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94 lines
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94 lines
4.4 KiB
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Tools = "Tools";
$SendWork = "Upload paper";
$langTooBig = "You didn't choose any file to send, or it is too big";
$langListDeleted = "List has been deleted";
$langDocModif = "paper title modified";
$langDocAdd = "The file has been added to the list of publications.";
$langDocDel = "File deleted";
$langTitleWork = "Paper title";
$langAuthors = "Authors";
$langDelList = "Delete list";
$langWorkDelete = "Delete";
$langWorkModify = "Edit";
$langWorkConfirmDelete = "Do you really want to delete this file";
$langAllFiles = "Actions on all files";
$lang_default_upload = "Default setting for the visibility of newly posted files";
$lang_new_visible = "New documents are visible for all users";
$lang_new_unvisible = "New documents are only visible for the trainer(s)";
$lang_doc_unvisible = "Your file is only visible to the trainer(s) and will therefore not be visible to you.";
$langDelLk = "Do you really want to delete this link?";
$langMustBeRegisteredUser = "Only registered users of this training can publish documents.";
$langListDel = "Delete list";
$langNameDir = "Name of the new folder";
$langFileExists = "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists.";
$CreateDirectory = "Validate";
$langCurrentDir = "current folder";
$UploadADocument = "Submit paper";
$EditToolOptions = "Assignments settings";
$DocumentDeleted = "Document deleted";
$SendMailBody = "A user posted a document in the Assignments tool";
$DirDelete = "Delete directory";
$ValidateChanges = "Validate changes";
$FolderUpdated = "Folder updated";
$EndsAt = "Ends at (completely closed)";
$QualificationOfAssignment = "Assignment scoring";
$MakeQualifiable = "Add to gradebook";
$QualificationNumberOver = "Score";
$WeightInTheGradebook = "Weight inside gradebook";
$DatesAvailables = "Date limits";
$ExpiresAt = "Expires at";
$AddToCalendar = "Add assignment handling (or creation) date to calendar";
$DirectoryCreated = "Directory created";
$Assignment = "Assignments";
$AdvancedParameters = "Advanced settings";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Deadline for assignments";
$EnableExpiryDate = "Enable handing over deadline (visible to students)";
$EnableEndDate = "Enable final acceptance date (invisible to students)";
$IsNotPosibleSaveTheDocument = "Impossible to save the document";
$EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheExpireDate = "End date cannot be before the expiry date";
$SelectAFilter = "Select a filter";
$FilterByNotExpired = "Filter by not expired";
$FilterAssignments = "Filter assignments";
$WeightNecessary = "Minimum score expected";
$QualificationOver = "Score";
$ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed = "Expiry date already passed";
$EndDateAlreadyPassed = "End date already passed";
$MoveXTo = "Move %s to";
$QualificationMustNotBeMoreThanQualificationOver = "The mark cannot exceed maximum score";
$ModifyDirectory = "Validate";
$DeleteAllFiles = "Delete all papers";
$BackToWorksList = "Back to Assignments list";
$EditMedia = "Edit and mark paper";
$AllFilesInvisible = "All papers are now invisible";
$FileInvisible = "The file is now invisible";
$AllFilesVisible = "All papers are now visible";
$FileVisible = "The file is now visible";
$ButtonCreateAssignment = "Create assignment";
$AssignmentName = "Assignment name";
$CreateAssignment = "Create assignment";
$FolderEdited = "Folder edited";
$UpdateWork = "Update this task";
$MakeAllPapersInvisible = "Make all papers invisible";
$MakeAllPapersVisible = "Make all papers visible";
$TheDocumentHasBeenDeleted = "The document has been deleted.";
$YouAreNotAllowedToDeleteThisDocument = "You are not allowed to delete this document";
$StudentAllowedToDeleteOwnPublication = "Allow learners to delete their own publications";
$ConfirmYourChoiceDeleteAllfiles = "Please confirm your choice. This will delete all files without possibility of recovery";
$WorkName = "Assignment name";
$ReminderToSubmitPendingTask = "Please remember you still have to send an assignment";
$MessageConfirmSendingOfTask = "This is a message confirming the good reception of the task";
$DataSent = "Data sent";
$DownloadLink = "Download link";
$ViewUsersWithTask = "Assignments received";
$ReminderMessage = "Send a reminder";
$DateSent = "Date sent";
$ViewUsersWithoutTask = "View missing assignments";
$HomeworkCreated = "An assignment was created";
$HomeworkHasBeenCreatedForTheCourse = "An assignment was created for the course";
$PleaseCheckHomeworkPage = "Please check the assignments page.";
$IncludedInEvaluation = "Included in the evaluation";