Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
8.3 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langShowAll = "Show all";
$langToolName = "Tracking";
$TrackingDisabled = "Tracking has been disabled by system administrator.";
$InactivesStudents = "Inactive learners";
$AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform = "Average time spent on the platform";
$AverageCoursePerStudent = "Average courses number per learner";
$AverageProgressInLearnpath = "Average progress in learnpathes";
$AverageResultsToTheExercices = "Average result to the exercises";
$SeeStudentList = "See the learners list";
$NbActiveSessions = "Active sessions";
$NbPastSessions = "Past sessions";
$NbFutureSessions = "Future sessions";
$NbStudentPerSession = "Number of learners per session";
$NbCoursesPerSession = "Number of courses per session";
$SeeSessionList = "See the sessions list";
$langShowNone = "Show none";
$langCourseStats = "Course Stats";
$langToolsAccess = "Access to tools";
$langCourseAccess = "Access to this course";
$langLinksAccess = "Links";
$langDocumentsAccess = "Documents";
$langScormAccess = "Learning path - Scorm format courses";
$langLinksDetails = "Links accessed";
$langWorksDetails = "Works uploaded by the user in the name of \'Authors\'";
$langLoginsDetails = "Click on the month name for more details";
$langDocumentsDetails = "Documents downloaded";
$langExercicesDetails = "Score of tests done";
$langBackToList = "Back to users list";
$langDetails = "Details";
$langStatsOfCourse = "Statistics of course area";
$langStatsOfUser = "Statistics of user";
$langStatsOfCampus = "Statistics of portal";
$langCountUsers = "Number of users";
$langCountToolAccess = "Total number of connections to this course";
$langLoginsTitleMonthColumn = "Month";
$langLoginsTitleCountColumn = "Number of logins";
$langToolTitleToolnameColumn = "Name of the tool";
$langToolTitleUsersColumn = "Users Clicks";
$langToolTitleCountColumn = "Total Clicks";
$langLinksTitleLinkColumn = "Link";
$langLinksTitleUsersColumn = "Users Clicks";
$langLinksTitleCountColumn = "Total Clicks";
$langExercicesTitleExerciceColumn = "Test";
$langExercicesTitleScoreColumn = "Score";
$langDocumentsTitleDocumentColumn = "Document";
$langDocumentsTitleUsersColumn = "Users Downloads";
$langDocumentsTitleCountColumn = "Total Downloads";
$langScormContentColumn = "Title";
$langScormStudentColumn = "Users";
$langScormTitleColumn = "Lesson/Step";
$langScormStatusColumn = "Status";
$langScormScoreColumn = "Score";
$langScormTimeColumn = "Time";
$langScormNeverOpened = "This course was never opened by this user.";
$langWorkTitle = "Title";
$langWorkAuthors = "Authors";
$langWorkDescription = "Description";
$informationsAbout = "Tracking of";
$langNoEmail = "No email address specified";
$langNoResult = "No Result";
$langCourse = "Course";
$langHits = "Hits";
$langTotal = "Total";
$langHour = "Hour";
$langDay = "Day";
$langLittleHour = "h.";
$langLast31days = "In the last 31 days";
$langLast7days = "In the last 7 days";
$langThisday = "This day";
$langLogins = "Logins";
$langLoginsExplaination = "Here is the list of your last logins with the tools you visited during these sessions.";
$langExercicesResults = "Score of the tests done";
$langVisits = "visits";
$langAt = "at";
$langLoginTitleDateColumn = "Date";
$langLoginTitleCountColumn = "Visits";
$langLoginsAndAccessTools = "Logins and access to tools";
$langWorkUploads = "Contributions uploads";
$langErrorUserNotInGroup = "Invalid user : this user doesn\'t exist in your group";
$langListStudents = "List of users in this group";
$langPeriodHour = "Hour";
$langPeriodDay = "Day";
$langPeriodWeek = "Week";
$langPeriodMonth = "Month";
$langPeriodYear = "Year";
$langNextDay = "Next Day";
$langPreviousDay = "Previous Day";
$langNextWeek = "Next Week";
$langPreviousWeek = "Previous Week";
$langNextMonth = "Next Month";
$langPreviousMonth = "Previous Month";
$langNextYear = "Next Year";
$langPreviousYear = "Previous Year";
$langViewToolList = "View List of All Tools";
$langToolList = "List of all tools";
$langFrom = "From";
$langTo = "to";
$langPeriodToDisplay = "Period";
$langDetailView = "View by";
$langBredCrumpGroups = "Groups";
$langBredCrumpGroupSpace = "Group Area";
$langBredCrumpUsers = "Users";
$langAdminToolName = "Admin Stats";
$langPlatformStats = "Platform Statistics";
$langStatsDatabase = "Stats Database";
$langPlatformAccess = "Access to portal";
$langPlatformCoursesAccess = "Access to courses";
$langPlatformToolAccess = "Access to tools";
$langHardAndSoftUsed = "Countries Providers Browsers Os Referers";
$langStrangeCases = "Problematic cases";
$langStatsDatabaseLink = "Click Here";
$langCountCours = "Number of courses";
$langCountCourseByFaculte = "Number of courses by category";
$langCountCourseByLanguage = "Number of courses by language";
$langCountCourseByVisibility = "Number of courses by visibility";
$langCountUsersByCourse = "Number of users by course";
$langCountUsersByFaculte = "Number of users by category";
$langCountUsersByStatus = "Number of users by status";
$langAccess = "Access";
$langCountries = "Countries";
$langProviders = "Providers";
$langOS = "OS";
$langBrowsers = "Browsers";
$langReferers = "Referers";
$langAccessExplain = "(When an user open the index of the portal)";
$langTotalPlatformAccess = "Total";
$langTotalPlatformLogin = "Total";
$langMultipleLogins = "Accounts with same <i>Username</i>";
$langMultipleUsernameAndPassword = "Accounts with same <i>Username</i> AND same <i>Password</i>";
$langMultipleEmails = "Accounts with same <i>Email</i>";
$langCourseWithoutProf = "Courses without leader";
$langCourseWithoutAccess = "Courses not used";
$langLoginWithoutAccess = "Logins not used";
$langAllRight = "There is no strange case here";
$langDefcon = "Ooops, problematic cases detected !!";
$langNULLValue = "Empty (or NULL)";
$langTrafficDetails = "Traffic Details";
$langSeeIndividualTracking = "For individual tracking see <a href=../user/user.php>Users</a> tool.";
$langPathNeverOpenedByAnybody = "This path was never opened by anybody.";
$SynthesisView = "Synthesis view";
$Visited = "Visited";
$FirstAccess = "First access";
$LastAccess = "Last access";
$langProbationers = "Learners";
$MoyenneTest = "Test average";
$exportExcel = "Export in Excel format";
$MoyCourse = "Course average";
$MoyenneExamen = "Exam average";
$MoySession = "Session average";
$TakenSessions = "Taken sessions";
$FollowUp = "Follow-up";
$Trainers = "Trainers";
$Administrators = "Administrators";
$Tracks = "Tracks";
$Success = "Success";
$ExcelFormat = "Excel format";
$MyLearnpath = "My learnpath";
$Time = "Time";
$Score = "Score";
$LastConnexion = "Last connexion";
$ConnectionTime = "Connection time";
$ConnectionsToThisCourse = "Connections to this course";
$StudentTutors = "Student\'s coaches";
$StudentSessions = "Student\'s sessions";
$StudentCourses = "Student\'s courses";
$NoLearnpath = "No learnpath";
$Attempts = "Attempts";
$Correction = "Correction";
$NoExercise = "No exercises";
$LimitDate = "Limit date";
$SentDate = "Sent date";
$Annotate = "Annonate";
$Comments = "Comments";
$DayOfDelay = "Day of delay";
$NoProduction = "No production";
$NoComment = "No comment";
$LatestLogin = "Latest connection";
$TimeSpentOnThePlatform = "Time spent on the platform";
$Messages = "Posts";
$AveragePostsInForum = "Average posts number in the forum";
$AverageAssignments = "Average assignments number";
$Print = "Print";
$StudentDetails = "Learner details";
$StudentDetailsInCourse = "Learner details in course";
$Learnpaths = "Learnpaths";
$OtherTools = "Other tools";
$DetailsStudentInCourse = "Student details in course";
$CourseTitle = "Course title";
$NbStudents = "Number of learners";
$TimeSpentInTheCourse = "Time spent in the course";
$AvgStudentsProgress = "Average learners progress";
$AvgStudentsScore = "Average learners score";
$AvgMessages = "Messages per learner";
$AvgAssignments = "Assignments per learner";
$ToolsMostUsed = "Tools most used";
$StudentsTracking = "Learners tracking";
$CourseTracking = "Course tracking";
$LinksMostClicked = "Links most visited";
$DocumentsMostDownloaded = "Documents most downloaded";
$LearningPathDetails = "Learning path details";
$NoConnexion = "No connection";
$TeacherInterface = "Teacher interface";
$CoachInterface = "Coach interface";
$AdminInterface = "Administrator interface";
$NumberOfSessions = "Number of sessions";
$YourCourseList = "Your courses list";
$YourStatistics = "Your statistics";
$CoachList = "Coachs list";
$CoachStudents = "Coach students";
$NoLearningPath = "No learning paths";