Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
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926 lines
35 KiB

<?php //$id:$
* Defines the AICC class, which is meant to contain the aicc items (nuclear elements)
* @package dokeos.learnpath.aicc
* @author Yannick Warnier <>
* @license GNU/GPL - See Dokeos license directory for details
* Defines the "aicc" child of class "learnpath"
* @package dokeos.learnpath.aicc
class aicc extends learnpath {
var $config = array();
var $config_basename = ''; //the configuration files might be multiple and might have
//funny names. We need to keep the name of that file while we
//install the content.
var $config_files = array();
var $config_exts = array(
'crs'=>0, //Course description file (mandatory)
'au' =>0, //Assignable Unit file (mandatory)
'des'=>0, //Descriptor file (mandatory)
'cst'=>0, //Course structure file (mandatory)
'ore'=>0, //Objectives relationshops file (optional)
'pre'=>0, //Prerequisites file (optional)
'cmp'=>0 //Completion Requirements file (optional)
var $aulist = array();
var $au_order_list = array();
var $au_order_list_new_id = array();
var $deslist = array();
var $cstlist = array();
var $orelist = array();
var $subdir = ''; //path between the scorm/ directory and the config files e.g. maritime_nav/maritime_nav. This is the path that will be used in the lp_path when importing a package
var $zipname = ''; //keeps the zipfile safe for the object's life so that we can use it if no title avail
var $lastzipnameindex = 0; //keeps an index of the number of uses of the zipname so far
var $config_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
var $debug = 0;
* Class constructor. Based on the parent constructor.
* @param string Course code
* @param integer Learnpath ID in DB
* @param integer User ID
function aicc($course_code=null,$resource_id=null,$user_id=null) {
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::aicc()',0);}
if(!empty($course_code) and !empty($resource_id) and !empty($user_id))
parent::learnpath($course_code, $resource_id, $user_id);
//do nothing but still build the aicc object
* Opens a resource
* @param integer Database ID of the resource
function open($id)
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::open()',0);}
// redefine parent method
* Parses a set of AICC config files and puts everything into the $config array
* @param string Path to the config files dir on the system. If not defined, uses the base path of the course's scorm dir
* @return array Structured array representing the config files' contents
function parse_config_files($dir='')
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files('.$dir.')',0);}
//get the path of the AICC config files dir
$dir = $this->subdir;
if(is_dir($dir) and is_readable($dir))
// Now go through all the config files one by one and parse everything into
// AICC objects.
// The basename for the config files is stored in $this->config_basename
// Parse the Course Description File (.crs) - ini-type
$crs_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['crs'];
$crs_params = $this->parse_ini_file_quotes_safe($crs_file);
//echo '<pre>crs:'.print_r($crs_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$crs_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//CRS distribute crs params into the aicc object
$this->course_creator = mysql_real_escape_string($crs_params['course']['course_creator']);
$this->course_id = mysql_real_escape_string($crs_params['course']['course_id']);
$this->course_system = $crs_params['course']['course_system'];
$this->course_title = mysql_real_escape_string($crs_params['course']['course_title']);
$this->course_level = $crs_params['course']['course_level'];
$this->course_max_fields_cst = $crs_params['course']['max_fields_cst'];
$this->course_max_fields_ort = $crs_params['course']['max_fields_ort'];
$this->course_total_aus = $crs_params['course']['total_aus'];
$this->course_total_blocks = $crs_params['course']['total_blocks'];
$this->course_total_objectives = $crs_params['course']['total_objectives'];
$this->course_total_complex_objectives = $crs_params['course']['total_complex_objectives'];
$this->course_version = $crs_params['course']['version'];
$this->course_description = mysql_real_escape_string($crs_params['course_description']);
// Parse the Descriptor File (.des) - csv-type
$des_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['des'];
$des_params = $this->parse_csv_file($des_file);
//echo '<pre>des:'.print_r($des_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$des_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute des params into the aicc object
foreach($des_params as $des){
//one AU in AICC is equivalent to one SCO in SCORM (scormItem class)
$oDes = new aiccResource('config',$des);
$this->deslist[$oDes->identifier] = $oDes;
// Parse the Assignable Unit File (.au) - csv-type
$au_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['au'];
$au_params = $this->parse_csv_file($au_file);
//echo '<pre>au:'.print_r($au_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$au_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute au params into the aicc object
foreach($au_params as $au){
$oAu = new aiccItem('config',$au);
$this->aulist[$oAu->identifier] = $oAu;
$this->au_order_list[] = $oAu->identifier;
// Parse the Course Structure File (.cst) - csv-type
$cst_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['cst'];
$cst_params = $this->parse_csv_file($cst_file,',','"',true);
//echo '<pre>cst:'.print_r($cst_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$cst_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute cst params into the aicc object
foreach($cst_params as $cst){
$oCst = new aiccBlock('config',$cst);
$this->cstlist[$oCst->identifier] = $oCst;
// Parse the Objectives Relationships File (.ore) - csv-type - if exists
//TODO @TODO implement these objectives. For now they're just parsed
$ore_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['ore'];
$ore_params = $this->parse_csv_file($ore_file,',','"',true);
//echo '<pre>ore:'.print_r($ore_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$ore_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute ore params into the aicc object
foreach($ore_params as $ore){
$oOre = new aiccObjective('config',$ore);
$this->orelist[$oOre->identifier] = $oOre;
// Parse the Prerequisites File (.pre) - csv-type - if exists
$pre_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['pre'];
$pre_params = $this->parse_csv_file($pre_file);
//echo '<pre>pre:'.print_r($pre_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$pre_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute pre params into the aicc object
foreach($pre_params as $pre){
//place a constraint on the corresponding block or AU
//if this references a block element
$this->cstlist[strtolower($pre['structure_element'])]->prereq_string = strtolower($pre['prerequisite']);
//if this references a block element
$this->aulist[strtolower($pre['structure_element'])]->prereq_string = strtolower($pre['prerequisite']);
// Parse the Completion Requirements File (.cmp) - csv-type - if exists
//TODO @TODO implement this set of requirements (needs database changes)
$cmp_file = $dir.'/'.$this->config_files['cmp'];
$cmp_params = $this->parse_csv_file($cmp_file);
//echo '<pre>cmp:'.print_r($cmp_params,true).'</pre>';
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::parse_config_files() - '.$cmp_file.' has been parsed',0);}
//distribute cmp params into the aicc object
foreach($cmp_params as $cmp){
//$oCmp = new aiccCompletionRequirements('config',$cmp);
//$this->cmplist[$oCmp->identifier] =& $oCmp;
return $this->config;
* Import the aicc object (as a result from the parse_config_files function) into the database structure
* @param string Unique course code
* @return bool Returns -1 on error
function import_aicc($course_code){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - In aicc::import_aicc('.$course_code.')',0);}
//get table names
$new_lp = 'lp';
$new_lp_item = 'lp_item';
//The previous method wasn't safe to get the database name, so do it manually with the course_code
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE)." WHERE code='$course_code'";
$res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
if(Database::num_rows($res)<1){ error_log('New LP - Database for '.$course_code.' not found '.__FILE__.' '.__LINE__,0);return -1;}
$row = Database::fetch_array($res);
$dbname = Database::get_course_table_prefix().$row['db_name'].Database::get_database_glue();
$new_lp = Database::get_course_table('lp');
$new_lp_item = Database::get_course_table('lp_item');
$get_max = "SELECT MAX(display_order) FROM $new_lp";
$res_max = api_sql_query($get_max);
$dsp = 1;
$row = Database::fetch_array($res_max);
$dsp = $row[0]+1;
$this->config_encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
$sql = "INSERT INTO $new_lp " .
"(lp_type, name, ref, description, " .
"path, force_commit, default_view_mod, default_encoding, " .
"js_lib, content_maker,display_order)" .
"(3,'".$this->course_title."', '".$this->course_id."','".$this->course_description."'," .
"'".$this->subdir."', 0, 'embedded', '".$this->config_encoding."'," .
if($this->debug>2){error_log('New LP - In import_aicc(), inserting path: '. $sql,0);}
$res = api_sql_query($sql);
$lp_id = Database::get_last_insert_id();
$this->lp_id = $lp_id;
$previous = 0;
foreach($this->aulist as $identifier => $dummy)
$oAu =& $this->aulist[$identifier];
//echo "Item ".$oAu->identifier;
$field_add = '';
$value_add = '';
$field_add = 'mastery_score, ';
$value_add = $oAu->masteryscore.',';
$title = $oAu->identifier;
$title = $this->deslist[$identifier]->title;
$path = $oAu->path;
//$max_score = $oAu->max_score //TODO check if special constraint exists for this item
//$min_score = $oAu->min_score //TODO check if special constraint exists for this item
$parent = 0; //TODO deal with parent
$previous = 0;
$prereq = $oAu->prereq_string;
//$previous = (!empty($this->au_order_list_new_id[x])?$this->au_order_list_new_id[x]:0); //TODO deal with previous
$sql_item = "INSERT INTO $new_lp_item " .
"(lp_id,item_type,ref,title," .
"path,min_score,max_score, $field_add" .
"parent_item_id,previous_item_id,next_item_id," .
"prerequisite,display_order) " .
"($lp_id, 'au','".$oAu->identifier."','".$title."'," .
"'$path',0,100, $value_add" .
"$parent, $previous, 0, " .
"'$prereq', 0" .
$res_item = api_sql_query($sql_item);
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - In aicc::import_aicc() - inserting item : '.$sql_item.' : '.mysql_error(),0);}
$item_id = Database::get_last_insert_id();
//now update previous item to change next_item_id
if($previous != 0){
$upd = "UPDATE $new_lp_item SET next_item_id = $item_id WHERE id = $previous";
$upd_res = api_sql_query($upd);
//update previous item id
$previous = $item_id;
* Intermediate to import_package only to allow import from local zip files
* @param string Path to the zip file, from the dokeos sys root
* @param string Current path (optional)
* @return string Absolute path to the AICC description files or empty string on error
function import_local_package($file_path,$current_dir='')
//todo prepare info as given by the $_FILES[''] vector
$file_info = array();
$file_info['tmp_name'] = $file_path;
$file_info['name'] = basename($file_path);
//call the normal import_package function
return $this->import_package($file_info,$current_dir);
* Imports a zip file (presumably AICC) into the Dokeos structure
* @param string Zip file info as given by $_FILES['userFile']
* @return string Absolute path to the AICC config files directory or empty string on error
function import_package($zip_file_info,$current_dir = '')
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::import_package('.print_r($zip_file_info,true).',"'.$current_dir.'") method',0);}
$maxFilledSpace = 1000000000;
$zip_file_path = $zip_file_info['tmp_name'];
$zip_file_name = $zip_file_info['name'];
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Zip file path = '.$zip_file_path.', zip file name = '.$zip_file_name,0);}
$course_rel_dir = api_get_course_path().'/scorm'; //scorm dir web path starting from /courses
$course_sys_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course_rel_dir; //absolute system path for this course
$current_dir = replace_dangerous_char(trim($current_dir),'strict'); //current dir we are in, inside scorm/
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Current_dir = '.$current_dir,0);}
//$uploaded_filename = $_FILES['userFile']['name'];
//get name of the zip file without the extension
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Received zip file name: '.$zip_file_path,0);}
$file_info = pathinfo($zip_file_name);
$filename = $file_info['basename'];
$extension = $file_info['extension'];
$file_base_name = str_replace('.'.$extension,'',$filename); //filename without its extension
$this->zipname = $file_base_name; //save for later in case we don't have a title
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Base file name is : '.$file_base_name,0);}
$new_dir = replace_dangerous_char(trim($file_base_name),'strict');
$this->subdir = $new_dir;
if($this->debug>0){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Subdir is first set to : '.$this->subdir,0);}
if( check_name_exist($course_sys_dir.$current_dir."/".$new_dir) )
$dialogBox = get_lang('FileExists');
$stopping_error = true;
$zipFile = new pclZip($zip_file_path);
// Check the zip content (real size and file extension)
$zipContentArray = $zipFile->listContent();
$package_type=''; //the type of the package. Should be 'aicc' after the next few lines
$package = ''; //the basename of the config files (if '' => 'courses')
$at_root = false; //check if the config files are at zip root
$config_dir = ''; //the directory in which the config files are. May remain empty
$files_found = array();
$subdir_isset = false;
//the following loop should be stopped as soon as we found the right config files (.crs, .au, .des and .cst)
foreach($zipContentArray as $thisContent)
if ( preg_match('~.(php.*|phtml)$~i', $thisContent['filename']) )
//if a php file is found, do not authorize (security risk)
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Found unauthorized file: '.$thisContent['filename'],0);}
return api_failure::set_failure('php_file_in_zip_file');
//if a directory named 'aicc' is found, package type = aicc, but continue
//because we need to find the right AICC files
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Found aicc directory: '.$thisContent['filename'],0);}
$package_type = 'aicc';
//else, look for one of the files we're searching for ( case insensitive)
$res = array();
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Found AICC config file: '.$thisContent['filename'].'. Now splitting: '.$res[1].' and '.$res[2],0);}
if($thisContent['filename'] == basename($thisContent['filename'])){
if($this->debug>2){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - '.$thisContent['filename'].' is at root level',0);}
$at_root = true;
$files_found[$res[1]] = $this->config_exts; //initialise list of expected extensions (defined in class definition)
$files_found[$res[1]][strtolower($res[2])] = $thisContent['filename'];
$subdir_isset = true;
//echo "Cutting subdir<br/>";
$this->subdir .= '/'.substr(dirname($thisContent['filename']),0,-5);
//echo "Not cutting subdir<br/>";
$this->subdir .= '/'.dirname($thisContent['filename']);
$subdir_isset = true;
if($this->debug>2){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - '.$thisContent['filename'].' is not at root level - recording subdir '.$this->subdir,0);}
$config_dir = dirname($thisContent['filename']); //just the relative directory inside scorm/
$files_found[basename($res[1])] = $this->config_exts;
$files_found[basename($res[1])][strtolower($res[2])] = basename($thisContent['filename']);
$package_type = 'aicc';
if($this->debug>3){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - File '.$thisContent['filename'].' didnt match any check',0);}
$realFileSize += $thisContent['size'];
if($this->debug>2){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - $files_found: '.print_r($files_found,true),0);}
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Package type is now '.$package_type,0);}
$mandatory = false;
foreach($files_found as $file_name => $file_exts){
$temp = (
AND !empty($files_found[$file_name]['au'])
AND !empty($files_found[$file_name]['des'])
AND !empty($files_found[$file_name]['cst'])
if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - aicc::import_package() - Found all config files for '.$file_name,0);}
$mandatory = true;
$package = $file_name;
//store base config file name for reuse in parse_config_files()
$this->config_basename = $file_name;
//store filenames for reuse in parse_config_files()
$this->config_files = $files_found[$file_name];
//get out, we only want one config files set
if($package_type== '' OR $mandatory!=true)
// && defined('CHECK_FOR_AICC') && CHECK_FOR_AICC)
return api_failure::set_failure('not_aicc_content');
if (! enough_size($realFileSize, $course_sys_dir, $maxFilledSpace) )
return api_failure::set_failure('not_enough_space');
// it happens on Linux that $new_dir sometimes doesn't start with '/'
if($new_dir[0] != '/')
//cut trailing slash
if($new_dir[strlen($new_dir)-1] == '/')
Uncompressing phase
We need to process each individual file in the zip archive to
- add it to the database
- parse & change relative html links
- make sure the filenames are secure (filter funny characters or php extensions)
if(is_dir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir) OR @mkdir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir))
// PHP method - slower...
if($this->debug>=1){error_log('New LP - Changing dir to '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir,0);}
$saved_dir = getcwd();
$unzippingState = $zipFile->extract();
//TODO fix relative links in html files (?)
$extension = strrchr($state["stored_filename"], ".");
//if($this->debug>1){error_log('New LP - found extension '.$extension.' in '.$state['stored_filename'],0);}
$new_dir = $new_dir.'/';
//rename files, for example with \\ in it
if($this->debug==1){error_log('New LP - Opened dir '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir,0);}
if($file != '.' && $file != '..')
if(is_dir($course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$file)) $filetype="folder";
//TODO RENAMING FILES CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS AICC-WISE, avoid that as much as possible!
$find_str = array('\\','.php','.phtml');
$repl_str = array('/', '.txt','.txt');
$safe_file = str_replace($find_str,$repl_str,$file);
if($safe_file != $file){
$mydir = dirname($course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$safe_file);
$mysubdirs = split('/',$mydir);
$mybasedir = '/';
foreach($mysubdirs as $mysubdir){
$mybasedir = $mybasedir.$mysubdir.'/';
if($this->debug==1){error_log('New LP - Dir '.$mybasedir.' doesnt exist. Creating.',0);}
if($this->debug==1){error_log('New LP - Renaming '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$file.' to '.$course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$safe_file,0);}
return '';
return $course_sys_dir.$new_dir.$config_dir;
* Sets the proximity setting in the database
* @param string Proximity setting
function set_proximity($proxy=''){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::set_proximity('.$proxy.') method',0);}
$lp = $this->get_id();
$tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table('lp');
$sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET content_local = '$proxy' WHERE id = ".$lp;
$res = api_sql_query($sql);
return $res;
return false;
* Sets the content maker setting in the database
* @param string Proximity setting
function set_maker($maker=''){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::set_maker method('.$maker.')',0);}
$lp = $this->get_id();
$tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table('lp');
$sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp SET content_maker = '$maker' WHERE id = ".$lp;
$res = api_sql_query($sql);
return $res;
return false;
* Exports the current AICC object's files as a zip. Excerpts taken from
* @param integer Learnpath ID (optional, taken from object context if not defined)
function export_zip($lp_id=null){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::export_zip method('.$lp_id.')',0);}
return false;
$id = $this->get_id();
return false;
$lp_id = $this->get_id();
//error_log('New LP - in export_zip()',0);
//zip everything that is in the corresponding scorm dir
//write the zip file somewhere (might be too big to return)
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."fileUpload.lib.php");
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."fileManage.lib.php");
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."document.lib.php");
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."pclzip/pclzip.lib.php");
require_once ("");
$tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table('lp');
$_course = Database::get_course_info(api_get_course_id());
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_lp WHERE id=".$lp_id;
$result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$LPname = $row['path'];
$list = split('/',$LPname);
$LPnamesafe = $list[0];
//$zipfoldername = '/tmp';
//$zipfoldername = '../../courses/'.$_course['directory']."/temp/".$LPnamesafe;
$zipfoldername = api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['directory']."/temp/".$LPnamesafe;
$scormfoldername = api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['directory']."/scorm/".$LPnamesafe;
$zipfilename = $zipfoldername."/".$LPnamesafe.".zip";
//Get a temporary dir for creating the zip file
//error_log('New LP - cleaning dir '.$zipfoldername,0);
deldir($zipfoldername); //make sure the temp dir is cleared
$res = mkdir($zipfoldername);
//error_log('New LP - made dir '.$zipfoldername,0);
//create zipfile of given directory
$zip_folder = new PclZip($zipfilename);
$zip_folder->create($scormfoldername.'/', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $scormfoldername.'/');
//$zipfilename = '/var/www/dokeos-comp/courses/TEST2/scorm/example_document.html';
//this file sending implies removing the default mime-type from php.ini
//DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($zipfilename, true, $LPnamesafe.".zip");
DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($zipfilename, true);
// Delete the temporary zip file and directory in fileManage.lib.php
return true;
* Gets a resource's path if available, otherwise return empty string
* @param string Resource ID as used in resource array
* @return string The resource's path as declared in config file
function get_res_path($id){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::get_res_path('.$id.') method',0);}
$path = '';
$oRes =& $this->resources[$id];
$path = @$oRes->get_path();
return $path;
* Gets a resource's type if available, otherwise return empty string
* @param string Resource ID as used in resource array
* @return string The resource's type as declared in the assignable unit (.au) file
function get_res_type($id){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::get_res_type('.$id.') method',0);}
$type = '';
$oRes =& $this->resources[$id];
$temptype = $oRes->get_scorm_type();
$type = $temptype;
return $type;
* Gets the default organisation's title
* @return string The organization's title
function get_title(){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::get_title() method',0);}
$title = '';
$title = $this->organizations[$this->config['organizations']['default']]->get_name();
//this will only get one title but so we don't need to know the index
foreach($this->organizations as $id => $value){
$title = $this->organizations[$id]->get_name();
return $title;
* //TODO @TODO implement this function to restore items data from a set of AICC config files,
* updating the existing table... This will prove very useful in case initial data
* from config files were not imported well enough
function reimport_aicc(){
if($this->debug>0){error_log('In aicc::reimport_aicc() method',0);}
//query current items list
//get the identifiers
//parse the config files
//match both
//update DB accordingly
return true;
* Static function to parse AICC ini files.
* Based on work by sinedeo at gmail dot com published on (parse_ini_file())
* @param string File path
* @return array Structured array
function parse_ini_file_quotes_safe($f)
$null = "";
for ($i=0;$i<@count($f);$i++)
if ($w)
if ((!$r) or ($sec))
if ((@substr($w,0,1)=="[") and (@substr($w,-1,1))=="]")
if (!$newsec)
if ((@substr($v,0,1)=="\"") and (@substr($v,-1,1)=="\""))
if ($sec)
if(strtolower($sec)=='course_description'){//special case
} else
return $r;
* Static function to parse AICC ini strings.
* Based on work by sinedeo at gmail dot com published on (parse_ini_file())
* @param string INI File string
* @param array List of names of sections that should be considered as containing only hard string data (no variables), provided in lower case
* @return array Structured array
function parse_ini_string_quotes_safe($s,$pure_strings=array())
$null = "";
$f = split("\r\n",$s);
for ($i=0;$i<@count($f);$i++)
if ($w)
if ((!$r) or ($sec))
if ((@substr($w,0,1)=="[") and (@substr($w,-1,1))=="]")
$pure_data = 0;
//this section can only be considered as pure string data (until the next section)
$pure_data = 1;
$r[strtolower($sec)] = '';
if (!$newsec)
if ((@substr($v,0,1)=="\"") and (@substr($v,-1,1)=="\""))
if ($sec)
$r[strtolower($sec)] .= $f[$i];
if(strtolower($sec)=='course_description'){//special case
} else
return $r;
* Static function that parses CSV files into simple arrays, based on a function
* by spam at cyber-space dot nl published on (fgetcsv())
* @param string Filepath
* @param string CSV delimiter
* @param string CSV enclosure
* @param boolean Might one field name happen more than once on the same line? (then split by comma in the values)
* @return array Simple structured array
function parse_csv_file($f,$delim=',',$enclosure='"',$multiples=false)
$data = file_get_contents($f);
case $enclosure:
++$i; //skip next char
case $delim:
case "\r":
case "\n":
case "\\r":
case "\\n":
//transform the array to use the first line as titles
$titles = array();
$ret_ret_array = array();
foreach($ret_array as $line_idx => $line){
if($line_idx == 0){
$titles = $line;
$ret_ret_array[$line_idx] = array();
foreach($line as $idx=>$val)
if($multiples && !empty($ret_ret_array[$line_idx][strtolower($titles[$idx])])){
return $ret_ret_array;