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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$Exercice = "測驗";
$Activate = "公開";
$Deactivate = "隱藏";
$NoEx = "沒有測驗";
$NewEx = "添加測驗";
$Question = "問題";
$Questions = "題目";
$Answers = "答案";
$True = "正確";
$Answer = "答案";
$Result = "結果";
$NoResult = "沒有結果";
$YourResults = "你的結果";
$StudentResults = "學生得分";
$ExerciseType = "測驗類型";
$ExerciseName = "測驗名稱";
$ExerciseDescription = "測驗介簡 + 圖像/音訊/視訊";
$SimpleExercise = "在單一頁面";
$SequentialExercise = "每題一頁";
$RandomQuestions = "隨機題目";
$GiveExerciseName = "請輸入測驗名稱";
$Sound = "音頻或視頻檔案";
$DeleteSound = "刪除音頻或視頻檔案";
$NoAnswer = "該題目沒有提供答案";
$GoBackToQuestionPool = "返回";
$GoBackToQuestionList = "返回題目清單";
$QuestionAnswers = "題目的答案";
$UsedInSeveralExercises = "警告﹗這個題目和答案已經用於多個測驗,你確定要修改它嗎?";
$ModifyInAllExercises = "在所有測驗中";
$ModifyInThisExercise = "僅在當前測驗中";
$AnswerType = "答案類型";
$MultipleSelect = "多答案選擇題";
$FillBlanks = "填空題";
$Matching = "配對題";
$AddPicture = "加入圖片";
$ReplacePicture = "替換圖片";
$DeletePicture = "刪除圖片";
$QuestionDescription = "描述";
$GiveQuestion = "請輸入題目";
$WeightingForEachBlank = "請輸入空白處的分數";
$UseTagForBlank = "用方括號 [...] 定義一個或多個空";
$QuestionWeighting = "分數";
$MoreAnswers = "增加答案";
$LessAnswers = "減少答案";
$MoreElements = "增加項目";
$LessElements = "減少項目";
$TypeTextBelow = "請在下面輸入文本";
$DefaultTextInBlanks = "[中國民眾]生活在[中國].";
$DefaultMatchingOptA = "富有";
$DefaultMatchingOptB = "英俊";
$DefaultMakeCorrespond1 = "你父親是";
$DefaultMakeCorrespond2 = "你母親是";
$DefineOptions = "請定義選項";
$MakeCorrespond = "配對答案";
$FillLists = "請填寫下面的兩個清單";
$GiveText = "請輸入文本";
$DefineBlanks = "請用方括號[...]定義至少一個空白";
$GiveAnswers = "請給出題目答案";
$ChooseGoodAnswer = "請選擇正確答案";
$ChooseGoodAnswers = "請選擇一個或多個正確答案";
$QuestionList = "測驗的題目清單";
$MoveUp = "上移";
$MoveDown = "下移";
$GetExistingQuestion = "從題庫選擇";
$FinishTest = "完成測驗";
$QuestionPool = "題庫";
$OrphanQuestions = "獨立的題目";
$NoQuestion = "目前沒有題目";
$AllExercises = "所有測驗";
$Filter = "篩選";
$GoBackToEx = "返回";
$Reuse = "重新使用";
$ExerciseManagement = "測驗題目";
$QuestionManagement = "題目與答案";
$QuestionNotFound = "沒有找到答案";
$ExerciseNotFound = "沒有測驗或隱藏";
$AlreadyAnswered = "您已經回答了這個題目";
$ElementList = "匹配項目";
$Score = "得分";
$CorrespondsTo = "答案";
$ExpectedChoice = "正確答案";
$YourTotalScore = "您的總分︰";
$Build = "建立";
$EvalSet = "評分設定";
$Active = "顯示";
$Inactive = "隱藏";
$QuestCreate = "新建題目";
$ExRecord = "您的題目已儲存";
$BackModif = "返回題目編輯頁面";
$DoEx = "開始做題";
$DefScor = "定義評分設定";
$CreateModif = "創建/更新題目";
$Sub = "副標題";
$MyAnswer = "我的答案";
$MorA = "增加答案";
$LesA = "減少答案";
$RecEx = "儲存練習";
$RecQu = "儲存題目";
$RecAns = "儲存答案";
$Introduction = "介紹";
$TitleAssistant = "習題創建助手";
$QuesList = "題目清單";
$SaveEx = "儲存練習";
$Finish = "完成";
$Cancel = "取消";
$QImage = "圖像題目";
$AddQ = "添加題目";
$DoAnEx = "開始做題";
$Generator = "練習清單";
$Choice = "選擇答案";
$Correct = "答案";
$PossAnsw = "正確答案數";
$StudAnsw = "錯誤答案數";
$Determine = "確認";
$NonNumber = "存在非數值項目";
$Replaced = "已替換";
$Superior = "存在超過 20 的值";
$Rep20 = "替換 20 處";
$Default = "缺省設定 *";
$DefComment = "如果點擊\"缺省設定\"按鈕,您原先的設定將被永久替代。";
$ScoreGet = "黑色數字=分數";
$ShowScor = "學生分數︰";
$Step1 = "步驟一";
$Step2 = "步驟二";
$Take = "參與";
$Among = "";
$ImportHotPotatoesQuiz = "匯入 HotPotatoes 測驗";
$HotPotatoesTests = "匯入 HotPotatoes 測驗";
$DownloadFile = "上傳檔案至伺服器";
$DownloadImg = "上傳圖像到伺服器";
$DownloadEnd = "上傳結束";
$NoSpace = "上傳失敗﹗超過最大上傳檔案大小或磁片空間不足.";
$ZipNoPhp = "Zip檔案不能包含.php檔案";
$NoImg = "測驗沒有圖像";
$ImgNote_st = "<br />是否仍然要上傳";
$ImgNote_en = "圖像︰";
$DocDeleted = "檔案已刪除";
$ViMod = "已修改顯示/隱藏屬性";
$NameNotEqual = "是非法檔案!";
$Indice = "索引";
$Indices = "索引";
$DateExo = "日期";
$ShowQuestion = "顯示題目";
$UnknownExercise = "未知練習";
$ReuseQuestion = "重新使用題目";
$CreateExercise = "新建練習";
$CreateQuestion = "新建題目";
$CreateAnswers = "新建答案";
$ModifyExercise = "修改練習";
$ModifyAnswers = "修改答案";
$ForExercise = "做練習";
$UseExistantQuestion = "用一個現有題目";
$FreeAnswer = "開放式問題";
$notCorrectedYet = "答案不正確,本題得到 0 分,會影響總分。";
$adminHP = "Hot Potatoes 管理";
$NewQu = "新問題";
$NoImage = "請選擇圖像";
$AnswerHotspot = "題目和分數是必需的,回饋是選擇性的。";
$MinHotspot = "你必須創建至少一個熱點。";
$MaxHotspot = "你可創建最多12個熱點。";
$HotspotError = "請輸入題目和分數。";
$MoreHotspots = "增加熱點";
$LessHotspots = "減少熱點";
$HotspotZones = "熱點";
$NextQuestion = "下一題";
$CorrectAnswer = "正確答案";
$HotspotHit = "答案";
$OnlyJPG = "你只能使用 JPG(或JPEG)圖片";
$FinishThisTest = "顯示每道題目的正確答案和分數";
$AllQuestions = "全部題目";
$ModifyTitleDescription = "修改標題和備注";
$ModifyHotspots = "修改答案/熱點";
$HotspotNotDrawn = "沒有畫完所有的熱點";
$HotspotWeightingError = "You must give a positive (>0) weighing for all hotspots";
$HotspotValidateError1 = "你應完全回答題目(";
$HotspotValidateError2 = " click(s) required on the image) before seeing the results";
$HotspotRequired = "題目和分數是必需的,摘要是可選的。";
$HotspotChoose = "<div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">創建熱點︰先選擇顏色對應的圖形然後畫出熱點</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">移動熱點︰先選擇顏色對應的圖形然後畫出新的熱點</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">關閉多邊形︰點擊右鍵然後選擇關閉多邊形</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\"></div>";
$Fault = "不正確";
$HotSpot = "圖像區";
$ClickNumber = "按數字";
$HotspotGiveAnswers = "請填寫答案";
$Addlimits = "加入限制";
$AreYouSure = "你肯定嗎?";
$StudentScore = "學員分數";
$backtoTesthome = "回到測驗主頁";
$Feedback = "回饋";
$MarkIsUpdated = "已更新分數";
$MarkInserted = "已加入分數";
$PleaseGiveAMark = "請填寫分數";
$EditCommentsAndMarks = "編輯回饋及分數";
$AddComments = "加入回饋";
$Weighting = "積分";
$ChooseQuestionType = "從上挑選類型以創建新題目。";
$CorrectTest = "改正本測驗";
$ViewTest = "檢視";
$NotAttempted = "未嘗試";
$PlusAnswer = "+ 答案";
$LessAnswer = "- 答案";
$YourScore = "你的積分";
$Attempted = "已嘗試";
$AssignMarks = "指派一個分數";
$Results = "結果";
$ExerciseStored = "練習已被儲存";
$ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox = "最少選擇一個好的答案";
$ExerciseEdited = "本練習已被編輯";
$ExerciseDeleted = "本練習已被刪除";
$ClickToCommentAndGiveFeedback = "按以下連結以檢查答案並加入回饋";
$OpenQuestionsAttempted = "有學員回答了開放式題目";
$TestAttempted = "已嘗試的測驗";
$StudentName = "學員姓名";
$StudentEmail = "學員電郵";
$CourseName = "課程名稱";
$UploadJpgPicture = "上載 JPG 圖片";
$ExamSheetVCC = "老師已檢視/訂正/評鑑之考卷";
$AttemptVCC = "你以下的嘗試已被老師檢視/訂正/評鑑";
$ClickLinkToViewComment = "按以下連結以進入你的帳戶並檢視已評鑑的考卷";
$AttemptVCCLong = "你嘗試了的測驗 %s 已由老師檢視/評審/訂正。按以下的連結來檢視你的考卷。";
$DearStudentEmailIntroduction = "親愛的學員:";