Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
892 B

for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Camera = "Kamera";
$Microphone = "Mikrofon";
$Name = "Ime";
$DeleteStream = "Obriši tok podataka";
$Progress = "Napredovanje";
$Play = "Pokreni";
$Stop = "Stop";
$Record = "Snimi";
$NoFileAvailable = "Datoteka nije dostupna";
$RecordingOnlyForTeachers = "Opcija snimanja rezervisana za trenere";
$UsersNow = "Trenutni broj korisnika:";
$StartConference = "Pokreni konferenciju";
$MyName = "Moje ime";
$ImportPresentation = "Učitaj prezentaciju";
$RefreshList = "Osveži listu";
$GoToTop = "Povratak na vrh";
$NewPoll = "Nova anketa";
$CreateNewPoll = "Napravi novu anketu za ovu sobu";
$Question = "Pitanje";
$Create = "Kreiraj";
$YesNo = "Da / Ne";
$YourAnswer = "Vaš odgovor";
$Yes = "Da";
$No = "Ne";
$WantsToKnow = "želi da zna:";
$Result = "Rezultat:";
$AlreadyIn = "Prisutni";
$CheckIn = "Potvrdi prijavu";