Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langActivate = "公开";
$langDeactivate = "隐藏";
$langInLnk = "隐藏的工具";
$langDelLk = "确定要移除该工具吗?";
$langCourseCreate = "创建课程";
$langNameOfTheLink = "链接名称";
$lang_main_categories_list = "主分类列表";
$langCourseAdminOnly = "教师";
$PlatformAdminOnly = "仅平台管理员";
$langCombinedCourse = "合并的课程";
$ToolIsNowVisible = "工具当前可用.";
$ToolIsNowHidden = "工具当前不可用.";
$EditLink = "链接编辑";
$Blog_management = "博客管理";
$Forum = "论坛";
$Course_maintenance = "课程维护";
$TOOL_SURVEY = "调查";
$GreyIcons = "工具箱";
$Interaction = "互动";
$Authoring = "写作";
$Administration = "管理";
$IntroductionTextUpdated = "简介更新完成";
$IntroductionTextDeleted = "简介已删除";
$SessionIdentifier = "会话识别符";
$SessionName = "会话名称";
$SessionCategory = "会话分类";
$SessionData = "会话数据";
$ToolSearch = "搜索";