Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

448 lines
16 KiB

/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* Library for the import of Aiken format.
* @author claro team <>
* @author Guillaume Lederer <>
* @author César Perales <> Parse function for Aiken format
* This function displays the form for import of the zip file with qti2.
* @param string Report message to show in case of error
function aiken_display_form()
$name_tools = get_lang('Import Aiken quiz');
$form = '<div class="actions">';
$form .= '<a href="exercise.php?show=test&'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.
get_lang('Back to Tests tool'),
$form .= '</div>';
$form_validator = new FormValidator(
['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']
$form_validator->addElement('header', $name_tools);
$form_validator->addElement('text', 'total_weight', get_lang('Total weight'));
$form_validator->addElement('file', 'userFile', get_lang('File'));
$form_validator->addButtonUpload(get_lang('Upload'), 'submit');
$form .= $form_validator->returnForm();
$form .= '<blockquote>'.get_lang('Import Aiken quizExplanation').'<br /><pre>'.get_lang('Import Aiken quizExplanationExample').'</pre></blockquote>';
echo $form;
* Gets the uploaded file (from $_FILES) and unzip it to the given directory.
* @param string The directory where to do the work
* @param string The path of the temporary directory where the exercise was uploaded and unzipped
* @param string $baseWorkDir
* @param string $uploadPath
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
function get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)
$_course = api_get_course_info();
$_user = api_get_user_info();
// Check if the file is valid (not to big and exists)
if (!isset($_FILES['userFile']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userFile']['tmp_name'])) {
// upload failed
return false;
if (preg_match('/.zip$/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name']) &&
) {
if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
return false;
// upload successful
return true;
} elseif (preg_match('/.txt/i', $_FILES['userFile']['name']) &&
) {
return true;
return false;
* Main function to import the Aiken exercise.
* @param string $file
* @return mixed True on success, error message on failure
function aiken_import_exercise($file)
$archive_path = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'aiken/';
$baseWorkDir = $archive_path;
if (!is_dir($baseWorkDir)) {
mkdir($baseWorkDir, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(), true);
$uploadPath = 'aiken_'.api_get_unique_id().'/';
// set some default values for the new exercise
$exercise_info = [];
$exercise_info['name'] = preg_replace('/.(zip|txt)$/i', '', $file);
$exercise_info['question'] = [];
// if file is not a .zip, then we cancel all
if (!preg_match('/.(zip|txt)$/i', $file)) {
return 'YouMustUploadAZipOrTxtFile';
// unzip the uploaded file in a tmp directory
if (preg_match('/.(zip|txt)$/i', $file)) {
if (!get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)) {
return 'ThereWasAProblemWithYourFile';
// find the different manifests for each question and parse them
$exerciseHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir.$uploadPath);
$file_found = false;
$operation = false;
$result = false;
// Parse every subdirectory to search txt question files
while (false !== ($file = readdir($exerciseHandle))) {
if (is_dir($baseWorkDir.'/'.$uploadPath.$file) && '.' != $file && '..' != $file) {
//find each manifest for each question repository found
$questionHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir.'/'.$uploadPath.$file);
while (false !== ($questionFile = readdir($questionHandle))) {
if (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $questionFile)) {
$result = aiken_parse_file(
$file_found = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/.txt$/i', $file)) {
$result = aiken_parse_file($exercise_info, $baseWorkDir.$uploadPath, '', $file);
$file_found = true;
if (!$file_found) {
$result = 'NoTxtFileFoundInTheZip';
if (true !== $result) {
return $result;
// 1. Create exercise
$exercise = new Exercise();
$exercise->exercise = $exercise_info['name'];
$last_exercise_id = $exercise->getId();
$tableQuestion = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
$tableAnswer = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
if (!empty($last_exercise_id)) {
// For each question found...
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question_array) {
// 2.create question
$question = new Aiken2Question();
$question->type = $question_array['type'];
if (isset($question_array['description'])) {
$type = $question->selectType();
$question->type = constant($type);
$last_question_id = $question->getId();
// 3. Create answer
$answer = new Answer($last_question_id, $courseId, $exercise, false);
$answer->new_nbrAnswers = count($question_array['answer']);
$max_score = 0;
$scoreFromFile = 0;
if (isset($question_array['score']) && !empty($question_array['score'])) {
$scoreFromFile = $question_array['score'];
foreach ($question_array['answer'] as $key => $answers) {
$answer->new_answer[$key] = $answers['value'];
$answer->new_position[$key] = $key;
$answer->new_comment[$key] = '';
// Correct answers ...
if (isset($question_array['correct_answers']) &&
in_array($key, $question_array['correct_answers'])
) {
$answer->new_correct[$key] = 1;
if (isset($question_array['feedback'])) {
$answer->new_comment[$key] = $question_array['feedback'];
} else {
$answer->new_correct[$key] = 0;
if (isset($question_array['weighting'][$key - 1])) {
$answer->new_weighting[$key] = $question_array['weighting'][$key - 1];
$max_score += $question_array['weighting'][$key - 1];
if (!empty($scoreFromFile) && $answer->new_correct[$key]) {
$answer->new_weighting[$key] = $scoreFromFile;
$params = [
'c_id' => $courseId,
'question_id' => $last_question_id,
'answer' => $answer->new_answer[$key],
'correct' => $answer->new_correct[$key],
'comment' => $answer->new_comment[$key],
'ponderation' => isset($answer->new_weighting[$key]) ? $answer->new_weighting[$key] : '',
'position' => $answer->new_position[$key],
'hotspot_coordinates' => '',
'hotspot_type' => '',
$answerId = Database::insert($tableAnswer, $params);
if ($answerId) {
$params = [
'id_auto' => $answerId,
'id' => $answerId,
Database::update($tableAnswer, $params, ['iid = ?' => [$answerId]]);
if (!empty($scoreFromFile)) {
$max_score = $scoreFromFile;
$params = ['ponderation' => $max_score];
['iid = ?' => [$last_question_id]]
// Delete the temp dir where the exercise was unzipped
$operation = $last_exercise_id;
return $operation;
* Parses an Aiken file and builds an array of exercise + questions to be
* imported by the import_exercise() function.
* @param array The reference to the array in which to store the questions
* @param string Path to the directory with the file to be parsed (without final /)
* @param string Name of the last directory part for the file (without /)
* @param string Name of the file to be parsed (including extension)
* @param string $exercisePath
* @param string $file
* @param string $questionFile
* @return string|bool True on success, error message on error
* @assert ('','','') === false
function aiken_parse_file(&$exercise_info, $exercisePath, $file, $questionFile)
$questionTempDir = $exercisePath.'/'.$file.'/';
$questionFilePath = $questionTempDir.$questionFile;
if (!is_file($questionFilePath)) {
return 'FileNotFound';
$text = file_get_contents($questionFilePath);
$detect = mb_detect_encoding($text, 'ASCII', true);
if ('ASCII' === $detect) {
$data = explode("\n", $text);
} else {
$text = str_ireplace(["\x0D", "\r\n"], "\n", $text); // Removes ^M char from win files.
$data = explode("\n\n", $text);
$question_index = 0;
$answers_array = [];
foreach ($data as $line => $info) {
$info = trim($info);
if (empty($info)) {
// double empty line
//make sure it is transformed from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 if in that form
if (!mb_check_encoding($info, 'utf-8') && mb_check_encoding($info, 'iso-8859-1')) {
$info = utf8_encode($info);
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['type'] = 'MCUA';
if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z])(\)|\.)\s(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
//adding one of the possible answers
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'][]['value'] = $matches[3];
$answers_array[] = $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
//the correct answers
$correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['correct_answers'][] = $correct_answer_index + 1;
//weight for correct answer
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['weighting'][$correct_answer_index] = 1;
$next = $line + 1;
if (false !== strpos($data[$next], 'ANSWER_EXPLANATION:')) {
// Check if next has score, otherwise loop too next question.
if (false === strpos($data[$next], 'SCORE:')) {
$answers_array = [];
} elseif (preg_match('/^SCORE:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['score'] = (float) $matches[1];
$answers_array = [];
} elseif (preg_match('/^DESCRIPTION:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['description'] = $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^ANSWER_EXPLANATION:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
//Comment of correct answer
$correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['feedback'] = $matches[1];
$next = $line + 1;
// Check if next has score, otherwise loop too next question.
if (false === strpos($data[$next], 'SCORE:')) {
$answers_array = [];
} elseif (preg_match('/^TEXTO_CORRECTA:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
//Comment of correct answer (Spanish e-ducativa format)
$correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['feedback'] = $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^T:\s?(.*)/', $info, $matches)) {
//Question Title
$correct_answer_index = array_search($matches[1], $answers_array);
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'] = $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/^TAGS:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
//TAGS for chamilo >= 1.10
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer_tags'] = explode(',', $matches[1]);
} elseif (preg_match('/^ETIQUETAS:\s?([A-Z])\s?/', $info, $matches)) {
//TAGS for chamilo >= 1.10 (Spanish e-ducativa format)
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer_tags'] = explode(',', $matches[1]);
} elseif (empty($info)) {
/*if (empty($exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'])) {
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'] = $info;
//moving to next question (tolerate \r\n or just \n)
if (empty($exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['correct_answers'])) {
error_log('Aiken: Error in question index '.$question_index.': no correct answer defined');
return 'ExerciseAikenErrorNoCorrectAnswerDefined';
if (empty($exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['answer'])) {
error_log('Aiken: Error in question index '.$question_index.': no answer option given');
return 'ExerciseAikenErrorNoAnswerOptionGiven';
//emptying answers array when moving to next question
$answers_array = [];
} else {
if (empty($exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'])) {
$exercise_info['question'][$question_index]['title'] = $info;
//emptying answers array when moving to next question
$answers_array = [];
$new_question = true;*/
$total_questions = count($exercise_info['question']);
$total_weight = !empty($_POST['total_weight']) ? (int) ($_POST['total_weight']) : 20;
foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $key => $question) {
if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting'])) {
$exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting'][current(array_keys($exercise_info['question'][$key]['weighting']))] = $total_weight / $total_questions;
return true;
* Imports the zip file.
* @param array $array_file ($_FILES)
* @return bool
function aiken_import_file($array_file)
$unzip = 0;
$process = process_uploaded_file($array_file, false);
if (preg_match('/\.(zip|txt)$/i', $array_file['name'])) {
// if it's a zip, allow zip upload
$unzip = 1;
if ($process && 1 == $unzip) {
$imported = aiken_import_exercise($array_file['name']);
if (is_numeric($imported) && !empty($imported)) {
return $imported;
} else {
Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang($imported), 'error'));
return false;