Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Tools = "工具";
$SendWork = "上傳檔案";
$TooBig = "你沒有選擇任何檔案,或者檔案太大";
$ListDeleted = "清單已刪除";
$DocModif = "論文標題已修改";
$DocAdd = "作業已經上傳。";
$DocDel = "檔案已經刪除";
$TitleWork = "檔案標題";
$Authors = "作者";
$DelList = "刪除鏈接";
$WorkDelete = "刪除";
$WorkModify = "修改";
$WorkConfirmDelete = "你真的想要刪除這個檔案";
$AllFiles = "應用於本課程所有作業";
$DefaultUpload = "作業可見性的預設設定";
$NewVisible = "作業對所有人都可見";
$NewUnvisible = "作業只對課程管理員可見";
$lang_doc_unvisible = "作業只對這門課程的教師可見, 因此對你是不可見的。";
$DelLk = "確定要移除這連結嗎?";
$MustBeRegisteredUser = "只有此課程的註冊用戶可以上傳作業。";
$ListDel = "刪除清單";
$NameDir = "新資料夾名稱";
$FileExists = "操作失敗,檔案或目錄已經存在.";
$CreateDirectory = "新建目錄";
$CurrentDir = "當前目錄";
$EditToolOptions = "編輯工具選項";
$DocumentDeleted = "文件已被刪除";
$SendMailBody = "一位使用者在你的課程課業工具中加入了一份文件。";
$DirDelete = "刪除目錄";
$ValidateChanges = "確認改變";