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119 lines
4.9 KiB
119 lines
4.9 KiB
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$MoveTo = "移到";
$langDownloadFile = "上傳檔案至伺服器";
$langNameDir = "新資料夾名稱";
$langSize = "大小";
$langRename = "重新命名";
$langCopy = "複製課程內容";
$langTo = "到";
$langNoSpace = "上傳失敗﹗超過最大上傳檔案大小或磁片空間不足.";
$langDownloadEnd = "上傳結束";
$langFileExists = "操作失敗,檔案或目錄已經存在.";
$langImpossible = "操作失敗";
$langAddComment = "添加/修改意見";
$langDocCopied = "檔案已複製";
$langDocDeleted = "檔案已刪除";
$langElRen = "目錄或檔案已重命名";
$langDirMv = "檔案已經移動";
$langComMod = "已更新意見";
$langViMod = "已修改顯示/隱藏屬性";
$langGroupSpace = "小組空間";
$langGroupSpaceLink = "小組空間";
$langGroupForumLink = "小組論壇";
$langZipNoPhp = "Zip檔案不能包含.php檔案";
$langUncompress = "解壓檔案(.zip)";
$langDownloadAndZipEnd = "Zip檔案已經上傳並且解壓了";
$langRoot = "根目錄";
$CreateDoc = "新建文檔";
$langDown = "向下";
$langFileError = "上傳的檔案非法。";
$langMaxFileSize = "最大檔案大小是";
$langFileName = "檔案名";
$langNoFileName = "請輸入檔案名";
$langNoText = "請輸入你的 text / HTML 內容";
$langAreYouSureToDelete = "確定要刪除";
$langScormcontent = "這是Scorm格式內容<br /><input type=button name=scormbutton value='啟用' onclick='openscorm()'>";
$langScormcontentstudent = "這是Scorm格式課程,觀看請點擊此處: <input type=button name=scormbutton value='啟用' onclick='openscorm()'>";
$langPublish = "發布";
$langMissingImagesDetected = "發現圖片丟失";
$langCreateDocument = "新建文檔";
$langEditDocument = "編輯文檔";
$langDocuments = "文檔";
$langOrganiseDocuments = "創建內容表格";
$langEditTOC = "編輯內容表格";
$langChapter = "章節";
$langDocumentList = "所有文檔清單";
$langOrganisationList = "內容表格";
$langCreationSucces = "內容表格創建成功.";
$langCanViewOrganisation = "你可以檢視你的組織";
$langHere = "這裡。";
$langViewDocument = "檢視";
$langHtmlTitle = "內容表格";
$langAddToTOC = "添加內容";
$langAddChapter = "添加章節";
$langReady = "生成內容表格";
$langStoreDocuments = "存儲文檔";
$langTocDown = "向下";
$langTocUp = "向上";
$CutPasteLink = "全屏顯示";
$langCreatePath = "新建路徑";
$langOogieConversionPowerPoint = "Oogie : 幻燈片轉換功能";
$langWelcomeOogieSubtitle = "幻燈片到學習路徑的轉換器";
$langAddMetadata = "檢視/修改元數據";
$langGoMetadata = "轉到";
$langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "這門課程的磁片配額是";
$langDel = "刪除";
$langUp = "向上";
$langDate = "日期";
$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "顯示課程配額";
$CourseCurrentlyUses = "本課程現正在使用中";
$MaximumAllowedQuota = "你的儲存空間為";
$PercentageQuotaInUse = "已用限額百分比";
$PercentageQuotaFree = "剩餘限額百分比";
$CurrentDirectory = "當前資料夾";
$UplUploadDocument = "上傳文件";
$UplPartialUpload = "只有部份文件被上傳";
$UplExceedMaxPostSize = "檔案大小超出上限設定";
$UplExceedMaxServerUpload = "檔案大小超出伺服器設定上限";
$UplFileTooBig = "檔案太大不能上傳";
$UplUploadFailed = "檔案上傳失敗";
$UplUnableToSaveFile = "已上傳之檔案不能儲存(可能因權限問題?)";
$UplNotEnoughSpace = "沒有足夠空間上傳此檔案";
$UplNoSCORMContent = "找不到 SCORM 內容";
$UplZipExtractSuccess = "壓縮檔已成功解壓";
$UplZipCorrupt = "不能解壓文件(中斷文件?)";
$UplAlreadyExists = "已經存在";
$UplFileSavedAs = "已另存檔為";
$UplFileOverwritten = "已覆寫";
$CannotCreateDir = "未能建立資料夾";
$UplUpload = "上傳";
$UplWhatIfFileExists = "若檔案存在";
$UplDoNothing = "不執行";
$UplDoNothingLong = "若檔案已存在則不進行上傳";
$UplOverwrite = "覆寫";
$UplOverwriteLong = "覆寫現存檔案";
$UplRename = "重新命名";
$UplRenameLong = "若檔案已存在則重新命名";
$Metadata = "詮釋資料";
$DocumentQuota = "檔案配額";
$NoDocsInFolder = "沒有可顯示的文件";
$UploadTo = "上傳至";
$fileModified = "檔案已被修訂";
$DocumentsOverview = "檢視文件";
$ViewSlideshow = "圖片庫";
$Options = "選項";
$WelcomeOogieConverter = "歡迎使用投映版轉換器。<ul type=\"1\"><li>在你的電腦中搜尋 .ppt 或 .odp 檔<li>上傳至 Oogie,文件便會轉換為 Scorm 學習路徑。<li>這時你便可以在每頁投映片中加上聲音或文字旁白。";
$ConvertToLP = "轉換為學習路徑";
$AdvancedSettings = "進階設定";
$File = "檔案";
$DocDeleteError = "刪除文件時發生問題";
$ViModProb = "更新顯示選項時出現問題";
$DirDeleted = "已刪除資料夾";
$TemplateName = "範本名稱";
$TemplateDescription = "範本描述";
$DocumentSetAsTemplate = "設定文件為範本";
$DocumentUnsetAsTemplate = "取消把文件設為範本";