Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\ExtraField;
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\ExtraFieldValues;
use Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity\User;
* Class WhispeakAuthPlugin.
class WhispeakAuthPlugin extends Plugin
const SETTING_ENABLE = 'enable';
const SETTING_API_URL = 'api_url';
const SETTING_TOKEN = 'token';
const SETTING_INSTRUCTION = 'instruction';
const EXTRAFIELD_AUTH_UID = 'whispeak_auth_uid';
* StudentFollowUpPlugin constructor.
protected function __construct()
'Angel Fernando Quiroz',
self::SETTING_ENABLE => 'boolean',
self::SETTING_API_URL => 'text',
self::SETTING_TOKEN => 'text',
self::SETTING_INSTRUCTION => 'html',
* @return WhispeakAuthPlugin
public static function create()
static $result = null;
return $result ? $result : $result = new self();
public function install()
$this->get_lang('Whispeak uid'),
public function uninstall()
$extraField = self::getAuthUidExtraField();
if (empty($extraField)) {
$em = Database::getManager();
$em->createQuery('DELETE FROM ChamiloCoreBundle:ExtraFieldValues efv WHERE efv.field = :field')
->execute(['field' => $extraField]);
* @return ExtraField
public static function getAuthUidExtraField()
$em = Database::getManager();
$efRepo = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:ExtraField');
/** @var ExtraField $extraField */
$extraField = $efRepo->findOneBy(
'variable' => self::EXTRAFIELD_AUTH_UID,
'extraFieldType' => ExtraField::USER_FIELD_TYPE,
return $extraField;
* @param int $userId
* @return ExtraFieldValues
public static function getAuthUidValue($userId)
$extraField = self::getAuthUidExtraField();
$em = Database::getManager();
$efvRepo = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:ExtraFieldValues');
/** @var ExtraFieldValues $value */
$value = $efvRepo->findOneBy(['field' => $extraField, 'itemId' => $userId]);
return $value;
* @param int $userId
* @return bool
public static function checkUserIsEnrolled($userId)
$value = self::getAuthUidValue($userId);
if (empty($value)) {
return false;
return !empty($value->getValue());
* @return string
public static function getEnrollmentUrl()
return api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'whispeakauth/enrollment.php';
* @param User $user
* @param string $filePath
* @return array
public function requestEnrollment(User $user, $filePath)
$metadata = [
'motherTongue' => $user->getLanguage(),
'spokenTongue' => $user->getLanguage(),
'audioType' => 'pcm',
return $this->sendRequest(
* @param User $user
* @param string $uid
* @throws \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException
public function saveEnrollment(User $user, $uid)
$em = Database::getManager();
$value = self::getAuthUidValue($user->getId());
if (empty($value)) {
$ef = self::getAuthUidExtraField();
$now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$value = new ExtraFieldValues();
public function requestAuthentify(User $user, $filePath)
$value = self::getAuthUidValue($user->getId());
if (empty($value)) {
return null;
$metadata = [
'uid' => $value->getValue(),
'audioType' => 'pcm',
return $this->sendRequest(
* @return string
public function getAuthentifySampleText()
$phrases = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
$phrases[] = $this->get_lang("AuthentifySampleText$i");
$rand = array_rand($phrases, 1);
return $phrases[$rand];
* @return bool
public function toolIsEnabled()
return 'true' === $this->get(self::SETTING_ENABLE);
* Access not allowed when tool is not enabled.
* @param bool $printHeaders Optional. Print headers.
public function protectTool($printHeaders = true)
if ($this->toolIsEnabled()) {
* @return string
private function getApiUrl()
$url = $this->get(self::SETTING_API_URL);
return trim($url, " \t\n\r \v/");
* @param string $endPoint
* @param array $metadata
* @param User $user
* @param string $filePath
* @return array
private function sendRequest($endPoint, array $metadata, User $user, $filePath)
$moderator = $user->getCreatorId() ?: $user->getId();
$apiUrl = $this->getApiUrl()."/$endPoint";
$headers = [
//"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization: Bearer ".$this->get(self::SETTING_TOKEN),
$post = [
'metadata' => json_encode($metadata),
'moderator' => "moderator_$moderator",
'client' => base64_encode($user->getUserId()),
'voice' => new CURLFile($filePath),
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $apiUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$result = json_decode($result, true);
if (!empty($result['error'])) {
return null;
return json_decode($result, true);