Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1.1 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Remove = "移動";
$Description = "&#35500;&#26126;";
$Links = "リンク";
$Forums = "会議室";
$langExercices = "演習問題";
$name = "名称";
$langComment = "コメント";
$langVisible = "見えるようにする/見えないようにする";
$Language = "&#35328;&#35486;";
$langUp = "Up";
$langCourseCreate = "コースのウエブサイトを作る";
$langTodo = "「要望」";
$UserName = "ユーザ名";
$iso639_2_code = "ja";
$iso639_1_code = "jpn";
$charset = "UTF-8";
$text_dir = "ltr";
$left_font_family = "sans-serif";
$right_font_family = "sans-serif";
$number_thousands_separator = ",";
$number_decimal_separator = ".";
$dateFormatShort = "%Y年%b%e日";
$dateFormatLong = "%Y年%B%e日";
$dateTimeFormatLong = "%Y年%B%e日 %H:%M";
$timeNoSecFormat = "%H:%M";
$langModify = "修正";
$langDelete = "削除";
$Help = "へルプ";
$langOk = "オッケー";
$langAddIntro = "Add introduction text";
$langBackList = "リストに戻る";
$langMyCourses = "自分のコース";
$langModifyProfile = "自分のプロファイルを修正";
$langLogout = "ログアウト";
$langPlatform = "iCampus utilise la plate-forme";