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* Fix a very weird case where the following queries seem to have been executed
* twice during a database migration from 1.9 to 1.10
* UPDATE c_item_property cip SET cip.to_group_id = (SELECT cgi.iid FROM c_group_info cgi WHERE cgi.c_id = cip.c_id AND = cip.to_group_id);
* DELETE FROM c_item_property WHERE to_group_id IS NOT NULL AND to_group_id <> 0 AND to_group_id NOT IN (SELECT iid FROM c_group_info);
* These queries, as explained in BT#13243, when executed twice, break the
* relationship of events to groups, and maybe other group resources, and then
* deletes them.
* To fix, we need access to the previous database (version 1.9) and an active
* connection to the migrated database (version 1.11 in this case). The script
* scans through events in the old database, checks if they still exist in the
* c_item_property in the new database, and if they don't tries to recreate the
* c_item_property records needed to recover them.
* Due to the active use of the v1.11 configuration file through,
* settings for the old database have to be added manually.
* Context initialization
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
die('This script can only be executed from the command line');
require __DIR__.'/../../main/inc/';
* Old database configuration
$oldDBHost = 'localhost';
$oldDBName = 'db1.9';
$oldDBUser = 'db1.9';
$oldDBPass = 'db1.9';
try {
$oldDBH = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$oldDBName, $oldDBUser, $oldDBPass);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Error connecting to old database: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
* New database configuration
$newDBHost = 'localhost';
$newDBName = 'db1.11';
$newDBUser = 'db1.11';
$newDBPass = 'db1.11';
try {
$newDBH = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$newDBName, $newDBUser, $newDBPass);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Error connecting to new database: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
* Start looking for group events
$foundCount = 0;
$totalCount = 0;
// Get a list of groups by course (TODO add sessions support)
$groups = getOldGroupsByCourse();
// Set this optional filter to something else than empty if you want to only
// check items of one course
$optionalCourseFilter = '';
$sqlOld = "SELECT * FROM c_item_property WHERE to_group_id IS NOT NULL AND to_group_id != 0";
if (!empty($optionalCourseFilter)) {
$sqlOld .= ' AND c_id = '.$optionalCourseFilter;
foreach ($oldDBH->query($sqlOld) as $oldRow) {
echo $oldRow['c_id'].' '.$oldRow['id'].' '.$oldRow['tool'].' '.$oldRow['ref'].' '.$oldRow['to_group_id'].PHP_EOL;
$sessionSubSelect = '';
$sessionInsert = '';
if (!empty($oldRow['id_session'])) {
$sessionSubSelect = ' AND session_id = "'.$oldRow['id_session'].'" ';
$sessionInsert = $oldRow['id_session'];
} else {
$sessionSubSelect = ' AND session_id IS NULL ';
$sessionInsert = 'NULL';
$sqlNew = "SELECT iid, to_group_id FROM c_item_property
WHERE c_id = ".$oldRow['c_id'].
" AND tool = '".$oldRow['tool']."'
AND ref = ".$oldRow['ref'];
//echo trim(str_replace("\n", '', $sqlNew)).PHP_EOL;
$q = $newDBH->query($sqlNew);
// Two situations arise: the record is found and is pointing to the wrong group -> update
// or the record is not found and we need to create it based on the new iid of the old group's id -> insert
if ($q->rowCount() > 0) {
$newRow = $q->fetch();
//echo "--> Found corresponding c_item_property as ".$newRow['iid'].PHP_EOL;
// First check if the group referenced in the old database still exists.
// This is originally the, NOT the c_group_info.iid, so
// we need to check the existence of a group with that id in course c_id
// If the group doesn't exist anymore, skip the update/insertion (maybe
// we should even delete it?)
if (isset($groups[$oldRow['c_id']][$oldRow['to_group_id']])) {
$newGroupId = $groups[$oldRow['c_id']][$oldRow['to_group_id']];
// also check if the new ID is different, otherwise we can avoid an update
if ($oldRow['to_group_id'] != $newGroupId) {
// Update this row to attach it to the right group
$sqlFix = 'UPDATE c_item_property SET to_group_id = '.$newGroupId.' WHERE iid = '.$newRow['iid'];
//echo $sqlFix.PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "xx> No corresponding c_item_property found".PHP_EOL;
// First check if the group referenced in the old database still exists.
// This is originally the, NOT the c_group_info.iid, so
// we need to check the existence of a group with that id in course c_id
// If the group doesn't exist anymore, skip the update/insertion (maybe
// we should even delete it?)
if (isset($groups[$oldRow['c_id']][$oldRow['to_group_id']])) {
$newGroupId = $groups[$oldRow['c_id']][$oldRow['to_group_id']];
// Insert a new row to make the group calendar event visible again
$sqlFix = 'INSERT INTO c_item_property(c_id, to_group_id, to_user_id, '.
' insert_user_id, session_id, tool, insert_date, lastedit_date, ref,'.
' lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id, visibility, start_visible, end_visible)'.
.$oldRow['c_id'].', '
.$newGroupId.', '
.' NULL, '
.$oldRow['insert_user_id'].', '
.$sessionInsert.', '
.'\''.$oldRow['tool'].'\', '
.'\''.$oldRow['insert_date'].'\', '
.'\''.$oldRow['lastedit_date'].'\', '
.$oldRow['ref'].', '
.'\''.$oldRow['lastedit_type'].'\', '
.$oldRow['lastedit_user_id'].', '
.$oldRow['visibility'].', '
.'\''.$oldRow['start_visible'].'\', '
//echo $sqlFix.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
$diff = $totalCount - $foundCount;
echo "Found $foundCount corresponding c_item_property on a total of $totalCount items searched for (we're missing $diff)".PHP_EOL;
* Helper function to get a list of existing groups from the c_group_info table
* @return array
function getOldGroupsByCourse() {
global $oldDBH;
global $newDBH;
$groups = [];
$courses = [];
$sql = "SELECT id FROM course";
foreach ($oldDBH->query($sql) as $course) {
$sqlGroup = "SELECT id, iid FROM c_group_info WHERE c_id = ".$course['id'];
foreach ($newDBH->query($sqlGroup) as $group) {
if (!isset($courses[$course['id']])) {
$courses[$course['id']] = [];
$courses[$course['id']][$group['id']] = $group['iid'];
return $courses;