
} else {
$extend_all_link = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=stats&extend_all=1'.$url_suffix.'"><img src="../img/view_more_stats.gif" alt="extend_view" border="0"></a>';
if($origin != 'tracking')
$output .= "<tr><td><div class='title'>".htmlentities(get_lang('ScormMystatus'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</div></td></tr>";
$output .= "<tr><td> </td></tr>"."<tr><td>"."<table border='0' class='data_table'><tr>\n".'<td width="16">'.$extend_all_link.'</td>'.'<td colspan="4" class="title"><div class="mystatusfirstrow">'.htmlentities(get_lang('ScormLessonTitle'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2" class="title"><div class="mystatusfirstrow">'.htmlentities(get_lang('ScormStatus'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2" class="title"><div class="mystatusfirstrow">'.htmlentities(get_lang('ScormScore'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2" class="title"><div class="mystatusfirstrow">'.htmlentities(get_lang('ScormTime'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</div></td></tr>\n";
//going through the items using the $items[] array instead of the database order ensures
// we get them in the same order as in the imsmanifest file, which is rather random when using
// the database table
$TBL_LP_ITEM = Database :: get_course_table('lp_item');
$TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW = Database :: get_course_table('lp_item_view');
$TBL_LP_VIEW = Database :: get_course_table('lp_view');
$sql = "SELECT max(view_count) FROM $TBL_LP_VIEW WHERE lp_id = $lp_id AND user_id = '".$user_id."'";
$res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$view = '';
if (Database :: num_rows($res) > 0) {
$myrow = Database :: fetch_array($res);
$view = $myrow[0];
$counter = 0;
//error_log('New LP - Querying views for latest attempt: '.$sql,0);
$total_score = 0;
$total_max_score = 0;
$total_time = 0;
$h = get_lang('h');
$csv_content[] = array (
foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$extend_this = 0;
$qry_order = 'DESC';
if ((!empty ($_GET['extend_id']) and $_GET['extend_id'] == $my_item_id) OR $extend_all) {
$extend_this = 1;
$qry_order = 'ASC';
if (!empty ($view)) {
$sql = "SELECT iv.status as mystatus, v.view_count as mycount, iv.score as myscore, iv.total_time as mytime, as myid, i.title as mytitle, i.max_score as mymaxscore, i.item_type as item_type, iv.view_count as iv_view_count, as iv_id "." FROM $TBL_LP_ITEM as i, $TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW as iv, $TBL_LP_VIEW as v "." WHERE = iv.lp_item_id "." AND = $my_item_id "." AND iv.lp_view_id = "." AND i.lp_id = $lp_id "." AND v.user_id = ".$user_id.""." AND v.view_count = $view "." ORDER BY iv.view_count $qry_order ";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT iv.status as mystatus, v.view_count as mycount, iv.score as myscore, iv.total_time as mytime, as myid, i.title as mytitle, i.max_score as mymaxscore, i.item_type as item_type, iv.view_count as iv_view_count, as iv_id "." FROM $TBL_LP_ITEM as i, $TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW as iv, $TBL_LP_VIEW as v "." WHERE = iv.lp_item_id "." AND = $my_item_id "." AND iv.lp_view_id = "." AND i.lp_id = $lp_id "." AND v.user_id = ".$user_id." "." ORDER BY iv.view_count $qry_order ";
$result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$num = Database :: num_rows($result);
$time_for_total = 'NaN';
if (($extend_this OR $extend_all) && $num > 0) {
$row = Database :: fetch_array($result);
//if there are several attempts, and the link to extend has been clicked...
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
if ($inter_num)
$extend_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&fold_id='.$my_item_id.'"><img src="../img/visible.gif" alt="fold_view" border="0"></a>'."\n";
$title = $row['mytitle'];
$title = stripslashes($title);
if (empty ($title)) {
$title = rl_get_resource_name(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, $row['myid']);
if ($row['item_type'] != 'dokeos_chapter') {
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td>$extend_link</td>\n".'<td colspan="4" class="content"><div class="mystatus">'.$title."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2" class="content"></td>'."\n".'<td colspan="2" class="content"></td>'."\n".'<td colspan="2" class="content"></td>'."\n"."</tr>\n";
$counter ++;
do {
//check if there are interactions below
$extend_attempt_link = '';
$extend_this_attempt = 0;
if (learnpath :: get_interactions_count_from_db($row['iv_id']) > 0 && !$extend_all) {
if (!empty ($_GET['extend_attempt_id']) && $_GET['extend_attempt_id'] == $row['iv_id']) {
//the extend button for this attempt has been clicked
$extend_this_attempt = 1;
$extend_attempt_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&fold_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].'"><img src="../img/visible.gif" alt="fold_attempt_view" border="0"></a>'."\n";
} else { //same case if fold_attempt_id is set, so not implemented explicitly
//the extend button for this attempt has not been clicked
$extend_attempt_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&extend_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].'"><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="extend_attempt_view" border="0"></a>'."\n";
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$lesson_status = $row['mystatus'];
$score = $row['myscore'];
$time_for_total = $row['mytime'];
$time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $row['mytime']);
$scoIdentifier = $row['myid'];
if ($score == 0) {
$maxscore = 0;
} else {
$maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
//Remove "NaN" if any (@todo: locate the source of these NaN)
$time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $time);
if (($lesson_status == 'completed') or ($lesson_status == 'passed')) {
$color = 'green';
} else {
$color = 'black';
$mylanglist = array ('completed' => 'ScormCompstatus', 'incomplete' => 'ScormIncomplete', 'failed' => 'ScormFailed', 'passed' => 'ScormPassed', 'browsed' => 'ScormBrowsed', 'not attempted' => 'ScormNotAttempted',);
$my_lesson_status = htmlentities(get_lang($mylanglist[$lesson_status]), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset);
//$my_lesson_status = get_lang($mylanglist[$lesson_status]);
if ($row['item_type'] != 'dokeos_chapter') {
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td></td>\n"."<td>$extend_attempt_link</td>\n".'<td colspan="3">Attempt '.$row['iv_view_count']."</td>\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2"><font color="'.$color.'"><div class="mystatus">'.$my_lesson_status."</div></font></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($score == 0 ? '-' : $score.'/'.$maxscore)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$time."</div></td>\n"."</tr>\n";
$counter ++;
if ($extend_this_attempt OR $extend_all) {
$list = learnpath :: get_iv_interactions_array($row['iv_id']);
foreach ($list as $id => $interaction) {
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n".'<td></td>'."\n".'<td></td>'."\n".'<td> </td>'."\n".'<td>'.$interaction['order_id'].'</td>'."\n".'<td>'.$interaction['id'].'</td>'."\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2">'.$interaction['type']."</td>\n"
$counter ++;
} while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result));
} else {
$row = Database :: fetch_array($result);
//check if there are interactions below
$extend_attempt_link = '';
$extend_this_attempt = 0;
$inter_num = learnpath :: get_interactions_count_from_db($row['iv_id']);
if ($inter_num > 0 && !$extend_all) {
if (!empty ($_GET['extend_attempt_id']) && $_GET['extend_attempt_id'] == $row['iv_id']) {
//the extend button for this attempt has been clicked
$extend_this_attempt = 1;
$extend_attempt_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&fold_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].'"><img src="../img/visible.gif" alt="fold_attempt_view" border="0"></a>'."\n";
} else { //same case if fold_attempt_id is set, so not implemented explicitly
//the extend button for this attempt has not been clicked
$extend_attempt_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&extend_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].'"><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="extend_attempt_view" border="0"></a>'."\n";
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
//$extend_link = '<img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="extend_disabled">';
$extend_link = '';
if ($inter_num > 1) {
$extend_link = '<a href="lp_controller.php?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&extend_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].'"><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="extend_view" border="0"></a>';
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$lesson_status = $row['mystatus'];
$score = $row['myscore'];
$subtotal_time = $row['mytime'];
while ($tmp_row = Database :: fetch_array($result)) {
$subtotal_time += $tmp_row['mytime'];
$time_for_total = $subtotal_time;
$time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $subtotal_time);
$scoIdentifier = $row['myid'];
$title = $row['mytitle'];
$title = stripslashes($title);
if ($score == 0) {
$maxscore = 0;
} else {
$maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
if (empty ($title)) {
$title = rl_get_resource_name(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, $row['myid']);
//Remove "NaN" if any (@todo: locate the source of these NaN)
//$time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $time);
if (($lesson_status == 'completed') or ($lesson_status == 'passed')) {
$color = 'green';
} else {
$color = 'black';
$mylanglist = array ('completed' => 'ScormCompstatus', 'incomplete' => 'ScormIncomplete', 'failed' => 'ScormFailed', 'passed' => 'ScormPassed', 'browsed' => 'ScormBrowsed', 'not attempted' => 'ScormNotAttempted',);
$my_lesson_status = htmlentities(get_lang($mylanglist[$lesson_status]), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset);
if ($row['item_type'] != 'dokeos_chapter') {
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td>$extend_link</td>\n".'<td colspan="4"><div class="mystatus">'.$title.'</div></td>'."\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2"><font color="'.$color.'"><div class="mystatus">'.$my_lesson_status."</div></font></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($score == 0 ? '-' : $score.'/'.$maxscore)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$time."</div></td>\n"."</tr>\n";
$temp = array();
$temp[] = $title;
$temp[] = html_entity_decode($my_lesson_status);
$temp[] = ($score == 0 ? '-' : $score.'/'.$maxscore);
$temp[] = $time;
$csv_content[] = $temp;
$counter ++;
if ($extend_this_attempt OR $extend_all) {
$list = learnpath :: get_iv_interactions_array($row['iv_id']);
foreach ($list as $id => $interaction) {
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n".'<td></td>'."\n".'<td></td>'."\n".'<td> </td>'."\n".'<td>'.$interaction['order_id'].'</td>'."\n".'<td>'.$interaction['id'].'</td>'."\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2">'.$interaction['type']."</td>\n"
$counter ++;
//only sum up the latest attempt each time
$total_max_score += $maxscore;
$total_score += $score;
$total_time += $time_for_total;
$total_time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $total_time);
//$total_time = str_replace('NaN','00:00:00',$total_time);
$total_time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $total_time);
if ($total_max_score == 0) {
$total_max_score = 1;
$total_percent = number_format((((float) $total_score / (float) $total_max_score) * 100), 1, '.', '');
if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
} else {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td></td>\n".'<td colspan="4"><div class="mystatus"><i>'.htmlentities(get_lang('AccomplishedStepsTotal'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset)."</i></div></td>\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2"></td>'."\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($total_score == 0 ? '-' : $total_percent.'%')."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$total_time.'</div></td>'."\n"."</tr>\n";
$output .= "</table></td></tr></table>";
$temp = array('','','','');
$csv_content[] = $temp;
$temp = array(get_lang('AccomplishedStepsTotal'),'',($total_score == 0 ? '-' : $total_percent.'%'),$total_time);
$csv_content[] = $temp;
Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_learning_path_details');
if($origin != 'tracking')
$output .= "</body></html>";
echo $output;