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217 lines
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$ToolName = "匯入畢博課程";
$TrackingDisabled = "追報告已被管理員停用";
$InactivesStudents = "未啟動的使用者";
$AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform = "用於平台之平均時間";
$AverageCoursePerStudent = "使用者平均參與課程數量";
$AverageProgressInLearnpath = "SCORM 課程平均進程";
$AverageResultsToTheExercices = "測驗平均分數";
$SeeStudentList = "檢視使用者單";
$NbActiveSessions = "現學期";
$NbPastSessions = "過去學期";
$NbFutureSessions = "未來學期";
$NbStudentPerSession = "每學期中的使用者數量";
$NbCoursesPerSession = "每學期中的課程數量";
$SeeSessionList = "檢視學期清單";
$ShowNone = "不顯示";
$CourseStats = "課程統計";
$ToolsAccess = "工具使用";
$CourseAccess = "課程訪問";
$LinksAccess = "鏈接";
$DocumentsAccess = "文檔";
$ScormAccess = "學習路徑- Scorm 格式課程";
$LinksDetails = "用戶鏈接";
$WorksDetails = "用戶上傳的作品命名為'作者'";
$LoginsDetails = "點擊月名以遊覽更多資料";
$DocumentsDetails = "用戶下載的文檔";
$ExercicesDetails = "測驗成績已完成";
$BackToList = "返回清單";
$Details = "詳細訊息";
$StatsOfCourse = "課程範圍統計";
$StatsOfUser = "用戶統計";
$StatsOfCampus = "系統統計";
$CountUsers = "用戶數量";
$CountToolAccess = "與此課程關聯的總數";
$LoginsTitleMonthColumn = "月";
$LoginsTitleCountColumn = "已登錄用戶";
$ToolTitleToolnameColumn = "工具名稱";
$ToolTitleUsersColumn = "用戶點擊";
$ToolTitleCountColumn = "總點擊量";
$LinksTitleLinkColumn = "鏈接";
$LinksTitleUsersColumn = "用戶點擊";
$LinksTitleCountColumn = "總點擊量";
$ExercicesTitleExerciceColumn = "測驗";
$ExercicesTitleScoreColumn = "得分";
$DocumentsTitleDocumentColumn = "文檔";
$DocumentsTitleUsersColumn = "用戶下載";
$DocumentsTitleCountColumn = "總下載量";
$ScormContentColumn = "標題";
$ScormStudentColumn = "用戶";
$ScormTitleColumn = "課程/步驟";
$ScormStatusColumn = "狀態";
$ScormScoreColumn = "得分";
$ScormTimeColumn = "時間";
$ScormNeverOpened = "該課程不向此用戶開放.";
$WorkTitle = "標題";
$WorkAuthors = "作者";
$WorkDescription = "描述";
$informationsAbout = "追踪";
$NoEmail = "未提供電子郵件";
$NoResult = "沒有結果";
$Course = "網站";
$Hits = "提示";
$Total = "總計";
$Hour = "時";
$Day = "日";
$LittleHour = "時";
$Last31days = "在最後的31天內";
$Last7days = "在最後的7天內";
$Thisday = "今天";
$Logins = "登錄";
$LoginsExplaination = "這是你在這段時間內用這個工具最後註冊訪問的清單.";
$ExercicesResults = "測試成績";
$Visits = "訪問";
$At = "在";
$LoginTitleDateColumn = "日期";
$LoginTitleCountColumn = "訪問";
$LoginsAndAccessTools = "登錄並使用工具";
$WorkUploads = "上傳貢獻";
$ErrorUserNotInGroup = "非法用戶: 此用戶在小組中不存在.";
$ListStudents = "小組中的用戶清單";
$PeriodHour = "小時";
$PeriodDay = "日";
$PeriodWeek = "周";
$PeriodMonth = "月";
$PeriodYear = "年";
$NextDay = "明天";
$PreviousDay = "昨天";
$PreviousWeek = "上周";
$NextMonth = "下月";
$PreviousMonth = "上月";
$NextYear = "明年";
$PreviousYear = "去年";
$ViewToolList = "檢視所有工具清單";
$ToolList = "所有工具清單";
$From = "從";
$To = "到";
$PeriodToDisplay = "期限";
$DetailView = "檢視模式";
$BredCrumpGroups = "小組";
$BredCrumpGroupSpace = "小組區";
$BredCrumpUsers = "用戶";
$AdminToolName = "管理統計";
$PlatformStats = "系統統計";
$StatsDatabase = "統計數據庫";
$PlatformAccess = "系統權限";
$PlatformCoursesAccess = "課程權限";
$PlatformToolAccess = "按工具";
$HardAndSoftUsed = "國家 提供者 瀏覽器 作業系統 介紹者";
$StrangeCases = "問題個案";
$StatsDatabaseLink = "點擊此處";
$CountCours = "按數量";
$CountCourseByFaculte = "課程數量-按分類排序";
$CountCourseByLanguage = "按語言";
$CountCourseByVisibility = "課程數量-按顯示隱藏排序";
$CountUsersByCourse = "用戶數量-按課程排序";
$CountUsersByFaculte = "用戶數量-按分類排序";
$CountUsersByStatus = "用戶數量-按狀態排序";
$Access = "訪問";
$Countries = "國家";
$Providers = "提供者";
$OS = "作業系統";
$Browsers = "瀏覽器";
$Referers = "介紹者";
$AccessExplain = "(當一位用戶打開系統首頁時)";
$TotalPlatformAccess = "總數";
$TotalPlatformLogin = "總數";
$MultipleLogins = "擁有相同<I>用戶名</I>的帳號";
$MultipleUsernameAndPassword = "擁有相同<I>用戶名</I>和相同<I>密碼</I>的用戶";
$MultipleEmails = "擁有相同<I>電子郵件</I>的帳戶";
$CourseWithoutProf = "沒有領導的課程";
$CourseWithoutAccess = "未使用課程";
$LoginWithoutAccess = "未使用登錄";
$AllRight = "未發現問題";
$Defcon = "出現錯誤!!";
$NULLValue = "空(或NULL)";
$TrafficDetails = "流量明細";
$SeeIndividualTracking = "個別追蹤請使用<A href=\"../user/user.php\">用戶</A>工具.";
$PathNeverOpenedByAnybody = "本路徑從未開放.";
$SynthesisView = "綜合檢視";
$Visited = "曾到訪";
$FirstAccess = "第一次進入";
$LastAccess = "最後一次進入";
$Probationers = "學生";
$MoyenneTest = "平均測驗";
$exportExcel = "以 Excel 格式匯出";
$MoyCourse = "課程平均值";
$MoyenneExamen = "考試平均值";
$MoySession = "學期平均值";
$TakenSessions = "已選學期";
$FollowUp = "跟進";
$Trainers = "教師";
$Administrators = "管理員";
$Tracks = "追踪";
$Success = "成功";
$ExcelFormat = "Excel 格式";
$MyLearnpath = "我的學習路徑";
$Time = "時間";
$Score = "評分";
$LastConnexion = "最後連線";
$ConnectionTime = "連線時間";
$ConnectionsToThisCourse = "連線到本課程的時間";
$StudentTutors = "學員導師";
$StudentSessions = "學員所選學期";
$StudentCourses = "學員所選課程";
$NoLearnpath = "沒有學習路徑";
$Attempts = "嘗試";
$Correction = "改正";
$NoExercise = "沒有練習";
$LimitDate = "限定日期";
$SentDate = "送出日期";
$Annotate = "通知";
$DayOfDelay = "延緩日期";
$NoProduction = "沒有作品";
$NoComment = "沒有意見";
$LatestLogin = "最後連線";
$TimeSpentOnThePlatform = "用於平台之平均時間";
$Messages = "訊息";
$AveragePostsInForum = "討論區帖子平均數量";
$AverageAssignments = "平均課業數量";
$Print = "列印";
$StudentDetails = "學員詳細資料";
$StudentDetailsInCourse = "課程學員詳細資料";
$Learnpaths = "學習路徑";
$OtherTools = "其他工具";
$DetailsStudentInCourse = "課程學員詳細資料";
$CourseTitle = "課程標題";
$NbStudents = "學員數量";
$TimeSpentInTheCourse = "在課程中使用的時間";
$AvgStudentsProgress = "平均學員進度";
$AvgCourseScore = "平均學員分數";
$AvgMessages = "學員平均訊息";
$AvgAssignments = "學員平均課業";
$ToolsMostUsed = "最常用工具";
$StudentsTracking = "追踪學員";
$CourseTracking = "追踪課程";
$LinksMostClicked = "最常被探訪之連結";
$DocumentsMostDownloaded = "最常被下載的文件";
$LearningPathDetails = "學習路徑詳情";
$NoConnexion = "沒有連線";
$TeacherInterface = "教師界面";
$CoachInterface = "指導員界面";
$AdminInterface = "管理者界面";
$NumberOfSessions = "學期數量";
$YourCourseList = "你的課程清單";
$YourStatistics = "你的統計";
$CoachList = "指導員清單";
$CoachStudents = "這指導員的學員";
$NoLearningPath = "沒有數位學習(SCORM)課程";
$SessionCourses = "課程學期";
$NoUsersInCourseTracking = "你可以在這兒看到已加入你的課程的學生追踪資料。";
$AvgTimeSpentInTheCourse = "在課程中使用的時間";
$RemindInactiveUser = "提醒未啟動的使用者";
$FirstLogin = "第一次連線";