Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
9.7 KiB

<?php //$id: $
* Script that updates the database by adding the four new learning path tables (that allow scorm data)
* @package dokeos.learnpath
* @author Yannick Warnier <>
* Script
* New tables definition:
//table replacing learnpath_main
$new_lp = 'lp';
$create_lp = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XXX_$new_lp (" .
"id int unsigned primary key auto_increment," . //unique ID, generated by MySQL
"lp_type smallint unsigned not null," . //lp_types can be found in the main database's lp_type table
"name tinytext not null," . //name is the text name of the learning path (e.g. Word 2000)
"ref tinytext null," . //ref for SCORM elements is the SCORM ID in imsmanifest. For other learnpath types, just ignore
"description text null,". //textual description
"path text not null," . //path, starting at the platforms root (so all paths should start with 'courses/...' for now)
"force_commit tinyint unsigned not null default 0, " . //stores the default behaviour regarding SCORM information
"default_view_mod char(32) not null default 'embedded'," .//stores the default view mode (embedded or fullscreen)
"default_encoding char(32) not null default 'ISO-8859-1', " . //stores the encoding detected at learning path reading
"display_order int unsigned not null default 0," . //order of learnpaths display in the learnpaths list - not really important
"content_maker tinytext not null default ''," . //content maker (ENI, Articulate, ...)
"content_local varchar(32) not null default 'local'," . //content localisation ('local' or 'distant')
"content_license text not null default ''," . //content license
"prevent_reinit tinyint unsigned not null default 1," . //stores the default behaviour regarding items re-initialisation when viewed a second time after success
"js_lib tinytext not null default ''," . //the JavaScript library to load for this lp
"debug tinyint unsigned not null default 0" . //stores the default behaviour regarding items re-initialisation when viewed a second time after success
//new table, aimed at keeping track of attempts made to one learning path
//no row exists if nobody has opened any learning path yet. A row is only written when someone opens a learnpath
$new_lp_view = 'lp_view';
$create_lp_view = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XXX_$new_lp_view (" .
"id int unsigned primary key auto_increment," . //unique ID from MySQL
"lp_id int unsigned not null," . //learnpath ID from 'lp'
"user_id int unsigned not null," . //user ID from main.user
"view_count smallint unsigned not null default 0," . //integer counting the amount of times this learning path has been attempted
"last_item int unsigned not null default 0," . //last item seen in this view
"progress int unsigned default 0" .
//table replacing learnpath_item AND learnpath_chapter
$new_lp_item = 'lp_item';
$create_lp_item = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XXX_$new_lp_item (" .
"id int unsigned primary key auto_increment," . //unique ID from MySQL
"lp_id int unsigned not null," . //lp_id from 'lp'
"item_type char(32) not null default 'dokeos_document'," . //can be dokeos_document, dokeos_chapter or scorm_asset, scorm_sco, scorm_chapter
"ref tinytext not null default ''," . //the ID given to this item in the imsmanifest file
"title tinytext not null," . //the title/name of this item (to display in the T.O.C.)
"description tinytext not null default ''," . //the description of this item (to display in the T.O.C.)
"path text not null," . //the path to that item, starting at 'courses/...' level
"min_score float unsigned not null default 0," . //min score allowed
"max_score float unsigned not null default 100," . //max score allowed
"mastery_score float unsigned null," . //minimum score to pass the test
"parent_item_id int unsigned not null default 0," . //the item one level higher
"previous_item_id int unsigned not null default 0," . //the item before this one in the sequential learning order (MySQL id)
"next_item_id int unsigned not null default 0," . //the item after this one in the sequential learning order (MySQL id)
"display_order int unsigned not null default 0," . //this is needed for ordering items under the same parent (previous_item_id doesn't give correct order after reordering)
"prerequisite char(64) null," . //prerequisites in AICC scripting language as defined in the SCORM norm (allow logical operators)
"launch_data text not null default '', " . //data from imsmanifest <item adlcp:datafromlms>
"parameters text not null default ''" . //data from imsmanifest <item parameters="...">
//table replacing the learnpath_user table
$new_lp_item_view = 'lp_item_view';
$create_lp_item_view = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XXX_$new_lp_item_view (" .
"id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment," . //unique ID
"lp_item_id int unsigned not null," . //item ID (MySQL id)
"lp_view_id int unsigned not null," . // learning path view id (attempt)
"view_count int unsigned not null default 0," . //how many times this item has been viewed in the current attempt (generally 0 or 1)
"start_time int unsigned not null," . //when did the user open it?
"total_time int unsigned not null default 0," . //after how many seconds did he close it?
"score float unsigned not null default 0," . //score returned by SCORM or other techs
"status char(32) not null default 'not attempted'," . //status for this item (SCORM)
"suspend_data text null default ''," .
"lesson_location text null default ''" .
//table implementing item_view interactions
$new_lp_iv_interaction = 'lp_iv_interaction';
$create_lp_iv_interaction = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS XXX_$new_lp_iv_interaction (" .
"id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment," .
"order_id smallint unsigned not null default 0,". //internal order (0->...) given by Dokeos but usable by sco
"lp_iv_id bigint unsigned not null," . //identifier of the related sco_view
"interaction_id varchar(255) not null default ''," . //sco-specific, given by the sco
"interaction_type varchar(255) not null default ''," . //literal values, SCORM-specific (see p.63 of SCORM 1.2 RTE)
"weighting double not null default 0," .
"completion_time varchar(16) not null default ''," . //completion time for the interaction (timestamp in a day's time) - expected output format is scorm time
"correct_responses text not null default ''," . //actually a serialised array. See p.65 os SCORM 1.2 RTE)
"student_response text not null default ''," . //student response (format depends on type)
"result varchar(255) not null default ''," . //textual result
"latency varchar(16) not null default ''" . //time necessary for completion of the interaction
//table located in the main DB and holding a list of the possible learning paths types.
//so far we only have 'dokeos' and 'scorm'
$new_lp_type = 'lp_type';
$create_lp_type = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS YYY_$new_lp_type (" .
"id smallint unsigned primary key auto_increment," .
"name char(32) not null default 'dokeos'," .
"description char(255) null" .
* First create the lp, lp_view, lp_item and lp_item_view tables in each course's DB
$main_db = Database::get_main_database();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $main_db.course";
echo "$sql<br />\n";
$res = api_sql_query($sql);
$create_table = str_replace('YYY_',$main_db.'.',$create_lp_type);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
$ins_elems = "INSERT INTO $main_db.$new_lp_type (id,name,description) VALUES (1,'dokeos','The default format of a learning path in Dokeos')";
$ins_elems = "INSERT INTO $main_db.$new_lp_type (id,name,description) VALUES (2,'scorm','SCORM format')";
$courses_list = array();
$courses_id_list = array();
$courses_dir_list = array();
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res))
//TODO change this db name construction to use DB instead of configuration.php settings
$course_pref = Database::get_course_table_prefix();
$dbname = $row['db_name'].'.'.$course_pref;
$courses_list[] = $row['db_name'];
$courses_id_list[$row['code']] = $row['db_name'];
$courses_dir_list[$row['code']] = $row['directory'];
echo "Creating tables for ".$row['db_name']."<br />\n";
$create_table = str_replace('XXX_',$dbname,$create_lp);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
$create_table = str_replace('XXX_',$dbname,$create_lp_view);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
$create_table = str_replace('XXX_',$dbname,$create_lp_item);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
$create_table = str_replace('XXX_',$dbname,$create_lp_item_view);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
$create_table = str_replace('XXX_',$dbname,$create_lp_iv_interaction);
echo "$create_table<br />\n";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "Deleting tables for ".$row['db_name']."<br />\n";
$del_sql = "DROP TABLE ".$dbname.$new_lp;
echo "$del_sql<br />\n";
$del_sql = "DROP TABLE ".$dbname.$new_lp_view;
echo "$del_sql<br />\n";
$del_sql = "DROP TABLE ".$dbname.$new_lp_item;
echo "$del_sql<br />\n";
$del_sql = "DROP TABLE ".$dbname.$new_lp_item_view;
echo "$del_sql<br />\n";
$del_sql = "DROP TABLE ".$dbname.$new_lp_iv_interaction;
echo "$del_sql<br />\n";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "Tables created/deleted for all courses<br />\n";